The Kitsune's Spell - Chapter 15 - 1RavenBlack (2024)

🎀Asmo🌺:Guyssss, are you ready for this weekend?!
🦊Kitsune🔥: What is this weekend?
🍰Beelzeburger🍔:New Year's.
📚 Satan🐈:I think Asmo is more excited about the 'Wedding Day' event at the Demon Lord's Castle's Ballroom.
🎀Asmo🌺:E! X! A! C! T! L! Y!
🦊Kitsune🔥:I did not know demons had the custom of marriage.
📚Satan🐈:We don't, but everyone takes it as an excuse to party and dress up.
🍰Beelzeburger🍔:And feast.
📚Satan🐈: You think we can just wear a tuxedo?
🎀Asmo🌺:A tuxedo?! HowDULL!Weddings are all about wearingDRESSES!Everyone knows that!!
🎀Asmo🌺: <Sticker>
🎀Asmo🌺:And besides, aren't you excited to see Kitsune as pretty pretty bride as well~?
🎀Asmo🌺: <Sticker>
🦊Kitsune🔥:Me? A bride? What are you talking about?
📚 Satan🐈:I never said I wasn't.
💰MaMoney😎:Kitsune, a bride? You gon' be okay?
🦊Kitsune🔥: I do not understand - Are you people planning a faux wedding for me, or why are you focusing so much on me?
🕹️Leviachan👾:Because you're pretty lolol
🕹️Leviachan👾:And because Asmo is obsessed with parties and dolling up
🕹️Leviachan👾:Now can we change the conversation to something for exciting?
🕹️Leviachan👾:Like Ruri-chan's special New Year concert!
💰MaMoney😎:No one cares about that, Levi.
🍰Beelzeburger🍔: If you ask me, the best event isPajama Day.
🍰Beelzeburger🍔: I don'teven have to put on clothes when I get out of bedthat morning.
💰MaMoney😎:Beach Day is a good one
💰MaMoney😎:I wanna lounge all day under the sun and go surf
🎀Asmo🌺:I bet you're planning on heading straight to the beach after school, aren't you, Mammon?
🎀Asmo🌺:Personally, I can't wait to see Kitsune in a swimsuit~!
🦊Kitsune🔥:What is a 'swimsuit' ?
📚 Satan🐈:An outfit designated for swimming.
🦊Kitsune🔥:So people stopped bathing nude?
🎀Asmo🌺:Oh, I would L O V E to swim naked with you, Kitsune~!
🕹️Leviachan👾:Ew, no
🕹️Leviachan👾:But Mammon sleeps naked
🕹️Leviachan👾:Maybe he also swims naked
💰MaMoney😎:Nuh-huh, no way, nope!
🎀Asmo🌺:I don't want to see Mammon naked
🎀Asmo🌺:But I wouldn't mind seeing Beel and Satan naked~!
📚 Satan🐈:Flattered, but no.
📚 Satan🐈:Anyway, if you're thinking of going to the Siren Beach, you'd better be careful.
📚 Satan🐈:Remember what happened last year?
📚 Satan🐈:Monster Fair was held during Spirit Week, and Levi went and released a giant sea serpent into the ocean.
🎀Asmo🌺:That was horrifying!
🦊Kitsune🔥:Uhm... What's Monster Fair?
🎀Asmo🌺: It's sort of like a pet show in a way. People bring a monster which they show off, and the best one wins.
🎀Asmo🌺:Do you have a pet, Kitsune?
🦊Kitsune🔥:I take care of the animals of the shrine. Naturally, foxes have an affinity for me. We have thus dedicated our shrine for the Fox Goddess, Inari Okami.
🍰Beelzeburger🍔:Foxes are cute. I love dogs.
🎀Asmo🌺:Well, I think any pet would be cuter than the sea serpent of Levi's.
🕹️Leviachan👾:It wasn't a sea serpent. It was Lotan, the 7-headed sea monster.

📚 Satan🐈left the chat
🦊Kitsune🔥 left the chat
🎀Asmo🌺left the chat

🕹️Leviachan👾: Yeah, of course, that's right! Leave! Leave, you damn normies!
🕹️Leviachan👾:No one wants to spend time with a dirty filthy otaku like me!

💰MaMoney😎left the chat

🍰Beelzeburger🍔:I'm hungry.

🍰Beelzeburger🍔left the chat

🕹️Leviachan👾: <Sticker>
Oh, come on! You could have pretended at least!

🕹️Leviachan👾left the chat

The Kitsune's Spell - Chapter 15 - 1RavenBlack (1)

The second Kitsune left the chat, Asmodeus burst through her door and jumped on her bed. He was wearing a most giddy grin on his face and batting his long lashes at her and dangling his legs like a school girl in love.

"Kitsune! You simply MUST come with me shopping for the ball!" he was chirping so happily.

"Uhm... I do not feel comfortable with the idea of a wedding." she cleared her throat, getting more comfortable on the bed. "For me, it is a very important tradition... And... My heart cannot... Handle, going through a fakery of a wedding ceremony."

"Oh, no, I understand that - But, really, it's nothing like you're thinking!" he cuddled next to her, showing her various pictures of wedding dresses - None of them looking anywhere close to what she was used to. "No traditions, no ceremony, no nothing!" he reassured her. "It's just a party with pretty dresses, New Year Fireworks - And a huge cake!" he showed her a video of the cake-cutting from the previous year. "Diavolo had Lucifer cut the cake last year - But, if you ask me, this year he's going to cut the cake together with you!"

"Together, you say? Is it a custom?" finally, the fox lady showed interest in the festivity.

"Oh, yes, it's a popular human custom for the bride and groom to cut the cake. It's not tradition or anything, but it's a cute thing couples do!" he giggled cutely. "You and Lord Diavolo are so cute together! You're going to be the star of the show!"

"O-Oh, uhmm... Okay... I guess it looks endearing." she scratched the back of her head.

"Right?!" he exclaimed gleefully, before shooting up to his feet and dragging Kitsune with him. "Still have that pretty shiny card with you?"

Kitsune looked at him with some confusion at first, then it clicked. "Oh, Diavolo's card? No, I do not, I have returned it to him that day." she smiled simply. "I can ask him, if you want." she spoke. "I had offered to work for the money, but Dia reassured me that little thing would take care of whatever I need."

Asmodeus' eyes sparkled with stars and joy. "Let's go~!"

Kitsune never knew Asmodeus was eager to do any kind of physical effort that didn't relate to his sin or dancing. He ran to the Castle and right into Lord Diavolo's study, knocking vigorously. The Prince was expecting anyone but the 5th Brother - Ah, but Kitsune was with him also; She looked exhausted - Had she been dragged all the way here? How cute!

"Kitsune, Asmodeus, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he could barely stifle his laugh. "Is it about the event on Friday?" New Year's on Friday, and Kitsune's birthday was on Sunday. January 3rd. It was the last opportunity for Kitsune to live... And keep on living... With him, forever and always.

"Lord Diavolo - You see, I'm taking Kitsune shopping - And she is in a little need of... Financing!" ah, yes, of course, he completely forgot all about that.

He retrieved a leather wallet from inside his blazer, and took out that Sugar Daddy card of his. "There you go, Kitsune - Have fun!" he placed the card in her hand. "You too, Asmodeus. Go crazy."

Asmo was quite literally twinkling and radiating with joy. "Oh, Lord Diavolo, you're so good with me!" the Prince started laughing as the Lust Demon threw his arms around him and kissed his cheek as a thank you. "I'll make Kitsune the prettiest bride every for you!" and they vanished shopping. None saw the wicked smirk on the Prince's face, or the lustful lick of his lips, imagining his gorgeous future wife, oh so pretty, only for him; And even better, their intimate night together~.

The boutique was a whole realm of elegance which Kitsune hadn't even imagined could exist, with its interior adorned in a sophisticated mix of gothic opulence and ethereal charm. Velvet drapes of deep crimson framed the windows, and chandeliers of delicate glass cast a soft, inviting glow over the space. The scent of exotic perfumes mingled with the faint aroma of fresh flowers, creating an atmosphere that felt both luxurious and welcoming. It was far more different than what other shops she'd seen around Devildom - Or that UK shopping mall from the human world. This shop had only very refined and outstanding gowns of all kinds, styles, textiles and colours.

Asmodeus, with his usual flair for fashion, was practically glowing with excitement as he started scouring the merchandise from one end to the other. The succubus shop-keeper came by, but seeing Asmo there, she knew she needn't bother offer her help; The boutique was practically a second or third home for him. He will know what to do.

Kitsune, clutching Diavolo's premium card, followed the Lust Demon as he led her towards a display of stunning wedding dresses. The gowns ranged from traditional to avant-garde, each piece a masterpiece of craftsmanship - Yet he only showed her the most elegant ones. There was no way Kitsune would want a dress that showed too much skin, or was too eccentric.

"Let me explain it real quick - A classic ball gown is perfect if you want a fairytale vibe. A dress with a voluminous skirt and a fitted bodice - Like a pretty cloud cupcake." he picked out a stunning gown with a full, cascading skirt and a bodice adorned with delicate embroidery. "Look at this - The layers of tulle and silk create a dreamy effect, and the bodice is beautifully embellished. The skirt is voluminous and makes you look like a princess, - Which you are! It's perfect for a wedding party between the King and Queen of Hell!"

"Is this dress not too... Big?" Kitsune went all around it, inspecting it from every angle. "Is it appropriate?"

"But of course!" Asmo quipped happily. "And you will look absolutely stunning! It doesn't have a collar; It's shoulderless so it highlights your beautiful cleavage so well~!" he got behind her, slowly trailing the tips of his fingers across her collar bone. "Men love kissing this area a lot, you see. It is very sexy."

"O-Oh, w-well... Okay... If you think it is not vulgar, I suppose it is fine." Kitsune blushed softly. "It is a beautiful dress as I have never seen before - And I love the small sparkling diamonds softly embroidered into the outer layer."

"Perfect!" Asmo squealed, throwing the dress on the succubus' head. She was the perfect hanger. "Now, all we need are shoes and accessories! Oh, you will look GORGEOUS with flowers in your hair! Your hair is such a wonderful shade of scarlet!"

"I have not worn flowers in my hair before. I hope you will have patience with me, Asmo." she spoke tenderly, smiling so much like a young bride-to-be.

"Of course! Oh, I am so excited! I simply cannot wait to doll you up!" after he buzzed around like a working bee through the shop, he gathered all the accessories needed, and once again, threw them in the hands of the succubus. She was done with life. "Now - Shoes! I found this pair of designer shoes in the display - Look at the craftsmanship on the heels! One of a kind, truly! Unique and beautiful, just like you!"

"They are gorgeous, yes, but... The heels are so long... I do not think I will be capable of walking on them! Even more so with such a long dress... What if I trip?" her worries were valid, especially coming from someone who only ever wore heels twice... Almost half the size.

"Don't worry, I'll help you get used to walking!" he threw the shoe box at the succubus - And with a sneaky move, Asmo paid for his own order with Diavolo's card, just as the Prince offered; Asmo's and Solomon's matching outfits were a most gracious gift! "By the way, I've got a little gift for you and Lord Diavolo~." with a terrifyingly tricksy snigg*r, the demon grabbed Kitsune once again and got her to his own room.

Asmodeus, as much as he loved spoiling himself, made sure his friend was the one first pampered; He ran her a precious hot bath with milk, honey, ginseng essence and rose petals to soak in and relax; She was always so tense and stressed out - It was time to relax! Her hair was going to be so smooth and shiny, he was eager to comb flowers through it. Her skin was going to be so delicate, and naturally scented like flowers - Oh, that Diavolo, so lucky!

He painted her long nails a princess sparkly pink, then took the longest time doing her hair and make up. Soft curls cascaded down in waves of white flowers, all the way down to her waist - Her hair had never been so well taken care of, it was a wonder it could look so stylish, she thought to herself, almost not recognising who she was seeing in the mirror. She looked so different than what she usually looks like... So plain and simple... And yet, Diavolo still fell in love with her. What a wholesome man.

Her make up reminded her of that of young maikos doing their first show; Her skin naturally pale, and her make up a soft sparkling pink, just like her nails and lip gloss. She was so used to doing her eyeshadow and lipstick rouge and plain... But she still loved her style very much. Still, this fox-eye eyeliner and mascara did wonders to highlight her green eyes so nicely. She had to learn how to do it properly also.

Once fully dolled up, Asmo quickly took care of himself also, and got up, holding Kitsune's hand. One step at a time, he helped her find her balance and learn how to walk like a princess, even in spite of her trembling legs. Thankfully, she would always be accompanied by someone - A beautiful lady like her couldn't possibly stay alone, could she? Besides, Asmo himself was certain Lord Diavolo would be unable to keep his hands away from her.

"Well, y'know, Solomon is really my date - But someone has to walk you down the great stairs to the ballroom, and it HAS to be Solomon, right? You're both humans - Well, sort of - So it only fits!" and rightfully so.

Asmodeus helped Kitsune walk all the way to the great hall of the House of Lamentation where all the Sins gathered, looking their best; All of them, save Asmo, wore elegant tuxedos of different styles and colours. His dress was themed pink for himself, and blue to match with Solomon, of course. The Lust Demon took Kitsune away from the other gawking at her beauty, and dragged her inside their limousine - And they were taken as guests of honour to the Wedding Day/New Year's joint party ball at the Demon Lord's Castle.

The ballroom was even more grand than last time; Poor Barbatos must have been overworked to hell and back. The inhabitants of the Purgatory Hall met up with those of the House of Lamentation, and just as promised, Solomon helped her walk down the stairs. Kitsune was the talk of gossip, standing out like a celestial cupcake amidst so many dark-outfits; None looked to be even close to the vibe she held - Had Asmodeus overdressed her? Hopefully not, because she felt awkward with so many eyes on her.

"Kitsune, I see Asmo did a great job preparing you on such a short notice. You both look stunning!"Solomon smiled at the two. "Of course! Who else could do this but cute little me?"Asmo chuckled as he went on ahead, to search for his brothers. "Well, shall we? The others are waiting for you."he extended his arm for her to hold on, just like a chivalrous knight and a princess. "I do not think I am mentally prepared for this even."she admitted, trying her best not to bite her lip and ruin the lipstick. "No need to be shy - The brothers are going to take care of you. But you must promise to save me the first dance, alright?"he chuckled playfully, easing her worries. "As the sole representatives of our world, I am inclined to agree." shesmiled up at him as he helped her descend down the stairs.

Everyone went silent as Diavolo made a heartfelt speech, and everyone cheered as they were let to do whatever they wanted, again, and the orchestra began playing a new song. Once he was free to do as he wished, he looked around, desperate to spot his beloved fox lady - Ah, and there she was, stunning everyone with her magnificent beauty! Poor Diavolo, who wanted nothing more than to kick everyone out of his way... But his royal duties prevented him; Alas, so many people were gathered around him, all wanting to have small talk and champagne conversations - How tedious! What would it cost them to just leave him alone to spend precious time with his beloved?

"Thank you, Solomon. Your presence has greatly soothed my worries." the melody was slow, but their dance was ever slower; The wizard kept a firm yet gentle grip on the lady, easing her into the art of western dances. She had only ever danced once with Diavolo, and not in such high heels and incapacitating dress. This first dance was a great training for her. "You managed to blend in so well in this place, Kitsune. You're overshadowing everyone here."the silver haired man let out a soft chuckle. "Don't exaggerate."she shook her head playfully. "Well, at least for them, I'm not exaggerating. They're waiting for their turn to dance with you."he pointed towards the demon sins waiting for their turn to spend time with their favourite human. As soon as that song ended, they did a little courtesy to each other."Thank you for your dance. "Thank you for your dance as well, Solomon It is always lovely talking to you." she courtesied back, making her way to the brothers.

"Kitsune you look stunning."Satan began to speak, only to have Asmo throw his arms around the girl, taking out his D.D.D. to take a few selfies, tagging her in them quickly. "We are perfect! Today's posts are going to simply sky-rocket!"Asmo was hyped up to the core. "Hey, jerk, get the hell away from her!"Mammon called out, ripping her away from Asmo's arms. "Awww, you're no fun, Mammon. Honestly, if you want to dance with Kitsune, just say so!"Asmo rolled his eyes. "Kitsune looks like one of those UR+ secret waifu cards from Ruri-chan's idol rhythm game special limited-edition Wedding event!"Levi chimed in, blushing slightly. "The cake looks amazing too... Want to get a slice, Kitsune?"Beel smiled softly. "No, Beel, the cake is for later, after the fireworks. Don't ask, Diavolo's orders."Lucifer sighed, shaking his head at the Prince's antics."Anyhow, I have to agree, you do brighten up this place."for once, the Prideful demon didn't look murderous towards her.

"Thank you for all your compliments - I am undeserving." she smiled bashfully; It truly was more attention on her than she'd have expected.

Throughout the evening, Diavolo repeatedly tried to dance or even just talk with Kitsune, but the brothers kept whisking her away, which was a bit frustrating. Of course, Kitsune couldn't really refuse them - She couldn't even offer an apologetic glance before being swept off again. She was completely shackled to them for many exhausting hours of dancing.

By the time the last dance ended, her feet were aching awfully, so she decided to rest on the grand sofa, sipping some prosecco. It was then that her favorite person sat down beside her, finally able to escape the clutches of duty and fan conversations..

"Hello, stranger. You seem to be quite popular tonight" Diavolo chuckled, his voice warm. "You look gorgeous, Kitsune. Absolutely stunning." he was truly awestruck - She was even more beautiful than any princess to ever exist.

"Only on nights like this." she replied with a soft laugh, glancing down briefly. "I am glad we can finally spend some time together after all the chaos." she gazed at him, sharing a tender look.

"Yes, about time, I agree-" Diavolo began, his expression turning even more joyful as he tried to lean in and steal a kiss from his darling - But just as he was about to hold her chin and kiss her, Mammon appeared with a tray of cookies and wedged himself between them.

"I brought cookies!" Mammon grinned, placing the tray on his lap and throwing an arm around Kitsune's shoulder. "Here, open up. Let me feed you." shoving a cookie in her mouth.

"Uh... Thank you, Mammon. They are really good." she replied politely, managing a smile.

"Right? Now let's get some more champagne and take a few photos. Asmo wants a photoshoot, and you and I are the stars." Mammon announced, shoving the tray onto Diavolo's lap before dragging her toward a room that looked like a golden throne room, where Asmo was orchestrating the photoshoot with his usual flamboyance.

It was fun, sort of, but Kitsune truly wished to spend more time with her Little Prince - She had no picture, no memory with him. She silently thanked every deity when Barbatos appeared, informing them that it was time to gather on the balcony to watch the fireworks. Only the brothers, Diavolo, and the exchange students were allowed on this exclusive balcony, as the view from there was the best.

As expected, Asmo dragged her along, and once everyone was gathered, she tried to subtly search for the Prince, but to no avail. "Don't think I haven't noticed, darling. That’s why I saved you the best spot." Asmo whispered with a wink, gently pushing her into someone's arms — Prince Diavolo's arms.

"Think we can finally get some time to ourselves?" Kitsune chuckled softly, relaxing into his embrace. She was finally where she was supposed to be - In his arms.

"I'm going to skin alive the next person who tries to take you away from me. I didn't even get to see that beautiful smile of yours all night." Dia grumbled, his voice tender as he kissed her temple.

"I should say the same... Being here with you, watching the fireworks like this... It makes everything worth it." she murmured, leaning into his embrace as they watched the dazzling display of colorful lights. It was truly magical.

"Happy New Year's, Kitsune." it was a crucial night for both their fates; Kitsune's life was hanging on by a thread, indicated by only two more nights alive before her fate takes over.

"Happy New Year's, Dia." she leaned back on his chest, admiring the splendid display of magical colours and shapes embellishing the endless dark sky of the realm.

Once the show was over, everyone new it was time for the cake - But who will be the bridge and groom to have the privilege of cutting the Wedding Cake, they wondered? Beelzebub was the happiest - Once he heard Barbatos announcing the cake-cutting soon, he was the first to report. As everyone expected, Diavolo had a plan.

He guided the red head in front of everyone - Yes, of course, if this was a real thing, he would have done so privately; Kitsune was a person who greatly valued her intimacy - Alas, this was the closest thing a demon could get to marrying in the traditional sense - A gift, a promise, and an audience to witness this union of sorts. No one needed to know the details - All that mattered was ensuring a sense of security of Kitsune, so that she wouldn't be pressured and guilt-ridden for having intercourse outside of marriage.

Everyone gasped as the Prince went on one knee, showcasing a velvet box with a most gorgeous soft pink gem. Sure, Kitsune didn't understand what the symbolism of the ring meant - Or why Diavolo was on his knee in front of her, pushing a ring her way and grinning so beautifully - But she soon understood once he started speaking.

"Demons cannot marry in the way humans do - We don't have the same customs or traditions - But from the moment I met you, I knew I would never fall in love with anyone else but you." Diavolo began his heartfelt speech, every word tugging right at her frail heartstrings. "It isn't the true wedding that you deserve - The tradition that you hold so dear - But it’s the closest I can come to honoring your wishes and showing you how deeply I want you by my side." he could see, in spite of how shocked she was, her beautiful eyes were gleaming with emotion. "So, my dear, will you allow me the honor of standing by your side, not just as a prince, but as your partner, your protector, and the one who cherishes you above all?" her hands were covering her face and she was barely able to peak from between her fingers.

"Kitsune, will you marry me?"

Everyone cheered loudly as the girl finally found herself uttering the softest 'yes'. Asmodeus and Levi were hugging each other and crying in glee while taking pictures and videos of the heart-warming event. Finally, Kitsune looked happy - The happiest she had ever been in so many centuries. Lucifer, albeit still suspicious, placed his hand on Mammon's shoulder, noticing him shaking a little - He was happy to see Kitsune so euphoric, of course, but oh how he'd have loved to be in Diavolo's place. Out of everyone though, Beel must have been the most joyful - Wonderful feast, a ton of food, and then, Celestial Cake!

"Time to kiss the bride, Lord Diavolo! You know the tradition, right? Make it extra romantic — I'm filming everything!" Asmo squealed at the Prince, who held her hand so gingerly and slipped the beautiful ring on her finger - It fit perfectly, and suited her delicate hand so well - And then he swept her off her feet holding her bridal style.

"I love you, Kitsune." he said before kissing her deeply.

Finally, Diavolo and Kitsune could spend some time together at their own wedding, even if it was surrounded by people and camera flashes. At the end, they cut the cake together and served their friends, before getting a taste of the magnificent cake also - Luke and Barbatos made sure it was extra delicious, with ingredients straight from the Celestial Realm!

And then, after such a long party, it was time to retreat towards their bedroom, the cozy and comfortable haven of the Prince. He carried her all the way to his chambers, then knelt to help her take her shoes off - Gorgeous, of course, but she must be exhausted. Without those high heels on, she looked so cute and petite next to him; So endearing and darling.

The Prince placed his hands on her face dearly, making her look at him."Kitsune... Do you trust me?" Diavolo's deeply glowing Amber eyes, like molten gold, peered into Kitsune's green eyes, so soft and timid, like a spring forest.

"More than anyone." she uttered in a whispery tone, her hands gingerly placed over his chest.

"I am honoured." his smile was tender and loving. He cradled her face in his large hands, pulling her into a kiss - slow and hypnotising at first, yet only progressing in passion and lust for each other.

With dexterity, he reached out to the back zipper of her splendid dress, revealing her gorgeous body in all her splendor, adorned with white lace lingerie, no doubt a personal touch from Asmodeus. He'd have to thank him some day for taking such good care of her.

His mind was warped between his guilt, seeing her many scars painting her body like a canvas, but her beauty was overwhelming his senses - He was the embodiment of sin, and even he wasn't exempt from falling prey to temptation.

With one swift move, his blazer was on the ground, and his shirt was fully unbuttoned - His skin naked against his own was driving him into overdrive, feeling suffocated with the very flames of Hell. He couldn't resist her charm, not one bit. He was at her feet, a beggar, a slave, worshipping at the shrine of his Goddess.

Carefully, he placed her on the bed, and indulged in sins so horrible that she had never even imagined before; a lust mixed with such intense love and fire never felt before, a desire she didn't know even existed.

Her purity was never lost, even with the absence of bashfulness and the descent into bliss; His touch set her body aflame, his kisses made her lose her mind... His body made her feel things so foreign, yet so addictive... She couldn't get enough of him, so insatiable, so greedy she was for her beloved.

"You are mine, Kitsune." he held her tightly from behind, one hand around her jaw, pulling her back to look at him - To witness that glazed over expression lost in pleasure and need - The other was the instrument of pleasure that was sending her over the edge.

"And I am yours." his movements were no more rhythmical, but erratic and uncontrolled; Even the Demon Lord lost his senses, when drowning in her delicious heat. "Forever... My beloved Queen."

Her sweet thrills as she came undone around him drove him mad; With his chest glued flush against her back, Kitsune, amidst the overwhelming delight possessing her entire being, felt a searing sensation, familiar... Her whole back bore the powerfully glowing mark of the Demon Lord himself, a most intricate tattoo forever to adorn her skin, in all the shades ranging from the blackest black, to the shade of blood. Unlike the other pacts, this one would never fade, same as their bond, forever indestructible.

Kitsune was the sole pact that Diavolo has ever and will ever forge. He already knew, Kitsune was the only woman he loves during his very long life. Kitsune, the love of his life... Kitsune, the future Queen of Devildom.

The Kitsune's Spell - Chapter 15 - 1RavenBlack (2)

"There's, like, N O way Mammon lost against Kitsune, of all people, at GAMBLING! ROFLMAOOOOOO XDDDD " the demons around the living room in the House of Lamentation all ignored Levi's antics and continued to laugh at Mammon's stupefying misfortune. The Gambling King lost against someone who didn't even know what card games were.

"That was hilarious! Way to go, Kitsune, you were so cool!" Asmo chirped in his usual pitched voice, clapping enthusiastically.

"Props to you, Mammon - It takes real skill to lose against a beginner." Even Satan was laughing.

"N'aww, c'mon guys, it ain't funny!" But poor Monnie's whines only made the group laugh harder.

"Maybe Monnie's luck transferred my way. Mayhaps I will finally find a means to earn money and buy... Ergh.. What did you call them? Luxury... Brands?" now even Kitsune was teasing the poor man.

"Stop it! Honestly - It happens, m'kay?! Happens! Tough luck, that's it, won't happen again!" the Greed Avatar huffed, blushing and looking away from them - Though even he started chuckling a little. "Well - That was a good match, Kitsune. Keep it up, I guess."

"Woaw, Mammon's actually being a good sport!" The brothers continued having a merry jolly time, this time, not as malicious as the time Kitsune first arrived; They almost seemed like actual siblings, for once, playfully bullying each other and laughing about it-

That it, until Killjoy Lucifer stepped inside the large living-room, calling out to Diavolo. He was most confused when he didn't see the Demon Prince anywhere.

"Where is Lord Diavolo?" Lucifer asked, genuinely puzzled by his mistake.

"At his castle, buried under paperwork." Kitsune informed the Pride Avatar. "Told me to send his regards were I to see you - So, uh - Hi." Kitsune spoke casually, not bothering to raise her gaze to meet his; instead, she focused on her game.

"But I could sense his presence - Did I just miss him?" He asked, troubled.

"He was never here, Lucifer. Now go away, you're ruining our fun." Satan hissed at his elder brother.

"Well maybe Lucifer wants to join us!" Asmo chimed in with a grin.

"I don't have time to waste on stupid games." Lucifer frowned, ready to leave - Only to turn away abruptly. "YOU!" he pointed dramatically at Kitsune.

"... Me... What?" Kitsune finally looked st the brunet Demon.

"You are the one I sensed, not Diavolo!" everyone in the living-room was wode-eyed at the bold affirmation; Asmo was the first to scurry next to the girl, and sniffed her perfume, getting unnervingly close to her neck.

"Goodness, Lucifer, you're right! Kitsune has Lord Diavolo's scent!" everyone was deathly silent - While Kitsune was confused, Asmo hugged her tightly, cheering for her. "You go, girl! I'm so proud of you! My, Kitsune, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Tell you ... What, exactly?" The girl was even more confused by all the commotion.

"That you are a traitorous whor* who's trying to bring ruination to Lord Diavolo's rule!" at once, Lucifer had transformed into his Demon formed, snatching Kitsune from Asmodeus' embrace, and ripping the back of her shirt indecently, revealing the pact, engraved into the skin of her whole back.

"Lucifer, what the hell?! You can't do that!" Satan and Beel were the first to get in between him and the fox lady.

"The hell's with ya?!" Mammon snapped, placing his jacket over Kitsune's shoulders.

"That miserable wench tricked Diavolo into sleeping together and forging a pact!" Beel and Levi were desperately trying to hold Lucifer back from attacking Kitsune - Again.

"That's not true, Lucifer! Lord Diavolo and Kitsune love each other!" Asmo defended his friend, in the name of love.

"What would you know of love, anyway?" Lucifer's harsh comment hurt all his brothers; The Avatar of Lust, especially, had tears in his eyes.

"Yo, Lucifer, stop it! Kitsune's done nothing wrong, damn it - And neither has Asmo!" Mammon went to face his stubborn elder brother.

"Think about it - Lord Diavolo is, like, ancient, even by our standards! There's no way he would ever be tricked into forging a path, right? He's never done that before! It only means Kitsune is special for him - Like she is for us!" hardly did any of them expect Levi to stand up for someone.

"FOOLS, ALL OF YOU!" Lucifer's power was too strong for all brothers, and with a blast of energy, they were all slammed away. "I will kill you, filth!"

Lucifer lunged at Kitsune, ready to tear her apart; But was met with incredible resistance - A powerful black-red glow blinded them as Lord Diavolo, in his demon form, stood like a shield in front of his beloved, staring down at Lucifer with a stone-cold expression. No one had ever imagined Diavolo himself would be capable of feeling any negative emotion towards his lap-dog Lucifer.

"Now, Now, Lucifer, I hasn't expected you to go against my orders - Twice now - And attack Kitsune." though he was smiling, it was empty, almost sardonic, and his light-hearted words held venom.

"But -- Lord Diavolo -- How...?!" he looked flabbergast at the Prince, completely speechless.

"How, what? Are you so shocked that I would make a pact with the future Queen of Devildom?" silence engulfed the chamber. "Demons don't marry - But humans do. For her sake, as well as mine, I settled for the next best union between the two of us; A ring and a ln eternal vow."

Those watching was mesmerised at the supreme display of power - At Lucifer being subdued and stopped, for once. "I think you should return to your room and reflect on your actions, Lucifer. Take a break and return to your duties at the beginning of the week." Lucifer's red eyes were wide and he remained petrified. "Now." the finality of Lord Diavolo's words finally urged him to extinguish his demonic features and exit the room, obeying his orders.

"Sorry to take you away from that mountain of paperwork, Dia." Kitsune's voice returned Diavolo's clarity, and with it, his jolly demeanour. He smiled and turned to look at his girl, his hand caressing her delicate visage.

"I apologise for his reaction. He overstepped his authority." he pulled the jacket closer to her. "It won't happen a third time."

"Do not worry about it, Dia. Really, it is quite alright." she spoke so mellow that Diavolo forgot his own worries. "He was merely worrying about you."

The Prince relaxed visibly once Kitsune held his face so lovingly, as if he was the whole world - He was her whole world. "You always manage to see the best in every situation." he gently held her hands in his own, then looked at the stupefied brothers, who were scattered uncomfortably.

"Lord Diavolo, wanna play cards with us?" Levi was the first to break the ice.

"That's a great idea, Levi!" Asmo chirped, rushing to grab Diavolo's hand and pull him down around the table. "You can play with Kitsune as a team - Congratulations, by the way! - You should have seen her, Kitsune beat Mammon! At gambling, of all things!"

"Hey, come on, no need to make fun of me!" he started whining again.

"Stop complaining so much - There, I'm teaming up with you." Levi groaned, getting next to the white haired demon. "Asmo is pairing up with Satan... But Beel? What about you?"

Beel returned to his idle, happy munching of his chips. "I'm happy just watching." the others managed to decipher through his chewing.

"A'ight! Since we got a new-comer, here's how it's played---"

And thus went on a very long and tiresome rant about how a simple play of cards was played....

The Kitsune's Spell - Chapter 15 - 1RavenBlack (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.