Katharine Hepburn's Brownie Recipe | The History Kitchen | PBS Food (2024)

On her website ToriAvey.com, Tori Avey explores the story behind the food – why we eat what we eat, how the recipes of different cultures have evolved, and how yesterday’s recipes can inspire us in the kitchen today. Learn more about Tori and The History Kitchen.

Katharine Hepburn's Brownie Recipe | The History Kitchen | PBS Food (1)

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

As a resident of Los Angeles, I pass by that famous white Hollywood sign every time I go for a hike or make a run to the grocery store. Living in the middle of Tinseltown can make one feel somewhat jaded, particularly when Oscar season rolls around. In my neck of the woods, the Academy Awards ceremony means helicopters flying overhead day and night, incessant local news coverage and traffic jams. Cynical as I might feel about the fanfare, I always watch the Oscars, and I always get a little flutter inside when the ceremony begins. There is something magical about the movies… a dark theater, the smell of popcorn, the music of a beautiful soundtrack sending shivers through your core. I love the experience of watching a movie. Unfortunately, the majority of films today fail to move or excite me. If I could, I’d travel back in time to the “good old days,” when movie stars kept it classy and talent was the name of the game. I’m talking about old Hollywood, the silver screen, and the days of Katharine Hepburn. Katharine is currently the record holder for the most Leading Actress Oscar awards (4 to be exact). She was beautiful. She was smart. She was unafraid to express her opinion. All this, and the woman knew how to make killer chocolate brownies. They broke the mold with Katharine Hepburn.

Born on May 12, 1907 to a freethinking family, Katharine’s parents encouraged her to speak her mind and embrace her independence. Her mother, Katharine Marie Houghton, fought for women’s rights as a suffragette and her father, Dr. Thomas Norval Hepburn, was one of the first to begin educating the public on sexual health and safety. Thanks to her upbringing, Katharine was very aware of social issues. In fact, one of her first acting performances was given in the spirit of charity. As a child, she and her 5 siblings put on a neighborhood performance. They sent the profits to benefit Navajo children living in New Mexico.

Upon graduating from Bryn Mawr College in 1928, Katherine immediately embarked on her journey into an acting career. She received rave reviews for her role on Broadway as an Amazon queen in The Warrior’s Husband, which caught the attention of a scout from RKO Radio Pictures. In 1932, Katharine starred in her first big screen role opposite John Barrymore in A Bill of Divorcement. RKO, pleased with the reviews of her performance, offered her a long-term studio contract. Katharine’s career was on an upward trajectory; the following year, she won her first Oscar award for her role in the film Morning Glory. Katharine’s upbringing helped to shape some of her most memorable qualities as an actress. In particular, Katharine was admired for her confidence, intelligence, and unwillingness to conform to Hollywood stereotypes. She didn’t feel it was necessary to wear makeup; she often wore pants instead of the feminine dresses that were considered more “suitable” at the time. At one point, studio executives became dismayed by Katharine’s somewhat masculine attire. They ordered a member of RKO’s costume department to remove a pair of pants from her dressing room. Katharine stomped around set in her underwear to protest.

Katharine Hepburn's Brownie Recipe | The History Kitchen | PBS Food (2)

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Katharine’s career spanned over 50 years, both on screen and stage. In addition to her 4 Oscar wins, she received 8 additional Academy Award nominations. She also won an Emmy for her role in the television film Love Among the Ruins. Her career was marked by a long-term love affair, both onscreen and off, with actor Spencer Tracey (another Oscar record holder, tied with Laurence Olivier, for most nominations in the Leading Actor category). Katharine and Spencer starred in 9 films together. Though they never wed, their relationship lasted 27 years until his death in 1967. Katharine’s last film with Spencer was Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner; the role won her a second Oscar. She later won a third and fourth Oscar for The Lion in Winter and On Golden Pond.

At the age of 96, Katherine passed away in the same Connecticut house where she grew up. Though she may no longer be with us, her film legacy will certainly outlive us all. In honor of Katherine, I recently decided to try out her recipe for brownies. You may gasp when you read the ingredients: lots of butter, lots of sugar, and only a tiny bit of flour. This lack of flour was apparently Katharine’s secret to great brownies. The recipe comes from a letter to the editor of the New York Times on July 6, 2003. In the letter, Hepburn’s New York neighbor Heather Henderson recalled her first memorable meeting with Katharine. At the time, Heather was threatening to quit her studies at Bryn Mawr, Katharine’s alma mater. Heather’s father, who had noticed that Katharine lived nearby, slipped a letter into her mail slot, begging her to talk some sense into his daughter. Katharine called Heather at 7:30am the next morning and lectured her on the stupidity of her decision. The two arranged to meet for tea. Katharine convinced Heather to stick it out at Bryn Mawr. This began a series of casual meetings between Katharine and the Henderson family.

One day, Heather’s father heard that Katharine had been in a car accident and was recovering. He stopped by her place to bring her a batch of brownies. Hepburn tasted them and balked. “Too much flour! And don’t overbake them! They should be moist, not cakey!” As always, Katharine was opinionated and brutally honest. She rattled off her own brownie recipe while Heather’s father scribbled notes. The recipe appears below, with a few of my own notes in the baking instructions.

Heather took away three pieces of advice from her acquaintance with Katharine Hepburn:

  1. Never quit.
  2. Be yourself.
  3. Don’t put too much flour in your brownies.

I made these brownies twice over the weekend, and they are wonderfully rich and gooey. I tried the first batch with cocoa (from the original recipe), and the second with baker’s chocolate. I preferred the brownies made with melted chocolate, though both batches were good. In my oven they took about 45 minutes; as Katharine said, you should make sure you don’t overbake them, or they’ll get dry. I may use a little less sugar next time, and half the nuts, but these are personal preferences.

Enjoy this simple and sweet treat in honor of Katharine Hepburn and her impressive Oscar legacy.

Katharine Hepburn's Brownie Recipe | The History Kitchen | PBS Food (3)

Katharine Hepburn's Brownie Recipe | The History Kitchen | PBS Food (4)

Enjoy this simple and sweet treat in honor of Katharine Hepburn and her impressive Oscar legacy. Get Katherine's essential baking tip in a full post on The History Kitchen blog. The recipe comes from a letter to the editor of the New York Times on July 6, 2003.


  • ½ cup cocoa or 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened baker's chocolate
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 cup roughly chopped walnuts or pecans


  1. Melt butter with the cocoa or chocolate together in a heavy saucepan over medium low, whisking constantly till blended. Remove from heat and stir in the sugar. Whisk in the eggs and vanilla. Stir in flour, salt and walnuts. Mix well. Pour into a well buttered 8-inch square baking pan. Bake at 325 degrees for about 40 minutes till a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool completely and cut into squares. These brownies are very fudgy and may be somewhat difficult to slice cleanly; use a sharp knife and a spatula to help them loosen from the baking dish.


You will also need a 8x8 inch baking dish.

Research Sources

Bryson, John. The Private World of Katharine Hepburn. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.

Druesedow, Jean (Author), MacDonell, Nancy (contributor). Katharine Hepburn: Rebel Chic. New York: Skira Rizzoli, 2012.

Henderson, Heather. “Straight Talk from Miss Hepburn, Plus the Actress’s Own Brownie Recipe.” New York Times, 6 July 2004.

Hepburn, Katharine. Me: Stories of My Life. New York: Knopf, 1971.

Leaming, Barbara. Katharine Hepburn. New York: Crown Publishers, 1995.

You can uncover more fascinating food history on Tori’s website: The History Kitchen.

Meet the Author

Tori Avey is a food writer, recipe developer, and the creator of ToriAvey.com. She explores the story behind the food – why we eat what we eat, how the foods of different cultures have evolved, and how yesterday’s food can inspire us in the kitchen today. Tori’s food writing and photography have appeared on the websites of CNN, Bon Appetit, Zabar’s, Williams-Sonoma, Yahoo Shine, LA Weekly and The Huffington Post. Follow Tori on Facebook: Tori Avey, Twitter: @toriavey, or Google+.

Katharine Hepburn's Brownie Recipe | The History Kitchen | PBS Food (2024)


Who made the first brownie ever in history and in what country was it originated? ›

History. One legend about the creation of brownies is that of Bertha Palmer, a prominent Chicago socialite whose husband owned the Palmer House Hotel. In 1893, Palmer asked a pastry chef for a dessert suitable for ladies attending the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition.

What is a historical fact about brownies? ›

The first officially documented brownies were made in Chicago for a ladies' fair luncheon in the late 1800s. The event chefs were asked to invent a new dessert that could be included in the boxed lunches at the events. These brownies were decorated with an apricot glaze and a layer of walnuts.

Did Katharine Hepburn cook? ›

In Remembering Katharine Hepburn, Ann Nyberg wrote that Moore was always sure to have them on hand for her hungry employer. That's not to say the Old Hollywood icon couldn't cook. Apparently, she was a serious homebody and frequently made her own food, as she saw going out to eat as a waste of money.

How did the food brownies get their name? ›

Brownies are thought to be of US origin, the name derived from their color (brown) and from the mythical pixie-like characters common in children's stories from the same time period. One story suggests that brownies were invented at the Palmer House in Chicago in 1892.

What were brownies originally called? ›

Brownies were originally called Rosebuds and were founded by Lord Baden-Powell after the younger sisters of the Guides and Scouts showed an interest in joining the Guide Association. The Girl Guides Gazette said that Rosebuds wore a dark blue skirt, knitted jersey, cap or tam and the Rosebud Brooch.

Where was the world's first brownie made? ›

Specifically at the direction of Bertha Palmer to be served at the Columbian Exposition World's Fair in 1893, the brownie was created in the Palmer House Kitchen in the late 19th century.

What is a brownie myth? ›

Brownie mythology describes brownies as mythical creatures who carry out housework at night. Often seen to be descended from ancestors or servants who have passed away, brownies took care of the house as well as its occupants. However, brownies could also be angered if they were not appreciated.

Where did the brownie recipe come from? ›

Did you know facts about brownies? ›

Fun Facts About Brownies
  • A chef accidentally added melted chocolate into biscuit dough.
  • A cook forgot to add flour to the batter while baking a cake.
  • The most widely accepted theory: A housewife improvised with this new treat when she didn't have baking powder.
2 days ago

What was Katharine Hepburn's favorite food? ›

Red meat, big salads, tea, butterscotch pudding, ice cream, meatloaf, homemade cookies… those were some of Katharine Hepburn's most favorite foods.

How old was Katharine Hepburn before she died? ›

In the 1970s, she began appearing in television films, which later became her focus. She made her final screen appearance at the age of 87. After a period of inactivity and ill health, Hepburn died in 2003 at the age of 96.

What was Katharine Hepburn most famous for? ›

In addition to her Oscar for Morning Glory, Hepburn also received the best actress Academy Award for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967), The Lion in Winter (1968) and On Golden Pond (1981). In total, she received 12 Academy Award nominations, as well as numerous nominations for Tony, Emmy and Golden Globe awards.

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11, the organization announced Brownies will now be called Embers. Embers is the program for seven and eight-year-old girls.

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Brownie Traditions

Toadstools - Brownie units skipped around toadstools in their opening ceremonies, because they believed that fairies used to dance around mushrooms. Brown Owl - This was the name used by many leaders of Brownie Guides, named after the wise owl in the Brownie story.

What does the name brownie mean? ›

English: nickname for someone with brown eyes from Middle English brun broun 'brown' + eie 'eye' (Old English brūn + ēage). This form of the surname is most common in Aberdeenshire. Similar surnames: Browne, Brownlie, Brown, Bronte, Brownlee, Brodie, Bowie, Browning.

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Brownies originated as domestic tutelary spirits, very similar to the Lares of ancient Roman tradition, who were envisioned as the protective spirits of deceased ancestors. Brownies and Lares are both regarded as solitary and devoted to serving the members of the house.

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brownie, in English and Scottish folklore, a small, industrious fairy or hobgoblin believed to inhabit houses and barns. Rarely seen, he was often heard at night, cleaning and doing housework; he also sometimes mischievously disarranged rooms.

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The first cakes were probably made in ancient Egypt. Yeast was used to making them light and fluffy. Honey was also often used as a sweetener. Nuts and spices were added for flavor and the cakes were sometimes iced with honey or syrup.

What is the origin of brownies scouts? ›

Brownies began as a membership level of the UK scouting group Girlguiding – a Guide Association was established in 1909. The Brownies (originally called Rosebuds) came about so that girls under age 11 could participate.

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