Harry Potter and the Machiavellian Candidate - AmericanEagle47 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: The One With the Power to Vanquish Tyranny Approaches

Chapter Text

On August 6, 1991, Cygnus Greengrass came home from his job at the Ministry of Magic, where he was a higher-up in the Treasury Department. He was frustrated after another unsuccessful meeting. Despite being completely pureblood without a shred of Muggle heritage, Cygnus was still interested in various aspects of the Muggle world, including political and economic theory. Unfortunately, with only occasional exception, his enthusiasm (and understanding of the concept) was not shared in the wizarding world. Beatrix, Cygnus's wife already could sense from his grumbling and muttering that work had not exactly been a sterling success. She asked him about work, and Cygnus responded, "Work was an absolute disaster. These bureaucrats in the Ministry wouldn't know sound economics if it beat them upside the head!" He added, "Dolores Umbridge literally suggested that we could increase revenue by giving Ministry of Magic employees a raise!" Cygnus groaned as he again thought of her. God, was she annoying; even Dolores' voice and her distinctive giggling was enough to drive him to drink.

Cygnus was thankful for his family. His wife truly was the love of his life. They had met at Hogwarts as classmates in the same year. Beatrix was a Ravenclaw, and Cygnus was a tried-and-true Slytherin. They were among the smartest of their year, behind perhaps only Lily Potter née Evans. They had two daughters - Daphne and Astoria, the pride of their parents. Daphne was about to start her first year at Hogwarts, as she would turn 11 shortly before the start of the term. Astoria, being only nine, was still two years away from starting at Hogwarts. While Astoria had a fun and mischievous side, Daphne was shyer, quieter, and had incredible ambition even as a child. She was blond-haired, blue-eyed, and aristocratic, and her parents knew Daphne would be a heartbreaker when she was older.

However, one curious thing did happen. Something that had set the financial wizards into a frenzy. The news emerged that Gringotts Bank in Diagon Alley had suffered a break-in on July 31, a very very rare occurrence. What was more unusual is that the attempt almost miraculously succeeded, only for it to become clear the vault in question was empty. This was the source of great confusion until August 6, when it emerged that the vault had been emptied earlier that same day by none other than Harry Potter and Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts. Cygnus alone saw something significant in this development, and believed there was no way it was a coincidence. He also knew, because of the level of enchantments placed on Gringotts vaults, that no one except some of the most powerful wizards could have broken through. Who could have done it? And why? And why was Harry involved?

Cygnus and Beatrix would typically discuss the news of the day. Cygnus had often remarked to anyone who would listen that what he loved most about his wife was her intellect, her sense of humor, her kind demeanor, and of course, her gorgeous looks. A quick glance at Daphne and it was clear where her looks came from. Astoria looked similar except with black hair, more similar to Cygnus. While Cygnus was out shoveling the ocean at the Ministry, Beatrix was in their lab researching and developing potions. On this night, Beatrix knew Cygnus needed to talk.

Beatrix spoke softly to him. "Tell me more about your day, babe." She said. She smirked inwardly as her whisper seemed to perk him up considerably. "Men," she thought to herself.

Cygnus responded, "You heard the news about Gringotts, I trust?"

"Of course! It happened almost a week ago after all." Beatrix said, as if surprised by Cygnus's question.

"No, I meant today's update," Cygnus clarified.

Beatrix responded, "Now I understand. I did not, what happened?" Cygnus briefly brought her up to speed. She was amazed. "What is an 11-year-old doing involved with something is so valuable that a coveted wizard tried to break into a near-impenetrable building to steal it?"

Cygnus spoke again, "That is what I am wondering. The source refused to state whether it was the Potter vault."

Beatrix said, "It would actually make far more sense if it was the Potter vault. That family is loaded." "Loaded" was perhaps the understatement of the year; The Potters were one of the wealthiest families in Britain, with incredible family wealth. They were the living epitome of old money. The Greengrasses were wealthy, but not on the same scale. The money involved was just one factor of many that made the tale of a youthful Harry Potter all the more compelling.

Harry Potter had been an enigma in the wizarding world. While the Potter Family was already a known and respected family that had been part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, Harry well and truly became a household name on the fateful night of Halloween in 1981, when Voldemort had come to call. He killed Harry's father James, and then killed Harry's mother Lily, who was protecting baby Harry and refusing to step aside. Yet when Lord Voldemort tried to kill a seemingly defenseless baby Harry, the curse rebounded. Voldemort, as far as virtually all knew, was dead. The fact that no one could find his body did nothing to dilute the celebrations after years of horror associated with the Great Wizarding War.

Cygnus, who had fought in the war, knew that Voldemort and his army, known as the Death Eaters, had the upper hand. Sooner or later, resistance would have crumbled. Yet without Voldemort, it was akin to beheading a snake. His army fell like dominoes, aimless without their leader. Harry was hailed as a hero, as a Chosen One, yet no one knew of his whereabouts. Oh yes, there were plenty of books about young Harry's supposed exploits, almost akin to the superhero comic books enjoyed in the Muggle world. But not much in the way of substance and concrete detail.

Beatrix, pondering this situation, asked the big question. "If Harry's parents are dead and he has no family, then who is managing the estate?"

Cygnus looked darkened slightly. "Dumbledore," he almost growled.

Albus Dumbledore, whenever he was asked, always said that he was the one handling young Harry's affairs, and all was taken care of. Dumbledore would not elaborate any further, saying that it was for the boy's security. This did not fully satisfy Cygnus, who was skeptical of Dumbledore's methods. Dumbledore preferred a defensive tact during the war, insisting that it was better to wait for the Death Eaters to come to them. However, this strategy was met with disastrous results. When Cygnus and others tried to protest and beg for a more aggressive stance to combat the Death Eaters, it was rebuffed at every opportunity by Dumbledore and his top lieutenants. Dumbledore commanded strategy meetings and battles alike in the same fashion: commanding, authoritative, and making demands in a way that brooked no argument.

After the end of the war, Cygnus found it remarkable how much Dumbledore was idolized by the majority of the wizarding world. He also noted that people who had spoken out against him, such as James and Lily Potter, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Regulus Black, and Fabian and Gideon Prewett, all met sticky ends. Sirius Black, another detractor of Dumbledore, ended up locked in Azkaban after murdering 13 people, including Peter Pettigrew. Sirius had insisted his innocence, yet had been locked up without a trial. Newly elected Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge declared that it was a decision taken as a matter of Ministry Security to lock him up, and that Sirius, as a man who had expressed anti-Dumbledore rhetoric, was a danger to the new order, as was anyone who opposed Dumbledore, the one who had protected wizarding society against the Dark Lord.

Beatrix had never completely trusted Dumbledore. While she did not hate him the way her husband did, she knew that Dumbledore had a method to the madness. His assertions about the importance of preserving what he called "the Greater Good" were mildly disconcerting, if only because it was never specified exactly what the Greater Good was. Was it the Greater Good for the whole world? Just wizards? Muggleborns? Purebloods? Or just himself? "Cygnus, we can be certain, if Dumbledore has this much influence over Harry already, there's almost no chance he won't fall hook, line, and sinker for Dumbledore and his cult of personality. Just look at the way even many adults are blinded by him! Look at the Weasleys for God's sake!"

Cygnus sighed as he thought of Molly and Arthur Weasley. The two had an absolutely fanatical love of Dumbledore, even going so far as to erect a statue of him in their backyard. Molly bought all of his books, and Arthur would look to Dumbledore's books for guidance on literally any problem in his life. The two had seven children, and the family as a whole was well-known (and behind their backs, well-mocked) for breeding like rabbits. While Cygnus knew little about their children except for Bill, who worked at Gringott's as a curse-breaker, he presumed that their spawn was a chip off the old block. Their fourth child Percy was the one Arthur continually gloated about, insisting that he could one day be Minister. The thought gave Cygnus heartburn; the idea of Molly and Arthur's son as Minister suddenly made the incumbent Cornelius Fudge seem palatable.

Cygnus knew that Fudge was a skilled bureaucrat, adept at playing the political game beautifully, but lacked true power. He was, in other words, a puppet of Dumbledore. Nothing happened that ran counter to Dumbledore's narrative, and he was the subject of adoration by many witches and wizards. This was the way of the world, and no one thought much of the past other than feelings of relief the war was over and of mourning lost loved ones. Until Harry suddenly returned to the wizarding world.

The news had taken the wizarding world like a hurricane. Harry was hailed as a celebrity, and would be starting at Hogwarts that September. Cygnus had been in Diagon Alley the day Hagrid brought Harry there, and saw the overwhelming adoration people had for him. Adoration and even reverence. It made Cygnus wonder and wonder. Everyone knew the story about that fateful night at Godric's Hollow, the Potter residence. Many believed he was the Chosen One. Some believed he was more powerful than Merlin himself.

"How true do you think it is?" Cygnus asked Beatrix. "Do you think Harry is the Chosen One?"

Beatrix responded, "Scientifically speaking, here's what we know. Only one person has ever survived the Killing Curse. One. He is literally without precedent. I'd have a million questions to ask him. What is life like for him?"

Cygnus couldn't even begin to understand what it must be like to be Harry. The whole thing was shrouded in mystery and uncertainty; two things he knew his wife adored when trying to solve a mystery. He said, "Harry didn't even just survive it. The curse rebounded and struck Voldemort down and Voldemort disappeared without any trace. It was the night we won the war, and he probably saved our lives. God only knows what might have happened had the war gone on much longer."

Beatrix shuddered. She knew what could have happened. She lost friends and family in the war, and sometimes felt guilty the three survived. Though she often darkly joked the Halloween night Voldemort died was the night Astoria was conceived. Given that Astoria was born in July of the following year, both Cygnus and Beatrix knew this was probably the case. They planned to embarrass her with that nugget of information when she was older. Neither knew whether the Dark Lord well and truly vanquished. Could he one day return? Given Harry had survived a curse that should have easily killed him, it was, after all, hardly a stretch of the imagination to suggest that somehow, Lord Voldemort could also have survived that night.

It was clear that Harry, even as a small child, had achieved something without any precedent. Who knew what was in store? No one truly knew the effect surviving a killing curse could have on a person. Did he absorb some of Voldemort's characteristics? Or his power? Or was Harry's own power so expansive that it dwarfed Voldemort entirely?

Cygnus was a smart man. He could see mob mentality and hysteria for what it was. One man's superstition was another man's opportunity. The reality was that the brokers of power in the Wizarding World could be divided into three factions: the "light" side supporting Dumbledore, the "dark" side supporting Voldemort, and a "gray" faction that was somewhat more ambiguous, but could best be described as the side clamoring for real change and freedom. While Cygnus was the leader of the gray faction, he had known that in its current form, it had no hope of posing any real threat to either the light or the dark. Not since the 1930s had there been true democracy in Wizarding Britain. Before Dumbledore's "Era of Benevolence" in the 1980s, the 1970s were consumed by war. Grindelwald posed an existential threat to Britain during the 1940s, but was defeated by Albus Dumbledore, who had been the unchallenged leader and string-puller of Britain ever since.

However, Cygnus's resignation changed when he saw Harry that day in Diagon Alley. While many saw the young Boy-Who-Lived and cheered his exploits as a one-year-old child, Cygnus saw something different. He saw a boy who could one day be the one to lead the Wizarding World to glory. Harry was going to Hogwarts as a first-year, and so too was Daphne. Cygnus had a brilliant idea come to his mind. If she could get close to Harry, maybe form an alliance or even a friendship with him, then Cygnus could invite Harry to Greengrass Estate and try to sway him. Harry, Cygnus realized, might be his best hope to achieve his dream of a wizarding world free of despotism, genocide, bureaucratic corruption and authoritarian regimes. For all the world knew, Harry might be the only such hope.

Chapter 2: Daphne Receives Her Mission

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August 27 was Daphne's birthday, the day she turned 11. The family celebrated with appropriate gusto, and then Cygnus asked Daphne to come with him to his study. Daphne dutifully accompanied him, and the two sat down to talk.

"Daphne," Cygnus began. "You should first know that I am very proud of you; I am proud to call you my child, and proud to see you becoming a wonderful woman. I am sure you will remind me more and more of your mother as you get older."

Daphne smiled. "Thanks, Father. I am so proud to be a Greengrass, and want to do well for our family." Cygnus marveled at how ambitious Daphne was already at the age of 11. Daphne was a fighter. Cygnus knew she would fight tooth and nail to advance the banner of her cause, and that was a trait that would serve her well in life.

Cygnus said to Daphne, "I wanted to talk to you. Now that you are 11, Hogwarts is right around the corner, and you are old enough to entertain the political arena."

Daphne looked a bit concerned at this. She spoke after a few moments and said, "Father, what do you mean?" Then, almost as if a sense of duty kicked in to replace her earlier reluctance, she added, "What would you have me do?"

Cygnus said "To answer your first question, you are only wading, not diving headlong. I would never have you do something that you cannot handle." At this, Daphne visibly relaxed; she now looked more eager to accept her father's task.

"I have a task for you, my daughter." Cygnus said to Daphne. "You know, no doubt, that Harry Potter has returned to the public eye?" Daphne nodded. Daphne was a lifelong fan of Harry Potter; she had long bought and voraciously read the books detailing his exploits. Cygnus and Beatrix knew, despite her denials, that Daphne likely entertained a bit of a crush on the Boy-Who-Lived.

Cygnus smirked slightly, since he knew Daphne would probably be very enthused by what he was about to say. He said to her firmly, "I want you to become friends with Harry."

"Of course!" Daphne enthusiastically responded. Cygnus was pleased by Daphne's enthusiasm, but knew from his seven years in the trenches of Hogwarts the brutal reality of inter-house politics and animosity that Daphne was as yet oblivious towards. The open hostility that existed between Gryffindor and Slytherin was particularly notorious.

He decided to test her. "What if he is in Gryffindor and you are in Slytherin?" Cygnus asked Daphne.

Daphne responded, "I think we could still become friends. I'm still me, and Harry would still be Harry." Cygnus admired her response and her sense of fairness. He could only wish all Hogwarts students thought like her. If they did, his early years at Hogwarts would have been far less acrimonious. He doubted her optimism would even last the first week if she ended up in Slytherin.

Cygnus said to her, "You have to understand the political landscape of any new environment. It works in school just like it does in life." He continued, "Gryffindors and Slytherins are well known for their hatred of each other."

Daphne looked surprised, "Father, I thought you and Mother were close with Gryffindors?"

Cygnus was lost in thought for a moment. He thought of his closest friends. One of his closest was James Potter, who had saved his life during one battle by knocking out a Death Eater that would have had a clean shot on Cygnus. Cygnus never forgot, and he sometimes felt incredibly guilty that he survived and James did not. It was Cygnus's regret the two did not become better friends in Hogwarts, even though he knew some of it was due to James' rampant anti-Slytherin bias. Once James grew up a little, he was very mature. Not unlike Daphne in terms of temperament, he realized. Cygnus responded after the long pause, "That is true. A Gryffindor saved my life. They are some of the noblest, bravest, and stupidest people I have ever known. I hope if you are ever in mortal peril, your life is in the hands of a Gryffindor."

Daphne looked disappointed at his words, and fearing what her father's answer would be to her next question asked, "Could Harry be a Gryffindor?"

Cygnus responded, "I would not be surprised if Potter ends up in Gryffindor, and I will tell you why. Both his parents were in Gryffindor, his parents' closest friends were in Gryffindor, and Dumbledore was in Gryffindor."

Daphne looked disappointed. "I'm afraid based on what you told me I will fail!" She stated sadly.

Cygnus said, "Daph - you realize that with the right set of circ*mstances, you could blur the house lines. There is no rule that says it has to be this way. You have the mind of an adult much older and wiser, and you are going to a hive mind of children and teenagers. If Harry is who we think he is, he could be like you. You two could be the rare powerhouse team surrounded by misfits."

Daphne now looked intrigued. "You are saying I could change Hogwarts?"

Cygnus responded, "Absolutely. But give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day. Take some time to learn. Not just academics. Learn the dynamics. Make friends. But most importantly - do not lose yourself along the way. Take time for yourself. Have fun. You're never too old to take time for yourself every now and then."

Cygnus knew Harry might be impressionable, and could be easily swayed by Gryffindor. Being impressionable was a two-way street. Just as Dumbledore and others could sway Harry, the right messenger could for the same reason be successful in swaying him towards a different side entirely. However, Cygnus knew that despite the optimistic picture he was painting for Daphne's benefit, it would be exceedingly difficult for Daphne and Harry to have much interaction assuming their sorting went as expected. While Cygnus learned how to play the game, and he gave himself an opportunity to thrive at Hogwarts while getting along with people in all four houses, it was not easy; it was a skill he had to learn, albeit one that had paid massive dividends not just in his schoolboy days, but also as an adult navigating the complex webs of political intrigue.

Daphne responded, "Of course, Father."

Cygnus responded, "Good. But I have something else to tell you." Cygnus took a deep breath. "You know our family's position on Dumbledore, right?" Daphne nodded. "Good," Cygnus stated. "You also know why discretion is of the utmost importance. Word cannot get out about our plan. There are many powerful people that would derail us before we can even begin to set our plan in motion. You must not let on to anyone, even your closest friends, the nature of our plan. Discretion is paramount."

Daphne looked uneasy at Cygnus's words, but understood their gravity. She knew this was the path she would one day follow. Perhaps that day would be a bit sooner than she had initially expected. But she knew her assignment. Get close to Harry. She knew her duty, and she was determined not let her family down.

Cygnus responded, "I have already taken up too much of your birthday. Go enjoy yourself; have fun enjoying the last few days before the next stage of your life begins."

Daphne, recognizing she was being dismissed, took her cue. "Thanks, Father! Have a good night," she told him as she left him to his study and his thoughts. Cygnus knew the road ahead was far from easy and far from certain. But the events of August of 1991 gave him the first real hope the game was about to change dramatically.

The last few days before the start of term passed quickly. Daphne promised her parents she would write them by owl regularly, and they assured her the same. Beatrix was uneasy about Cygnus drafting Daphne into politics so early in her life. Cygnus said, "Dear - it's a messy business, but I promise you I will be supporting her. At the first sign of trouble I will step in. She is a prodigy, and I am confident she can handle herself. Plus, it is a tough world out there, and I suspect her youthful innocence is about to vanish within days of seeing how cutthroat even school children can be."

Beatrix looked reassured. She knew Cygnus so loved his family he would give his life for any of them in a heartbeat. But she also knew that when the playing the grand game of politics, it was easy to lose the forest through the trees and miss an obvious danger. She, like Cygnus, had a feeling things were about to shift dramatically.

Chapter 3: Tales of the Hogwarts Express

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The morning of September 1 came too fast for Daphne's liking. She was excited to go to Hogwarts, but also knew she would miss her family. The Greengrass family traveled by Floo to London. Astoria was in her element, and was tremendously excited to make the trip. "I can't wait till I'm old enough to go to Hogwarts!" She excitedly told her parents. The Greengrasses on the platform encountered the Malfoys - Lucius and Narcissa, who had their son Draco in tow. Draco was, as it turned out, also starting his first year at Hogwarts. The two families periodically encountered each other at social events, and there was no love lost. Daphne detested Draco, who so much resembled his father that he even strutted arrogantly the same way.

Draco loudly boasted to Daphne, "I have the best uniforms, the best owl, and the best broomstick! My godfather Severus is going to let me play Quidditch!"

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Why are you bragging to me?" Daphne said impatiently. "You know I'm not impressed by flaunting wealth."

Draco said defiantly, "Just because you don't like it doesn't mean I'm not the best!"

Just then, Astoria poked out from behind Daphne. "Hi Draco," she said shyly.

Draco's face suddenly softened. "Hi Tori," he said. "Want me to play plenty of pranks on big sister Daph for you?"

Astoria yelled "You're my hero, Draco!" Then she blushed as she became slightly embarrassed. Daphne looked like she wanted to throw up, while Cygnus and Beatrix barely stifled laughter at Astoria's poorly hidden crush on Draco.

Cygnus whispered to Beatrix, "I'd pay money to watch Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy become brothers-in-law."

Beatrix lost any remaining composure after that, and burst out laughing at the idea of family get-togethers becoming duels.

10:50 came, and with it, it was time to board the train. Before they could, however, the Weasley family went by. All ten of them. "Wait a minute...." Cygnus thought. Don't they "only" have seven children? Then he realized with a sense of disappointment Harry Potter was among them. Cygnus groaned inwardly. He realized if Harry was already with them before they even boarded the train, the mission to get close to him would be that much harder. He was sure Harry would never hurt Daphne. But he likely would view her with hostility. The Weasleys were renowned for their anti-Slytherin bias. The family was heading towards a different part of the train and did not see either the Greengrasses or the Malfoys.

Daphne said her goodbyes to her family, boarded the train, and almost immediately was hugged by a black-haired girl. "Tracey!!" Daphne yelled excitedly. "I didn't see you!"

Tracey Davis was one of Daphne's closest friends. A half-blood, her mother was a Muggle, and a model. Tracey, luckily for her, got her looks from her mother. The two went to a compartment and started talking. They talked about their summers, about their hopes for school, and what houses they might be sorted into.

Through the conversation, Daphne could sense that Tracey was becoming trepidatious. Daphne asked her "What's wrong?"

Tracey sighed, and spoke quietly. "Daphne, I feel afraid."

Daphne, concerned, replied "What are you afraid of?"

Tracey said, "If I end up in Slytherin, what would they do to someone like me? My mother is a Muggle."

Daphne said, "Lunkheads will judge based on the content of your blood instead of the content of your character."

Then Tracey spoke again, "Daphne - if I become a pariah, I don't want you to go down with the ship. Turn on me to save yourself if you must."

Daphne was heartbroken by Tracey's words. She knew as a pureblood heiress she would never have to deal with the sort of prejudice Tracey might face from the blood purity fanatics. Daphne thought the whole thing was stupid. She cared about traditions, but shied away from the hysteria and the mania. She was no Nazi. But above all, she would never ditch those she cared about. She said to Tracey, "Tracey - I'll be your friend always. I don't give two sh*ts if anyone has a problem with that. It's no one's business who I'm friends with. If they are upset I am friends with you because of some stupid superiority complex, then I know unequivocally they wouldn't be the kind of people I would want to be friends with anyway!" Daphne finished her thunderous speech with a flourish.

Tracey embraced Daphne hard. "This is why I love you, Daph." Daphne said, "You're my best friend Tracey. Always."

As the two finished their emotional moment and easily started a new conversation about music, their compartment door later opened to reveal a girl with bushy brown hair. "Excuse me - " The girl said to them, as if with uncertainty. "A boy named Neville has lost his pet toad. Have either of you seen him? He says his name is Trevor." Daphne quickly realized the girl was talking about her close friend Neville Longbottom, and exclaimed, "Neville! I haven't seen him in so long. I'll gladly look out for him." Then Daphne said, "Where are my manners? My name is Daphne Greengrass, Heir of House Greengrass." Tracey stood up, "I'm Tracey Davis, less glamorous member of the Davis family."

The bushy-haired girl replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I am Hermione Granger. I can't wait to arrive at Hogwarts! I read all about it in 'Hogwarts: A History.' Did you know that the ceiling is enchanted and the Forbidden Forest has over 500 types of magical creatures? I can't wait!"

Daphne, slightly overwhelmed by the tornado of information, replied, "You are definitely prepared. I respect how well you are versed in where we are going. I can't wait for class to start either!"

Hermione said, "I have to go, I need to find Neville. It was so nice to meet you both!" Then took off as fast as she arrived.

Once the dust settled, Tracey said, "Well, that was interesting."

Daphne said, "She could be a good one to be friends with. A bit intense, but I think she's either a brilliant mind or has a photographic memory or both."

In a different compartment on the train, Harry Potter was in deep conversation with Ron Weasley. Ron, the second-youngest Weasley sibling and youngest son of Molly and Arthur Weasley, had spent the better part of the train ride giving Harry a crash course on the Wizard World. They talked about Quidditch, Wizard's Chess, the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore, and Quidditch again.

About Dumbledore, Ron remarked, "He's one of the greatest wizards of the twentieth century. And Mum fancies him. Think she'd marry him if she could. Literally has a statue of him in our yard and everything!"

Harry burst out laughing. He realized Dumbledore was revered almost as the Wizard World equivalent of Winston Churchill or Queen Elizabeth and was clearly worthy of respect and admiration. But a statue? Maybe a tad excessive.

Harry saw many people walk by his compartment, but was content with Ron. Ron was a nice kid, and Harry quickly felt at ease with him. Ron was nice but not overly intense, and was understanding of Harry's lack of knowledge of the wizard world. Harry was slow to trust, and for good reason. He came from an abusive family.

The Dursleys of Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey were perfectly respectable, thank you very much. Except in their dealings with Harry. Harry's Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and cousin Dudley were the worst sort. At best, they would ignore Harry and treat him as if he were an eyesore or blemish they hoped would soon go away. At worst, they would abuse him. Harry had suffered broken bones, bruises, malnourishment, imprisonment for days at a time in his small cupboard under the stairs, and countless other humiliation and abuse at their hands. Harry, for all intents and purposes, would have taken his chances in any other situation besides his unhappy home.

As Harry sat in the compartment, his mind drifted off. He was thinking about how much his world had changed just moments into his 11th birthday on July 31 when a half-giant named Rubeus Hagrid burst through the door brandishing a pink umbrella, a birthday cake, and a stunning revelation that Harry was a wizard. And not just any wizard - a wizard with enormous raw potential. Harry learned the truth about his identity during the course of his day with Hagrid. A day that started by Hagrid giving Dudley a pig's tail and ended with Hagrid solemnly giving Harry the details about what really happened to his parents, and how Harry was the only wizard to have survived the killing curse. It was a lot to absorb, but Harry had taken it in stride, realizing that everyone his abusive relatives had told him was false.

Harry had asked Hagrid when they went to Gringotts, "I haven't any money. What am I supposed to do here?"

Hagrid said, "Harry my boy. Your parents have money enough for everything. You'll see." They walked up to the counter and encountered a goblin named Griphook. Hagrid spoke, "Mr. Potter wishes to take out money from his vault."

Griphook was silent for a long moment, staring down Harry. He spoke slowly and ominously to Harry, "Does Mr. Potter have his key?"

Harry was about to respond in the negative when Hagrid pulled it out from his pocket. "Never can be too prepared!" Hagrid told a thoroughly unimpressed Griphook. Hagrid spoke again, "And there's something else I am here for too. Dumbledore's orders you see."

Griphook's ears perked up. Hagrid handed Griphook a letter, which Griphook read carefully. "Very well," he said to Hagrid. "We will go right away."

First the pair went to Harry's vault, where Harry was amazed by the mountains of gold coins.

Griphook said, "As of now, you have 45 million galleons, or approximately 220 million pounds, if converted to Muggle coin." Harry's eyes bugged out in shock. Even Hagrid was mildly surprised. Griphook said, "Your parents took good care of you, Potter. Use it well."

Harry withdrew 100 galleons, enough for his school supplies and some extra spending money. After Harry finished at his vault, the pair followed Griphook to another vault deeper inside the bank. Inside the vault was empty but for a single small package, which Hagrid took and carefully tucked it inside his jacket.

"Best not to mention this to anyone, Harry," Hagrid stated. Harry agreed. The two left the bank, and Hagrid seemed in a hurry to leave. Harry had idly wondered if Hagrid was involved in anything illegal, and decided it was best not to dwell on it.

Harry's flashback was interrupted by the cabin door bursting open. In came Hermione, still looking for Neville's toad. Hermione's eyes bugged out as she recognized Harry. "You're Harry Potter!" She exclaimed. I know so many things about you. Your eyes are green, your parents are part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, and your father was a Quidditch prodigy!" Harry's mind was spinning as he processed her rapid-fire opening speech. He obviously knew his eyes were green. But he didn't have even the slightest idea what the Sacred Twenty-Eight was, and he knew very little about his father besides what Hagrid had told him.

Ron said, "I didn't know your father was a Quidditch genius!"

Harry responded sadly, "I didn't either."

Hermione looked sad, realizing that Harry knew next to nothing about his father. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Hermione said.

Harry was astonished, "Why are you apologizing? You have been nice to me."

Hermione said, "I don't have many friends, people think I'm annoying."

Harry said, "I think you're brilliant!" Hermione flashed a genuine smile.

Ron introduced himself. "I'm Ron Weasley," he said to Hermione, who eagerly shook his outstretched hand.

"You two are so nice!" Hermione exclaimed.

Too soon, the journey was coming to an end, and it was time for the students to put on their Hogwarts robes. The Hogwarts Express pulled into the station. In one compartment, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were excited for what was to come. In another, Daphne and Tracey were nervous. As the train pulled into the station, the stopping of the locomotor signaled the start of a new adventure. Somehow, all five knew their lives would never again be the same. As they left their compartments, they were about to properly join the Hogwarts community.

Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat's Sonnet

Chapter Text

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the train and onto the platform, it was total pandemonium. All the students exited the train at once, and so it was a veritable sea of humanity. They soon realized the station was located in a village called Hogsmeade, a short distance from Hogwarts. Suddenly, the trio saw Hagrid again. Hermione was in shock seeing the half-giant, but Harry eagerly greeted him. Hagrid yelled "Blimey, Harry, it's good to see you again!"

Harry said, "It's good to see you too, Hagrid. Hagrid, I want you to meet my two new friends Ron and Hermione."

Hagrid boomed, "Hello you two! I hope you're taking good care of Harry, he's a good one."

Ron said, "Of course sir. I like Harry already and it's only been a few hours."

Hermione said, "Of course Mr. Hagrid! Harry has been nothing but nice to me."

Hagrid responded, "Just Hagrid is fine, Hermione. I don't subscribe to that 'Mister' codswallop."

Harry and Ron burst out laughing at Hagrid's informality.

Hermione, surprised to see an authority figure ask him to address him in a matter so informal, was surprised but readily agreed, uncertainly calling him simply "Hagrid."

Hagrid led all the first-years away from the platform. As it turned out, they were being brought to the edge of the Hogwarts lake, where there were dozens of small boats, each able to fit a few students. Harry, Ron, and Hermione clambered into a boat and away they went. Hermione shrieked in amazement as she realized that the boat was being propelled by magic.

On the other side of the platform, Daphne and Tracey left the train. The two encountered Neville Longbottom and Blaise Zabini. Neville's pleas for help finding Trevor the Toad had been answered by a girl named Susan Bones, who had found him in her compartment. She realized he belonged to another student and went from door to door until she found Neville's compartment and precipitated what was a surprisingly emotional reunion. As Neville recounted the story, Daphne appreciated Susan's character. She knew Susan Bones well, as Susan and her aunt Amelia were integral parts of wizard society. Daphne knew her father suspected Amelia might not be a Dumbledore loyalist, but he did not verify. Cygnus had not mentioned Susan to her, but Daphne knew he might not have known about her.

Blaise Zabini was a friend of Daphne and Tracey. He, like Daphne, did not subscribe to pureblood blood supremacy hysteria. Daphne found him to be calm and likable enough. Tracey, meanwhile, said hi shyly to Blaise and hugged him. Daphne smirked, realizing Tracey probably liked Blaise. Blaise was a good-looking kid, Daphne thought, but Tracey would be a brunette bombshell. Daphne knew little bits of Muggle culture from Tracey, and realized Tracey would look exactly like Jennifer Connelly. Blaise's father had been a wealthy merchant who had died years ago. His mother Antonia was famous in wizarding circles for having been married five times, and all of her husbands dying unexpectedly. While some screamed "foul play," no wrongdoing had ever been claimed. Three died during certain intimate activities. Daphne wryly supposed that for a wizard, there was probably no better way to go.

The four started talking. Neville said, "Do you all think I will be in Gryffindor? My parents were in Gryffindor but Gryffs are the house of the brave, and I hardly feel brave."

Daphne, ever the practical thinker, said to him, "Neville, let me ask you something. When you lost Trevor, what was the first thing you did?"

Neville was surprised by her question, but responded, "I asked everyone and their mother for help."

Daphne smiled. "Exactly! And did you ever think about the fact that even the act of admitting you need help is a showing of bravery?"

Neville looked amazed. "I never thought about like that before," he admitted sheepishly.

Daphne said, "You'd be welcome in any house, you're a nice bloke. Your parents would have been proud of you no matter what house you go to. If you go to Gryffindor, then Gryffindor House will have gained a strong, brave wizard. Remember, bravery is many things. Simply being afraid of danger isn't cowardice, it's intelligence."

Neville looked emotional at Daphne's words. Daphne knew it was a sensitive topic; She was one of the few who knew what really happened. Daphne knew from her father Neville's parents Frank and Alice had been tortured into insanity by three Death Eaters - Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Junior. Cygnus asked her not to tell her other friends unless Neville said it was ok, since it was his story to tell. Daphne had readily agreed; she, Blaise, and Tracey were among the few Neville trusted with the true details. Crouch Jr.'s involvement had been swiftly shoved under the rug by the ministry, and anyone insinuating Barty Crouch's involvement had been branded a conspiracy theorist and purveyor of disinformation by the Ministry of Magic. Barty Crouch Senior still worked with the Ministry, and had been one of Dumbledore's top lieutenants during the Great Wizarding War. Cygnus Greengrass never had any nice words to say about the man. Barty Crouch Sr. was, in many respects, corruption incarnate. Cygnus believed that the fact that his son was involved in such a heinous act against two people who had criticized the Ministry can't have been a coincidence. Barty Crouch Senior was never himself accused, but the whole thing had a rather nasty smell to it.

The four had been enraptured by the boat journey, and then, as the first-years rounded a corner, they all saw Hogwarts. The castle looked spectacular at night. Daphne was spellbound. It was more beautiful than she could have imagined. Even Hermione, normally the reliable purveyor of information, was stunned into silence. Ron could only utter, "Wicked." As they got to the other side, they all walked to the castle's front door. Hagrid said to the first-years, "Wait here while I fetch Professor McGonagall," before going inside and closing the door behind him.

Harry was then approached by Draco Malfoy. "Well, well, well," Draco drawled. "Saint Potter has come to Hogwarts!" "My name is Draco. Draco Malfoy. And I really am the best, as you will soon learn." Daphne happened to be standing near them, and wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or hex Malfoy. Draco continued, "Look at you, hanging out with a Weasley. They don't have a pot to piss in! Let me help you with that." Draco outstretched his hand. "Let me be your friend. I will show you who the right sort of wizards are. My father always said Malfoys are the best, and we have the money to prove it!"

Ron's face turned red from embarrassment and anger, and he looked ashamed. Hermione looked enraged.

Harry didn't know Draco for even thirty seconds and he already hated the prick. Ron had been nothing but nice to him the whole journey, and surmised his family, while slightly eccentric, was also just as nice. Harry cleared his throat, feeling a surge of bravery fueled by his anger on Ron's behalf. "No thank you, Draco. I can tell for myself who the right sort are, and they aren't the ones that go strutting around like a peaco*ck bragging about Daddy's money and belittling others for no reason. You might have a big wallet Draco, but I have a feeling you are carrying a small wand."

The reaction was immediate. Daphne's jaw dropped and she burst out laughing. Hermione looked shocked at Harry's impropriety out of nowhere, but then started laughing. Ron, meanwhile, was unabashedly excited at Harry's remarks, high-fiving him. The crowd of students around Draco began to laugh.

Draco, meanwhile, was decidedly less amused. "You little f*ck," Draco muttered. "You'll pay dearly one day, Potter. Just wait till my father hears about this."

Harry, totally unfazed, said, "You can tell him. He can bitch all he wants, but his wand is also small." Now the crowd roared with laughter, and Daphne was actually crying from laughing so hard. She could not wait to tell her father about this. She couldn't believe Harry had the guts to publicly insult Lucius Malfoy to his son's face. He really did have balls of steel. She hoped he wouldn't pay too dearly, since she doubted Lucius would take such an affront to his manhood very well. Even Cygnus was wary of Lucius. Daphne realized that Harry, before he had even set foot inside Hogwarts, had already secured not just loyalty and admiration of his brutal takedown of Malfoy, but had also turned the first-years against the Malfoy clan, no easy feat.

Draco was incandescent with rage. But before he could do anything, McGonagall came out to speak to the First-Year students. "My name is Professor Minerva McGonagall," she boomed. "I want to welcome each and every one of you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This will be your home for the next seven years. Study hard, play hard, abide by the rules, and you will have fulfilled your duty to our school. I will be firm but I will also be fair. I will not have students acting like a babbling bunch of baboons! Follow me into the Great Hall please."

As Daphne listened to her speech, she remembered what Cygnus had told her. McGonagall was arguably Dumbledore's most trusted lieutenant. She was the Acting Headmistress if Dumbledore was away or was otherwise incapacitated. She had been involved in the Great Wizarding War along with Professors Severus Snape, the Potions Master, and Filius Flitwick, a legendary Charms professor. Snape, as Draco had alluded at King's Cross, was not only Draco's godfather, but was also the head of Slytherin House. Daphne knew her mother would often work with Snape, as both were Potions prodigies even at a very early age. Daphne, luckily for her, had inherited her mother's Potions ability. Flitwick was the head of Ravenclaw, and McGonagall was the head of Gryffindor. Cygnus had told Daphne that a woman named Pomona Sprout was the head of Hufflepuff.

Daphne asked what Sprout taught, and Cygnus replied "Herbology."

Daphne had replied, "Well, her name seems appropriate enough."

Cygnus said, "Never underestimate her. People think she is a carefree stoner because of all the weed she grows. But it's a cover. It's what she wants people to think. She made nerve agents during the war and took out many Death Eaters. She killed dozens of people during the war. For all we know, she could stage 'accidents' for people Dumbledore distrusts if she is aligned with him."

Needless to say, Daphne found herself unnerved by this story and made a mental note to be careful around her.

As the first-years entered the castle, many were in awe of the Gothic architecture. Another set of imposing double doors awaited. McGonagall, who Hermione had noticed had been carrying a walking stick, banged on the set of doors loudly three times. Slowly, they swung open to reveal a Great Hall illuminated by candlelight and, true to Hermione's words, an enchanted ceiling the likes of which none of the first-years had ever seen before. Harry was stunned. The Great Hall had four long tables, with students wearing different color robes. She realized the robes were enchanted to change color depending on the results of the sorting. At the other end of the hall was a long table perpendicular to the four House tables. This, she realized quickly, was the professors. In the middle was a gold throne elevated above the others. She barely stifled a laugh, knowing it had to be Dumbledore's perch.

Sure enough, Dumbledore rose from his chair in recognizance of the first years.

McGonagall spoke. "First years, you will now be sorted into your houses. To do this, you will wear this hat, who will pronounce his judgment. But before you do so, the hat wishes to deliver a performance."

Daphne thought McGonagall must have borrowed some of Sprout's weed. "They had to wear a hat? And the hat would sing? The hat was sentient?" She thought to herself in increasing bewilderment.

Harry, meanwhile, was utterly flummoxed. What was McGonagall talking about?

Hermione was trying and failing to find the logic, and just chalked it up to incredibly advanced magic. "How could the hat sing?" Hermione thought. "Does he have vocal cords?" In slight disgust, Hermione thought "How do we know the hat is a 'he'?"

Sure enough, the Sorting Hat's eyes ("It has eyes!" Harry realized in amazement) opened, and without even a second of hesitation, erupted into song:

"Oh, I’m the greatest hat you’ll ever see,
No mere bonnet or beret could compare to me!
I’ve sorted witches, I’ve sorted wizards,
From rowdy Gryffindors to snaky Slytherins’ lizards.

I was sewn by the hands of the mighty four,
But my genius? It soars even more!
So gather ‘round, you first-year lot,
Let’s see what talents you’ve all got!

Gryffindor is brave, but don’t you fear,
Even they bow to me once a year!
Ravenclaw is wise, with thoughts so deep,
But compared to me, they’re half-asleep.

Hufflepuff’s so loyal, kind, and true,
But try to outshine me? Not a clue!
Slytherin’s cunning, sly, and sleek,
But oh, those girls—they’re quite the treat!"

The first-years exchanged bewildered glances, unsure if they had heard that last line correctly. Many of the students, including Harry and Ron, burst out laughing, while the staff, especially Professor McGonagall, looked aghast at the sorting hat's audacity.

But the Sorting Hat wasn’t done.

"Now let’s talk about our dear old head,
Dumbledore, that beard of his, what’s in his head?
Always scheming, always plotting,
Half of what he says? Utterly rotting!

And as for Voldemort, that snake of a man,
I knew he was trouble from the very first plan!
But look where he ended up, what a fate!
Trying to conquer death, what a reprobate!

I’ve seen it all, both good and bad,
Wizards rising, and some, well, they’ve gone mad.
But fear not, for I’m here today,
To make our world great again in every way!

One sort at a time, I’ll make things right,
Bringing glory back to wizarding light.
So step on up, don’t be shy,
Let’s see where your destiny does lie!"

Raucous, thundering applause following the sorting hat's song. Daphne's jaw had dropped when the hat burst out innuendo about Slytherin girls. Hermione looked scandalized, while Harry and Ron spent half the song in total hysterics. But Daphne noticed the second half of the song could have been interpreted as a call to arms. The hat, the self-described most sacred relic in Hogwarts, basically called Dumbledore a fraud and a schemer, equating him with Lord Voldemort! And the hat said he would make the world great again. Daphne realized the meaning should be obvious, but what, exactly, did the hat mean?

McGonagall broke through the din by thanking the Sorting Hat, and alluding to its "highly irregular" ballad. One Slytherin boy wolf whistled, and everyone laughed hysterically. McGonagall called out to the first-years, and stated, "When I call your name, you will come forward, and put the hat on your head. He will pronounce judgment. Hopefully the hat behaves himself." McGonagall ended severely.

"ABBOTT, HANNAH!" McGonagall called out. A red-headed girl went sat in the chair, put the hat on her head. Within seconds, the hat declared her a Hufflepuff and sent her on her way, with the Hufflepuff table applauding enthusiastically.

"BONES, SUSAN!" Susan then strode up. Like Hannah, she was quickly placed in Hufflepuff.

"BOOT, TERRY!" A boy went up, and after a few moments, was placed in Ravenclaw.

BULSTRODE, MILLICENT!" A black-haired girl went up, and after about 30 seconds of deliberation, was the first one placed in Slytherin, which greeted her enthusiastically.

After this, Mandy Brocklehurst was sorted into Ravenclaw and Lavender Brown into Gryffindor. Vincent Crabbe went into Slytherin, and Michael Corner and Stephen Cornfoot were placed into Ravenclaw.

"DAVIS, TRACEY!" McGonagall loudly called out. Tracey was nervous as she went up. Almost a minute passed before the hat yelled, "SLYTHERIN!" To Daphne's relief, the Slytherin table broke into applause, with the exception of about a quarter of the table. Daphne knew these were probably the blood purity radicals. Tracey flashed Daphne a smile. Ron watched Tracey with sudden interest. Hermione rolled her eyes slightly, knowing Ron likely thought she was pretty, despite the fact that he would never admit it.

More names were quickly sorted, including Gregory Goyle into Slytherin, Justin Finch-Fletchley into Hufflepuff, Seamus Finngegan into Gryffindor, and Anthony Goldstein into Ravenclaw. Then, McGonagall called out another name.

"GRANGER, HERMIONE!" Daphne, having met Hermione, deduced Hermione would most likely end up in Ravenclaw by sheer brainpower alone. Whoever got her was almost assured of winning the House Cup. The girl was an absolute genius. But the hat shocked everyone when, after about 45 seconds of deliberation, the hat declared, "GRYFFINDOR!" And Hermione went beaming to the Gryffindor table.

"GREENGRASS, DAPHNE!" McGonagall called. With trepidation Daphne went to the chair and put on the hat. As she walked up, Harry caught sight of Daphne for the first time, and was stunned. She was beautiful. Tracey had caught his eye, but Daphne was almost otherworldly. The blond hair, blue eyes, and aristocratic air about her were enough to pull him in. Hermione, seeing Harry watching Daphne, sighed and thought "Men." She had heard of the so-called "thunderclap" moment when a man saw a woman and was instantly smitten. She knew Harry had become the latest victim despite only being eleven! "Wizards grow up a bit faster I guess," Hermione thought to herself.

With Harry and Hermione lost in their thoughts, Daphne strolled up and wore the hat. "Hello, Daphne." The Hat said to her.

"Hello, Mr. Hat" Daphne replied nervously. How was she supposed to have a conversation with a hat? Particularly one that could not only see the future but was slightly lecherous.

The Hat spoke. "Where shall I put you? Very tricky case indeed. You have the brainpower of a Ravenclaw, ambition of a Slytherin, loyalty of a Hufflepuff, and bravery of a Gryffindor. Plus, I know of a certain bespectacled man you are already in love with."

Daphne was indignant. "I am NOT in love with him!" She barked.

The Hat laughed. "Come back to me in a few years. I'm pretty sure you'll be telling me I was right. I'm always right." He continued, "You have ambition my dear. Ambition is power. Power is not to be feared, but is to be wielded. There is no good and evil. There is only power. Be strong, Miss Greengrass, and you will go very far. You will change the world, but to do it, you will need to be in SLYTHERIN!" The hat boomed the last word, and Slytherin table applauded loudly.

"Blimey, why did she have to be a snake!" Ron groaned as Daphne came down. Daphne locked eyes with Harry and smiled at him. She hoped she could somehow convince him to join Slytherin with even a single glance.

Harry said to Ron, "It doesn't matter to me what house she is in."

Ron responded, "Trust me, mate, it will. Slytherins are a nasty lot. There's not a witch or wizard that went bad who wasn't in Slytherin. She could be the wrong sort."

Harry wasn't so sure. He didn't know her other than a fleeting glance, but Daphne didn't strike him as evil. She had been one of the students laughing when he made fun of Draco. She can't be entirely bad, he reasoned.

Hermione sang teasingly to Harry "Someone's got a crush!"

"No, I don't." Harry responded indignantly. "I just happen to think she's nice."

Hermione responded slyly, "Yeah, sure." She and Ron glanced at each other with amusem*nt. It was obvious. Ron wondered in his head if Harry would want to follow her and end up a Slytherin.

More names were called. Megan Jones and Lily Moon ended up in Hufflepuff. Ernie MacMillan was sorted into Huflepuff as well. Daphne joined the enthusiastic applause Neville Longbottom received when he joined Gryffindor. When Draco Malfoy was picked, the hat barely even touched his head before he was pronounced a Slytherin. Daphne was revolted. Either the hat was so sick of him it wanted him gone, or maybe its judgment was off. What about Draco possibly suggested cunning? He was a pompous ass, not a strategist!

She was more exasperated as Theodore Nott Jr. and Pansy Parkinson joined Slytherin. Nott Sr. had been one of Voldemort's top lieutenants during the war, and was possibly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people, both wizards and muggles alike. He was known as the Iron Heart, and it was said that even Voldemort feared him. Most Death Eaters had some emotion. Some hated killing but did it out of choice. Others were sad*sts who adored their dirty work. But not Nott. He was methodical. He treated a murder as if it was an ordinary task, and had no emotion whatsoever. It was akin to eating breakfast or taking out the trash. Daphne always found it unfair he was somehow able to remain free, claiming he was under the Imperius curse and his actions were not his own. Daphne supposed Nott Jr. would be a chip off the old block and was a murderer in the making.

Pansy Parkinson, by contrast, was a dingbat. She was a blond bimbo with an obvious crush on Draco. Tracey Davis, knowing Muggle culture, had long called Pansy "Lucy" after Peanuts character Lucy Van Pelt's obvious interest in Schroder. Draco tolerated her, perhaps sensing her as a means to an end.

The Patel sisters were sorted, and surprisingly, Parvati went to Gryffindor, while Padma went to Ravenclaw. Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for. McGonagall called out: "POTTER, HARRY!"

The room was silent. Everyone stood up at the tables, even the professors. Dumbledore in particular watched with intrigue. He was aware of Harry's star power, and knew he could harness it to his advantage. Harry had already overcome adversity in his life. Daphne watched as if her life depended on it. She prayed not Gryffindor. Or at least, not an instant Gryffindor. Maybe he was more ambiguous.

Harry sat down, and put the Hat on his head. "Mr. Potter, we meet at last. You know, no doubt, that you come from a long line of Gryffindors?"

Harry said "Yes," ignoring how strange it was to be conversing with a hat.

The hat continued, "But you are a less straightforward case. You have intelligence, yes. You have bravery. You have loyalty. You have some recklessness. You have ambitions of grandeur that are most certainly not delusions. You have your eyes on a certain blond girl who is in Slytherin."

Harry said with some embarrassment, "Sir, I'm not in love with her!"

The hat laughed. "I'm having the same conversation with you as I just did with her. Mark my words, you'll be thanking me one day. The same thing happened with Lily Evans and James Potter. They were very much not in love with each other, which is why naturally they got married and had you."

Harry was frustrated. He really didn't want to be grilled about his love life by a hat. Then he thought about how utterly absurd that thought even was.

At this point, well over a minute had passed. Tracey, sitting next to Daphne, whispered, "He's a hat stall."

Daphne knew they were rare. Usually it took a powerful wizard to be confusing enough to the hat to require more time to deliberate. Usually it was once a decade that this happened.

"The last one to be a hat stall was a man named Cygnus Greengrass." Hermione whispered to her Neville, seated next to her.

"That's Daphne Greengrass's father!" Neville exclaimed. "How did you know if you are from the Muggle world?"

Hermione responded, "I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

Neville said, "Daphne's a nice girl. I reckon Harry has eyes for her." he said with some amusem*nt, having seen Harry's looking at her when she walked past.

Two minutes became three. While the tension bubbled outside the hat, Harry was locked in a philosophical battle of wills with the hat.

The Hat informed Harry, "You have to understand something. The Wizarding World is not what it seems. People will tell you things are black and white, good and evil, light and dark. Everyone has gray. It is how they choose to be that will point their way in life. You, Mr. Potter, have the potential to do something the likes of which our world has not seen in a very long time. You could change this world. Forever."

Harry's head was spinning. He was new to the world. What could he possibly do? "How?" he weakly asked the hat.

The hat finished, "You will see. You have all the traits a good leader needs and more. You could rain tremendous fire and fury on your enemies. Above all, you are a fighter, a warrior, and you already have the charisma and the loyalty of the people. There will one day be people putting their hopes and dreams in you. Some believe you will be the Chosen One. Others think the Chosen One is already upon us. This world is going to change in ways no one is prepared for. And you will be at the center of it all. You'll change the world, and change it by being in GRYFFINDOR!!" The hat roared the last line.

The Gryffindor table erupted into deafening cheers as Harry approached, a determined look on his face. Daphne was mildly disappointed, but was intrigued. What had the hat told him? What did it foresee? As she pondered the future, the Gryffindor table erupted into vocal chants of "POTTER," so loud that it reverberated over the walls. Daphne was intrigued now. Harry raised his fist in the air, and they all followed suit, raising their fists in the air as if a show of loyalty to him. Students at other tables viewed it with curiosity, a few even joining in. Daphne saw something different. Like her father, she understood human nature. She saw Gryffindors, ranging from first years to seventh years who were far older, pledging their loyalty and support to a boy who was mere minutes into his Hogwarts career. This felt like something special. Was this how the way the seeds of liberty and change could be planted?

Dumbledore, though initially pleased to see Harry follow his parents' footsteps and join Gryffindor, was now mildly disconcerted by the reaction of his fellow Gryffindors. Dumbledore had feared Harry going to Slytherin most of all, knowing he could fall in with a crowd rooting for the headmaster's downfall. But this was something different. What happened if the houses united? Could it disrupt the stability the wizarding world had enjoyed since the fall of Voldemort? This was the question hard on Dumbledore's mind.

As the rest of the sorting progressed, the teachers were left with interesting takeaways. Dumbledore knew that no one since the Great War had been able to command so much respect from his fellow students. It was the coalition built by James Potter, Frank Longbottom, Edgar Bones, and Cygnus Greengrass, where they combined their friends into a top-tier group that ruled the roost in their sixth and seventh years. They were promising, but Dumbledore saw them as dangerously defiant by refusing to quietly accept his orders during the war. Not lost on Dumbledore was the remarkable serendipity that was the fact that all four of them had children that, like the "core four" of the past, now started Hogwarts in the exact same year.

Dumbledore was not a man of superstition, but he understood the power of symbolism. James and Cygnus aimed to point the way, and there was much talk of the need to step aside and let the young generation take over. Immediately after the speculation began, the murders of James Potter, Edgar Bones, and the torture of Frank Longbottom took place. Cygnus, traumatized by the deaths of his close friends and haunted by the horrors of war, became despondent and focused himself on his work and his family, resigned to the way of the world. He was no longer an obstacle to Dumbledore's ambition. But now, the game threatened to change. It was not lost on Dumbledore that James and Cygnus's children started at the same time. What would happen if they joined forces? Was Dumbledore's hold on power truly in danger?

While Dumbledore ruminated, the sorting continued. Dean Thomas was sorted to Gryffindor, as was Ron Weasley, to the great relief of Harry and Hermione. Daphne and Tracey were both thrilled when Blaise Zabini ended up in Slytherin with them. With Blaise's sorting done, the Sorting Ceremony was now over, and it was time for Dumbledore's speech. Dumbledore began:

"Welcome," Dumbledore began, his amplified voice carrying effortlessly across the hall, "to another year at Hogwarts. I hope you all have enjoyed the Sorting Ceremony as much as I have. It is always a joy to see our new students find their homes within these walls, and for that, I extend my deepest congratulations to each and every one of you."

Daphne was impressed by Dumbledore's presence. Cygnus had told her he was a powerful speaker, and could effortlessly command attention and respect.

"As you settle into your new houses, it is important to remember that each house has its own unique virtues," Dumbledore continued, his eyes twinkling as they passed over the sea of students. "These virtues, when embraced, can guide you not only through your time here at Hogwarts, but also throughout your lives beyond these walls."

He paused, letting the words sink in before he continued. "Gryffindor," he said, nodding toward the table where Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat, "values bravery, courage, and daring. It is the house of those who are unafraid to stand up for what is right, even when the odds are against them. But remember, true bravery lies not only in the face of danger but also in standing firm in your beliefs, even when you are tempted to compromise."

Turning to the next table, Dumbledore's gaze softened. "Hufflepuff," he said, with a warm smile, "prizes hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Those who belong to this house find strength in their unwavering dedication to others, in their pursuit of justice, and in their kindness, which is often the most courageous act of all. But beware of the danger of passivity—sometimes, the hardest thing is to take a stand."

Susan Bones, who had been raised by her aunt Amelia after the deaths of her parents when they were murdered after the war's conclusion, was always raised on the fundamental values of fairness and justice, and she knew hearing Dumbledore's words she was in the right house.

"Ravenclaw," Dumbledore continued, now looking toward the table where many of the keenest minds at Hogwarts were seated, "is the house of wisdom, learning, and wit. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble one, but it must always be tempered with humility. Do not let your thirst for knowledge blind you to the truths of the heart, for wisdom without compassion is but a hollow victory."

Lily Moon, who had just been sorted into Ravenclaw, knew she was in the right place. She lacked the cutthroat ambition of Slytherins, as she simply wanted to quietly study.

Finally, Dumbledore's eyes rested on the Slytherin table. His voice grew slightly more serious, but not without kindness. "Slytherin," he said, "values ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. These are traits that, when guided by a strong moral compass, can lead to great achievements. But be wary of the allure of power and the temptation to achieve your goals at any cost."

Daphne saw the irony in Dumbledore's remarks. The man had always been guided by the calculus of power. He made a point of clearly distinguishing differences in the Houses and their characteristics as if to emphasize their separate traits. This could, she realized, have a chilling effect on efforts of promoting house unity, something that was very good for an incumbent leader seeking to curtail threats to his regime.

Dumbledore's expression grew more somber as he continued. "In the coming years, you will face many challenges, both within these walls and beyond them. You may encounter those who will try to lead you astray, who will offer you easy answers and promises that seem too good to be true."

His voice, though still gentle, carried a warning now. "Lies and false prophets are destructive forces. They thrive on chaos, on turning friend against friend. They prey on our gullibility, seeking to unravel the bonds of stability that hold us together. But you, my dear students, have the power to resist them. You have the power to choose truth over deceit, to choose stability over madness."

The hall was silent for a moment as the students absorbed Dumbledore's words. Then, as if by unspoken agreement, a ripple of applause spread through the room, growing louder and more enthusiastic until it filled every corner of the Great Hall. Daphne knew his words were borne out of self-preservation. "Those who will try to lead you astray" and his reference to "Lies and false prophets" could be interpreted as anyone who dared to criticize or challenge him. She was as yet unsure whether the students who applauded him now did so out of loyalty or out of fear, but she joined in regardless.

Dumbledore smiled, his heart warmed by the sight of his students united in their applause. "And now," he said, raising his hands to signal the end of his speech, "let the feast begin!"

All the students enjoyed the welcoming feast, with incredibly good food. Harry and Ron heaped three plates' each of food, to Hermione's great amusem*nt. Ron said with his mouth full "'Mione, this is such good food!" Hermione, without missing a beat, said "Charming." Harry laughed. Harry was amazed by his surroundings. By the rousing reception he received from Gryffindor by simply raising his fist in triumph. And most of all, by Ron and Hermione. He hadn't known them more than a few hours, and they already had a loose, comfortable camaraderie as if they had known each other for years.

Too soon, the feast came to an end, and it was time for bed. The students of each house were led by their respective house Prefects. Harry noted with interest that Ron's older brother Percy was their house Prefect. He had met Fred and George at King's Cross and briefly again at the Welcome Feast. He noted that where Fred and George were loud, jovial jokesters, Percy was quiet and serious. His tone conveyed authority, and while some first-years clearly did not like being given a list of rules to follow, none challenged him. Percy nodded approvingly at Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and then dismissed the first years. Harry went to bed, amazed at his new life. His first day of class awaited tomorrow, and he could not wait to see what was in store for him. In the Slytherin dormitory, Daphne Greengrass spent her first night in a new domain, and was ready. She wondered what the future would bring.

Chapter 5: The Brewing Storm

Chapter Text

The next day was the students' first day of class. For the first-years, it would be an incredible opportunity. Each house got their class schedule from their prefects that morning. Ron groaned and swore loudly when he saw his schedule.

"Language, Ronald!" Hermione chastised him.

Harry asked, "What's wrong?"

Ron yelled angrily, "We're with the snakes!"

Harry was confused. "Snakes?" He asked.

"The Slytherins." Ron answered. "They are sneaky and slithery like snakes. They literally have a snake as their house banner for crying out loud! Why would they do this to us?"

Ron continued to rage and storm, and Harry decided to give him some quiet. He had heard from Fred and George what the Weasley temper was like. Harry started talking with Neville, and found him to be really nice.

Neville introduced himself as "Neville Longbottom, Heir of House Longbottom."

Harry was confused. Was Neville royalty? Was it some royal family he didn't know about? "What do you mean?" he asked.

Neville said, "You're in House Potter, aren't you? You would be the heir."

Now Harry was extremely perplexed. HE was royalty? "Neville, I have to be honest with you. I'm new to the wizarding world. I am not sure how this works."

Neville was surprised. "Who raised you?" he asked.

"My aunt and uncle," Harry responded darkly.

Neville understood. He could tell from Harry's gritted tone it was not a happy home life. He thought about asking further, but decided not to. He of all people understood if someone wanted to keep traumatic experiences private.

Neville said, "Can I call you Harry?"

"Of course!" Harry replied. "I would love to be friends with you." He said to Neville.

"I'd like that as well." he replied. The two shook hands. As the two walked to class with Ron and Hermione, Neville promised Harry he would introduce him to other witches and wizards of society and help show him the ropes. Harry realized Neville was a good guy to know.

In the Slytherin common room, Daphne was pleased to learn the Slytherins were paired with Gryffindors. Now she had a chance to interact with Harry, she thought to herself. As she and Tracey headed down to breakfast, they knew McGonagall's Transfiguration was the first class.

As the students filed into the classroom, they noticed a cat sitting on the desk. No one thought anything of it until the cat suddenly transformed into Professor McGonagall at precisely the start of class. Hermione almost fell out of her chair in astonishment, while Ron could only remark "That was bloody brilliant!"

Professor McGonagall said dryly, "I appreciate your assessment, Mr. Weasley."

To the class, she spoke, "That is your first lesson of the day, my first-year students. That is the power of transfiguration at its very best. Awe-inspiring if you get it right. Disastrous if you get it wrong. You will learn power but also learn precision. Without transfiguration, you do not stand a chance. You will learn both theory and practical in my class."

Hermione was scribbling notes, trying to will McGonagall's teachings to memory.

McGonagall transfigured her desk into a grandfather clock with a wave of the wand that was effortless. Even the students who grew up in magical households were amazed. They truly were in the presence of a Transfiguration master. "This is what decades of training can do, my students," she remarked to her impressed class. "Today, you all will start with something far simpler. You will transfigure this match into a paper clip." McGonagall took out a match, demonstrated the incantation, and showed it. "Transfiguration of basic objects is the essential building block. All of you, go!"

All the students grabbed a match from the box, brought them back to their desks, and began. Daphne Greengrass, to her profound joy, was the first student to succeed. Hermione was right behind her. Nearly everyone else still struggled. Daphne looked over, and saw that Hermione was the only Gryffindor who had succeeded. "They really aren't the house of the brainy," She thought to herself. After thirty minutes, more students had succeeded, but Harry had not, staring at his match as if locked in mortal combat.

Daphne was puzzled. Harry was supposed to be a Chosen One with the power to vanquish Voldemort, and had such raw power and bravado. Yet he couldn't complete the simplest transfiguration? She had overheard her parents talking about how Harry was an enigma. She supposed they were right. She saw even Ron Weasley figure it out, and with great fanfare Ron celebrated. Harry remained stumped. Daphne felt mildly disheartened. Maybe he wasn't the Chosen One if even the building blocks gave him problems.

Harry, meanwhile, felt nervousness creep in. Why couldn't he figure it out? Harry paused, took a deep breath, and tried something different. He closed his eyes, thought within himself, then suddenly he sensed something. Everyone in the class was silent. Harry opened his eyes, and saw that he transfigured his match not into a paper clip, but into a lit candlestick. What's more, he had done it without any incantation. No one, not even Hermione and Daphne, had done the same thing.

Daphne was nothing less than astonished. To transfigure an object was one thing, but to transfigure an element, and without giving the incantation? That was another. McGonagall was floored. "Not even James and Lily could have done this," she thought to herself. "Yes, he didn't technically complete the assignment. He doesn't have the knowledge or the technique, but he has power. Raw power." McGonagall let her mind wander for a moment. If that power could be grown, harnessed, and controlled, he really could forever change the world.

Daphne thought the same thing. He has power, but not the means to wield it. Could it come with time? Or was it a flash in the pan? She would watch him closely.

Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione were happy for Harry, having sensed his disappointment and worry at his initial inability to complete the task. Soon, the class ended. Homework was given, and class was dismissed. However, McGonagall asked Harry to stay behind. Harry suddenly felt nervous. Was McGonagall mad at him? Was he already being expelled?

Harry nervously took a seat in front of McGonagall's desk. "Mr. Potter," she began. "You know I have been teaching here for a very long time, yes?" He nodded. She continued, "I taught both of your parents. Your mother was the brightest witch her age. Your father was a transfiguration prodigy who could have been even better than me had he not been sidetracked by a penchant for practical jokes and Quidditch." She pretended to look exasperated, but Harry knew she had a fond spot in her heart for both. "But you, Mr. Potter, are a different story entirely. You accomplished something that neither of them could do even as seventh-year students!"

Harry's eyes widened. "Are you serious, Professor?" He asked her.

"Absolutely," she responded. "I was watching you. You have incredible raw power, but no technique, discipline, or knowledge." Her face turned more serious. "I know about your living arrangements, Mr. Potter."

Harry felt despondent at her words. He spoke quietly, not meeting her eyes, "Then you know I'm a freak."

McGonagall's heart broke, and at the same time also felt a feeling of growing rage. "Why on earth would I think that, Potter?" She asked, knowing with a sense of dread was his answer would be.

"Because they always tell me so," was his reply. This was no embellishment: the Dursleys would call him "Freak," "Boy," and "Thing" instead of his real name. Not until school had he realized Freak wasn't his real name.

McGonagall said, "I told Dumbledore. I told him they were the worst sort of people imaginable. Did he listen? No! He felt you were safest with them. Maybe he had his reasons, but I can't pretend I understand why he felt putting a child in an abusive environment was the best course of action."

Harry felt a surge of anger. But he wondered if Dumbledore had some reason for this. What could have been the purpose? He would have to speak to the headmaster and learn the truth for himself.

McGonagall continued after a long pause; "Potter - this shouldn't bear saying, but you are NOT a freak. You are bright, enthusiastic, kind by all accounts, and have so much potential. Your worthless relatives will not be the ones who control your destiny!" She shouted towards the end. McGonagall finished more gently, "Harry...." she said. "I am your Head of House. I know how difficult this must be to talk about, but I want you to know that my door is always open for you. And I will not divulge anything you tell me unless you ask me to."

Harry was overwhelmed by her kindness. He could barely believe his ears. "Thank you so much," he finally uttered.

McGonagall said, "Now, you are dismissed, lest I incur the wrath of Professor Snape!" Harry started to walk out, and McGonagall called, "Oh, and Potter?"

"Yes?" He asked.

She finished, "Feel free to come to my office hours any time. I have stories about your parents I would love sharing with you."

"Thank you so much," Harry said. "I would love that." Harry left. McGonagall felt a sense of sadness but also anger. She would have some questions for Albus Dumbledore, no doubt.

Harry made it to Potions with a few minutes to spare, and briefly shared with Ron and Hermione what was discussed, including the abuse he suffered at the hands of his relatives. Both felt awful for him, having already gotten an idea from the conversation on the train his home life was far from optimal. Hermione found herself almost in tears. Suddenly, the door crashed open, and Severus Snape marched in the room.

"First years should note that there will be no silly wand waving or incantations in my classroom. I will show you the rules of science. How you can mold them. Control them." "Now," he continued. "I shall split you into pairs. For some inter-house cooperation, a Gryffindor will be paired up with a Slytherin." Ron groaned quietly. Snape ran through the pairings. "Weasley, you will be paired with Zabini." "Granger, you will be paired with Davis." Snape paused, and a smirk crossed his face. "POTTER!" He barked. "You and Greengrass. Now." Snape knew their fathers had been close friends years ago. He wondered, "Similar formulas create similar results," he thought to himself.

Daphne knew of Harry the Boy-Who-Lived, but nothing about what he was really like. But she knew she had to present herself a certain way. As they arrived at their workstation, Daphne introduced herself "Heir Potter? My name is Heir Greengrass, Heir of the Noble House of Greengrass." Harry was confused. Why was there so much nobility? Of course this girl was a princess, he thought to himself. Now he could embarrass himself even more. "Heir Greengrass, my name is Harry Potter." Daphne was put off by his slight lack of formality. He didn't kiss her hand, as was the tradition in proper wizarding circles, and he was from a Noble House! Why didn't he introduce himself as such? This boy was utterly confounding.

The two spoke briefly, but Daphne realized how clueless Harry was about the wizard world, and felt a profound sense of disappointment. How was he so powerful and yet didn't know anything? He didn't even know about the Minister of Magic! Harry felt a twinge of resentment, sensing that Daphne was looking down on him simply for not knowing as much as she did. "Maybe Ron was right," he thought to himself. Maybe Daphne was just a stuck-up Slytherin bitch.

Snape began the class, but within moments, turned his attention on Harry. "Potter" Snape barked loudly. "Our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added a powder root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry was clueless. Daphne was exasperated. Why did he get this question? Daphne, given her mom's affinity with Potions, could have answered it in her sleep.

"I don't know sir," Harry replied weakly.

Snape said, "Very well. Where would you find a bezoar?"

Again Harry was clueless. He shook his head.

"Let's try again," Snape continued. "What is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?"

Harry said "I don't know, Sir."

Snape said, "If you had any brains at all, you would have known that asphodel and wormwood create the Draught of Living death, a bezoar is from the stomach of a goat and will save you from poison, and that monkshood and wolfsbane are the exact same plant."

The Slytherins snickered. Daphne felt a pang of pity. This was borderline bullying by Snape. She was disappointed at Harry's apparent lack of knowledge, but also knew Snape's treatment of him was wrong.

Draco, on the other hand, felt no such conscience. He yelled, "Potter is stupid! This is what happens when you have a Mudblood for a mother! I'm glad she's dead. One less mudblood in the world!" The atmosphere turned cold. Many students gasped, and Snape, to Daphne's surprise, got a pale look on his face. "Enough!" He yelled, his voice almost sounding magnified, as if through a megaphone. "Twenty-five points from Slytherin for your remarks, Mr. Malfoy. You and I will be having a chat after class."

Daphne understood the significance of what Draco had said. It was the dirtiest insult one could give, as a derogatory term for a wizard with Muggle parents. "Dirty blood," it was considered by the pure blood supremacists. To call someone's dead loved one a mudblood was totally beyond the pale. Harry looked devastated, as even he knew what it meant, as Ron had given him a quick lesson on blood superiority and culture while on the Hogwarts Express. Daphne felt a pang of guilt, thinking perhaps her assumptions about Harry were unfair. She wrote him a quick note when Snape wasn't looking and handed it to him. It read:

"Don't listen to that asshole. He knows nothing about your mother, and knows nothing about you. Your parents would be proud of you, Harry. Never forget it. - Daphne Greengrass"

Harry glanced at Daphne, who smiled at him. "Thank you," he whispered. The two didn't say another word to each other the rest of class, but Daphne knew Harry was a fast learner. She had had to carry the bulk of the work, but Harry was learning. She was utterly perplexed by him. Maybe he wasn't exposed to the wizarding world? She wondered to herself.

At other tables, Ron and Blaise Zabini did not speak much. Ron was openly skeptical of him, though he did admit afterwards that "Zabini might have been a nice bloke." Hermione and Tracey, on the other hand, became instant friends. They liked the same type of movies and music, and immediately hit it off.

Class ended, and they went on to Professor Quirrell's class.

Professor Quirrell taught the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Wearing a turban, he had a rather nasty stutter. Unsurprisingly, Malfoy quickly started making fun of it. This time, Harry was seated between Hermione and Neville.

As the class went on, Harry felt a sudden headache when Quirrell looked at him. Harry winced and grabbed his forehead.

"Are you alright?" Hermione whispered.

"I'm fine, I think," Harry gasped. He supposed it could have left over from the emotional beating he took during Snape's class. Aside from the headache, Harry took to this subject like a fish to water, and thrived. Hermione was excited to see his confidence return, having felt horrible for the inquisition Harry had suffered during Potions. There was no practical spell casting, only theoretical learning, but Harry loved it.

As Quirrell taught them a disarming spell called "Expelliarmius," Harry knew this was his sweet spot. He looked forward to practicing the theory he was now learning.

Next, the class went on to Professor Flitwick's Charms class. Flitwick, as it turned out, was part-goblin and was very short. Despite his short statute, he was a renowned dueling champion. Flitwick was extremely personable, and cheerfully greeted his class. He informed them that the very first lesson would entail making a feather fly. Feathers had been placed on all the students' desks. "Begin!" he commanded. Much like in McGonagall's class, the students tried and failed initially.

"Miss Greengrass," Flitwick called. "Try it this way!" He said, demonstrating a slightly different flick of the wrist.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Daphne yelled. The feather slowly lifted up, much to her joy.

"Well done!" Flitwick yelled. "Look everyone, she's done it!"

Ron, meanwhile, was sitting next to Daphne and was beside himself with anger. He couldn't get it going, and watching Daphne celebrate irked him. He tried using more aggressive movements to lift the feather. Daphne told him, "No, no, no, stop. It's not how hard you do it. It's the flick of the wrist. Do what I do."

Ron tried, still couldn't do it, and he got even angrier. "This is stupid!" He yelled. Daphne was exasperated. What was it with Gryffindors?

Class ended, and Ron was complaining about Daphne to Harry and Hermione. "Honestly she's so bloody annoying. She has to know people are going to hate her!" Daphne, who had been right behind Ron, heard loud and clear. She took off crying.

"Honestly, Ronald!" Hermione yelled at him. "What's wrong with you?"

Ron sputtered indignantly, "Didn't you see how mean she was to Harry? She was all 'I'm Heir Greengrass this,' and 'I'm Heir Greengrass that.' So f*cking annoying! She thinks less of us because we're Gryffs!" He thundered.

Harry began to wonder if Ron was right. But then he remembered Daphne had given him a kind note, which he still had in his pocket. Was she really as bad as she seemed? Maybe she did it to help herself feel better, he reasoned.

That night, the class dug in to dinner with gusto. Hermione came over to the table and declared, "I hope you're happy Ronald! Tracey told me Daphne is still crying her eyes out in the bathroom. The poor girl was just trying to help you, you selfish asshole!" Others gasped, shocked to hear Hermione swear.

Harry felt real guilt. Daphne had been nice to him when she didn't necessarily need to be. He was interrupted from his negative thoughts by the doors bursting open, and Quirrell yelling in a panic: "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!"

Pandemonium erupted, until Dumbledore yelled for silence. "Prefects will take their students upstairs. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons. NOW!" He commanded. The prefects began to get themselves together. As Harry and the others were making their way back, he realized Daphne didn't know about the troll. He had to warn her! As Percy led them down one hallway, Harry snuck away down the other. Suddenly, he heard loud footsteps. He ran towards them, and found the troll lumbering down the hallway, into a girl's bathroom. Harry's heart sank as he heard a scream. Harry sprinted towards the bathroom, all caution thrown to the wind. "DAPHNE!" Harry yelled.

While all this was unfolding, Daphne was trying and failing to regain her composure. She knew Weasley's words should not have upset her the way they did, but she couldn't help but feel they confirmed a deep-rooted fear she would alienate others simply by being herself. She had been terribly rude to Harry with the benefit of hindsight. "He and his friends probably hate me," she thought to herself bitterly. She heard loud footsteps outside the bathroom door, and thought it might be Hagrid. "Maybe he is looking for me?" She thought to herself. Then the door crashed open and a huge guttural roar sounded.

Daphne's heart almost stopped. It was a troll! She was done for. All the theoretical knowledge she had did not offer the power to take down the troll. She screamed, hoping against hope someone would hear her. It was then she heard a voice calling her name. Harry's voice. "HARRY, HELP ME!!!" She screamed. Harry came in the bathroom, but the troll was between them. "DAPHNE!" He screamed. "I'll distract him, then try to slip past him." But the troll lumbered toward Daphne.

Harry swallowed any fear he had and ran to the troll and jumped on his back. It worked; the troll stopped advancing towards Daphne and started trying to get Harry off. It was like riding a bull. Harry hung on for dear life. Daphne scrambled past the troll toward the door. "DAPHNE, RUN!" Harry yelled, intending for her to get away.

At this point, a younger, less brave Daphne might have heeded his warning and fled. But this Daphne refused to abandon the boy who had risked his life to save her from what could have been certain death. "NO!" She yelled at him. "I'm not leaving you."

Harry jumped down. "Then stay behind me," He ordered. Daphne complied. Harry knew the disarming spell from the Defense Against the Dark Arts earlier that day, but had of course never actually practiced it. "EXPELLIARMUS!" He bellowed. It didn't work. The troll charged towards them. Harry tried again, closing his eyes and willing it to happen. Then, powerful blue light cast from his wand and the troll went hurtling back with such force that he crashed straight through the wall with a sickening crunch of flesh and crash of cinder blocks. Daphne's jaw dropped. How had he done it? It wasn't just a simple disarm; it was akin to a blasting spell!

Harry stared straight ahead for a moment, shocked at his handiwork, and coughing slightly from the cloud of dust. Then he turned around. "Are you alright?" He asked Daphne urgently. Suddenly, as if overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation, Daphne burst into tears once again. Harry, uncertain, embraced her. She accepted the hug readily, sobbing into his chest. Soon, other professors came down. Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape all came into the bathroom. Dumbledore was shocked. The troll was pushed several feet through the wall. Harry stood uninjured, while clutching a thoroughly shaken Daphne in his arms.

Dumbledore groaned inwardly, realizing Harry and Daphne had already seemingly grown close. Dumbledore knew he had to take an aggressive tact. He yelled, "Do you two realize how lucky you are? You took on a fully grown mountain troll and lived to tell the tale! Do you have any idea how stupid you are?"

Harry began to explain himself, shocked at Dumbledore's outburst, but Daphne cut him off. "It was my fault. I was trapped, and Harry saved my life."

Now Dumbledore was internally panicking. "She owes him a life debt?" He thought to himself. This would bring the two even closer together. This was like watching the same movie again. Last time a Potter and a Greengrass teamed up, it threatened his hold on power. He had to act decisively to drive a wedge and convince Harry bad things would happen to him if he got close to Daphne. "Clearly Miss Greengrass is a bad influence on Mister Potter," Dumbledore stated. "Fifty points from Slytherin for nearly ending the life of Mister Potter. You are acting like a typical Slytherin. Ambition this, ambition that." Dumbledore thundered, his voice loud and dripping with anger, before storming off in a huff.

McGonagall and Snape looked furious. "Fifty points...." Snape started, "Will be awarded EACH to Gryffindor and Slytherin. Dumbledore grows senile, I fear." Daphne laughed in spite of herself.

McGonagall said, "I intend to have a conversation with the headmaster. He has no right to berate his students in a manner such as this. You two will not receive any punishment. You may go.""Thanks Professors," the two said in unison, leaving before the professors could change their minds.

As Harry and Daphne walked away, McGonagall turned to Snape, "10 Galleons says they will be a couple before they leave Hogwarts."

Snape responded with a smirk, "I'm too smart to take you up on this bet. I daresay Albus is as well."

McGonagall's nostrils flared. "Albus is entirely out of line. I would almost say that he wants to keep the two apart."

Snape said, "It is possible that such is indeed the case."

McGonagall, already upset with Dumbledore, now fumed. Snape was shocked at the wise sorcerer seemingly losing control and berating students. There was an unspoken understanding between the two professors that something was amiss with Dumbledore, but neither could do a thing about it.

As the two professors speculated the meaning behind Dumbledore's behavior, Harry and Daphne walked back to the door of the Slytherin Common Room. "You saved my life," Daphne whispered. "And I didn't deserve it. I was so rude to you today."

Harry responded, "But you gave me that letter and made me feel better after Draco's outburst. And I'm sorry for Ron."

Daphne giggled. "Don't apologize! You did nothing wrong. You weren't the one who was mean to me."

Harry, afraid he might be pushing his luck slightly, asked, "Can we be friends?"

Daphne flashed a smile and said "Of course!" She turned a little more serious and said, "We may not be able to hang out much because of our houses hating each other, but I would love to when we are able. Someone's got to show you the ropes, after all!"

Harry laughed. She hugged him one more time. "Good night, Harry," She told him.

"Good night, Daphne," he responded.

As Daphne went back to her room, she had much to think about. Harry had saved her life. The noble, stupid Gryffindor her father had warned her about. He was 100% right, she realized. There might be much more to Harry than first meets the eye. All the more reason why he was a puzzle. But she knew she needed to write a letter to her parents immediately.

Harry returned to the Common Room to find Ron and Hermione waiting for him.

"Where have you been?! We were worried sick!" Hermione shrieked, causing Ron to plug his ears and wince.

Without missing a beat, Harry replied in a deadpan manner, "Oh, I was out defeating a troll."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Of course you did, you noble idiot!"

Ron said, "I was an ass tonight, wasn't I?"

Harry said with surprising firmness, "Yes, Ron, you were."

Ron said, "I feel stupid."

Harry said, "I'm sure Daphne will forgive you. She is not as evil as you think. I want you to apologize to her."

Ron said, "Ok, mate. I promise I'll make things right with her."

As Harry went to bed, he thought about how strange this place was. He couldn't imagine what the next seven years had in store for him. What he didn't know was that in the common room, Ron and Hermione were laughing at how Harry was now the resident rescuer of damsels in distress.

Chapter 6: Broomsticks, Bedlam, and the Art of Persuasion

Chapter Text

The morning after the troll proved uneventful. Harry had insisted Ron apologize to Daphne for his poor behavior. Ron, to his credit, gave a rather sincere apology, which Daphne graciously accepted. That night, Daphne sat down and wrote a letter to her parents:

Dear Mother and Father,

To say that the first few days of school have been an adventure is a huge understatement. I am all right, but I had an adventure with a troll that got in the school last night where I was trapped. I was fearing the worst would happen until Harry Potter of all people stormed in, took down the troll, and saved me. Harry even walked me back to the Slytherin common room!

Harry is so difficult to figure out. He has such raw power, but very little actual knowledge. He struggles with some basic spells and castwork, and is almost totally ignorant on theory, yet could defeat a fully grown mountain troll and do a wordless incantation on his first day of class.

Father, you would have laughed so hard at the things he said to Malfoy. He literally said to Draco's face in front of a crowd that Draco and his father were not, shall we say, well equipped. Sadly, Harry was sorted into Gryffindor, but he was a hat stall! I happen to know that he is the first such case since you. But a strange thing happened that both of you should know about. When Harry was sorted into Gryffindor, the table cheered like crazy for him. Harry raised his fist, and then they all followed suit. What could this mean? Were they pledging loyalty to him? They chanted his name, which leads me to think something could very well be brewing.

Another thing - Dumbledore confronted us after the troll. He yelled and screamed at us, called us fools, mocked Slytherin, and called me a bad influence. I didn't respond, because I was so scared by the troll, but I was very upset. Harry was helping me keep it together.

I have to go to bed now. Another busy day of classes await us, and they are having broom lessons soon! I don't want to go on a broom and play Quidditch myself, but it might be fun to try.


Cygnus Greengrass read the letter twice. He was positively incandescent with rage about the troll. What the hell was going on at school for a fully grown troll to enter the castle? Trolls were hardly known for their intelligence. He found it seriously hard to believe that a troll could somehow outsmart dozens of professors. How was Daphne allowed to be so close to what could have been lethal harm? He knew Daphne glossed over some details to avoid alarming him or Beatrix, who was already nervous about Daphne being away from home even before learning about the troll. He understood the ramifications. Reading between the lines, he deduced that Harry had saved her life. She most likely now owed the boy a life debt. She doubtless had no idea she owed him a life debt, let alone what it was and what it truly entailed. Harry now held leverage over her, and could collect the debt at any time. Even if neither of them knew it, Daphne was at the boy's mercy. Cygnus could only pray Harry was merciful. He knew what some men might insist as repayment of the debt for a girl of Daphne's beauty.

Despite his anger and his uncertainty, Cygnus roared with laughter at Harry's crude comments to Draco. "I like this kid already," he said to Beatrix. He was intrigued by the reaction of Gryffindor to Harry, and wondered what could have brought it on. Did Harry have an aura that exuded power? Was it merely name recognition? Or did he already have the charisma and chutzpah necessary to sway the masses? Cygnus let his mind wander, wondering if Harry had this much pull now, how he could be positively magnetic with more time and experience.

Cygnus counted his lucky stars that Harry was in the right place at the right time, and was incredibly grateful for his intervention. But he was positively apoplectic about Dumbledore's remarks. He roared to Beatrix, "This motherf*cker will NEVER hear the end of this from me!!! I don't care who he is, no one talks to my daughter like that!"

Beatrix commanded, "Cygnus, control yourself! Flying off the handle won't help. This is a powerful wizard we are dealing with, one of the strongest ever. We need to get even, not get mad. Remember the long game." She grabbed his hand. "Cygnus. I'm as pissed as you are. I want the son of a bitch dragged down a notch."

Cygnus quietly said to Beatrix, "Babe, this is why I love you. You get me."

Beatrix smiled, and simply said, "And your passion is why I love YOU." Then she said, "I'm going in the shower. Join me?"

All of a sudden, Cygnus forgot about Dumbledore. He had higher priorities now. The letter back to Daphne could wait a little longer.

The next day, Daphne received the response from her parents.

Dearest Daphne,

Your father was so delighted by Harry's comments to Draco, I can't even disapprove a child using such language since the Malfoy scum truly deserve it. Both of us are concerned to hear about your close call with the troll, and implore you to take care of yourself. We are so relieved Harry was there, and are grateful to him for his help.

Daphne, your mother and I are delighted Harry is looking out for you. At least someone at that school is. It's no thanks to Dumbledore that you are safe now. Harry might be powerful, but why did a child save your life? Why not authority figures we pay for? I think Dumbledore is on the back foot with his reactionary comments. There's a reason he doesn't want you around him, and it's clear he is worried. This bears keeping an eye on. I think he fears Harry, but he might also fear you. Keep doing your thing, and try not to make too many waves just yet.

Speaking of which: keep up the good work with Harry. You are doing far better than I could have expected. I want to have a chat with him soon. I want to personally thank him for rescuing you, but also talk about certain extracurriculars with him.

Will write more soon.

With love, your mother and father.

Daphne did not have many chances to interact with Harry in the following weeks other than occasional conversations, but the next big event for the first-years was the flying lesson in late October. All the first-years reported to the Quidditch pitch, where they were greeted by Madam Hooch. "Good morning!" She barked.

"Good morning, Madam Hooch!" The class responded.

Hooch spoke, "Now, I want you all to go to your broomstick. Hold your right hand over the broomstick and yell "Up!"

All the students yelled. To Harry's amazement, his broom instantly flew up to his hand. No one else had any success for at least another 45 seconds. Hooch's eyebrows raised as she noted Harry's instantaneous success. Daphne found herself near Draco.

"Hello, Daphne," he said.

"What do you want, Draco?" She asked.

"Simple, sweetheart." He said, and took her remembrall, a glass ball Astoria had given her as a good-luck present before Daphne went away to Hogwarts, that she had inadvertently dropped. "You are making friends with the wrong sort. You're about to be reminded why Slytherin is superior, and why I am superior."

"Give it back," Daphne growled.

"Why should I do that?" he said to her, with a smirk on his face.

"Because that is a cherished gift from my sister," she said with pure malice.

Harry, seeing what was going on, walked up. "Give it back Malfoy. Give it back or I'll hex you into next week!"

Draco smirked. "Looks like you've got yourself a boyfriend, Daphne," he said to her. "If you want this junk so bad," he said to Harry, "Then you'll have to get it yourself!!" He yelled, and threw it with all his might.

Daphne shrieked with rage, knowing it would shatter into a million pieces when it hit the ground.

Then Harry did something crazy. He jumped on his broom out of instinct without even a second's thought, against Madam Hooch's protest, and chased after it. Despite not having a lick of training, Harry was an absolute natural, jettisoning through the air like a seasoned pro.

On the ground, even Madam Hooch was amazed. Not since..... "James Potter," she thought with a pang of sadness, had she seen such raw, unbridled talent from a first-year. And from one with no training? It was nothing short of sensational.

Hermione, watching from the ground, knew there was no way she would ever want to get off the ground, but she was incredibly happy for Harry. He was truly in his element now.

Harry found chasing a glass ball against the backdrop of the sky and a suddenly rapidly approaching castle wall was a difficult task. He was getting closer - the ball was almost in his grasp. Then, holding on to the broomstick with his left hand, Harry grabbed the ball with his right hand without losing his balance or coordination. He came to a stop just outside the window of one of the castle towers.

Inside the window was McGonagall's office. She had been working, and Harry's approach caught her eye. She watched him catch the remembrall, and thought her eyes deceived her. "So much talent.... Like James," she thought with a tinge of nostalgia. She raced downstairs, knowing what had to happen next. She could not keep the excitement off of her face.

Daphne was beside herself with joy. She couldn't believe it! The students gathered were floored by Harry's acrobatic feats, and everyone except Draco and his sycophants roared with cheers. Draco slammed down his broomstick in frustration. Harry raised his fist in the air in triumph, displaying Daphne's remembrall for all to see. "Let's Go!!!" Harry screamed triumphant at the top of his lungs, adrenaline surging through his veins, and many in the throng raised their fists and began chanting his name. McGonagall, who by this time had made it outside, was taken aback. She had never seen, in all her years at Hogwarts, any student command the loyalty of so many the way Harry did. Roughly two-thirds of the entire first-year class, with only occasional exception, raised their right fists loudly chanting "Potter."

McGonagall understood now why Dumbledore so desperately wanted to harness Harry's power. Fighting for Dumbledore, Harry could be a force to be reckoned with. Fighting against Dumbledore, and with the help of legions of supporters, he could rock the wizarding world to its core, and shake a decades-long status quo. Harry was the first person she had ever seen who McGonagall felt could pose a threat to Dumbledore if he were ever so inclined. This felt different. Unlike Voldemort or Grindelwald, the support for Harry was out of affection and respect rather than fear and coercion. An army of supporters who would go to hell and back for their leader was the most dangerous force known to man.

Harry slowly returned to the ground, taking a moment to bask in the adulation.

Daphne embraced him as soon as he touched down, "You stupid, brave Gryffindor!" She yelled at him.

Ron high-fived him, "Way to show up Malfoy, Harry!! Look at that git's face!"

Even Hermione, who disapproved of Harry's risk-taking, said, "That was awesome, I admit it."

Harry then strolled over to Draco. "You see, Draco," he said. "I know the important things in life. To you, that was just a ball. To Daphne, it was a treasured possession from her little sister."

Harry turned to the group, loudly declaring "Let me make one thing clear. None of us should tolerate bullying. As long as I'm around, I'm going to fight for you, and fight for justice. At every corner. At every opportunity." The crowd roared with cheers. "WHO'S WITH ME?!" Harry roared. Now everyone again raised their fists for Harry and roared with cheers.

McGonagall felt chills. She knew unequivocally now that this was something different. She knew these students would run through walls for Harry. "God help Dumbledore if Harry truly awakens" she thought to herself. Daphne, who normally saw the mob for what it was, joined the throng, raising her right fist in the air. She realized the risk by publicly declaring her allegiance to Harry, but she did it anyway. If Harry could be persuaded to join her father's cause, they had a real chance of success. For now, though, McGonagall had other news to give him.

"I hereby announce that Draco Malfoy is no longer the only first year to be allowed to play on the Quidditch house team. Harry Potter - you shall be Gryffindor's new seeker!" The crowd erupted into applause.

Ron fist pumped the air. "The Quidditch Cup is ours!" He roared. "Just wait till I tell Fred and George." "They are on the team too," he explained to Harry.

McGonagall said, "Soon you shall meet Oliver Wood, the captain. He will explain to you the way Quidditch works, and have you meet the team." Harry's head was spinning. What a crazy turn of events!

A few nights later was the Staff Meeting. Dumbledore asked the professors to give their reports on various students. Who was excelling, who might need help, who might be a troublemaker, and so on. All the professors agreed on two things: Fred and George Weasley were meddlesome pranksters and Hermione was far and away the brainiac of her year. But where they disagreed was on Harry.

Snape said, "Potter is a dunderhead. He possesses no extraordinary qualities, and would probably have set the classroom on fire without the help of Miss Greengrass."

Dumbledore was now enraged. Why had Severus put Harry and Daphne together? He had to split them up. Pronto. "Severus," Dumbledore started. "I propose that Miss Greengrass be given a new partner in Potions. It is unfair for someone with her stature in the Potions community to be saddled with someone so weak like Mister Potter. Wouldn't you agree?"

Dumbledore was smooth as silk, McGonagall admitted to herself.

But if Snape was one thing, he was stubborn. "Albus," he began. "They are working well together. He is a fast learner. It almost seems to me as though he was given no practical training or knowledge before coming to Hogwarts. And he is, how would you might call it - learning on the fly."

Dumbledore cursed internally. Had Snape not understood the significance? James and Cygnus had once bullied Snape. Why on earth would be set up their children to be partners? He had to have a more private conversation with Snape.

McGonagall spoke next. "I disagree with Severus regarding Potter. He has shown remarkable ability for a wizard his age, and seems to be well loved and respected by most of his fellow students."

If Daphne had been in the room, she would have burst out laughing at McGonagall's characterization of the first year students' show of loyalty to Harry.

McGonagall continued, with a pointed stare at Dumbledore, "It is truly unfortunate, owing to his 'living conditions,' that he was not afforded the opportunity to have a proper education before Hogwarts!"

The other professors seemed a bit confused by McGonagall's words. Dumbledore, sensing an uneasy turn in the conversation, chose to pounce on McGonagall's use of the word "most." "Most?" he asked her. "Have there been problems with Potter?"

"Not with Harry," McGonagall replied tersely. "With certain Slytherins," she said, turning toward Snape.

Snape interjected, "Draco used crude language to describe Lily. I had a stern talk with him after class."

Dumbledore knew he needed to understand Harry, and convince him to join his side before it was too late. He said, "I wish to speak with Harry. I believe it is time I meet him face to face once again. Minerva, please ask Harry to come to my office as soon as possible. Tell him he can ask me any questions he wants about the wizard world."

"Of course, Albus," she said. "I will inform him."

The next night, Harry found himself outside Albus Dumbledore's door. Harry knocked uncertainly.

"Come in!" Dumbledore boomed.

Harry opened the door, and entered an office filled with magical trinkets.

Dumbledore was seated at his desk. "Sit down, Harry, my boy." He said. Harry obeyed his headmaster's instruction.

When McGonagall had gone to Harry and informed him Dumbledore asked him to come to his office, Harry had feared he was in trouble; wasn't it a bad thing if the headmaster asked to speak with you? McGonagall informed him it wasn't. She privately held concern about the sudden nature of the meeting, and was wondering what Albus wanted to speak to him about. But there was nothing she could do but wait to see it play out.

Dumbledore spoke. "How are your classes so far?" He asked.

Harry responded, "Good so far, sir. I have learned a great deal already."

"Good," Dumbledore remarked approvingly. "I understand that you are well-liked by your fellow students, if the reaction of your table when you sorted is any indication."

Harry sheepishly answered, "Sir, I was surprised by that. I was overjoyed about ending up in a good House and I celebrated, and I guess they were happy too. But I'm just Harry."

Dumbledore saw an opportunity and seized it. "But you aren't just Harry." He remarked sagely. "You are Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. The One who vanquished the Dark Lord." He continued, "These people see you, and they sense your power and your potential." Now his voice took a warning tone. "You understand, of course, that with great power there comes great responsibility?" Harry nodded. "I have seen many wizards become consumed by power and the affection of the masses, and they squander it. Squander it all! If you will allow me, I can shape you. I can make you great beyond your wildest dreams. Why, you might even be as good and as powerful a wizard as me someday."

What Harry was experiencing now was Dumbledore at his peak - persuasive, and with power and presence you could sense. Dumbledore finished, "You may encounter those along the great journey of life who will attempt to mislead you. Attempt to peddle false notions and false narratives. I am powerful, but you don't become this powerful and not have enemies. These enemies could try to use you against me. And we do not want that, do we?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Harry said, "No! We definitely do not want that. You defeated Voldemort! Why would I go against you? We are the good guys!"

Dumbledore sat back, internally satisfied. "I knew who you really are, Harry. Great things happen to those who stay with the light. I will teach you our way. You will learn many things here at Hogwarts. Chief among them will be how to keep our world strong. We are a strong, diverse, and authoritative society. You will be a powerful force, and I am proud to count you on my team."

"Thank you sir," Harry remarked. He could scarcely believe it. The most powerful wizard on earth telling Harry he was important? It was beyond his wildest expectations.

But Harry still had a lingering, burning question. "Sir," Harry asked with some uncertainty. "Why did you put me with the Dursleys?"

Dumbledore sighed. He feared this question was coming, but he did have an answer he could provide. "Harry," he said. "You have to understand something about yourself. You survived because of your mother's sacrifice on that fateful night. It is imperative for this reason that you have to stay with blood relatives. And unfortunately, we had no choice but to put you with the Dursleys."

Harry replied, "Sir, they abuse me, they mistreat me, and they call me names. I would live anywhere else but there!"

Dumbledore sighed, "I had hoped they could better themselves."

Harry responded tersely, remembering what McGonagall had told him, "You knew what they were really like? And you put me with them anyway?"

Dumbledore cursed internally, as he realized he had slipped. In an effort to perform damage control, he stated, "Let me clarify myself. I have always known that James and Lily never saw eye to eye with Vernon and Petunia. That was just the way it was. Lily and Petunia had had a falling out. I had hoped that Vernon and Petunia would let the grudge go after Lily's tragic death, but I can see that I was wrong."

Harry yelled, " You knew they hated me and you still put me with them!"

Dumbledore knew the situation was slipping. "Harry," he said. "I am very sorry you have had to deal with this. I promise you that I will think this over and find a way to make things better. I owe it to you."

Harry's anger now ebbed. He now regretted his outburst. "I'm sorry for my outburst professor," he said with some embarrassment.

Dumbledore was relieved he had the situation back under control. "No need to apologize, my boy," he said. "It is late. Let us talk again soon."

Harry, recognizing he was being dismissed, stood up. "Thank you for your time Professor," he said to Dumbledore, bidding him good night.

Dumbledore took a deep breath as Harry left. Not many fully grown adults had the balls to challenge him as Harry had, even if it was emotionally driven. He was going to be difficult to wrangle, and knew Harry would be damn near impossible to subdue if he truly defied him. Dumbledore would have to work hard to make sure Harry remained loyal, and would fight for him, not against him. If Harry defied him, Dumbledore's hold on power could prove to be very tenuous indeed.

Chapter 7: Halloween Revelations

Chapter Text

Harry's mind was racing as he left Dumbledore's office. He was not fully satisfied with Dumbledore's answer regarding the Dursleys, but could only suppose there had to be some strange plan. Harry was not, after all, exactly a typical case. Harry resolved to heed his warning about malevolent forces. Dumbledore had presented it fairly clearly - he was the unifier, and those who stood against Voldemort stood with Dumbledore. That was how it was supposed to be. Harry supposed then that to stand against Dumbledore was to stand with Voldemort, the murderer of his parents and countless others. No chance in hell was that going to happen, Harry vowed.

At lunch on Halloween a couple of days later, Ron raved about how much he was looking forward to the Halloween feast that night. Every year, Dumbledore gave a speech commemorating the fall of Lord Voldemort, and the importance of promoting unity.

"Unity in support of himself." Daphne thought internally.

Harry said, "I'm not going."

Ron yelled, "Are you mental? It's supposed to be awesome!"

Harry said, "No way. I can't."

Ron said to him, "Suit yourself, mate." And went back to eating.

The lunch passed in awkward silence. After Snape's Potions class, Ron asked Daphne if Harry was ok.

Daphne said, "Obviously not, given what today is. I know it's a hard day for him."

Ron was incredulous. "Today? Hard? Why? This was the day You-Know-Who died!"

Daphne rolled her eyes. Both at Ron's apparent fear of saying Voldemort's name, and his incredible cluelessness. "Ron," she started, as if trying to explain to a child. "First of all, it's Voldemort!"

Ron cringed.

"Honestly!" Daphne yelled in exasperation. "It's just a name. It's not going to make him appear." Then Daphne took a more serious tone. "And more importantly, the day Lord Voldemort was defeated was the day Harry lost his parents!!! Do you have any idea how painful it would be if Hogwarts literally celebrated the moment your loved ones died?"

Ron looked ashen. "sh*t." Was all he could get out.

"You're damn right!" Daphne yelled. "Do you know I was the only one to give my condolences to him? The only one! He told me so himself."

Now Hermione, who had been enjoying seeing Daphne talk some sense into Ron, looked ashamed. How could they have not considered that?

"I don't think either of you would want to go to the feast if you were in his shoes. So I think he deserves the choice to not go if he wants to."

Hermione said, "I feel horrible. We're bad friends. How could we have been so stupid?"

Daphne's face softened. "You're not bad friends. You're good friends who just needed a slight kick in the ass to make you see reason. Go see Harry. He asked me not to be mad at you two, but I still wanted to talk some sense into you dunderheads," she said, giving her best imitation of Snape.

As Daphne walked away, Ron said to Hermione, "I hate to admit it, but she's right. We f*cked up. Let's go find him."

Daphne found Harry almost immediately at the top of the astronomy tower. "Harry?" she asked.

"Daphne, it's so good to see you," he said.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I have a lot going through my head." Harry said sadly.

Daphne saw an opportunity to finally have a heartfelt conversation with him. "Tell me what's going on," she urged him. Harry looked reluctant. "Harry," she implored. "Take my hand." Harry did as she instructed. She said, "I, Daphne Bella Greengrass, swear on my magic, that I will not reveal what private information you tell me during this conversation."

Harry felt a surge of magic. "What just happened?" He asked her.

"Simple, really," Daphne said. "I just pledged my magic to you. I cannot reveal what you tell me."

Harry was horrified. "Why would you do it?"

"Simple," she repeated. You need to talk, and this is my way of showing you can trust me. In turn, I am also showing that I trust you by putting myself at your mercy."

Harry said, "You trust me?" in wonderment.

"Yes," Daphne said. "More than pretty much anyone here," she said in a surprisingly soft voice. "Without you, I wouldn't be here. And Draco would be a peg or two higher. You'd be the one out of all my friends I'd pick if I had to put my life in someone else's hands."

Harry was amazed. She really thought that highly of him? "Daphne, I hope you know that I'm flattered. I would gladly fight for you."

Harry took a long, deep breath. "You should know that what I'm going to tell you will make you think less of me, and you'll see me as weaker."

Daphne said, "I won't judge, I promise. You can tell me anything. Nothing you tell me will make me think less of you." Harry said, "I grew up with Muggles. Muggles who hated magic, hated strangeness, and hated me. They called me 'Freak,' 'Boy,' and called anything to do with me 'funny business.'" I thought it for so long that I didn't even know my name wasn't Freak until I went to Muggle school."

Daphne's heart broke for Harry. She almost started crying.

Harry's confession to her explained everything. It was why he was clueless about the wizard world. Almost as if reading her mind, Harry said, "That's why I'm clueless about the wizard world. I only learned about it a month before I started at Hogwarts. I don't know much of anything. I've never been in a wizarding home, never really learned much of how the wizarding world works. I know there are bad things in the world but there are powerful wizards like Dumbledore who are keeping us safe."

"What do you know of Dumbledore?" Daphne carefully asked him.

Harry said, "That's part of it. He asked me to meet with him a few days ago, and told me a bunch of things. He told me to look out for liars, false prophets, and anyone who could seduce me with false promises and mistruth."

Daphne internally groaned. Dumbledore was already sowing his propaganda. It wasn't Harry's fault for falling for it. Dumbledore had much of the wizard world under his sway. Adults far older and wiser fell for Dumbledore's message.

"I see," Daphne remarked. "Do you believe it?"

Harry responded, "I don't see why he would lie about it. But I have my concerns with him too."

Now Daphne was listening intently again. "Go on," she implored.

Harry said, "McGonagall told me she told Dumbledore my family was bad news, and they were 'the worst sort.' Dumbledore told me he had his reasons and I had to stay with blood relatives, but he let slip that he knew they were bad people and still put me with them."

Now Daphne was furious at the headmaster. She couldn't believe it. But she kept her temper in check. She knew if she played her cards right, she could poke holes in Harry's perception of Dumbledore. She asked him, "Are you loyal to Dumbledore?"

Harry said, "Of course. He fights for good, he defeated Voldemort, and he protects us. My classmates in the common room are always raving about him." This was true; Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas adored the man, and would, like the Weasleys, turn to him for literally any advice they sought.

This did not encourage her. Daphne tried again, "Would you obey any order he gave you, unconditionally?"

"Of course," Harry responded. "He is our headmaster, after all."

Daphne tried yet again. "Do you think he has always been truthful and told you the whole truth?"

Harry hesitated.

"I've got him," Daphne thought to herself.

Harry said after a long pause, "I don't think so. He's keeping things from me. And he has been strange at times. Like the time he yelled at us and called you a bad influence." Harry also remembered the Sorting Hat's words that, depending on interpretation, constituted either a roast or a call to rebellion. What did the hat know about Dumbledore that he did not?

Daphne now summoned all of her bravery and asked the question that she knew would change the game.

"Harry?" She asked. "Do you have any plans for Christmas?"

Harry was confused. "Christmas?"

"Yes," Daphne responded.

He said, "I don't know. Probably just stay at Hogwarts, my relatives would never want me."

"Have you ever had a proper Christmas?" She asked.

"Not since my first Christmas when I was a few months old, and I don't exactly remember much of it" he responded wistfully with a touch of dark humor. He continued, "I've never gotten a Christmas present."

Daphne again felt pangs of pity and sadness for him. She took a deep breath. This was it. "I talked to my parents. They want to meet you. And they asked me to tell you that you are invited to spend Christmas with us."

Harry's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

Daphne smiled and said "Of course!"

Harry frowned. "I wouldn't want to impose, though. I don't want to be a burden."

"Harry, you will not be a burden!" Daphne said to him. "I want you to have a wonderful Christmas. You deserve it. My parents said you are welcome to spend the entire break with us if you wish. It's entirely up to you."

Harry, in spite of himself, began to well up. He couldn't believe this family he had never met wanted to spend time with him. He turned away, not wanting Daphne to see tears forming.

"Hey," she said. "It's ok. You've been through so much. Let me help you." She pulled him in for an embrace. "The least I can do for you saving my life," she said dryly.

Harry said, "I'd love to. Tell your parents how grateful I am."

The "Christmas Conversation" as it later came to be known happened one night between Cygnus and Beatrix. Cygnus was trying to plan when to meet Harry.

Beatrix said, "Dear, I have a brilliant idea. Have Harry visit us at Christmas!"

Cygnus's eyes brightened. "That truly is brilliant! If he's unfamiliar with the wizarding world, we can help show him. Even just simple, routine things."

Beatrix said, "I can show him magical shops, science things, and you can teach him about the wizarding world. The economy, the politics, and other things."

Cygnus said, "I want to tell him about our plan."

Beatrix said, "Can you trust him? We don't know how much Dumbledore has gotten to him."

Cygnus replied, "Let's see how it goes. Let him have a nice Christmas. We'll get to know him, and then after Christmas, we will make our move. Let's tell Daphne to invite him. Based on what he's hinted at to Daphne already I doubt he has a nice home life."

Cygnus added with a smirk on his face, "Plus, if he might be our son-in-law one day, it's never too early to ask him his intentions!"

Beatrix rolled her eyes at Cygnus's threat. She knew deep down he already liked Harry and wanted to roll out the red carpet for the boy, and would probably do cartwheels if he and Daphne ended up together. But that was a long way off.

The surprisingly tender moment Harry and Daphne had was interrupted by the arrival of Ron and Hermione. They stayed back, unsure of if they should approach. Daphne nodded at them, signaling they could approach.

"Mate?" Ron asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Ron?" Harry asked.

Ron said, "I just want to apologize for how much of an ass we - er - I was being to you. I should have realized how difficult a day this is for you, and not forced you to do something that would be painful for you."

Hermione cleared her throat.

"And one more thing - Hermione and I both are going to stay with you and not go to the feast. We don't want you to be alone."

Daphne added, "I'm staying with you too."

In spite of his best efforts, Harry again began welling up. He had taken an absolute emotional beating in the last hour, and was overwhelmed with the good people he was suddenly surrounded by. "You guys are the best," he said. "I accept your apology. I never talked about it, and it wasn't fair for me to expect you to know my feelings without me saying them out loud." He continued, "But I don't want you to miss the feast because of me. I would feel terrible."

As Harry talked, he made another decision. "I have decided I am going to the feast," he declared firmly.

Daphne was shocked - what had brought on his change of mind? "Why?" She asked him.

Harry answered, "Because I have you guys. You understand what this day means for me. You all coming to find me has shown me I'm not alone. I can do this. You'll stay with me?"

Ron said, "Of course, mate. Whatever you need, we're here."

Daphne said, "I will sit at the Gryff table with you."

Ron's eyes widened. This was a very big deal on a feast night, where the rules about students staying with their respective houses were typically enforced. "Daphne, are you sure?" He asked her. "You know how some will react."

Daphne understood the risk of alienating her own house and some in Gryffindor by sitting at their table. But she also knew Harry needed her. Plus, if she crossed tables to sit next to him at a feast, it would be a show of rebellion against a Dumbledore who was seemingly hell-bent on driving a wedge between them. She said, "I'm positive."

As the four went downstairs, Harry told Ron and Hermione about his newfound Christmas plans. Both were absolutely overjoyed for him, knowing he could finally have a nice Christmas. They went into the Great Hall. Harry whispered to Daphne, "Are you sure? I don't want to get you in trouble."

Daphne said, "What could they do to me, detention? My parents will laugh if that happens."

Daphne joined them, and it did cause a stir. Dean and Seamus glared at Daphne.

Neville greeted her politely, and the two began making conversation.

Katie Bell was sitting across from Harry. "I'm Katie," she said, a large smile on her face. I'm a Chaser on the Quidditch team, we'll be teammates!"

Harry smiled, "It's great to meet you, Katie!"

"No one told me they make seekers this handsome," Katie said playfully.

Daphne looked as though she could vomit.

Harry looked like a deer in the headlights, while Ron erupted into a fit of hysterical laughter at Harry's expense.

"You've got competition, Daphne," Neville said, trying and failing to avoid laughing at the unimpressed look on her face. Daphne just glared at him in response.

Shortly after, Daphne spotted Draco glaring daggers at her. The sight of her sitting at the "table of the enemy," as he would call it was an affront he could barely tolerate.

As Dumbledore stood up to give his speech, he saw green at the Gryffindor table, and spotted Daphne. "No, no, no." He thought. Why were they sitting together?

"Attention" Dumbledore boomed, his wand amplifying his voice to near-deafening volume. "All students are required to sit with their own houses on feast nights! Those who are out of place will return to their proper table immediately." Daphne refused to move. "Miss Greengrass," Dumbledore commanded. "You will move immediately or else you will receive detention!"

Daphne stood up, "Harry needs his friends tonight. This is the anniversary of the night his parents died! He asked us to be with him."

Dumbledore's face lost its usual compassion, "That is incorrect. We are honoring the night Lord Voldemort was vanquished, not celebrating murder."

Daphne retorted, "It was their sacrifice that gave us our victory!"

"ENOUGH!" Dumbledore shouted. "My leadership guided us through troubled waters. The ones you spoke of who were murdered were renegade soldiers. Nothing more, nothing less. Now Miss Greengrass I ask you to shut up and get to your proper table at once!"

Harry stiffened in shock at Dumbledore's broadside. There were gasps and murmurs throughout the hall. Dumbledore realized he again made a mistake.

But before he could say anything further, Harry stood up. "Professor Dumbledore," he said, "The so-called renegade soldiers were people. They were my parents. They gave their lives to protect me. Their sacrifice is the ultimate gift, and I intend not to squander it." "They fought and died for what they believed in!" Harry shouted. "They fought for something greater than themselves. They fought for freedom, the lives of innocents, and they fought for you and with you."

"Daphne," Harry said, "is someone who is a true friend. She wants to support me on this night when everyone is celebrating the events that made me an orphan! It was her choice." Harry finished, "Sir, you might be the Headmaster and the most powerful wizard in the world, but I will not stand by and let the ones I care about be treated like sh*t!"

The crowd, silent through the confrontation, now erupted into cheers. Harry sensed his opportunity. He turned to the crowd, and yelled with great vigor, "Are you with me?!" Roughly 90% of the four tables, representing all seven years of the Hogwarts students, raised their fists and deafening cheers erupted. "STAY!" STAY!" "STAY!" chants erupted from the Gryffindor table, imploring Dumbledore to cave and allow Daphne to stay at the table with Harry.

Soon, all four tables, even some Slytherins, joined in. Many of the students saw Dumbledore's action for what it was: a petty move a dictator would pull when he sensed a threat to his hold on power. Snape and McGonagall felt chills, realizing this could be the beginning of revolution. Dumbledore felt a growing sense of despair. This was the nightmare scenario realized.

Looking out at the throng of humanity, Dumbledore saw his detractors protesting with the greatest fervor were Harry, Daphne, Susan, and Neville. Just like their parents before them. "What a cruel joke," Dumbledore thought to himself. The tumult grew ever louder, and no professor did anything to stem the tide. Dumbledore knew this was a test of his power. As the bedlam and the decibel count got louder, the tension grew. Now some students even stood up on their chairs, and the older students who knew the spell amplified their voices. The chants of "Stay" grew ever louder.

Harry, suddenly cognizant of the effect of his words, knew he had unleashed an absolute firestorm against the headmaster.

Daphne, for her part, had grown emotional that Harry had stood his ground against the man who was arguably the greatest wizard to have ever lived to defend her honor. Any lingering doubt she had over Harry's power was gone. The way Harry commanded the crowd was incredible. But there was one big difference. This time, Harry consciously attempted to rally the crowd. Daphne realized Harry was finding his way. He was learning to play the crowd, a skill that would make him even more devastating against his opponents.

Dumbledore now faced a show of defiance and insurrection that had never happened under his watch, even in the darkest days of the war, or the confused time after he had defeated Grindelwald. And it was led by school children? Dumbledore felt a wave of fear. If this is what children could do, he could scarcely even begin to imagine what the power brokers of the wizarding world could do.

Dumbledore knew now he had only two choices: the first option was to stand his ground and risk opening a terrible Pandora's box that could lead to the entire situation spiraling out of control. What would happen if someone cast a spell? It could lead to a full-scale rebellion if word got out that Dumbledore sanctioned attacks on students. The second option was to cave to the demands of the mob and try to appear benevolent while painting his detractors as overly emotional and non-rational.

Dumbledore made his decision. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hands for quiet, firing a bang with his wand. The noise stopped. "I have decided that I have been far too harsh on both Mister Potter and Miss Greengrass, and I apologize for letting my passions get the better of me on what we know is a difficult night for all of us. I have decided, in my charity, that Miss Greengrass can remain at the Gryffindor table this time to provide Mr. Potter the comfort he requires on this night."

Deafening cheers resonated from the tables, and everyone at Gryffindor mobbed Harry. He received many embraces, pats on the back, high fives, and toasts.

Susan Bones yelled, "We love you, Harry!" All across the room, the students chanted "Harry," so loud that it reverberated off the walls and echoed all over the room.

Professor McGonagall asked Snape, "Severus, can you tell me what is happening?"

Snape replied, "It appears, Minerva, that the world may well change before our very eyes. This may be the beginning of a power the likes of which our world has not yet seen."

Both of them knew something else - Dumbledore, the master politician, had miscalculated badly. In his zest to prevent an outcome, Dumbledore had not only been unsuccessful, but had ignited public opinion and fury against him.

To the entire Great Hall, Harry had defied Dumbledore - and won. Dumbledore's outburst had come in front of the children of many power brokers of the wizard world. If the words of the rather surprised children were to be believed, Dumbledore's vitriol and shocking disrespect of James and Lily Potter would be the subject of a great deal of astonishment. Susan Bones would be sending word to her aunt that night. Neville Longbottom contacted his grandmother. Daphne would tell her father what had transpired.

To many of the students, it was Harry grandstanding on an issue important to him emotionally.

To Daphne, however, his act may have been the opening salvo in the movement to make the wizarding world great again. Her father's dream, she knew, could very well be realized. As she sat next to Harry enjoying the fruits of victory in the form of a sumptuous feast, she reflected on the biggest takeaway: Dumbledore was not invincible. Dumbledore may be revered by many as a god king, but Daphne knew that even a god king could bleed.

Chapter 8: Fire and Ice Cold Revenge

Chapter Text

In the shadows of the night, the owls from the students flew to their homes. Within hours, the events of the Halloween Feast no one would ever forget would be known across the wizard world. As the owls flew overhead, shadows of a different sort made their presence felt on the grounds of Hogwarts.

Professor Quirrell left the castle, and strolled out towards the forest. Deep in the forest he walked, until he met a man wearing a cloak. Quirrell afflicted with a stutter, nervously spoke. He stammered, "What is the, the, p-p--purpose of our meeting to-to-night?"

The man said, "You are the referee in the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch game on Sunday. Potter has wronged me. You know what to do."

Quirrell said, "As you, you wish. It will be d-d-done."

At Greengrass Estate, Cygnus shouted in celebration, fist pumping the air. He could scarcely believe what had happened. Harry had challenged Dumbledore publicly - and WON. And if Daphne's word was to be believed, nearly all of the students closed ranks around him. He said to Beatrix practically giddy with excitement, "This might be the sign we have waited for." He took a deep breath. He continued, "Beatrix - I really think Harry is the answer."

Beatrix knew, watching Cygnus, that this felt different. The war had taken a toll on him. Cygnus and his friends had been making plans for a better world after the war. But one by one they were snuffed out, almost like magic. It was convenient. Too convenient. Two of them were killed after the night Voldemort died, and both allegedly by people connected to the Ministry. Cygnus, reeling with grief and also by the responsibilities of child rearing, withdrew from the public eye, abandoning his ambition of changing the world. Not until Harry had reappeared on the scene did Cygnus truly have hope again.

Beatrix also knew how important this was; not just for Cygnus, but for their world. She knew this was likely their one and only chance. She said to him, "Dear. If you believe the time is right when he comes to stay with us, then I think you should do it. You should tell him what your plan is." She warned, "Just remember that it might be a lot for him to process, and not to be disappointed if he does not immediately accept."

Cygnus understood her point of view. He was quite sure he would have reacted poorly at that same age. But he knew he had to try nevertheless.

That day, many families got wind of the scene at Hogwarts. It was a bloody mess. It was all the talk at the Ministry, but it was kept out of the Daily Prophet thanks to some persuasive calls made by Albus Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy to Barnabas Cuffe, the Prophet's Senior Editor.

Augusta Longbottom, Neville's grandmother and Lady of the Longbottom Estate, was intrigued by the story, having been informed by Neville. She sent a letter to Cygnus. It was time to catch up, she reasoned.

Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was absolutely astounded. She did not believe it, and thought Susan misinterpreted the events or had been taken by a flight of fancy. Her false sense of security only lasted until she made it to work, when she encountered other workers all discussing it at length. It was the leading gossip. Amelia encountered Cygnus. Knowing his proximity to Daphne, she decided to broach the topic with him.

Amelia said, "Cygnus, I trust you heard what happened at Hogwarts last night?"

He paused and responded carefully, "Yes, Amelia. It will be a paperwork nightmare for the headmaster no doubt. It sounded like quite the spectacle!"

Amelia considered carefully her next words, took a quick glance around, and asked, "What does this mean for the future?"

Cygnus understood the question within the question that Amelia was afraid to vocalize; what she really meant was Dumbledore's future and stability. He responded cryptically, "It means things might not be what they seem, and that certain things need certain attention."

Amelia nodded. She understood his carefulness. To question the stability of the existing order, in the last decade, had been viewed with disapproval at best by the Ministry, and accusations of treason at the worst. Those who showed even slight disapproval of the order had been branded supporters of the Dark Lord, purveyors of disinformation, or even terrorist sympathizers. She sensed, if the sh*t hit the fan, that Cygnus could be trustworthy. She said, "Let us talk again soon, Cygnus. It has been far too long."

"Too right," he replied. "We will chat again soon. Always a pleasure Amelia." As he walked away, he felt a surge of hope. Amelia could be trusted. Her niece, after all, had publicly declared her support for Harry the night before, and Amelia's brother had been murdered in dubious circ*mstances with allegations of ties to the Ministry.

As she walked through the halls of the Ministry, Amelia passed by Dolores Umbridge, wearing her signature pink cardigan, Amelia felt, as per usual, a sense of disgust. She was as yet unsure whether the strong feeling came from Umbridge's horrific personality, or from her vivid memory that a strand of pink fabric had been discovered near her brother's brutalized body, with "I MUST NOT TELL LIES" carved into his chest.

That Saturday, Harry had his first Quidditch practice with the rest of the team, held just before his first real game. He had been introduced by Fred and George Weasley to Oliver Wood. Harry quickly learned that despite their goofball reputation, Fred and George were loyal and dedicated team members. Oliver was a Quidditch fanatic. He studied tactics, strategy, and facts about the game the way generals might study the art of war, and held aspirations of turning pro after Hogwarts. Oliver had decided to work with Harry on his own for the next couple of weeks to teach him the basics of the game before letting him join the rest of the team. He felt it would be more effective and less chaotic for the inexperienced Harry. The gambit paid off; Harry thrived under Oliver's tutelage, and Oliver was very patient with his questions about the game. Harry flashed back to his first practice with Oliver.

Oliver eagerly shook Harry's hand, "I'm so excited to have you on board!" he exclaimed loudly. To Oliver, it was as if Christmas had come early when McGonagall could not keep the excitement off of her face when she told him Gryffindor had its new seeker. Oliver knew she was rarely visibly excited, so this had to be a big deal.

McGonagall had mentioned to Oliver Harry lacked formal training in Quidditch and was ignorant of the rules of the game, but had unbelievable innate talent. Understanding this, Oliver decided to test the young seeker.

"Harry," he said. "To start, I would like you to run some flying drills for me. I want to see how you fly." Harry immediately got on his broomstick, one of the Nimbus 1700s the school possessed. "GO!" Oliver yelled, blowing his whistle.

Harry flew through the air with purpose but also with carefree abandon. To Harry, it was exhilarating. He jettisoned through the air, making turns, holding on with one hand, even tempting fate by flying upside down briefly.

On the ground, Oliver was fist pumping the air and cheering. He had not seen such raw talent even from some professional Quidditch players. He knew Harry could, if he so chose, one day go pro.

After a half hour, Oliver called Harry back down. He high-fived him. "That's what I'm f*cking talking about!" He roared with approval.

Harry was amazed. "I did well?" he asked.

"Well?" Oliver shouted. "I am in my fifth year at Hogwarts and have NEVER seen someone with as much talent as you!"

Harry felt a surge of pride, but also slight anxiety. "But I don't know the rules? How could I be talented?"

Oliver said, "Rules are simple. I can teach you all you need to know in a week. But you have a supernatural gift. You can fly like the wind, and that can't be taught. You are a far better flyer than me."

Wood was still in touch with Charlie Weasley, who had been Gryffindor's seeker in years past. Charlie, stationed in Romania as a dragon keeper, told Oliver he heard about a promising young seeker from nearby Bulgaria named Viktor Krum who was probably going to be the next international sensation. Viktor was just a student, and was slightly younger than Oliver, but already had preternatural talent.

Oliver knew this, but he supposed Harry, with proper training and a natural improvement of skills, could give Viktor a run for his money. The two greatest seekers of their generation, Oliver mused.

Oliver had explained to Harry the nature of the game. The roles and responsibilities of the chasers, beaters, keepers, and the seeker. "Your job," Oliver said, "is a simple one." "You have to catch the Golden Snitch." Oliver pulled out a snitch. "You catch this bad boy, the game is over and we win."

Harry felt a wave of excitement and nervousness. The fate of the game was literally in his hands. He dreaded the consequences if he lost.

In the present day, Oliver now introduced him to his teammates. Oliver said, "Harry, meet Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, and Angelina Johnson, our brilliant chasers."

Katie Bell flashed him a smile. "Hello, Handsome Harry," she said to him playfully.

Fred wolf whistled, and everyone else laughed.

"Great to meet you too, Katie," Harry said with a tinge of nervousness. "I am so excited to be your teammate!" He said to her, causing her to beam.

Alicia and Angelina both came up to Harry. "It's so great to meet you at last!" Angelina said. "God knows Oliver won't shut up about you. If I didn't know better I'd say he's in love with you!"

Alicia started laughing hysterically, "Oh, Harry, if you win Oliver will probably take you out for dinner!" Then she burst into another fit of hysterical laughter, holding on to Harry for support.

Harry found their antics hysterical. But what he loved was that he already felt right at home. He was genuinely happy with this bunch. Harry already knew Fred and George, who were the two beaters. And Oliver was, of course, the keeper.

As the seven went out to practice, all six of the others watched in amazement Harry's flying ability. He had such precision that he could fly through the hoops at high speed without any fear. "Not even I would risk it at even a low speed!" Oliver quipped.

Katie yelled, "He is a high-risk flyer, God he is giving me heartburn!"

Oliver and Angelina were talking on the ground. He said to her, "You know we may be a lock to actually win this thing, right?"

She responded, "He has the instinct. Does he have the knowledge?"

Oliver said, "I'm confident.I know a real game is very different from practice, but I have a feeling tomorrow will be a good one."

Harry later went back to the castle, and Ron, Hermione, and Daphne were waiting for him at the entrance. "I have a surprise for you!" She called to him.

Harry was intrigued. What could it be?

"Come with me," Daphne said.

Ron and Hermione, in on the secret, grinned at each other. They knew Harry would lose his mind.

They went to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione gave the password, and the four entered. "Close your eyes," Daphne instructed him.

Harry did as he was told. Two minutes passed, and then she said, "You can open them now."

Harry opened his eyes to see a sparkling new Nimbus 2000, the newest model available. It wasn't available to the public yet! Oliver had been raving about how he couldn't wait to get his hands on one.

Harry's jaw dropped. Daphne had a smirk on her face while Ron still looked at the glistening broom with love in his eyes. He looked at her with amazement. "You got this?" She nodded. "How?"

Daphne said, "When your father is involved with the Treasury Department, and is also on the Board of Nimbus, he can pull a string or two and get a Nimbus 2000 before release. He wanted you to have this as a thank you for saving my life. You will be the first one in the world to ever use it during a real game."

Harry was overwhelmed by the man's generosity. This was thousands of galleons! For a kid he had never met. Harry was totally speechless. He embraced Daphne, who gave a thumbs up to both Ron and Hermione.

"I don't know what to say," he finally said a minute later. "This is so bloody awesome."

Daphne grinned at him. "You deserve it, Harry. But do you want to know the best way you can show your gratitude?"

"How?" Harry asked.

Daphne said, "By getting the snitch before that prick who is unfortunately in my house!"

Ron roared with laughter, "Welcome to the good side, Daphne!" He yelled.

Daphne said, "I suppose I could be persuaded to root for the Gryffs this time." She knew her father would have felt a disturbance in the force at those words. But so much was her hatred of Draco she would have rooted for anyone else to take him a notch or two or three.

The morning of the big game approached. At the Slytherin table, Draco was loudly boasting about how much better he was than Saint Potter.

Daphne rolled her eyes. She was fed up with Draco's incessant boasting.

Tracey, sitting next to Daphne, was equally fed up. "I f*cking hate that f*cking prick," she muttered. Tracey had good reason to despise him. Draco repeatedly bullied her. He would insult her mother, calling her a Muggle slu*t and saying that Tracey was in the wrong house. Daphne tried confronting Draco, but his bullying was unceasing. To make matters worse, Draco was consistently flanked by Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.

Crabbe and Goyle, as they were more commonly known, had remarkable brawn and no brain. Draco promised them power and wealth in return for their "protection," and Draco ensured some of daddy's money would be thrown their way once in a while to continue their loyalty. The three consistently bullied Tracey, demonizing her for being less than full pureblood.

Tracey whispered to Daphne, "You're rooting for Gryffindor today, aren't you?"

Daphne whispered back, "Yes. Are you?"

Tracey replied, "f*ck yes. NO WAY am I rooting for that ferret over there."

Daphne said, "I'm sitting with the Gryffs today."

Tracey's eyes widened. "Daph, are you sure? That's a huge, huge risk. You know I'll support you if you do but I'm still concerned. I know Harry's nice to you and all, but are you sure he's worth the risk?"

Daphne said, "Tracey, my parents invited him to stay at my house for Christmas."

Tracey's hand covered her mouth. "No way!" She yelled. "Did he accept?"

Daphne replied, "Yes, and he was really excited." Tracey may be her best friend, but Daphne couldn't tell her about her father's aspirations, nor was she inclined to discuss Harry's living situation. That was Harry's story to tell, not hers.

Tracey said, "I still haven't fully forgiven Ron for how he treated you. I don't see Harry nearly as much as you do, but he's always been kind to me. But Hermione rules! I don't think I told you this, but her parents invited me to visit sometime over the break! It turns out she lives not far from us."

Daphne said, "Good for you, Trace! I know you obviously have Muggle background and you'll know it, but I'd love to see a Muggle home. Like, there are so many things about the Muggle world want I want to try like television, movies, airplanes."

Tracey laughed hysterically, "You? On an airplane?" Tracey began banging her fist on the table in hysterics, drawing the attention of others around her. "Daph, babe - if you are afraid of flying on a broom five feet off the ground, I hate to break the bad news to you. No wait - I LOVE breaking the bad news to you!" She laughed again, "it's a f*cking steel bird 30,000 feet off the ground being propelled without any magic!"'

Daphne rolled her eyes and pouted, but even she couldn't help cracking a smile at Tracey's teasing. It was a hallmark of their friendship. Daphne idly thought that if Ron could get his head out of his ass a little bit more he would be perfect for Tracey. The two were not that unalike in certain respects. Ron had the emotional range of a teaspoon, but she felt that deep down, Ron was a caring person. Not unlike Tracey, he dealt with certain insecurities, mainly driven by his role as the youngest son in a massive family.

As the students poured into the Quidditch stadium, the team was getting ready. Harry suddenly felt nerves. The entire stadium was watching him. What if he made a mistake and cost his team the game? Wouldn't his house turn on him?

Oliver yelled, "Blimey! Even the Board of Governors are here today! Lucius Malfoy is here. God only knows who thought making him a Governor was a wise idea."

Fred yelled, "Oy, the Prince of Pricks' father is here. I guess it makes Lucy over there the King of Pricks."

Harry walked down the tunnel trying to steady his nerves. Suddenly a voice spoke softly behind him. "Harry?" Katie asked.

Katie Bell stood, also looking nervous. "How are you feeling?" She asked him.

Harry said "Nervous wreck, honestly. You saw how Oliver is. I'm worried what will happen if I lose the game for us."

Katie spoke softly, "Hey. Oliver loves you. Win or lose. As long as you give it your all, that's all anyone cares about. If anyone in the stands begrudges you for losing, remember they are nothing more than armchair generals." She continued, "This is my first game too. I know how you're feeling."

Harry smiled at her. "You nervous?"

Katie said, "Hell yeah. But it will be ok once we're out there doing our thing. I'll score lots of goals for you, deal?"

Harry said, "Deal," sticking out his hand.

Katie shook her head. "Nah," she said. "Want to know the first rule of talking to Katie Bell?" Harry nodded. She said, "We hug," and pulled him into an embrace.

They pulled apart. "That honestly really helped," Harry told her.

Katie said, "Me too!"

"Oy, there's time for making out after the game ends, yah lovebirds!!!" Alicia yelled playfully at the now sputtering pair. "We've got a game to win. Let's go!!!"

Tracey said to Daphne as the pair walked up to meet Ron and Hermione in the Gryffindor section at the Quidditch stadium, "I can't believe you talked me into this. Look how you got treated at the Halloween Feast when you crossed party lines!"

Daphne said, "You know what will happen if someone messes with us. We're Harry's friends. He'd lose his sh*t if someone did anything to you."

Tracey was still unsure, but decided to make the leap of faith, trusting Daphne's instinct.

Seamus saw the two, and yelled, "Oi, ya hussies! I think you're lost. Slytherin's over there!"

Neville, sitting near Seamus, barked at him, "Shut the f*ck up and leave them alone!"

Seamus, a look of anger crossing his face, yelled at Neville, "Go f*ck yourselves you stupid c*nts!"

Tracey yelled back, "You kiss your mother with that mouth, she must be a banshee!" Daphne pulled Tracey away from the troublemaker before it could escalate any further.

The two joined Ron and Hermione. Tracey sat between Ron and Hermione, while Daphne sat on Hermione's other side. Daphne began easy conversation with Hermione. Despite having little in common, the two had gotten along well. Meanwhile, Ron began a conversation with Tracey. It turned out Tracey was a devoted fan of Quidditch, and the two of hit it off in spectacular fashion.

Tracey said to Ron, "Have you ever listened to Muggle music?"

Ron said, "Never, but I've heard so many people saying good things about it, it must be good, right?"

Tracey said, "Yes!!" She said, "You have to come over to my place over the break. I have plenty of music you could listen to. I know it doesn't work at Hogwarts, but it'll work at home. I think you'd like it."

Hermione, overhearing Tracey's overture to Ron, laughed. "Daphne? Looks like Tracey is kidnapping Ron with Muggle music."

Daphne's eyebrows raised. "Ron's doing way better than I expected."

Hermione said, "He isn't totally hopeless, you know."

Daphne replied, "I know, and I try not to be hard on him. Tracey was hard to forgive him after he insulted me."

Hermione said, "He's more judgmental than I would like, especially about Slytherin. But he's really been trying to get better. He's met you, Tracey, and Blaise, and even he says you're all cool."

This was true. Ron and Blaise had even started meeting up after class to play a game called Wizard's Chess. The next dinner, Ron wouldn't shut up about their chess battles, and called Blaise "a freaking awesome bloke." In Hermione's understanding of Ron's thought process, it was little short of miraculous to hear the phrase come tumbling out of his mouth about a Slytherin.

Their conversations were interrupted by the sudden eruption of the Quidditch team as they took to the skies to the deafening roars of the crowd. One by one they came flying out, with the foursome noting with pride Harry got the loudest cheers of any Gryffindor, even Tracey joining in with great enthusiasm. Then, the Slytherins came out with a mixture of cheers and boos. When Draco came out and flew right overhead, Ron and Tracey alike screamed obscenities and flipped him off.

:Look at Lucius over there," Ron muttered to Tracey. "That piece of sh*t is exactly where Darling Draco gets his sweetness from."

Tracey said, "If it makes you feel any better, I hate him as much as or more than you do."

Ron, with a confidence and smoothness surprising even himself, said to her, "Let's drink to that," holding up his butter beer. "To Draco, the father of all motherf*ckers." Tracey, clutching her own, clinked her glass against his, a broad smile crossing her face.

As the game started, Harry was amazed. All of his practice could not prepare him for this. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. Draco's jaw dropped when he saw the Nimbus 2000, and Harry snickered as Draco sulked. For once, Harry thought, "Even Little Lucy couldn't buy this for him." The Gryffindor chasers were as good as advertised and even better, with their exploits called with tremendous verve by Fred and George's friend Lee Jordan.

Lee was an enthusiastic character, and was shepherded by McGonagall to ensure he did not say anything TOO inappropriate. Harry quickly learned why when he began describing fourth-year chaser Alicia Spinnet, saying "That girl is well-endowed in more things than just Quidditch skills!" McGonagall yelled "Jordan," in apparent disapproval and resignation of his antics, but Lee was totally undeterred. Alicia blushed but a wide smile still crossed her face.

Gryffindor racked up a 40-0 lead, with Alicia scoring the game's first three goals and then Angelina following up with another. Wood was superb in goal, though there was a clear gulf in talent between the Gryffindor and Slytherin seekers. It had been a surprise to both teams that Quirrell was the referee for the match that day, but Dumbledore had announced the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would officiate, knowing there were tensions between Gryffindor and Slytherin. As the game went on, it also became clear Slytherin was the dirtier team, with multiple players taking penalties.

After about an hour, Gryffindor led 100-30. True to her word, Katie had scored four goals, and her confidence was growing by the minute. She high-fived Harry after each goal, telling him "You're welcome, Mr. Seeker."

Harry thought he suddenly saw the telltale glint of yellow that was the Golden Snitch and took off at full speed. But suddenly, as he gained speed, his broom began to buck uncontrollably.

Daphne, watching Harry in the stands, yelled, "What's going on with Harry's broom?"

Ron and Hermione looked up, and Hermione shrieked as she watched Harry struggle for control of his broomstick. What was happening?

"Someone stop the game!!" Hermione yelled. "STOP THE GAME!!!" She yelled at Quirrell, who happened to be nearby.

Quirrell, however, did not hear her. He had his wand out and muttering. What was he doing? Suddenly, Hermione's eyes widened. It couldn't be.

"QUIRRELL IS JINXING THE BROOMSTICK!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Daphne yelled, "Stop him!!"

Ron yelled, "What do we do?"

Tracey stood up, frantically waving to Percy, who she spotted sitting nearby. "Percy!" She yelled.

He came rushing over. "Miss Davis?" he asked her.

Tracey said, "We need your help. Quirrell is jinxing Harry's broom!"

Percy's eyes widened. He spoke sternly, "Miss Davis this is a very serious accusation. You understand I will have to take points from you for making up stories about a teacher. Dumbledore trusts him. I doubt anything would go wrong."

Hermione interjected, "Percy, please!! Quirrell has his wand out, he isn't breaking eye contact, and he is muttering. He is jinxing the broom! I don't care how many points you take, just help him! I don't know the spell to stop him."

Now Percy knew it was serious. For Hermione to not care about points meant this had to be a crisis situation. He took a deep breath.

On the quidditch pitch, total pandemonium now broke out. Even during game play, the Weasley twins were circling under Harry to catch him in case he fell. They were both prepared to slow his fall in case they couldn't grab him. Katie was trying unsuccessfully to get Harry onto her broom.

In the stands, McGonagall yelled, "Albus, you must do something!" Albus stared intently forward. "Minerva, I cannot. If I try to hit Harry's broom with a spell it could make matters worse and he might fall. It is far too dangerous." The Governors were horrified, except for Lucius Malfoy, who was watching as if curious. Snape was impassive. The other professors ranged from alarmed to confused.

Many Slytherins were laughing at Harry, some even pointing in delight. Gryffindor's Golden Boy was literally hanging on for dear life, and his well-being was hanging in the balance.

Suddenly, fresh screams erupted from the stands. Quirrell's broomstick caught on fire! Quirrell scrambled to put it out, and the professors now jockeyed to see what, exactly, was going on. During the tumult, Harry's broom suddenly stopped its erratic motions, and Harry was able to get his footing back. He jettisoned off, renewing his quest to the deafening roars of approval of the crowd, who began chanting "Harry."

In the stands, a certain blond Slytherin put away her wand. "You can't start a fire without a spark," she thought to herself. She thanked her lucky stars Percy had taught her Incendio, and that her aim had been true. "Now," she thought to herself, "we're even. He saved my life, now I can return the favor."

To Harry's horror, he saw Draco take off in pursuit of the snitch. Harry chased after him. "Scared I'll beat you Potter?" He yelled.

Harry replied, "You wish."

Draco sped up a little more, but Harry was faster, pulling ahead of him and pulling closer. The two were now just above the ground, only a few feet up. Harry was just about there when he felt his broom slowing once again. This time, it was Draco grabbing the back of the broomstick.

The pro-Gryffindor contingent roared in rage as Draco pulled himself level with Harry. How on earth was this legal?

Draco smirked, "Looks like the snitch is mine."

Harry knew physics, and knew there was only one way to catch it without Draco pulling ahead of him. Harry steadied himself on the edge of his broom. The crowd gasped. Harry dove off the front of the broomstick. He hit the ground hard. Harry was laying on the ground, slightly dazed and the wind knocked out of him.

He could hear Lee Jordan yelling, "Harry is on the ground, and where is the snitch? Did he catch it? Did he catch it? Draco doesn't know where it is!"

As Harry slowly sat up, he realized he was going to throw up. "God, no!" He thought to himself.

Daphne, watching intently in the stands, realized he was about to be sick. "Should we get Madam Pomfrey?" She asked.

But before anyone could move, Harry suddenly heaved, and an object came flying out of his mouth. To Harry's utter amazement, it was the snitch. He had swallowed it! Harry's eyes lit up with joy. He raised his fist in triumph, showing the snitch. Quirrell signaled a catch of the snitch. Lee Jordan yelled, "Harry Potter has caught the snitch. Gryffindor wins!!"

Bedlam erupted yet again. The pro-Gryffindor contingent exploded in cheers. Harry's teammates all came down from the sky. The sight of Wood sprinting across half the field to embrace Harry, filled with joy and actual tears in his eyes, was comical.

"f*ck YOU DRACO!!!" Tracey yelled. She and Ron embraced in celebration, as did Hermione and Daphne. All of them were relieved not just to see Slytherin lose and Malfoy knocked down a peg, but Harry enjoy his moment in the sun after a near-crisis situation.

Harry was mobbed by his teammates, and all of them lifted him up and carried him in celebration. The crowd chanted "Harry," once again, but louder this time. While this was happening, Draco was screaming at Quirrell. "He didn't even catch it, he swallowed it, it shouldn't be allowed!" Draco's teammates were also yelling at Quirrell, but his decision was final. Gryffindor prevailed in a decisive victory, and Harry was the man of the hour.

"Wait till my father hears about this!" Was all Draco could utter as he stormed off the field.

For his part, Lucius looked as if Christmas had been canceled. Dumbledore and Snape both looked impassive, and McGonagall was trying to keep a broad smile from crossing her face. Not since Charlie Weasley had the Gryffindor team been so competitive. Harry lifted the snitch again, and the entire crowd, minus several detractors, followed suit, with renewed "Harry" chants. At the end of the day, Harry's first foray into Quidditch had been nothing short of sensational, a game no one would ever forget.

Chapter 9: Hook, Line, and Sinking Feeling

Chapter Text

The fallout from what became known as the "Broomstick Jinx Game" was immense. The players on the field celebrated with wild abandon, totally unaware of the specter of suspicion that hung over Quirrell. The players saw the heart-stopping moments as Harry hung on for dear life, and then saw Quirrell's broomstick catch fire. Oliver recognized that Harry's broom was being jinxed, but believed that Quirrell's broom catching on fire was the jinxer attempting to hit Harry's broom and accidentally hitting Quirrell.

Hermione raced across the pitch to confront the teachers, telling them all what she had seen. She screamed at them that Quirrell tried to kill Harry, and Dumbledore had to investigate.

Dumbledore raised his hands for calm. "Miss Granger," he spoke slowly but softly. "These are very serious accusations. Are you quite sure this is what you saw?"

Hermione said with a little less certainty under Dumbledore's keen gaze, "Yes, Professor Dumbledore." She continued, "I know what I saw. Quirrell wasn't breaking eye contact."

Dumbledore spoke again, "Miss Granger. You have your word that I will give this matter my full attention. I do not tolerate attacks on my students."

Hermione looked relieved. "Thank you Professor!" She said, walking away.

Dumbledore knew he had to speak to Harry. This incident, combined with what happened the other night at Halloween, could be incredibly damaging. It could lead to questions about whether Dumbledore had retaliated. If that news were to run wild, Dumbledore could well be swept out of Hogwarts. He drafted a letter to McGonagall and Snape right away.

Hermione viewed what happened to Harry as an attempted assassination. Whoever did it wanted Harry dead, and Hermione was convinced it was Quirrell. But why? While others had heard Hermione's screams about Quirrell's behavior, only Ron, Tracey, Daphne, Neville, and Percy took it seriously. Most others believed Hermione was in the midst of a panic attack; justifiable under the circ*mstances, but still lacking credibility as words uttered in the heat of the moment. That Hermione burst into tears out of fear after yelling at Percy only helped to bolster this notion.

The group all knew how close they had come to losing Harry. Percy had told them the spell, but said he did not know how to cast it safely and urged them not to, saying they could set a massive fire. He suggested getting a teacher.

Daphne knew this would be way too late. She ignored Percy's protests, whispering "Incendio." The spark flew and it hit Quirrell's broom perfectly spot-on.

Percy, to his credit, looked suitably impressed. "Nice spellwork, Miss Greengrass," he said admiringly.

Daphne was pleased with herself, and soon the crowd roared with cheers as Harry was able to steady himself. Her friends all knew - Daphne saved Harry's life. As Harry roared into the air and jetted right over the fans, he raised his fist to rally his supporters, who responded in kinds with ear-shattering cheers and chants of his name. Daphne felt a surge of emotion as Harry's friends gratefully bombarded her with thanks and adulation. She had defied authority figures to save Harry, and could well have set a teacher on fire. She knew it had been reckless. But she knew how close the world had come to losing him. Would she have been prepared to take up his mantle? She doubted it, internally. Harry had an almost supernatural confidence and bravado about him that no one else their age could match.

When Harry met up with his friends, Daphne embraced him. She couldn't help but cry. She knew how close they had come to losing him.

Harry was utterly bewildered by Daphne's behavior, looking at the others in confusion. He saw that Ron, Hermione, Tracey, and Neville all looked shaken. What had happened? Harry was convinced his broom was having a mechanical issue. A scary one, but not one he dwelled on.

Harry spoke softly to Daphne. "Tell me what's wrong?"

Daphne sputtered out, "We came so close to losing you!! It's Quirrell! He tried to murder you! He jinxed the broom!!" She screamed.

"It's true, mate." Ron said, a serious expression on his face. "Daphne here saved your life. You saw his broomstick catch on fire? it was bloody brilliant."

Harry looked at Daphne again. "You saved me?" He said incredulously.

Daphne said, "I couldn't let you fall! I know it was reckless, they told me so. But I set his broom on fire, I wish I set him on fire!" She started crying again.

Harry held her firmly. But he remembered what Oliver told him. They were having a massive party in the Gryffindor Common Room that night to celebrate. He knew that could be what she needed to calm her down.

"Daphne?" he asked her. "Will you and Tracey come to the Gryffs party tonight?"

Daphne looked over at Tracey, who nodded. Daphne broke a smile now, saying "We'd absolutely love to, Harry."

A million thoughts went through Harry's head, but chief among them was the reality that questions needed to be asked about Quirrell. What had happened? Why did he want Harry dead?

The party raged most of the night. For most of the younger kids, it was their first time pulling an all-nighter. Ron and Tracey were leading the pack by putting away both butter beer and countless other stronger beers. Tracey, in a drunken state, began leading the students in a spirited rendition of Journey's "Any Way You Want It." To her great surprise, even the pure blood students without exposure to the Muggle world got into it, and picked up the words.

Daphne was in the corner with Hermione. Harry and Ron were downing butter beers like there was no tomorrow, and Harry looked.... happy. Almost indescribably happy. The tumult of the afternoon was forgotten now, as if Harry filed it to the back of his mind. Daphne said to Hermione, "Never forget, Tracey is an absolute sh*t singer,"

Hermione laughed. "She'd starve if this were her full-time gig."

Daphne roared with laughter. But then a more serious look came across her face. "She deserves to be happy. Slytherin isn't very kind to her. You should know being friends with you means the world to her. She actually cried with happiness telling me about you inviting her to your house."

Hermione felt a pang of sadness. She had no idea Tracey had been so isolated in her house.

Daphne continued, as if sensing Hermione's thoughts, "Tracey is a tough cookie. As you know she has a vibrant personality and can light up a room. But that's around the people she trusts. She'd NEVER open up like this in our common room. Everyone there is all politicians in the making. That's my world, not hers."

Hermione asked thoughtfully, "What is Harry to you? I know you care about him."

After a long pause, Daphne replied, "Hope."

Hermione asked, "How so?"

Daphne said, "I see Harry as someone who can do a lot. He's a kind person. He's brave, he's strong, he is genuine. But more than that, he has a certain charisma. You see the way he lights up the people who love him." She continued, "You saw the way he stood up for me against the greatest wizard the world has ever known."

Hermione nodded. She knew Harry cared more about Daphne than he let on. She was wary of her, especially knowing her political acumen. Was Daphne trying to manipulate Harry? Hermione had wondered - until watching her today. Daphne was well and truly distraught, and was in absolute hysterics at the thought of losing him. This was the first time Hermione had seen Daphne as anything less than collected. This version of Daphne risked burning the stadium down to save him. It was a powerful realization.

Daphne continued, "Do you trust Dumbledore?"

Hermione said, "Yes. He told me he would investigate Quirrell."

Daphne pressed, "Do you believe him?"

Hermione asked, "What do YOU believe?"

Daphne thought carefully. She answered, not entirely sure whether to trust Hermione, "One can believe many things. I like to think Dumbledore will, as you say, give this matter his full attention. But I also do not know whether he will."

Hermione looked satisfied with that answer. "We are only children after all. We went through something crazy today. Maybe we are reading the situation wrong?"

Daphne knew Hermione was kidding herself now. There was no way it was anything less than an assassination attempt. "Hermione," Daphne started. "You yourself said it best. Quirrell was undeniably trying to mutter a curse. It has all the hallmarks. Yes, we don't know his motive. But we know he is somehow involved."

Hermione felt confused and scared. She had always been raised to trust authority. Was this a crack in her armor? She knew she wasn't as strong and brave as Harry, or as politically astute as Daphne. Harry stared down the greatest wizard to ever live and even yelled obscenity during his speech! She had always been taught adults would fix the problem. She couldn't bear the thought that in a whole new world, the authority figures were corrupt or even evil. "What can we do?" She finally asked Daphne.

Daphne responded with an understanding voice, "We have to stick together. Don't do anything rash or reckless. We don't know what is happening or why. They came so close to killing him today, and we know whoever did it, whether it was Quirrell or anyone else, is not going to give up now. It's our job to stick together and help each other."

Hermione felt better listening to Daphne's words. "Thank you so much," she said to her.

The next day, McGonagall delivered a note to Harry at dinner, while Snape delivered a note to Daphne. Both were summoned to Dumbledore's office that evening, to appear together. The two met at the Great Hall, wondering what the nature of the meeting could be. Daphne was nervous.

"You ok?" Harry asked her.

"Just a little nervous is all. Why he is summoning both of us?" She said to him.

Harry agreed it was strange. But then again, many things about the wizarding world were strange. "Why would it start making sense now? He asked himself. Harry knocked on the door. As Dumbledore's voice boomed "Enter!" Harry whispered to Daphne, "Here goes nothing."

The two entered, and found a smiling Dumbledore standing in front of his desk. "Please sit, you two." He said calmly.

The two sat, slightly apprehensive. Harry knew the last time he had spoken to Dumbledore was not exactly a friendly conversation.

Dumbledore spoke, "You may be wondering why I have summoned you here on this night?"

Harry spoke, "Yes, Professor."

Dumbledore said, "My children, I have summoned you here so that I can apologize to you. I was far too hard on you both on Halloween. And Harry - I want to offer you my sincerest apology. My words about your parents were completely a slip of the tongue. I think everyone knows how strong and powerful they were. And brave. No question of where you get your bravery from my dear boy."

Daphne was trying to convince herself it was an act. "But he is so convincing!" she thought to herself.

Harry responded, "Sir, I truly appreciate your apology - and I wanted to apologize myself. I acted rashly the other night at Halloween, and I am sorry."

Daphne was mildly disappointed Harry was apologizing, but understood why. Harry probably did feel guilty, especially after Dumbledore's kind words to him. Plus, it was hard not to feel intimidated with Dumbledore staring you down. Even a kind, grandfatherly glance radiated power and authority. Daphne shuddered at the thought of how Dumbledore must be at his most dangerous.

Dumbledore, for his part, smiled. "Apology accepted my boy. It's all part of the growing up process. It's a big step to admit you are wrong, and I daresay your parents would be so proud of you. They would want you to be fighting for me, to finish the work they started in making our world a better and safer place."

Only Daphne's training from her father in keeping a level head and remaining impassive prevented her from totally losing her mind with rage. How DARE Dumbledore try to use Harry's parents to manipulate him into supporting him? She was boiling mad. But she took a deep breath, knowing it wouldn't help either of them if she flew off the handle. Dumbledore had the upper hand already, and if she gave more ammunition it could make things even worse.

Harry said, "I understand." His expression was difficult to read. Did he buy Dumbledore's words, or was he skeptical? Harry continued, "I want my parents to be proud of me. I want to do the right thing to honor their memory." Harry asked, "Did they leave anything behind? Any messages for me to read when I am older?" he added with a tinge of hope.

Daphne felt sadness. Where she could talk to her parents any time she chose, Harry did not have that option. His only blood relatives hated his guts. She also noticed at Harry's last question, Dumbledore suddenly looked uncomfortable. "That's weird," Daphne thought.

"Did Harry's parents ever leave a will?" she interjected. A sudden dark thought had entered her head, one that she prayed was simply a bad feeling.

Dumbledore's face again showed a split second of concern, before his usual impassive look returned. "Alas, Miss Greengrass. No will belonging to the Potters has been found. We were left with no choice but to place young Harry with his family, as he knows."

Dumbledore continued, "I am aware Harry is dissatisfied with his living arrangements. I gave young Harry my word that I would help improve his situation, and I intend to fulfill my promise."

Daphne asked again, "Sir, did you know about Harry's aunt and uncle?"

Dumbledore replied more firmly, "Daphne, it is not polite to ask about something that is so private to someone else. Think about how indelicate it would be to Harry's feelings."

Harry interjected, "Sir - Daphne knows."

Now Dumbledore felt concern. He had banked on Harry being too embarrassed to talk about it with his friends. Instead he found Daphne knew, which meant her father could find out, which meant others could find out, and that uncomfortable questions might be asked. He knew he had to do damage control NOW. He spoke again, "Daphne - I trust you understand the need for discretion. The situation with Harry is, shall we say, delicate."

Daphne was now very suspicious. "Are you asking me to keep it our little secret?" She asked the headmaster.

Dumbledore said, "I am asking for your cooperation in protecting Harry's secret. It took a lot for him to trust you with his life story, and I would hate to see you tell others and devastate his privacy." He continued, "Your privacy is, of course, of utmost importance to you, isn't it Harry?"

"Of course sir," Harry said.

Only Daphne's lessons from her father made her not blindly swear allegiance to Dumbledore on the spot. Dumbledore had powerful charisma shaped and molded by many decades of experience. She felt bad for Harry, knowing Dumbledore was training his full might on him.

"Daphne?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, Headmaster?" Daphne responded with some uncertainty.

"I would like to sincerely apologize to you for my outburst on Halloween night. I regret my temper. I now understand that your action, while highly unorthodox and irregular, was borne out of love and concern for Harry and not childlike petulance."

Daphne, amused slightly by Dumbledore's somewhat backhanded compliment, nevertheless smiled and said, "Thank you, sir."

Dumbledore now stood up. He spoke louder and more firmly now. "But I must give you both a warning. You understand that we are in a delicate time?" Harry and Daphne nodded. He continued, "You might think that because we have been free of Voldemort for a decade that we are safe. But you children have to understand something. We only have certainty and security if the system prevails. We have been working towards the ultimate stability for many decades now."

Dumbledore now took on a more dangerous tone. "You both need to be aware of something. You both need to know what could happen if I am taken out of the picture. If I am removed from power or killed, it could be the end of everything we have worked for. Revolution against me is a revolution against peace, safety, stability, and a just and equitable society. People will die. And I am sure none of us would ever want that."

He finished, "You two must remember that actions and words have consequences. Your sentiment on Halloween night, however understandable and how good your intentions, could have yielded disastrous consequences. You could have set in motion the events that could have swept me from power. Imagine a Hogwarts without me? Imagine a person who doesn't care about the children the way I do?" He finished, sensing his point was being made, "I don't think you would like that reality. I don't think you want a world at war. Do you?"

Both Harry and Daphne vigorously shook their heads. Harry perhaps of his own free will, and Daphne out of fear of reprisal.

Dumbledore sat back with a satisfied expression on his face. "Well, my children, I believe we have had a delightful conversation this evening. Now I must bid you farewell before I draw the ire of your Heads of House! Bed time, chop chop."

As the two left, Daphne felt shaken. It was powerful psychological warfare, to the point where even she felt swayed. She knew Harry probably fell hook, line, and sinker for Dumbledore's incredible performance. She would have been surprised if he had not.

"Harry?" Daphne asked. "How are you feeling?"

Harry responded and said, "That was intense. Dumbledore gave us a lot to think about. It's a dangerous world out there. He's been protecting us for so long, but I know it's a lot."

"f*ck," Daphne thought to herself; Harry fell for it. Dumbledore's line about Harry's parents was pure genius, and she knew there was no way Harry wouldn't have been swayed. She felt despondent as she returned to her common room. She knew her father would have to do some damage control of his own over the break, "Thank goodness the break is soon," she thought to herself with no small amount of worry.

Chapter 10: Mirror into the Soul


Fair warning for those who are affected that Harry has some seriously dark thoughts in this chapter. A lot about grief, depression, loss, and "wanting to be with fallen loved ones."

Another warning because human trafficking is referenced. Again, very dark chapter, but it's necessary for world building.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

November turned into December, and with it came the anticipation of Christmas. Unfortunately, Daphne's excitement was tempered slightly by Harry's increasingly withdrawn behavior. He was still close to Ron and Hermione, but even they noticed he changed. He seemed more careful, less carefree. Daphne also noticed, with sadness, that Harry now openly praised Dumbledore. Daphne feared something had shut down with him, as if Dumbledore had stifled Harry's passion and energy.

One day, as Harry took off to go practice quidditch, Daphne cornered Ron. "What's going on with Harry?" She asked him firmly.

Ron responded, "I'll be honest Daphne, I have no clue. He hasn't been himself. I was actually going to ask you the same question."

Daphne was relieved Harry's antisocial behavior wasn't directed at her, but was concerned; What was going on with him? She pressed again, "How has he been different?

Ron took a deep breath, and it was as if the floodgates opened. He said, "Harry told me you and he had that meeting with Dumbledore, that Dumbledore was warning him about the consequences of his behavior and that he needed to be a better soldier like his parents. I was concerned about him, but he told me that he did not feel he was honoring his parents by defying Dumbledore. He told me he felt guilt."

Daphne was furious. Dumbledore had twisted and warped Harry by manipulating his emotions. In the process, he turned him from a threat to his power into a loyal foot soldier. She knew only her father could reverse it. "Is there anything else?" Daphne asked him.

Ron looked around, and whispered. "He's been getting headaches in Defense Against the Dark Arts. He's trying not to show it, but it's bad. Only in that class. But once he almost passed out."

Daphne was alarmed. What was going on in that class? Was it Quirrell? Daphne looked at Ron meaningfully. "You know Quirrell's the issue, don't you?"

Ron nodded. "But we can't prove anything. Quirrell just does his thing. Strange bloke. Funny though, even my rat doesn't like when I talk about Quirrell. Bloody thing is old though, he was my brother Percy's rat for nine years. He probably thinks I'm talking about squirrels and gets afraid."

Daphne replied with a great deal of astonishment and skepticism, "Time out. NINE years? Don't rats only live a few years?"

Ron said, "I dunno. Maybe magical ones live longer?"

Daphne was not convinced. But she figured her mom, as the scientific mind, would know the answer. Maybe it was a new breed she didn't know about. Or Ron was just really, really bad at math.

Three days before the end of term, Daphne found Harry atop the astronomy tower, sitting and looking out into the distance with his back to the entrance. "Harry James Potter!" She yelled at him.

Harry didn't turn around. Daphne knew something was seriously wrong. "Harry?" she asked softly, approaching him.

She sat down next to him, and saw his eyes were red. He had been crying. "Talk to me." Daphne said to him gently. "I'm here."

Harry said, "I saw my parents. It's like a dream but a nightmare because I see what I want but I can't have."

Daphne was now seriously concerned. What on earth was Harry talking about? Was he having visions? Was he depressed or even suicidal? She was panicking internally until she finally got out, "Where did you see them?"

Harry said, "A mirror. You'll think I'm mental, but I really saw them."

Daphne said, "I believe you," without truly believing him. "Can you show me?" She gently asked him. "It would mean a lot to me to meet them."

Harry agreed. "Come with me," he told her.

The two walked downstairs and eventually into an abandoned classroom. There, Daphne saw a mirror clear as day, about six feet tall. Daphne looked in the mirror, but she saw..... something very different. She saw herself but older, with children. And a dark-haired man with an arm around her. Daphne blushed crimson as she realized what it was. She was mortified, knowing Harry could see it. "Harry, you have to understand, I don't know what this mirror is, maybe it's the future!"

Harry responded sadly, "How can it be the future? It shows me the past. My parents are dead. They are smiling at me, but Dumbledore keeps telling me I need to do more for him if I want to make them proud. Otherwise they will be disappointed in me."

Daphne's blood turned cold. Dumbledore was a man beyond cruelty. She felt sick. Using Harry's parents to twist Harry's mind was a sick ploy by a sick man. How could he? How DARE he? She spoke to him. "Harry. You listen to me. Dumbledore didn't truly know your parents. Only your parents' family and friends did. My father was friends with your father. He can tell you stories about them. He loved your father like a brother. Your parents gave their lives so you could have a chance to live a good and happy life. They would never want the headmaster using them to make you feel guilty!!" She shouted towards the end.

She continued, "Harry. I know you must feel overwhelmed. Let me in. Let me help you. You're not alone. Don't shut yourself down. Be the real Harry. The real Harry is the most amazing kid I have ever known."

Harry said, "What if you don't like the real Harry? I'm not so sure I do."

Daphne embraced him. "I think the real Harry is amazing. Don't ever say that about yourself. You. Are. Amazing. Don't. You. Forget. It."

Harry finally lost any remaining composure he had left. For the first time that he could remember, he totally broke down and started sobbing. Daphne didn't let him go, and hugged him close. She didn't say a word, knowing what he needed. Her own heart ached for the poor boy. This explained everything. This is why he had become withdrawn. Dumbledore kept planting seeds in his head. Daphne would have to warn her parents. And she would have to be restrained from strangling Dumbledore if their paths crossed again.

Time passed. Neither of them sure of how late it was. Harry finally spoke: "Daphne?"

Daphne answered, "Harry, what is it?"

Harry responded, sheepishly, "Can you not tell anyone about this?

Daphne said seriously, "Of course. No one will know. You have my word."

Daphne looked again at the mirror. How was it the two of them saw totally different things? She saw writing along the edge of the mirror that read: "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." She realized after staring for several minutes that it was words written backward. It read, "I show not your face but your heart's desire." Daphne's eyes widened. Her mom had warned her about this exact psychological game. She had said such magic and enchantments were capable of driving you mad, making you long for and crave what cannot be. There were countless tales from history of witches and wizards driven to madness by the mirror's seductive song, some even killing themselves out of despair.

Poor Harry saw himself with his parents. But it was not merely a happy family portrait. Instead, it was what Daphne would describe as "the call of the void." It was almost as if the mirror was trying to persuade Harry to join his parents in the next life by twisting and manipulating his grief. It was akin to a sailor hearing the song of a siren out at sea and following it to his death. Daphne supposed she was the lucky one as she saw a hopeful future, and was untouched by trauma. She knew her father would see himself and his fallen comrades alive and happy, perhaps as the stewards of a better world.

"How did you find the mirror?" Daphne asked after a long silence.

Harry responded, "In one of my meetings with Dumbledore, he told me about it. He told me that he saw himself receiving a warm pair of fuzzy socks and sweets. He said I would see what I wanted more than anything. And this is the only way I can see my parents unless I join them."

Daphne knew there were two things wrong with Dumbledore's words. Firstly, she held incredible doubt as to the honesty of what he himself would see in this mirror. Secondly, Dumbledore was a brilliant man. He knew the mirror's seductive power. WHY, she asked herself, did he think it was a good idea for a child to be exposed to its power? Particularly a child who had been through as much horror as Harry had experienced. Then an even darker thought crossed her mind. "Dumbledore did this on purpose. He wanted Harry to be tortured by the mirror's visions."

Daphne suppressed her newest surge of anger and spoke softly to Harry. "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. My mother always said that the ones who love us never truly leave us. They're in our hearts, you see." She continued, "This was supposed to be a surprise, but I think you need to hear it. My parents have some of your parents' old things, and they wanted you to have them."

Harry spoke again, sounding slightly overwhelmed, "Why are they being so nice to me? They have never met me."

Daphne said, "Because you are awesome. Never forget it. You have to remember my father was one of your father's best friends. He considers you family. My parents understand how hard it is to lose the ones you love." She continued, "All I ask is a promise from you. Don't shut me out. I'll do anything to help you. Anything. And my family will too. It's what we do for each other. You are family Harry, and you're stuck with me because I am going nowhere."

Harry responded, "You're incredible."

Daphne gave him one final embrace. "Promise me something else," she implored him.

"Anything," he said to her.

"Never go looking for this mirror again. This isn't real. This is dark magic, meant to plant dark thoughts in your head. Different for each person - grief, jealousy, regret, anxiety, insecurity. I see what I fear I can't have, and you see what you have lost." She stated firmly, "I don't care what Dumbledore says. Your parents would be so incredibly proud of you. You're an amazing young man, and they couldn't ask for a better son to honor their legacy. I don't care how powerful the man is, Dumbledore has no right on this f*ckING PLANET to tell you anything else!" Daphne pointed to herself "I get to tell you. James and Lily would have been like a beloved uncle and aunt to me if they were still alive. And unlike Dumbledore, I don't see you as the Boy Who Lived. I see you as Harry. You're a kid who loves to play quidditch, wizard's chess, be with his friends, and see the world."

Daphne went on, "I promise you are going to have the best Christmas ever with us. We'll make it special for you. My parents are so incredibly excited to meet you and introduce you to the way our world works. And don't even get me started on my sister Astoria. She'll prank you. She for some reason loves Draco, but no one is perfect I guess," Daphne finished with a slight eye roll.

Harry said, "This all sounds too good to be true. All I have ever wanted is to have a family that cares about me."

Daphne said, "Now you'll have it. Give us a chance. That's all we want."

Harry smiled, the first genuine smile she had seen from him in quite some time. "I needed this so much Daphne. I appreciate you more than you know."

Daphne grinned, knowing she had pulled him from the abyss. "That's what friends are for. That's what family is for. Stick with the Greengrasses. We're here for you."

The two of them walked away. Daphne felt relieved, as she had Harry back. Harry felt a surge of hope. With the help of people who cared about him, maybe better things were on the horizon.

At Harry's final Quidditch practice before Christmas, Daphne found Ron and Hermione. She kept her word to Harry by not describing any details, but said that Harry was having a tough time. She felt she would be able to help him, but that now more than ever before he needed the support of his friends. Ron and Hermione were relieved to know Daphne had managed to break through, and both swore they would do anything they could. Daphne also took the opportunity to invite them both to Greengrass Estate for Christmas, an invitation they eagerly accepted.

The next day, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Daphne, Tracey, Neville, and Susan found themselves in the same compartment. It was loud and boisterous and filled with laughs. Hermione saw Harry looking truly relaxed and carefree for the first time in ages. Without knowing the details, she had wondered if Harry was suffering trauma from his near-death experience on the Quidditch pitch. Whatever the case, she reasoned, Harry was happy, and that counted for something.

All seven would be appearing at Greengrass Estate on Christmas Day. Every year, Daphne, Tracey, Neville, and Susan would get together for Christmas with their families, and this year Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all joining.

Daphne, after receiving Harry's permission and promising him they would not disclose it without his express approval, did inform Cygnus and Beatrix in a letter about the circ*mstances surrounding Harry's upbringing, and the machinations of Dumbledore in recent weeks. Daphne knew her father would be apoplectic with rage about the whole thing. She knew she needed to warn her parents about what overwhelmed Harry. She knew he hated bullies, angry shouting, and was overwhelmed by even small amounts of generosity.

Later on the ride, Neville, Susan, and Daphne also took time on the train to educate Harry on the ins and outs of pureblood society. Daphne taught him about how to introduce himself formally when interacting with other "nobility." Neville taught him about the Wizengamot, which, like Hogwarts, was headed by Dumbledore. He told him all about Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Everyone else in the compartment except for Hermione all made noises of disgust when Neville mentioned Fudge.

Harry dryly asked, "I take it Fudge is not popular?

Daphne interjected, "In his head Fudge is popular. But in reality he is a smug, arrogant peaco*ck whose arrogance rivals even that of the Malfoys."

Harry responded, "That bad, huh?"

Neville said seriously, "My grandmother literally has cast spells setting his picture on fire she hates him so much. Fudge has been the Minister for 15 years. She won't forgive him, for, well, certain things."

Daphne, Susan, and Tracey all looked sad, knowing what Neville was referring to. Neville asked Harry, Ron, and Hermione, "Do you three know about what happened to my parents?"

They all shook their heads. "Please don't tell anyone," Neville started. "My parents were tortured into insanity by three people. Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange and Barty Crouch."

Ron gasped in horror. "My dad works with Crouch! He always said he was a decent bloke."

Neville clarified, "Your father works with Barty Crouch Senior. Barty Crouch Junior was the one that did it."

Ron now looked mildly relieved. But Neville said, "My grandma always said Crouch Senior was involved, and Fudge covered his ass because they were involved in the war." "She thinks," Neville whispered to the group, "that it was in retaliation for my mum and dad speaking out against Crouch and the others running the war. The Ministry said Death Eaters attacked them, which is true. But Barty was the bloke that turned them in. He and Bellatrix apparently killed Rodolphus in prison and became a couple." Neville felt revolted at the thought. But at least they are behind bars. No one has ever broken out of Azkaban before. Funny, Sirius Black is near Bellatrix. Still calls her "Bella," and everything like he used to when they were children."

Daphne gasped loudly. Everyone looked at her. "What's wrong, Daph?" Tracey asked.

Daphne responded, feeling suddenly clammy. "My middle name is Bella. My parents never said when I asked them where Bella came from, and they never wanted to answer the question." Was she named for Bellatrix Lestrange? Bellatrix had killed 18 people, and had tortured and maimed hundreds. She was considered a sad*st of the worst order. The story went that she had actually been a normal child, but turned dark when the war began. She had a falling out with Sirius and Regulus Black, and it was rumored she was the lover of not just Rodolphus and Barty Crouch, but also of Voldemort himself.

To make matters even creepier, Bellatrix was only 15 when she began her liasion with Voldemort, who had a slew of young women at his disposal. Voldemort had a manor house on an island called Little Saint James, where many women (both willing and unwilling) were shepherded. Daphne regaled the others with this story, and all were sick to their stomach. It wasn't bad enough that Voldemort was a genocidal mass murderer, but he was also a pedophile and an avid human trafficker.

After they took their time to digest this stunning relevation, Neville spoke, "Don't you lot think it's strange that Dumbledore and the other Leaders of the Light never talked about Voldemort's human trafficking ring?" All agreed, nodding in realization. "There's something else," Neville said. "My grandmum reckons that my parents somehow got wind of it." "They say Albus Dumbledore's brother Aberforth," Neville said in a whisper, "was accused of stuff with minor children, but Albus covered it up. She thinks there was bad stuff going on with all the big people in charge. It was like a clique of all the popular kids at the top. And it would make sense why so many of their critics were snuffed out, wouldn't it? They'd kill to keep it a secret."

Harry was skeptical. Could it really be that Dumbledore was the head of a pedophile ring? He might have been suspect, and perhaps was flawed. But to be evil personified? He wondered if Neville and his grandmother were simply conspiracy theorists, or if it was possible there was indeed something afoot.

Daphne was absolutely astonished. Her father had never even hinted at the existence of this type of activity from Dumbledore. She was unsure as of yet if it was because he judged it as not "age appropriate," or because it wasn't real.

Harry spoke, "How many siblings does Dumbledore have?"

Neville responded, "Dumbledore had two. He had a sister but she died long ago under mysterious circ*mstances. My grandmum says he killed her, but I am not so sure."

On this point Daphne was positive Neville's grandmother was wrong. The story had always been that Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore had been friends, but Grindelwald betrayed Albus and tried to kill him, but instead killed his sister, who had been named Ariana. Albus in retaliation had defeated Grindelwald. To this day he remained locked in Nuremguard, a prison in Germany. It was said that Albus and Aberforth killed hundreds of Grindelwald's supporters in retaliation, and it was during this time that Aberforth's sexual impropriety had allegedly taken place. Nothing to either count was ever proven, and many wizards had found that it was prudent not to question the powerful duo, lest they be considered sympathizers of Grindelwald and threats to national security.

As Daphne recounted the story with great verve and bravado, Harry had much to think about. How much of this was true? How much did he REALLY know Dumbledore? Did he know the truth, or was the truth elusive to everyone except perhaps Dumbledore himself?


Guys, I promise Chapter 11 will be a lot lighter. But this was needed to add context to a few different dimensions of the story.

Chapter 11: Meet the Greengrasses

Chapter Text

As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, Harry felt a sense of nervousness but also excitement. He was going to meet Daphne's parents. Harry had said to Daphne, "What if I make a fool out of myself in front of them when I introduce myself?"

Daphne said, "Harry, my parents aren't merciless savages. They understand you're new to our way. I promise you - they can't wait to meet you." She hoped to Merlin that they wouldn't say anything embarrassing about her to him. She would know unequivocally they liked him if they gave him stories about a young Daphne, or if Cygnus tried to sneak Harry away for a game of Quidditch.

"There they are!!" Daphne yelled. The two went over to them. Daphne eagerly hugged her mom and dad. It was hard for Harry not to feel wistful. "Mom and Dad, this is Harry," Daphne said quickly, making sure Harry wasn't left hanging.

Harry took a deep breath and remembered his training. "Lady and Lord Greengrass - my name is Heir Harry Potter. It is my pleasure to meet you both." Without skipping a beat, he shook Cygnus's hand firmly, then kissed Beatrix's hand.

The two parents looked at each other, visibly impressed. Daphne, remembering Harry's awkward and confused first greeting to her, could barely keep from smiling.

Cygnus spoke loudly. "Harry, I can't even begin to tell you how much Beatrix and I have been looking forward to meeting you." He paused, with a smile crossing his face. "By the way - you don't have to worry about that whole nobility bullsh*t when we're in private."

As Beatrix scolded Cygnus for his language and Daphne burst out laughing, Harry released a breath he had no idea he was holding.

Beatrix turned to Harry, "Let me greet you properly," she said to him, giving him an embrace.

"Astoria cannot wait to meet you, Harry," Cygnus said. "I fear it will be akin to meeting a particularly excitable tornado."

They went to the fireplace. "Wait!" Daphne yelled. Her parents looked at her. Daphne explained, "Harry's never traveled by Floo before!"

Cygnus said, "Harry, you have to trust us. What I'm about to say will sound bloody insane, but I promise it will make sense. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded. "Of course, sir," he said.

Cygnus said, "Traveling by Floo powder means to travel through a fireplace. You sprinkle powder into the fireplace, say where you want to go, and off you go. But you have to speak VERY clearly, or else you could end up at the wrong place entirely."

Now Harry looked a bit alarmed. What if he ended up in a totally different part of the world? As if reading his thoughts, Cygnus added, "I'll go last. If you throw fire in the fireplace and don't say anything, it will take you where the last person went. If you went somewhere else and don't see Beatrix or Daphne, I'll be right behind you so just stay where you are."

Harry nodded in understanding. He watched as Beatrix threw powder in the fireplace and she called out "Greengrass Estate," and then disappeared as the green fire erupted. Harry's jaw dropped in astonishment. "Doesn't that hurt?" He asked Cygnus.

Cygnus boomed, "Of course not! You can't feel green fire."

Daphne went through, turned around and said, "See you at home, Harry," and disappeared. Now it was Harry's turn. He took the powder. "This feels bloody insane," he thought to himself. He stood in the fireplace, and declared "Greengrass Estate." What followed was about 10-15 seconds of being buffeted, almost akin to being on a rocket ship. It was a horrific sensation, and Harry yelled and cursed. "How the HELL do wizards do this?" he thought to himself.

Seconds later, Harry tumbled out, totally dazed and confused. To his immense relief, he saw Daphne. She helped him up and cast a quick spell to clean off the dust and soot. "Welcome to Greengrass Estate, Harry!" she called out gleefully.

The estate truly was spectacular. While his muggle relatives lived in a fairly affluent area by Muggle standards, this was nothing short of opulence. Just then, Cygnus came through. "Congratulations my boy! Welcome to our humble home."

Harry almost laughed. Cygnus and Beatrix gave Harry the grand tour. Their manor house was sheer, unimaginable opulence everywhere he looked. The ceiling was a vast, domed masterpiece depicting scenes of wizarding history. And like the ceiling at the Great Hall of Hogwarts, it moved. Every room had a golden chandelier. Every room had marble floors. There was a grand staircase leading upstairs that was so ornate it literally glittered. At the top of the steps was a gigantic tapestry that turned out, on closer investigation, to be the Greengrass family tree. Harry lost himself in the names of great wizards past. Then Beatrix said, "Show him the drawing room." They brought him to the room, and in there was an incredible array of artifacts. A giant portrait of Merlin hung on the wall. One carpet had been in the family so long it was said to have been used by Merlin himself.

Cygnus laughed and said, "Harry, I had a room made for you." He led him through a set of double doors.

To Harry's utter amazement, it was a movie theater! An actual movie theater. "You made this?" Harry said to Cygnus.

"Of course!" Cygnus said. And purely for academic purposes, I naturally tried watching some Muggle movies."

Beatrix rolled her eyes. "He's in here all. the. time."

Cygnus responded indignantly, "I have to make sure it works! I can't have Harry disappointed, now can I?"

Harry laughed at their banter. He supposed this is what family was like. "It's incredible. Thank you so much," he said sincerely.

He had never been allowed to watch movies as a child. Vernon had told him "Movies are much too good for freaks like you!"

"I have more to show you, but we will absolutely be watching a movie later!" Cygnus said, bounding away.

Beatrix said to Harry, "Do remember to tell me if he gets too carried away for your liking," she said to him.

Harry said, "Are you kidding? My aunt and uncle never let me watch movies. I would love to watch them!"

Beatrix had a sad expression on her face, being reminded of Harry's troubled upbringing. "How this boy is kind and polite is beyond me with how he suffered."

It took Cygnus considerable willpower not to react with anger, remembering Daphne's warning about Harry's typical negative reaction to displays of anger.

Cygnus had been indescribably angry the night the letter from Daphne arrived where she told her parents all about Harry's abusive Muggle relatives and about Dumbledore's use of Harry's parents to guilt him into obeying his will. So angry was Cygnus that he screamed profanity, conjured a dummy that looked like Dumbledore, eviscerated it, and was threatening to storm to Hogwarts right then and there. He screamed "No one treats my boy like this!!!"

Beatrix, despite Cygnus's show of raw fury and concern he might do something rash, smiled at the way Cygnus by instinct already regarded Harry as someone he truly cared about. "Your boy?" She asked him.

Cygnus said, "Well, I know he isn't really, but he saved our little girl's life, and we're giving him the Christmas he's been dreaming of!"

Beatrix said, "I know what you want. If all goes well, then you have my blessing to ask him."

Cygnus had a wide grin and said, "It's what I've been dreaming of for so long."

Beatrix, with a smile, replied, "Me too."

Cygnus snapped out of his flashback when he heard a squeal of joy. "HARRY!" Astoria yelled. She sprinted at full speed toward Harry and pulled him into a bear hug. "I've heard so many things about you, Daph won't stop talking about you. Are you really the Chosen One? Are you really the cutest first year at Hogwarts?" Astoria was rattling off questions as if her speech was sped up, and practically beaming with enthusiasm.

"TORI!" Daphne yelled, her face flushing crimson at Astoria's last question, while Cygnus and Beatrix were struggling not to laugh.

Harry, to his credit, managed to keep a straight face. "Can I call you Tori?"

"Of course you can!" She yelled.

Harry spoke to her. "Do you want to know who I think the cutest girl in my year is?"

Astoria was curious. "Who?" She asked.

Daphne wanted to know, but part of her didn't. Why? Why did she care which girl he thought was pretty? Whichever girl he had his eyes on was probably stuck-up anyway. "Again," she asked herself, "why am I concerned?"

Harry responded with a wry grin. "She's in this room and she has blond hair."

Daphne's heart skipped a beat. "Me?" she thought in disbelief. "He's just trying to flatter me," she reasoned. There was no way she was the prettiest in her year. Did he not see Tracey? Or Lily Moon? Or Pansy? Or Susan? But she still blushed crimson. "Heir Potter, you are far too kind," she said, mock bowing.

Cygnus, watching the scene, learned two things. Firstly, Harry would be a superb womanizer. He had Daphne and Astoria eating out of the palm of his hand. Secondly, it was clear beyond a reasonable doubt Daphne secretly liked him. However outwardly she tried to deny it and play it cool. He looked at Beatrix, and he knew she was thinking the same thing: "we might be looking at our future son-in-law."

With the introduction to Astoria done, the group went outside, where Cygnus and Beatrix proudly showed off the massive, Olympic-size swimming pool, and the enormous gardens. Harry couldn't believe it. He loved every bit of their house. While he understood this was one of the most opulent houses in wizarding Britain, it felt comfortable. When Beatrix showed him to his room, Harry marveled. A large room, just for him.

Beatrix sat down on the bed. She said to him, "I know from Daphne your childhood was not exactly happy. I want you to know you can be yourself here. We are so honored to have you, and are so grateful how kind you have been to Daphne. Hogwarts is a tough world, and I am sure you know how hard things are in Slytherin House."

Harry said, "Ma'am, I appreciate it so much."

Beatrix smiled, "You're family. Call me Beatrix. Don't worry about being too formal when it's just us. You only have to be formal when we are at public functions. I want you to go to one while you are here, there will be a New Year's Party at Neville's house."

Harry felt a sense of excitement. He had never been to any formal wizard gathering other than any events at Hogwarts.

Downstairs in Cygnus's study, Cygnus and Daphne were discussing what they euphemistically referred to as The Plan. "Father, are you still going to ask him this visit to join our cause?" Daphne asked him.

Cygnus responded, "Yes, but after Christmas. I must tell you though - you have done an admirable job keeping him in line."

Daphne said sadly, "I was scared that day at the mirror. I thought he wanted to die and be with them."

Cygnus understood. He had been shaped and molded by grief in his youth. He had lost his parents during the war, then lost nearly all of his closest friends. Even as an adult it was hard to take. But at least he had his loved ones until adulthood. He understood fully what they fought and died for, and it was part of what had inspired Cygnus to risk his life fighting for the good of the wizard world rather than simply selling out to Voldemort as many did during those dark days. Not a day went by where he didn't grieve those he lost. Fleeting thoughts of regret came to mind, and he thought of the Irish folk song The Parting Glass, particularly the words "Why I should rise and you should not." Cygnus loved James Potter like a brother. James had saved his life, and Cygnus always felt like he had failed him. "I should have been secret keeper. Maybe James and Lily would still be alive, and maybe Harry could have had a happy childhood," he thought bitterly. Lost in thought, he began thinking, "I can still make it up to James. I can protect his boy. We can finish what he started."

Finally, he responded to Daphne. "Forgive this old man and his thoughts. Harry looks so much like young James that I just can't help but feel nostalgia." Cygnus swallowed down his brief moment of grief, and as if a switch flicked, returned to duty. He said, "I know what must be done. We'll give him a happy and carefree Christmas, and then we will have to talk business."

Cygnus continued, "Daphne, there is something I will need you to do when I speak to Harry about this. You should know that some of what I tell him will be immensely difficult for him to hear."

Daphne nodded. "Of course," she responded to him, her face a neutral mask of duty.

Cygnus spoke quieter now. "He will learn some things that may rock him to his core. This is the moment of reckoning." He continued, "Daphne, Harry will need you. Where you come in is to be the steadying influence he desperately needs. I will be taking him to Gringotts, and I am sure that will present some surprises that are not entirely welcome"

Daphne interjected, "But Father," she asked. "He went to Gringotts already with Hagrid."

Cygnus responded, "Hagrid is well-meaning, but do not be fooled. He would commit murder if Albus Dumbledore asked this of him. At Gringotts, Harry was allowed to see only what Dumbledore wanted him to see. Why do you think Harry was not left alone with any goblin?"

Daphne felt uneasy. "Do you mean?" She asked Cygnus, "That when Dumbledore said the Potters have no will, he was lying?"

A dark expression flashed across Cygnus's face. "He told Harry that the Potters had no will?" He asked quietly.

Daphne knew her father was mad. A quiet, dangerous tone was Cygnus at his most dangerous. Cygnus continued his voice rising now, "That is an absolute lie. Every member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight is REQUIRED to have a will when they come of age!" He roared, "There is no way James and Lily did not have a will!!!"

Daphne agreed with his sentiment. She had noticed Dumbledore's look of discomfort when she asked him about the will. She had wondered then if he was lying, and now Cygnus had all but confirmed it.

He continued, "Unless by some crazy stretch of the imagination James and Lily decided to throw out centuries of custom, they had a will, and my guess is that what it contains is something Dumbledore never wants to see the light of day." He implored, "Daphne, please do not mention this to him yet. I do not want to spoil his Christmas with this negativity just yet.

In the lead-up to Christmas, Harry, with some help from his friends, had gotten a hold of some Christmas shopping catalogs, and had gotten gifts for his friends. He also, with some advice from Daphne, got gifts for her family. He was amazed at how the Greengrass family actually celebrated Christmas. Saying that the Dursley Family celebrated Christmas was akin to saying that Scrooge before the ghosts was a charitable man.

Harry had been amazed to learn that Daphne and her family kept creatures called House Elves. They treated the Greengrass Family with the utmost politeness, and even addressing Daphne as "Mistress Daphne." Harry learned their names were Tipsy, Mopsy, and Skywalker. "Skywalker?" He asked Daphne with incredulousness.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "That one is your fault, you know!"

Harry said in disbelief, "How did I have anything to do with your family naming your elf Skywalker?"

Daphne said, "Because my father built you the movie theater room and then got obsessed with Muggle movies like Star Wars!"

Cygnus had insisted Harry watch Star Wars with him on the first night, an invitation that was met with great enthusiasm from Harry and considerable eye-rolling from Daphne, Beatrix, and Astoria.

Harry then said, "Ah. That makes sense. Maybe the Force is strong with him?" He asked her.

Daphne glared at him with a look that lacked any real intensity. "What is it with men and sci-fi?" She asked him.

Harry responded with a smile, "We have good taste, what can I say?"

Just then, Skywalker greeted Harry. "Master Harry Sir! It is such an honor to meet you. My name Skywalker."

Daphne blushed crimson. What Harry did not know was that the term "Master" or "Mistress" was only given to those who were family. Family, or the lover of any family member. Her blush deepened as Mopsy said, "Lady Daphne's Harry sir, an honor this is!" Tipsy then said "Harry Potter. An incredible honor to us Elves! We are delighted."

Harry greeted all three of them and spoke to them as if to friends. All three were overwhelmed by Harry's generosity, which Harry found slightly off-putting. Daphne found it endearing, knowing so many wizards were needlessly cruel to such kind creatures. The Malfoys had been known to injure or even kill them on occasion. Daphne once accidentally bumped into Mopsy, causing her to fall on the floor. Though Mopsy ultimately wasn't hurt, Daphne felt horrible. She could never imagine purposely injuring one.

"Daphne?" Harry asked her.

"Yes?" She responded.

"Can you tell me why you named one of your elves Tipsy?"

Just then, in a bit of timing so perfect that it bordered on incredible, Tipsy grabbed a bottle of butter beer and began guzzling it. Harry watched in absolute astonishment as she downed the ENTIRE bottle within one minute, without ever taking a break or setting it down.

Daphne looked at him with a grin, "Are you still wondering why we call her Tipsy?"

Harry said totally deadpan, "I figured that out for myself funnily enough," causing Daphne to burst into laughter.

On Christmas morning, Harry was woken up on loud knocking on his bedroom door. Astoria yelled, "Get up Harry, it's Christmas!" As Harry got himself out of bed, she shouted again, "Harry get down here, you've got presents!"

What followed were some of the most enjoyable moments of his young life. For the first time ever, Harry got to open Christmas presents. From Cygnus Harry received a book "Fundamentals of Wizarding Government." Cygnus explained "I know from Daph you want to learn more about how our world works. I am giving you lessons over the break and beyond, but I hope this will be of great help."

Harry thanked him sincerely, resisting the temptation to immediately crack it open and start devouring it.

From Daphne Harry got his very own set of Wizard's Chess. "I know how much you love this game," she said to him. "Now you can play any time you want." Harry was amazed. He had often borrowed Ron's or played with him, but now he could play anytime at all. He loved it!

From Astoria, Harry received dung bombs. She erupted into hysterics as he opened them.

Daphne whispered to Harry, "You know she likes you when she gives you pranks. if she didn't like you she probably would have given you a snake!"

Harry shuddered. "Definitely best to stay on Tori's good side," he reasoned to himself.

From Beatrix Harry got a photo album. "Open it up," she told him. He did, and there were pictures of his parents! He went through slowly page by page, this time unable to resist the urge to dissect its contents. He choked up. "Thank you so much," he finally said to her. Beatrix knew how overwhelmed Harry must feel. "Happy Christmas Harry," she said to him. Everyone else chimed in.

Then he saw a picture of himself as a one-year-old on a toy broomstick. James looked absolutely delighted, and Lily looked as if she was rolling her eyes, but couldn't keep a smile off her face. Harry smiled. This is why he had such innate Quidditch talent.

"Astoria - " Beatrix said, after looking over at Cygnus. "Would you like to go try out your new toys?

"Of course!!" She yelled, and took off to her room, all her gifts in tow.

Beatrix spoke softly to Harry. "Harry," she started. "Cygnus and I have one more gift for you, but you have to understand you are under no obligation to accept it."

Harry said, "You guys have been far too generous already. You really do not have to! This is already my best Christmas ever. Seeing you guys as a happy, loving family is amazing."

Cygnus glanced at Beatrix again. "Harry," she said. We know that you are in an unhappy living situation, and how mean and nasty your relatives are. They are an absolute disgrace to James and Lily." She paused, took a deep breath, and continued, "Harry. What if I told you that there would be a way that you could get away from them? For good."

Harry said, "I would tell you it is too good to be true. Dumbledore said I'm stuck with the Dursleys for my safety. All I've ever wanted is just to be with people who actually care about me."

Beatrix continued, "I don't give two flying f*cks what Dumbledore says you can and cannot do. They abuse you!!" She screamed.

Cygnus and Daphne widened their eyes in astonishment. Beatrix must be steaming mad at Dumbledore; she NEVER cursed. She continued, "Harry. Cygnus and I would like to adopt you, and take you in as our son. We are so incredibly appreciative of you. You're a kind young man, and we will never forget how you have saved Daphne's life and helped her through a difficult environment."

Cygnus spoke next, "Harry, I loved James like a brother and Lily like a sister. I would have given my life for either of them in a heartbeat. I know Beatrix and I can never replace James and Lily, and we would never want to. But we truly care about you, and it's safe to say that both of us love you."

In spite of Harry's best efforts, tears were streaming down his face. These people wanted to adopt him? This was what Harry had always wanted.

Daphne was totally surprised, not expecting this development in the slightest. She had seen her father transform in recent months from a cynical politician grooming Harry and preparing him for war into a man who truly and utterly cared about him.

Cygnus continued, "James looked after me in the war. Both were there for us when Daphne was born. Do you know that James and Lily were the first outside the family to meet her?" He continued, "James looked after me, and it always haunted me that I never got to return the favor. But now I can. I want to take care of you as if you were my own flesh and blood, because you, Harry, are family to me."

Harry said to them after a long pause, "This is the greatest moment of my life. This is all I've wanted for so long. To have a happy family that loves me. Are you sure you want me?"

Cygnus said, "More sure than anything else. Beatrix, Daphne and Astoria are my world, but I've always wanted a son. Harry, you have my word that we will love you and take care of you the way James and Lily would have wanted. All we want is to do right by them and by you."

Harry embraced the three of them. This truly was the best Christmas he could have possibly hoped for.

Chapter 12: I Wouldn't Bank On It

Chapter Text

Daphne was stunned but absolutely delighted by the decision of her parents to legally adopt Harry as one of their own. She had a million questions, but chief among them was the big one: how would Dumbledore react? Would he force Harry to return to the Dursleys? She knew that would be the moment her parents pushed back more openly against Dumbledore.

Astoria had been beside herself with joy. "I just knew you'd be my big brother!" She yelled excitedly. "Now you can help me play jokes on Daph!"

Daphne, for her part, looked considerably less impressed with this particular revelation than did Harry and Astoria.

Christmas was a blur. All of the Greengrass family and friends came over, but the family agreed the news was to be kept quiet for now so word could not get back to Dumbledore. Cygnus said he would work with an attorney named Edward Tonks to get the paperwork taken care of; Tonks, Cygnus assured them, was the epitome of discretion. He could take care of it quietly without drawing attention. The task was made even easier by the realization that Amelia Bones might be an ally.

Two days after Christmas, Harry's first lesson began with Cygnus: Politics. Economics. That morning, at Cygnus's instruction given over dinner the night before, Harry met him in his study. Cygnus was sitting at his desk, and Harry sat across from him.

“Harry,” Cygnus began, his voice smooth and measured, “Let us begin. As you and I both know, you have found yourself at the very center of our world’s most significant events, but I daresay you’ve never been truly exposed to the economic forces that shape our society.”

Harry nodded, uncertain of where this conversation would lead but intrigued by Cygnus's words nonetheless.

“The wizarding world’s economy,” Cygnus continued, “is both unique and complex. It’s a delicate balance of magic, tradition, and, regrettably, corruption. And the Ministry of Magic, the institution meant to oversee it all, is corrupt beyond measure”

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. “Let’s start with the basics. Gringotts, the only bank in our world, is not just a place to store gold. It’s the linchpin of our economy. The goblins who run it are shrewd, calculating beings, and their understanding of finance far surpasses that of any wizard. They control the flow of money, the value of our currency, and even the lending rates for loans.”

Harry frowned. “But isn’t the Ministry supposed to regulate all that? Isn’t there oversight?”

Cygnus let out a dry laugh. “Oversight? The Ministry barely understands the basics of economic theory, let alone the complexities of goblin-run banking. The truth is, the Ministry relies on Gringotts far more than it would ever admit. The Wizengamot, our governing body, is filled with those leeches and rats who have their own interests at heart. They are more concerned with maintaining their power and wealth than with ensuring a fair and functional economy.”

Harry was slightly taken aback by the bluntness of Cygnus’s words. He had always known the Ministry had its flaws, but learning of this corrupt authoritarianism, this rigged system, was something else entirely.

“Let me give you an example,” Cygnus said, leaning forward. “The Ministry prints Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts, but they issue currency based on arbitrary decisions, often influenced by political needs rather than economic sense. This has led to periods of inflation that they are utterly ill-equipped to manage. The goblins, of course, take full advantage of this. They set the exchange rates and control the money supply with a deft hand, ensuring their profits remain high while the Ministry is on the back foot mired by corruption.”

“And what about trade?” Harry asked, now fully engaged. “How does that work in the wizarding world?”

“Ah, trade,” Cygnus mused. “Another area where the Ministry’s incompetence shines through. Most wizards don’t understand the importance of trade agreements or tariffs. They assume that because we have magic, we don’t need to worry about such things. But the truth is, trade with magical beings outside of Britain, such as those in Europe, Africa, and Asia, is crucial. The Ministry, however, is notorious for botching trade negotiations, often due to their arrogance or ignorance.”

Cygnus stood and walked over to a large, ornate globe that stood in the corner of the room. He spun it slowly, watching the continents blur together. “Wizards trade potions ingredients, magical creatures, enchanted objects, and more. But without proper regulation and understanding of trade dynamics, we’ve seen markets collapse or become dominated by black-market forces. Smuggling is rampant because the Ministry’s import-export laws are outdated and are either poorly enforced or unfairly and arbitrarily enforced.”

He turned back to Harry, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of frustration and passion. “I’ve tried to advise them, to show them the error of their ways, but they refuse to listen. They’re more concerned with maintaining the status quo, with keeping their seats in the Wizengamot warm, than with the welfare of our economy.”

Harry was silent, absorbing all that he had learned. It was a side of the wizarding world he had never considered, one that made him see the Ministry in a new light.

“And then there’s corruption,” Cygnus added, almost as an afterthought. “It’s rife within the Ministry. Bribes, kickbacks, and backroom deals are commonplace. Decisions that should be made based on economic sense are instead made to benefit a select few. The Malfoys, for example, have long used their influence to manipulate the system to their advantage.”

Harry’s eyes narrowed at the mention of the Malfoys.

“I believe in the importance of a sound economy,” Cygnus said, his tone growing more earnest. “One where wealth is created through ingenuity and hard work, not through manipulation and corruption. But that vision is difficult to achieve when those in power are either too ignorant or too self-serving to see the bigger picture.”

He walked back to his chair and sat down, his expression softening slightly. “Harry, you’ve faced many battles, but the one I fight is different. It’s a battle of ideas, of knowledge. If our world is to thrive, it needs leaders who understand not just magic, but also the forces that shape our economy. Perhaps, in time, you will see the value in this fight as well.”

As Cygnus gave his lecture, he was pleased to see that Harry was engaged. He got the sense that the two were on the same wavelength. Harry was buying into the program, he thought with a sense of joy. But Cygnus tempered his cautious hope. The tough part was still to come. What he was about to disclose to Harry was considered blasphemy in the eyes of the Ministry. Cygnus knew he was taking a risk, but knew there was no choice.

He leaned forward, his piercing gaze locked onto Harry's. "You see, Harry - the thing you have to understand is that the Ministry of Magic, the Wizengamot, Gringotts - well, they are all part of a vast, intricate system that controls the flow of wealth and power in our world. But this system, Harry, is riddled with corruption, incompetence, and manipulation, and at the heart of it all is a man you know well: Albus Dumbledore."

Harry’s eyes widened, but he remained silent. Cygnus viewed his silence as license to continue.

"The Ministry of Magic," Cygnus said with a trace of disdain, "is ostensibly the governing body of our world, but in reality, it’s nothing more than a puppet theater. The true power lies in the Wizengamot—the body that makes our laws. And who controls the Wizengamot? The aristocracy. They sit on their high perches, passing laws that protect their wealth and status while the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves."

Cygnus paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. He chose his next words very wisely, knowing this was the critical moment. "But the true manipulation, my boy, comes from those who understand how to bend this system to their will. Dumbledore is one such man. He presents himself as a humble servant of the light, a champion of the common wizard, but in truth, he is one of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in our world."

Harry’s brow furrowed in confusion and no small amount of disbelief. "But Dumbledore doesn’t seem wealthy," he said hesitantly. "He lives at Hogwarts, and he’s never shown any interest in wealth."

Cygnus allowed himself a small, cold smile. "Ah, but wealth isn’t always measured in Galleons, you see. Dumbledore’s wealth lies in his influence. He has the ear of the Wizengamot, control over the Hogwarts Board of Governors, and a network of allies throughout the Ministry. He uses his reputation and connections to shape policy and sway decisions in ways that benefit his agenda."

Cygnus’s voice grew more intense as he spoke. "And who suffers from this corruption? The common witch and wizard, those who struggle to make ends meet while the elite grow ever richer. The Ministry passes laws that burden small businesses and families while offering tax breaks and loopholes to those who already have more than they need."

Harry sat back, absorbing the magnitude of what Cygnus was saying. It was a side of the wizarding world he had never considered—an undercurrent of corruption and manipulation that ran beneath the surface of everything he knew.

"But what can be done?" Harry asked, his voice tinged with frustration. "If the system is so corrupt, how can anyone change it?"

Cygnus regarded him with a steely gaze. He paused for a long moment. Then he continued, "That, Harry, is the ultimate question that every witch or wizard must ask themselves. The system cannot be changed from within—not when those who benefit from it are the ones in power. Real change requires breaking the tyranny, dismantling the corruption, and building something new in its place."

The fire crackled louder as Cygnus leaned back in his chair, the intensity in his eyes softening slightly. "You are in a unique position. You have the power to influence the future of our world. You have already stood your ground against Dumbledore as a schoolboy and lived to tell the tale. You could change the world, and I would not dare to utter those words if I were not absolutely convinced of their truth. But before you change the world, you need to first understand it. You must understand the forces at play, and the realities that shape our society. Only then can you hope to make all the difference."

Harry nodded slowly, his mind racing with new thoughts and possibilities. He had always known that the wizarding world was complex, but Cygnus Greengrass had just peeled back the curtain to reveal the tangled web of power and corruption that lay beneath.

A few minutes passed as Harry digested the revelations that had poured from Cygnus. He then said to Harry, "Now my boy. We're about to turn theory into practice." He then said, "I should have you know that there will be a few rules in place. We are going to Gringotts. As you know from my lesson, the goblins run a tight ship, and they are very very astute. They are also very unforgiving." He looked stern now. "You will let me do the talking. It can be a minefield for even the more seasoned financial practitioners, much less someone new to the world as you are. You are to stay quiet unless spoken to by me or by a goblin, is that clear?"

Harry nodded. "Of course, sir." he said quickly.

Cygnus continued, "I want to warn you." He sighed, took a deep breath, and said, "You will probably hear some things today that are going to be very difficult for you. Daphne is coming too, since I know how she is so good at giving you support. Also, you should know. I am eternally grateful you saved my Daphne. To jump on a troll's back is absolute bravery. I told Daphne before she went to Hogwarts that I hoped if her life were in someone's hands, that it would be a Gryffindor. Well, Harry, you proved me right!" He laughed hysterically.

Harry responded with mild concern, "Sir?" "What do you think we might hear today that will be so dreadful?"

Cygnus sighed. He said, "I fear what Dumbledore has told you is not accurate. Yes, you have been to your vault before, but you should have had a meeting with Griphook that very day, as he is the Potter Account Manager."

Harry was confused. "Why did Hagrid not let me speak to him?"

Cygnus said with mild disconcertment, "Because Hagrid, though well-meaning, is so thoroughly under the thumb of Dumbledore that the thumb could crush him into the ground. Hagrid was under strict orders to take you to your vault, but not let you speak to anyone, wasn't he?"

Harry flashed back to that day at Gringotts. Hagrid had said, "Best to let me do the talkin', and don't go near goblins. Nasty creatures, those." He realized Cygnus's theory was correct.

Cygnus said, "Curious thing, isn't it? The Hogwarts gamekeeper, who is afraid of no creature, who has been known to keep Acromantulas and three-headed dogs as pets, is suddenly afraid of goblins?"

Harry then said thoughtfully, "Or maybe Hagrid isn't afraid, but wants me to be?"

A broad smile flashed across Cygnus's face. "Bingo!" he exclaimed. "Dumbledore wants you to be uncomfortable around goblins so you don't ask questions."

"But why?" Harry asked.

Cygnus responded, "That, Harry, is what I intend to find out."

That was how Cygnus, Daphne, and Harry found themselves outside the front doors of Gringotts. Cygnus spoke to the two sternly. "Remember what I told you - let me handle the talking unless I give you permission, do you understand?" The two nodded. Cygnus did not really like having to be so forceful towards Harry and Daphne, but he knew how conniving goblins could be. They could easily chew apart the inexperienced, tear them into bits, and spit them out. The pureblood supremacists hated goblins. "Ironic," Cygnus thought. "They benefit from goblins and yet hate them."

The group entered. Harry suddenly felt small. Like the first time he was there with Hagrid, the place just radiated power and influence.

Cygnus spoke to Griphook. "Good morning Griphook. May thy knife chip and shatter."

Griphook responded firmly, "May THY knife chip and shatter."

Harry whispered to Daphne, "Is it just me or are they insulting each other?"

Daphne whispered back, "Definitely insulting each other. It's a funny game. This is considered good form."

Harry was baffled. He had no complaints about being asked to stay silent.

Cygnus said, "We have urgent business to discuss regarding the Potter Estate."

Griphook growled, "We made an exception for Albus Dumbledore, we will not make one for you!"

Cygnus looked confused. "Exception for what?"

Griphook said, "You can only withdraw so much money at once."

Harry and Daphne looked at each other. Daphne whispered, "He didn't say what I think he said, did he?"

Cygnus felt a chill. Someone was withdrawing money? "Who is withdrawing money from the Potters' vault?" he spoke softly and dangerously.

Griphook said, "As Harry's magical guardian, Albus was allowed to withdraw as much as he chose."

Cygnus was barely keeping his temper in check now. The f*cker was stealing from Harry! "Griphook," he said. "How much has he withdrawn?"

Griphook went through his files. "He has withdrawn, in the last ten years, about 35 million galleons."

Only Daphne squeezing Harry's hand at the last second kept Harry from flying off the handle. "Harry - we're here," she whispered. "My father will help you."

What followed could only be described as a torrent of obscenity and rage. It turned out Daphne's fears of Harry causing a scene were rendered moot as Cygnus bellowed with anger, his words echoing off the office walls, "I WILL f*ckING KILL THAT f*ckING SON OF A BITCH IF I EVER SEE THAT PIECE OF sh*t AGAIN!!! NO ONE STEALS FROM THE POTTERS, NO ONE! I WILL HANG HIM BY HIS MOTHERf*ckING BEARD, KILL HIM, AND HANG HIM A SECOND TIME!"

Harry and Daphne, despite being livid, watched with mouths agape as Cygnus well and truly lost his temper in spectacular fashion. Ten years of hatred towards Dumbledore for a long list of grievances exploded out in a minute of madness. Daphne had never seen him remotely this angry. She now understood fully why Cygnus was respected and feared in the circles he skated in.

Cygnus was firing on all cylinders now, as he completely lost any sense of rationality or control, as seen in his rather colorful rant implying Dumbledore's mother had been a prostitute. Griphook, apparently totally unfazed by Cygnus's tirade, merely sipped from his goblet and waited patiently for the storm to subside. Harry, still in a state of bewilderment, could only suppose this was not an uncommon occurrence.

While Harry was startled at the extent of Cygnus's vitriol, he felt flattered to have someone fighting so hard on his behalf, and aggrieved by a slight Harry had suffered.

Finally, Cygnus took a deep breath, seemingly spent of his rage. "Griphook," he commanded. "I am requesting that the Potter vault be frozen. No one but Harry or myself or Beatrix is allowed to perform ANY transactions."

Griphook raised his eyebrows. "What authority do you have?"

Cygnus replied, "I adopted Harry. I do not want his money. Only his safety and his prosperity."

Griphook responded, "Very well. What other business do you have today, Mr. Greengrass?"

Griphook appeared eager to wrap up the meeting. Not that he could blame him, Harry thought to himself.

After a lengthy pause, Cygnus spoke again. "We need to know if James and Lily Potter left a will."

"Yes," Griphook responded immediately. "James and Lily Potter left a last will and testament."

Harry, Daphne, and Cygnus all hitched their breath. Dumbledore had now been caught in a lie. Again, Daphne squeezed Harry's hand. If her instincts were correct, and she had no reason to doubt they were, she knew Harry would probably react in a fashion similar to Cygnus. Cygnus reacting that way was one thing, since he could handle himself in the goblin arena. But she knew Harry lacked the decades of savvy. He couldn't afford to lose his mind the way her father had. "Harry," she whispered. "Whatever it says, I'm here. My family is here. We love you. OK?"

Harry understood she was trying to support him and was truly grateful, but also filled with dread. He knew what he was about to encounter would likely change everything he thought he knew about himself. He said to her. "Thank you for supporting me."

Daphne knew Harry was emotionally frayed. She felt raw fury at Dumbledore, but knew she needed to keep it together. For Harry.

“Mr. Potter,” Griphook began, his voice carrying a certain gravity, “what you are about to hear has been kept in the utmost secrecy, as per the instructions left by your parents, James and Lily Potter.”

Harry swallowed hard, his throat dry. He had never truly known much of anything his parents beyond the stories and photographs others had told him. But now, he was about to hear their last wishes, their final words to him.

Griphook produced a scroll from a secured vault, the parchment old but well-preserved. He unfurled it with care, revealing the elegant handwriting of James and Lily Potter. The goblin’s voice was steady as he began to read:

"To our beloved son, Harry,

If you are hearing this, then it means that we have passed on, leaving you far too soon. Know that we loved you more than anything in this world, and we would have done anything to be there for you, to watch you grow, to see the man you would become."

Harry blinked back tears as he listened, his heart aching with every word. The will continued, detailing their love for him, their hopes and dreams for his future, and the deep sadness they felt at not being able to raise him themselves.

"We have left provisions to ensure that you are cared for and loved in our absence. Under no circ*mstances are you to be placed in the care of Petunia Dursley or her family. We trust that our friends and allies will ensure this."

Harry’s head snapped up, surprise and anger flaring within him. His parents had not merely intended for him to not go there; they expressly forbade it! He now knew his parents would have been furious. Harry felt growing anger. Sadness at his parents' words, but growing rage at Dumbledore. Dumbledore, the man who said that being with the Dursleys was in Harry's best interest. Dumbledore, the man who had said his parents would have been ashamed of him if he dared question him. Now Harry learned that Dumbledore's decision ran counter to his parents' wishes.

Griphook continued reading, his voice unwavering:

"In the event of our deaths, we entrust your care to the Greengrass family. Cygnus and Beatrix Greengrass are people we admire deeply, and love them as family. We believe that they will provide you with the love and protection you need."

Harry glanced at Cygnus, whose eyes were now wet. He had always known that James and Lily had loved him like a brother, but to know unequivocally that they trusted him more than any people on Earth to take care of their cherished son was overwhelming to hear. Daphne now put her arm around Harry, who had a shellshocked expression on his face. It was by total serendipity that Harry had ended up in the care of the people who had been asked to take care of the boy all those years ago.

Cygnus uttered, visibly trying to compose himself, "I never knew. James and Lily never told us. But Harry, you should know we would have fought Dumbledore to prevent you from going to those vermin if we had known."

"We also wish to make the following bequests," Griphook continued, "to those we hold dear and to those who have fought by our side in the war against Voldemort."

Griphook listed the names: "Sirius Black, who is Harry's Godfather, to receive the bulk of the Potter estate, including our primary house in Godric's Hollow; Remus Lupin, who is to be given ten million galleons and certain personal effects to support him and aid in the difficult life he had led; Edgar Bones and Frank Longbottom, both of whom will receive five million galleons to aid in their fight against the Dark Arts; and Regulus Black, who shall receive one million galleons in recognition of his sacrifice and the redemption he has sought."

"Redemption for what?" Cygnus wondered. His head was spinning. The story went that Sirius Black had murdered 13 people, including his former friend Peter Pettigrew. Cygnus had wondered if he was involved in the demise of the Potters. But he now knew that this was impossible. He had been appointed Harry's Godfather. In the wizarding world, it was a huge deal, because the godparents of a witch or wizard swore an oath that they would protect their godchild. To betray that trust was akin to breaking an unbreakable vow; if Sirius had really betrayed the Potters, he would have died on the spot. Could this also confirm that Sirius was innocent of the murders he had been charged with? That would lead to a million other questions.

Griphook continued reading, bringing Cygnus out of his dark thoughts.

"To Cygnus Greengrass, we leave the Ancestral Potter Estate as a token of our gratitude for his friendship and for the role we hope he will play in our son’s life. We trust you, Cygnus, to guide Harry as you would your own child."

Cygnus's eyes widened. The Potter estate had been in the possession of the Potters dating back at least to the time of Merlin, and they were going to leave it to someone outside the family? In the wizarding world, it was as powerful a gesture as they came. Cygnus felt moved by the Potters' display of generosity, but it was bittersweet, tinged with the renewed sadness of loss, and his sense of duty to protect their child the way they would have wanted.

But the final revelation was still to come, and it would shock them all to their core.

"Lastly," Griphook read, his voice growing somber, "we wish to disclose a matter of great importance. The Secret Keeper of our location was Peter Pettigrew, chosen under the advice of Albus Dumbledore. This was a decision we made in an effort to protect you, Harry, but it is a decision we now fear may have been our undoing. If we died, it was because he sold us to Voldemort, and it would have been done with the knowledge of Albus Dumbledore."

Griphook finished, "We hope that by revealing this truth, justice might be done, and that the truth of our deaths may come to light."

There was a long silence. Harry sat in silence, feeling as though the ground had been pulled out from under him. He withdrew in his chair, unsure of how he could even begin to process this news.

Cygnus felt renewed rage, but also felt deep concern when he saw Harry's shellshocked face, suddenly looking much older than his age.

"Harry?" Daphne asked with concern written on her face. She knew Harry better than most, and knew he was not in a good place mentally. "Harry, I'm here." She embraced him.

Cygnus was now alarmed. How would Harry react? He had to make sure he didn't do anything rash. Cygnus now regretted his own outburst earlier, realizing it might have set a bad example for young Harry.

Harry was still silent. Cygnus was trying to figure out what to do, and knew that whatever grievance he had with Dumbledore, he had to focus on Harry.

Cygnus crouched down next to Harry. "Harry - we're here for you. You're not alone. Please let us help you. You're with a family who loves you."

Daphne begged him, "Please - let us in. I'll never leave you. No matter what."

Finally, Harry spoke. "How could Dumbledore do this? How could he? I trusted him. And now I find out he has lied to me, and stabbed me in the back. He had the gall to use my parents to manipulate me knowing full well he arranged for their deaths!!!" Harry was shouting by the end.

Cygnus had a resolved look on his face. He knew now unequivocally that Harry had at last well and truly seen the light about Dumbledore. "This is the day the game changed," Cygnus thought to himself.

Harry looked at Cygnus, and said "I want to take the son of a bitch down. For James and Lily. For my family. For OUR family," he said, gesturing to Cygnus and Daphne. He spoke more uncertainly now, "You really meant what you said when you said you love me?"

Cygnus replied firmly "Every word."

Harry said sadly, "I know my parents probably said it to me, but no one else ever did until this Christmas." He continued, "I love you all. I truly mean it."

Daphne swore she could see a fleeting look of triumph on Cygnus's face. She knew he won the battle. There was zero doubt in her mind, now that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about Dumbledore had been laid bare, that Harry no longer held false illusions about Dumbledore. And if she knew anything about Harry, it is that he did not forgive and did not forget those who had slighted him in such an unforgivable fashion.

For her part, Daphne responded, "I love you too. Always." The three embraced.

Through this whole scene, Griphook thought to himself, "This is how the world changes. I sense the winds of changing are blowing fast and furious now." Griphook had been around a long time. He had seen powerful wizards come and go, ebb and flow. The Age of Dumbledore had lasted since the 1940s, but if Griphook knew one thing, it was that no hegemony lasts forever. Sooner or later, the mighty will fall. Even the mightiest oak comes down eventually, but it comes down with a greater roar. What would happen when Dumbledore's time came?

Chapter 13: Sang Real

Chapter Text

As Harry, Cygnus, and Daphne attempted to come to the terms with the stunning revelations of their meeting, Cygnus knew that the situation had created more questions than answers. WHY, in the name of Merlin, would the Potter family surrender their ancestral homeland to him? Why not to Harry? It was a move that was nigh unprecedented except as a conquest of war or the extinction of a family. Why would Lily and James have surrendered the Potter legacy?

Cygnus at last spoke to Griphook. "Why would James and Lily do this?" He asked him weakly. "I don't want their house. It's the Potter legacy, not mine."

Griphook said, "I know precisely why it was done, and we can deduce it logically based upon the contents of their will. Remember what they said about their secret keeper Peter Pettigrew. He was under Dumbledore's thumb and the will stated that if Peter betrayed them, Dumbledore knew about it." He paused and continued, speaking firmly."Use logic, Mr. Greengrass. They correctly guessed that if something happened to them with Harry at such a tender age, Dumbledore would have inserted himself in the young child's affairs. Why do you think they didn't leave the house to Harry, but instead in the hands of someone else, outside the Potter family, but yet someone they could trust?"

In spite of himself, Cygnus could not help but grin. James and Lily had found the one and only way to protect the Potter legacy after their deaths. By gifting the Potter manor to the Greengrass family, it ensured that it would not belong to an orphaned Harry, and that Dumbledore could not use it for his own gain. In short, even in death, the two had managed to outsmart Dumbledore. Cygnus laughed; he could only imagine how furious Dumbledore had been to discover the Potters' insubordination. In Dumbledore's mind, the Potters had been promising, but they were becoming dangerously defiant. Their bloodline, Dumbledore determined, had to be terminated. That Harry survived was an accident of history. Or was it an accident? Could Dumbledore have somehow foreseen the events of that fateful night and allowed them to unfold, knowing that it would lead to the destruction of Voldemort, and that any threat to his power would be destroyed?

Harry now spoke, and asked Cygnus, who was yet again lost in thought, "Why couldn't Dumbledore have taken the house anyway?"

Cygnus said, "Because the house belonged to a Noble family; ours. He could not have taken your manor without it being considered an act of war against us, and this would have caused the other noble families, even the ones who hated us, to rise up against him. It would have been an unprecedented breach of protocol in the wizarding world for the head of the Wizengamot to attack another house."

But Harry was still confused. Cygnus had had no idea the Potter house was even in his possession. Had Dumbledore ever planned on telling Harry about the house when he was old enough? And another more striking question came to mind.

Overcome with curiosity, Harry asked Griphook, "What would have happened had Dumbledore or anyone else tried to enter the Potter estate?"

Griphook responded, "Mr. Potter, the Gringotts wards and curse defenses are some of the strongest in our world. Not even Albus Dumbledore could hope to make it past goblin steel and carnage!" He said with a burst of pride. "The houses were under the protection of the Greengrass family from the moment James and Lily drew their last breath, as per their last will and testament."

"Cygnus," Griphook said, now turning back to him. "You should know that this provision applies to this very day. Under your protection, even without your knowledge or involvement, no hostile invader can invade Potter Estate without being eviscerated by its defenses. If I do say so myself, James and Lily had balls of steel. Their final act was not merely of self-sacrifice, but one of rebellion." Griphook paused and then spoke again, "They understood Dumbledore's true colors. That they did. They found the only way to protect centuries of the Potter legacy from falling to the mercy of a man they knew to be an existential threat to their heritage, and they mortgaged their future on the Greengrass family finding a way to safeguard it. They obviously thought the world of you Mr. Greengrass," Griphook finished.

Cygnus, as he had grown accustomed to so doing of late, took a deep breath to steady himself and tried to slow his racing mind. He knew what the next step had to be. To learn more about the present situation, they first needed to know more about the past. He spoke to Griphook again, "We need you to perform an inheritance test on Harry."

Harry Potter had heard of genealogy, and even knew about ancestry tests, DNA tests, and other methods in the Muggle world. But he was fascinated to learn that the wizards had perfected methods since long before it was even a thought in the Muggle world.

Cygnus briefly explained to Harry that it was akin to getting a vaccine. It would hurt as they had to withdraw blood from his arm, but it would only hurt for a moment. Then, they would run a wizarding diagnostic test, which would uncover Harry's genetic legacy.

Griphook carried out the test. The taking of the blood was instantaneous, and after a few minutes, Griphook gasped aloud, muttering in his native Goblin tongue.

Cygnus, versed in goblin behavior, knew the revelations had to be a shock. Goblins were the measure of cool and calculating. Some, he added, would even consider them aloof. Without saying a word, Griphook handed them a parchment that had been enchanted with the results.

As he read the names on the parchment, Harry's eyes widened in disbelief. There, inscribed in shimmering gold letters, were the words: "Harry James Potter, Heir of the Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter, Black, and Peverell."

The room fell silent, the weight of the revelation sinking in. Harry's mind raced as he tried to process what he had just learned. He was not only the heir to the Potter family but also to the Black and Peverell families. Who, he asked himself, were these people?

"Holy sh*t," was all Cygnus could utter, staring at Harry with a sense of wonder. To be the head of not one, not two, but THREE noble houses would make Harry one of the most powerful brokers in the Wizengamot.

Daphne, despite not being as well-versed as her father, understood the ramifications. Few wizards alive were the head or the heir of more than one family. Harry was indeed a rarity. Not that she should be surprised, she thought to herself.

Griphook spoke solemnly. "Mr. Potter. You will be head of three noble houses, each with its own legacy and responsibilities."

Harry felt his knees weaken, and he stumbled back a step, only to be steadied by Cygnus. The older wizard's grip was firm, and his expression was now an impartial, unreadable mask.

"This is incredible," Harry muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never imagined I would have so much nobility. I mean, yes, I knew about the Potters for obvious reasons, but the Blacks and the Peverells? Who are they?"

Cygnus sighed, knowing this would be a difficult explanation. "Harry," he began with a tone that Harry knew was about to convey yet more shocking truths, "You are the heir of the Black family. Sirius Black is the head of the family." Cygnus now took a softer tone. "He and I were both friends with your father. Sirius was a brave man, and a cunning warrior too."

Harry asked about the Peverell family. Cygnus said, "I promise you that I will tell you the entire story of the Peverells. But not yet. There are other truths you must learn first. Do you understand?" Harry nodded.

Cygnus then continued, "Harry," he said in a low, measured tone, "you must understand what all of this means. When you are old enough, you will be the head of three noble houses. This gives you virtually unparalleled power, but also certain obligations. One such task that falls to you is the act of ensuring the continuation of these bloodlines."

Harry blinked, not quite grasping the implication. "What do you mean?"

Cygnus exchanged a glance with Daphne, who looked slightly embarrassed, before continuing. "It means, Harry, that you must have at multiple children, one for each House. It is a tradition among noble houses to ensure their legacies are preserved. As the head of three houses, it is expected that you will have at least one child for each house. Plus, if you marry someone from another house, then you may be expected to provide a child for that bloodline as well."

Harry stared at Cygnus in open astonishment at his words. Surely the man was cracking a joke. He laughed nervously, only to see that Cygnus was not laughing. "You are serious?" Harry asked in a soft voice. Cygnus nodded solemnly. "That's a lot of children," Harry said, his voice shaky. "What if I cannot do this?"

Daphne stepped forward to comfort him. "Harry, I know this is a lot to take in," she said gently. "But my father is right. It's not just about tradition; it's about responsibility. These houses, your houses, carry so much history and power. It's up to you to uphold that."

Harry felt like the floor had dropped out from beneath him. That many children? The idea was utterly bewildering. He had never even considered the possibility of marriage. He felt nervous. His own father had died when he was one, his uncle was perhaps the world's greatest ass, Draco's father was a demon. He did not exactly have the best examples around him. How could he be a good father? Harry asked himself.

"I can't be a father. What if I'm a horrible parent?" Harry asked lamely, his voice barely audible.

Cygnus placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry. I gave you my word that we will support you for every step of the way. And I promise you that I will stand by these words. You will not be alone for any part of this."

Harry asked, his voice growing louder, "I don't want to bring children into the world and have them suffer with horrible people like I did if I die."

Cygnus took a deep breath. "Harry," he said. "One day you will fall in love. You'll want nothing more than to have children with the lucky lady." Cygnus glanced at Daphne and said, "Who knows, maybe Daphne can encourage you to be the first generation of Potter to go for a blonde rather than a dark or red-haired girl!" He yelled, laughing hysterically.

"FATHER!" Daphne yelled in embarrassment, her face blushing deep red. "Harry, don't listen to this mad man!" She implored.

Daphne and Cygnus's antics provided Harry with a much needed moment of brevity, as a genuine smile flashed across his face, laughing at Daphne's expense.

Harry knew that by the looks of things, he had little choice in the matter. And a funny thing was starting to happen. The more Harry pondered it, the more he realized how much power the lordships would give him, and this could be the path to getting revenge. "I know what I need to do," Harry said to Cygnus and Daphne with firm resolve that surprised even himself. "I'm ready to use this power to the best of my ability and make the wizarding world great again!"

At this point, Cygnus could have broken out in a jig. This was better than he could have imagined. Not only was Harry now professing his firm desire to taking Dumbledore down, but with the power young Harry would wield in the Wizengamot, it was nothing short of sensational. He knew Harry would soon need a political primer, but it would be quite some time until he could fully wield power anyway, since it would not kick in until he came of age.

Daphne knew that Harry would be the bold new weapon capable of changing the game. She knew that when Harry reached his full power, he would be absolutely magnetic in the Wizengamot. He could be the one thread capable of unifying the houses against Dumbledore. The Wizengamot, as her father liked to say, was an entity that was rooted in corruption, power struggles, squabbling, discord, and interests looking out only for themselves. It would take a strong person to break through. "A strong man to take down a strongman," Daphne thought, momentarily proud of herself for her turn of phrase.

Griphook said, "Then it is settled. But there are a few more gifts for you, Mr. Potter, before we close our business today."

Intrigued, Harry asked Griphook about them.

Griphook did not answer, but ran his fingers along a random point in the wall. "Undetectable even by the mightiest wizards," Griphook bragged.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound echoed through the room, as a portion of the wall now revealed itself to be a door rather than the immovable wall Harry had anticipated. Even Cygnus was surprised by the ingenuity.

"This," Griphook intoned solemnly, "is the secret wing. It contains artifacts of the Potter family that were not known even to Dumbledore or Voldemort."

He led the three into the room. In the room were several items. The first was a broomstick. "Mr. Potter," Griphook explained. "This is your father's broomstick. While this is mainly sentimental in nature, I believe he would have wanted you to have this."

Harry grew slightly emotional as he gripped it. He finally had something tangible of his parents.

"The next gift," Griphook intoned, "is from your mother. It is her potions diary and her personal diary."

Daphne gasped. Beatrix had told Daphne that Lily was one of the greatest potions experts of her generation. As Harry looked at the two books, she stared at the potions text with a longing expression. She knew the book was Harry's, but as a budding Potions prodigy herself, she wanted so badly to glean its wisdom.

Harry turned to Daphne, smiling at her look of jealousy. "I really think my mother would have wanted you to have this," he said to her, handing her the potions book. Daphne's eyes widened. "Harry, I can't! It's your mum's book! That is yours, not mine."

He smiled at her. "You are correct. Which is why it's my choice to decide you would get far more joy out of it. As long as you take care of it and let me read it from time to time, it's all yours."

She embraced him in gratitude, thanking him profusely. Looking over her shoulders, Harry saw Cygnus give him a thumbs-up.

"There is another gift for you, Mr. Potter," Griphook said. "For this matter, your father was most explicit that you should only have it when you are old enough to use it properly." Now intrigued, Harry watched as Griphook presented him with what looked to be a piece of fabric. It was a cloak. "Why," Harry asked himself in great confusion, "would I have to be of a certain age to use it? Is it dangerous?"

Sensing Harry's bewilderment, Griphook urged him to try it on. With no small amount of skepticism, he did it.

Immediately, Cygnus's eyes widened in disbelief. "It's not possible. No. They were supposed to be a fairy tale. This changes everything."

Daphne yelled, "This was a fairy tale!! How are they real?"

Even Griphook, who was normally unflappable, had an astonished look on his face. "So the Peverell legend is true. This is a most extraordinary development."

If Harry was confused before, it was nothing compared to now. It was a simple piece of fabric, wasn't it?

As if answering his question, Daphne yelled, "Harry, do you have any clue how rare this is?"

Harry now had to say something. "Daphne, isn't this just a simple cloak?"

Daphne spoke again, "Look down at yourself."

Harry did, and almost fell over from shock. His body was gone! Which meant.....

"It's a cloak of invisibility," Cygnus said, almost in awe. He could not believe it. "And this is THE cloak. Not just a cheap one that fades after a few years. The invisibility cloak was supposed to be from a fairy tale called The Tale of the Three Brothers."

"Harry, I'll read it to you later," Daphne said quickly. "I promise it will make more sense soon. But what you have to know is it means the Deathly Hallows are real. Which means you might have an untold amount of power and a potent legacy."

Griphook interjected, "There is yet one more item Harry will received from his family. The Family Grimoire."

"The what?" Harry asked.

"The Grimoire." Griphook repeated. "Think of it as a family's secret recipe. Their very own spells, enchantments, defenses. Only the most powerful families have one, an arsenal of death and destruction passed down across the centuries and the millennia!" Griphook said with a near fanatical look on his face.

"Harry?" Daphne asked. "Do you remember how you told me all about that Dune book?" Harry nodded. "Think of the grimoire as our world's equivalent of the family atomics. If used wisely, the genetic legacy of the atomics could change the game completely. And only Potter family members can access it."

Griphook corrected, "Miss Greengrass, there is another way. Any lover of Mr. Potter is also given access."

Cygnus spoke quietly, "I thought the Potter Grimoire was destroyed along with James and Lily. That is what Dumbledore told us."

Griphook responded, "Mr. Greengrass, this is ancient magic. A grimoire is only destroyed if the family goes extinct. So long as Potter breathes, the grimoire will stand as the lasting legacy of a great family."

Cygnus said with resolve, "Then Dumbledore must not know that the grimoire exists and that we know about it."

Griphook said, "I must now bide thee farewell." He spoke to Mr. Greengrass, "May thy knife chip and shatter." But Harry could have sworn behind the tough mask there was a show of begrudging respect.

Cygnus responded, "May THY knife chip and shatter!" bowing his head slightly.

Griphook spoke to Harry and Daphne. "Fare thee well. I expect to see you two again soon." And left without saying another word.

Harry's head was still spinning as they went outside and eventually went back to the Greengrass Estate. As Cygnus told Beatrix all about what had transpired, Daphne sat with Harry. "Are you ok?" she asked him earnestly, knowing how much he had experienced.

Harry felt overwhelmed. He was grateful for the knowledge since it opened his eyes, but there was something to be said about the fabled expression "ignorance is bliss." "Daphne, what should I do?"

"About what?" She asked.

"Dumbledore." He responded darkly. "That man ruined my life. He murdered my parents! I want to kill him with my bare hands," he muttered darkly.

"Harry," Daphne said gently. "Don't stoop to his level. I know my father has bloodlust too, but I know it's not him and it's not you. You're not a cold killer."

He said darkly, "I'd kill to save those I love. Daph, if you were in danger I wouldn't hesitate. Does that make me a bad person?" He asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course not!" Daphne almost shouted. "Harry, that makes you a brave person, not a bad one. Even good people have to do bad things sometime."

Harry asked, "What if I have to fight Dumbledore or Voldemort, or somebody else, and I kill? Wouldn't I be a monster to you?"

Daphne said, "I know who you really are. You're not a wolf in sheep's clothing, and you're not a cowardly rat. You are Harry. As long as you stay who you are, I will always be on your side. No matter what."

Harry embraced her. Where would he be without her, he thought to himself.

"Oh! Speaking of rats," Daphne said, "What can you tell me about Ron's rat?"

"Who, Scabbers?" Harry asked with some confusion.

"That's the one," she said.

"Well, Ron said he's old. Apparently he belonged to his older brother for a long time too. Ron said he's at least nine years old, and Percy confirmed it." Harry said, still unsure what Daphne's point was.

"Harry, I know science, as you know." She said. "And the lifespan of a typical rat is no more than three years." "It would be the equivalent of a Muggle living nearly three hundred years, and a wizard living close to five hundred."

Harry was astonished. "Is this some sort of magical rat that can last for far longer than a typical rat?"

Daphne shook her head. "It doesn't work that way even in the wizarding world, Harry. My theory is that this rat is not a rat at all!"

Harry said skeptically, "I think we would know if this wasn't a rat, wouldn't we?"

Daphne again shook her head. "Remember McGonagall when she was a cat? If you didn't watch her transform, would you have known she wasn't really a cat?"

A sudden sense of concern came over Harry. "Oh no....." he said to himself. "You're saying....."

"Yes." Daphne said. "That rat is an imposter. And we need to find out more right away!"

Daphne told her parents of her revelation. They were instantly alarmed, and agreed the sordid secret needed to be figured out. Harry explained that Ron was very protective of his rat; he would never allow Daphne to borrow it.

"I have an idea!" Daphne yelled. "I know Fred and George. They would help us. We'll convince them that we need Scabbers for a prank on Ron and Percy. We just need Ron out of the house. Tracey was going to invite him over. Let's see when that is, and then that gives us our window. Harry, you talk to Fred and George after I get a hold of Tracey."

Beatrix smiled. "She could have been a Ravenclaw," she said to Cygnus.

Daphne flooed to Tracey's house, and within five minutes came back with her.

Tracey said, "Just so you lot are aware, Ron is coming to my house in an hour. Your timing was incredible. Harry, you need to talk to Fred and George immediately, you must Floo to their house. I'll make sure Ron doesn't leave for a while. And don't worry. Ron won't know a thing from me."

Harry nodded. He would feel bad lying to Fred and George and deceiving Ron, but he knew this needed to be done.

An hour and a half later, he went through the fireplace unsupervised, and made it into the Burrow. By total serendipity, only Fred and George were home. Ron was, true to Tracey's word, at her place.

"Blimey Harry, we didn't expect to see you here!" Fred called out.

"Come to learn our mischievous ways?" George asked.

Harry smiled and said, "Yes. I need Ron's rat for a prank I am going to pull on him."

Fred and George looked delighted, but Fred playfully warned Harry, "Remember, if he gets pissed, this was your idea."

"Thanks, guys!" Harry said, relieved at how easy this had been so far. He went back through the fire. As soon as he entered Greengrass Manor, he stunned Scabbers, preventing any possible escape. Cygnus and Beatrix were waiting. Immediately Beatrix cast "Finite Incantantem," which would remove any enchantments.

Nothing happened. But suddenly after a few seconds, Scabbers began to twitch. Before Harry's eyes, in a sequence of events that he could only describe as nightmare fuel, he watched as the rat transformed into a large, balding human wearing tattered clothing!

Daphne screamed and hid behind Harry. Harry felt like he would be sick. This man had been Ron's pet rat. "This sicko was sleeping in Ron's bed!!!" he thought to himself in horror. Harry could not even begin to imagine how sickened Ron would be when he learned. Or the Weasley family as a whole.

Cygnus yelled, "It's Peter Pettigrew!!"

Harry's blood began to boil. This was the man who had sold his parents to Lord Voldemort, with Dumbledore's blessing. Harry growled in anger and went to approach him, but Daphne grabbed his hand. "Don't," she warned him. "I know how you must feel." "We'll take care of him, OK?"

Harry nodded, standing down slightly. Beatrix told Cygnus to bound him and check him for a wand. Once he determined that Peter was defenseless, Cygnus cast "incarcerous," binding him. Now Pettigrew could not escape.

"We need to get the Ministry," Beatrix said.

"NO!" Cygnus roared. "If we do, they'll let him escape. We have to do this ourselves and then get Amelia Bones."

"Can we trust her?" Beatrix asked.

"Yes," Cygnus said. Darkly, he added, "Pettigrew was one of the vermin who helped murder her son and daughter-in-law. He and the pink-wearing toady bitch from hell," Cygnus remarked with venom in his voice.

"Wake him up," Cygnus asked Beatrix.

Beatrix did, and then poured a liquid down his throat. "Truth serum," Daphne whispered to Harry.

Beatrix spoke, "What is your name?"

Pettigrew replied, "Peter Pettigrew."

Beatrix asked, "Are you an Animagus?"

Pettigrew answered, "Yes."

Cygnus asked, "Did you sell out the Potters to Lord Voldemort?"

Pettigrew spoke, "Yes, I did."

Cygnus asked, "Did Dumbledore know about this?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Did Dumbledore order you to betray the Potters?"

This was the moment of truth. Pettigrew answered, "Yes, he did."

White-hot rage coursed through Harry's veins. Only Daphne's whispered words to calm him down kept him from attacking Pettigrew right then and there. "We need him to talk. Don't attack him. I want him dead as bad as you do, but let my father question him." She said to him, with a hand on his back.

"Why did he tell you to do it?" Cygnus asked, his voice trembling as he tried to keep himself calm.

"Dumbledore told me the Potters were a threat, that they were working with the Dark Lord in a conspiracy against him."

Cygnus's eyes gleaned at Pettigrew's words. "Who else did Dumbledore say was involved in the conspiracy against him?"

Pettigrew responded, "James Potter, Lily Potter, Edgar Bones, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, and you. He said that you would be dictators, and not rule with the values that he believed in. He said that drastic things must be done to protect the Greater Good."

Cygnus asked, "Did you work with Lord Voldemort?"

"Yes." Pettigrew responded.

"Is Voldemort still alive?" Cygnus asked.

"Yes." Pettigrew said, confirming Cygnus's bad feeling.

"Where is he?" Cygnus asked.

"I do not know, I have been trying to find him," Pettigrew answered.

"Was Sirius Black innocent of the crimes against him?" Cygnus asked.

"Yes." Pettigrew said.

"Who committed the murders?" Cygnus asked.

Pettigrew responded proudly, "I did, and I loved every bit of it."

He turned to Daphne, "Please floo the Bones residence. Get Amelia here immediately, tell her it is a life or death emergency."

Daphne immediately ran. Beatrix administered the antidote, while Harry was left in stunned shock. How crazy could this day keep getting? But he felt a sense of satisfaction. With hope, he could get some justice for his parents, while also freeing what he now knew with certainty was an innocent man.

Several minutes later, Daphne returned with Amelia, Susan, and two others, a slightly older man and a young woman Harry and Daphne did not know.

Cygnus introduced them as Ted Tonks, the attorney he had referenced at Christmastime, and Nymphadora Tonks. The latter yelled indignantly "Don't call me Nymphadora!" Harry thought she reminded him of Tracey, even down to the same attitude.

Daphne said, "Amelia told me to perform an arrest of this kind without Ministry approval, we need an attorney, an Auror, a separate witness, and either exigent circ*mstances or the personal approval of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement chair. Naturally, I figured I would get them all!"

"You did well Daphne, thank you," Cygnus said proudly.

They woke up Pettigrew again. "Harry, my boy!" he called out. "I'm so happy to see you! I was such good friends with your father."

"LIAR!" Harry bellowed. "You're the reason they're dead! You're the scum that sold them out. And I hope you rot in hell!" Harry screamed at him, only restraining himself because of Daphne's warnings and his realization that he could not afford to screw up the case against Pettigrew by acting rashly.

"Amelia?" Cygnus asked. "Can you make sure this filth gets to Azkaban? I think they will find he should be there. And I believe the time has come for Sirius Black to finally have a trial."

"With pleasure," Amelia agreed, a vindictive smile crossing her face.

She turned to the cowering man. "Hello, Peter. Remember Edgar Bones? Well, this is her sister. And you should know that a Bones will never forgive and will never forget." Clutching the incapacitated Pettigrew, she disapparated along with the Tonks' family, leaving a stunned Greengrass family.

Cygnus announced after a long silence, "And THAT, my family, is why you NEVER get on Amelia Bones' bad side. I imagine that rat will soon be begging for Azkaban before her interrogation is done."

He spoke softly to Harry, "You will see that justice will be carried out. You will have the chance to meet your godfather soon, and you can know that the man who sold out your parents will face the justice that has so long been denied."

He said again, "And this shouldn't bear saying - but your parents would be so proud of you. You have had a very difficult day, and you have impressed me deeply. You are exactly the man they would have wanted to raise, and I know they must be so proud."

Harry, touched by Cygnus's words, thanked him profusely. Though there was much drama still to come, Harry and the others in the Greengrass house had a feeling that the game had not just changed, but turned radically on its head.

Chapter 14: Stacking the Deck

Chapter Text

Harry was enjoying a quiet evening in an effort to get his mind off of the insanity of that day, even if only for a while. He was spending time with Beatrix. She had taken him to various wizarding shops to cheer him up after the chaos of Peter Pettigrew's arrest had died down. Harry loved it, as it was truly a slice of life of the magical world he was slowly getting to know. Beatrix explained to him that Gringotts Alley was just one of many wizarding shopping centers in the nation. Harry was amazed. Even a regular grocery store had products he had never seen before, and instead of slots for pounds, only coin slots for payment, using either Galleons, Sickles, or Knuts. Beatrix also took Harry to a currency converter shop, a place that would convert Muggle currency to magical and then vice versa. "Cygnus lives for the financial world, but he knows at home I handle all the transactions," she said with a wry grin.

Beatrix had a keen scientific mind, but also an incredible sense of logic, something the wizarding world often lacked. Cygnus, on their first night with Harry, spent a half hour bragging about Beatrix, much to her immense embarrassment. Cygnus obviously fell in love with her beauty, but it was Beatrix's intelligence, passion, and humor (sometimes dark humor) that made Cygnus fall head over heels. Cygnus would tell others that the most beautiful thing about his wife was her intellect. From the time he was a teenager, he knew that he wanted his wife to be a person who challenged him, brought out the best in home, but was still a kind and loyal person. That Beatrix was all of things plus a spellbinding combination of Irish, German, and Swedish genes was the icing on the cake. Cygnus was Irish, Scottish, and English. This was why Daphne, like her parents, loved both Celtic and Gothic traditions.

Harry and Daphne had often talked about Gothic things. Harry loved Gothic horror. As a precocious reader as a child, he read HP Lovecraft, Frankenstein, Dune, and the Phantom of the Opera. He supposed he had been trying to escape the unhappy reality of his childhood, and found wonderment in reading about the lives of others.

Daphne, for her part, wanted desperately to explore things in the Muggle world. Harry promised to take her to various places in the summer when time was less of the essence. Unfortunately for them, time was not a luxury they had on their side. The Wizengamot would meet on December 31 to end the year. Dumbledore would be presiding. But Amelia Bones, without his knowledge, plotted to get another action item added to the list: the trial of Sirius Black. It would be a total surprise to everyone except for Harry, the Bones family, and the Greengrass family.

Cygnus knew Harry needed to be there at the trial. He had not planned on introducing Harry to politics until the summer, but he knew now how important this was. Which is why now he needed to give Harry two lessons very quickly to prepare him: one on how the Wizengamot worked, and another on the legal system of the Wizarding World.

“Tell me, Harry,” Cygnus said, folding his hands as the two met in his study, “how much do you know about the Wizengamot?”

Harry hesitated, unsure of how to respond. “I know it’s sort of the high parliament of the Wizarding World, and that it passes laws and is very important. But beyond that… not much.”

Cygnus smiled, a thin, knowing smile. “As I expected. The Wizengamot is far more than just a legislative body. It is the very heart of magical governance, a body steeped in tradition, influence, and, unfortunately, corruption.”

Harry frowned. “Corruption?”

“Yes,” Cygnus replied, his voice tinged with disdain. “The Wizengamot, for all its noble facade, is a den of intrigue where power and influence are wielded like weapons. The decisions made within its halls are often dictated not by justice or fairness, but by the self-interest of its members.”

Harry leaned forward, his interest piqued. “Very interesting. I thought Dumbledore was Chief Warlock. He told me he ensured things were done fairly.”

“Ah, Dumbledore,” Cygnus said, his tone now laced with a hint of bitterness. “Albus Dumbledore is a man of great power, no doubt, and unfortunately a man who we have known to be, shall we say, less than forthright. For years, he has swayed the Wizengamot to his own ends, under the guise of progress and the greater good. His name carries immense weight, and many are eager to align themselves with him, believing that he is the embodiment of righteousness.”

Cygnus continued, “You must remember that even the most well-intentioned leaders can become tyrants in their own way. Dumbledore’s influence is pervasive, and it has shaped the direction of our society for decades. Yet, his decisions are not always as pure as they appear. He is not above using his power to manipulate outcomes, particularly when it serves his vision of the world.”

Harry was silent, absorbing Cygnus’s words. He knew all too well the power and danger of Dumbledore's machinations. Based on what Harry had come to learn, he now believed Dumbledore would gladly kill him to save his own skin. It was difficult to reconcile this image of Dumbledore with the man he had known, the man who had been his first mentor in a new world.

“However,” Cygnus continued, “Dumbledore is only one part of the equation. The Wizengamot is akin to a chessboard called the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the old pure-blood families that have controlled much of our world’s wealth and power for centuries. The Greengrasses, the Potters, the Blacks, and Peverells are among them. These families, bound by blood and tradition, hold significant sway over the Wizengamot. Many members of the Wizengamot are either directly descended from these families or are deeply indebted to them."

"Harry, you need to understand something. There are games within games. Much of this will be too complex for you to grasp just yet. Even most adults never truly learn how to play the game. I have, but it took years and years of training. While you can trust the Greengrasses for anything, you have to remember there are devils inside the walls. What I mean is that the same organization in which your family and my family sit also houses the Malfoy, Lestrange, Nott, Crouch, and Rosier families."

Cygnus spoke bitterly, "So many people who have seats in this organization are sick people. They would kill you and me without a second thought to preserve their hold on power and influence."

“But that’s… that’s wrong!” Harry exclaimed, his frustration evident. “How can they get away with this?”

“Because power, Harry, is seldom about what is right or wrong. It is about control, influence, and survival. The true power brokers of the Sacred Twenty-Eight have maintained their dominance by ensuring that their interests are protected, often at the expense of others. The Wizengamot is their tool, a means to preserve their way of life, their status, and their control over the Wizarding World.”

Harry’s mind was racing. He had always known that the Wizarding World was far from perfect, but the idea that it was so deeply influenced by a handful of families was unsettling.

“But where does that leave the rest of us?” Harry asked quietly.

Cygnus regarded him thoughtfully. “You, Harry, are an anomaly. You have become one of the most influential figures in our world. Your fame, your deeds, your character - they have given you a voice that cannot be easily ignored. And that is precisely what I wanted to speak with you about.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because the future of the Wizengamot, and indeed the future of our world, may very well depend on individuals like you - those who can challenge the status quo and bring about change. The elites may have their grip on power, but that grip is not unbreakable. It is possible to reform the system, to ensure that the Wizengamot serves all wizards and witches as was always intended, and not just the privileged few.”

Harry considered Cygnus’s words carefully. He had never seen himself as a political figure, but he couldn’t deny the truth in what the older wizard was saying. The corruption and influence within the Wizengamot were problems that needed to be addressed, and perhaps he was in a unique position to do something about it.

“But how?” Harry asked. “How can I make a difference?”

“By understanding the game.” Cygnus replied. “The Wizengamot is a battlefield, and like any battlefield, it requires strategy, alliances, and a deep understanding of one’s opponents. You have the potential to be a force for change, but only if you learn how to navigate the complexities of power.”

He paused, his gaze more intense now. “That is why I am offering you my guidance. With your influence and my knowledge, we can begin to shift the balance, to create a Wizengamot that truly serves the interests of all. Together, we can truly make the wizarding world great again. We can take down Dumbledore, destroy Voldemort, and you can have your vengeance served ice cold."

Cygnus went on, “Remember, my boy, power is not inherently evil. It is the way it is used that determines its nature. If you truly wish to make a difference, you must be willing to wield that power yourself. Only then can you hope to change the world. Remember that even good people need to do bad things if they want to change the world."

"Sir?" Harry asked. "Have you done bad things?"

Cygnus sighed. "Yes. I will never pretend to be a perfect man. No one is. As they say, let the first who is without sin cast the first stone. I have killed people, I have made threats, I have navigated the shady backrooms of the political arena for years. If I were only good, I would have been naive, and I would have followed blindly such figures like Dumbledore. I would be a cartoonish character like Arthur and Molly Weasley. " He took a deep breath, "And if I had not done what I have needed to do, I might be dead, and my beloved family might be dead too."

Cygnus continued, "I do not want your soul corrupted. You should know that power is not a bad thing. Good people must do bad things. But just because you are underhanded does not mean you are a bad person. It is your intents that matter. The importance of intent, as I say. if you remain a good person at heart, then you are the best that you can be."

Harry sat in silence. He did not think of himself as a power broker. Could he be like Cygnus? Did he have it in him? Could he kill if the occasion demanded? He had much to ponder.

A few minutes later, Cygnus resumed. "I want to talk to you about the legal system within the Ministry and the forces that shape it." He said to Harry. "You see, Harry, our legal system is not the impartial, just entity it pretends to be. It is a complex web of influence, power, and corruption."

Harry frowned. He suspected as much after his conversation with Cygnus regarding the Wizengamot.

"Do you mean people like Fudge, Crouch, and Umbridge?" Harry asked, remembering comments made by Cygnus and Daphne about the three Ministry bigwigs.

Cygnus allowed himself a thin smile. "Fudge, Crouch, and Umbridge are merely pawns in a much larger game, Harry. The real power lies with those who control the system from behind the scenes—the power brokers and the corrupt. Those who have been entrenched in the machine. These people have a stranglehold on the policies and laws that govern our world."

Cygnus continued after a brief pause to collect his thoughts, "It’s about maintaining control. The families of the Wizengamot are the ones that have, over centuries, accumulated wealth, power, and influence. These families have seats on the Wizengamot, control over key positions within the Ministry, and most importantly, they have the ability to sway public opinion and dictate the direction of our society. They can run smear campaigns against those who disagree with those in power. They can arrest and jail opponents on trumped-up charges. They can ensure those who are allies to the power brokers are not held accountable for their crimes."

Harry’s mind raced as he considered Cygnus’s words. He hadn’t realized just how deep and pervasive that influence ran. He thought of Neville's story about the Dumbledores. Was this why they had not ever faced accountability? Was this why his godfather was most likely an innocent man who had been sentenced to Azkaban without any semblance of due process?

"Where does Dumbledore fit into all this?" Harry asked, his thoughts turning once again to the man at the top of the pyramid.

Cygnus’s expression grew darker. "Ah, Dumbledore. He is a unique figure in all of this. He commands the loyalty of many, both within and outside the Ministry. His reputation as a war hero, as the vanquisher of Grindelwald and Voldemort, gives him a moral authority that few can challenge."

"But don’t be fooled." Cygnus continued, his voice hardening. "Dumbledore is not above using his influence to shape the legal system to his liking. He has his own agenda, one that often runs counter to the interests of we the people. He preaches equality and justice, but he understands the game as well as anyone. He knows how to manipulate the system to get what he wants. He is, as you and I know all too well, not above destroying others to protect his hold on power."

Harry didn’t want to believe it, but deep down, he knew within himself that Cygnus's words rang true; the Ministry of the modern world, by Cygnus's grim portrayal, had never been a fair or just place, and it had always seemed more interested in politics than in justice.

"So what does this mean for me?" Harry asked quietly.

Cygnus stood up now and leaned forward, his eyes locking onto Harry’s. "It means, my boy, that you must be aware of the forces at play. You are not just the Boy Who Lived; you are already symbol, and you could be the rallying point for those who oppose tyranny. Whether you like it or not, you are part of this game. And if you are to survive it, you must learn how to navigate the complexities of our world."

"And you’re willing to help me with that?" Harry asked skeptically.

"Every step of the way." Cygnus declared firmly. "I will guide you, mentor you, and ensure you are equipped with the tools and skill to go toe to toe with even the mightiest politicians."

Cygnus sat back in his chair, his gaze thoughtful. "I want you to understand that the Sacred Twenty-Eight are the gatekeepers. They hold the keys to power in our world. Some, like the Malfoys, have chosen to align themselves with the Dark Lord, seeking to preserve their power through force and fear. Others, like my own family, prefer a more measured approach, working within the system to protect our interests. Others, like the Weasleys, align themselves with Dumbledore, falling hook, line, and sinker for his propaganda machine promising benevolence and progress."

"Sir?" Harry asked. "What do YOU want in all of this? If you were in charge now and could snap your fingers, what would that be?"

"Stability," Cygnus said simply. "Our world has lost its way, and this benefits no one except those few corrupt minions who are aiding and abetting the menace at the top. The Sacred Twenty-Eight have maintained order for centuries, but many have sold out or lost their way. We understand the delicate balance that must be maintained to keep our society from losing itself completely. But that balance is threatened, not just by the Dark Lord, but by those who seek to upend the old ways in the name of progress and dystopian authoritarianism."

"There was a dream once that was Wizarding Britain," Cygnus said with a mixture of pride and sadness. "Merlin saw it, the Founders of Hogwarts saw it, and my ancestors lived that dream." He steadied himself and continued, "Merlin and the Founders would never have wanted the reality of our modern world. Two Dark Lords have terrorized our land in the last fifty years, each an existential threat. Each was followed by the rise of a strongman with intent only on preserving his own power."

"Harry," Cygnus continued, "What I am about to tell you is something that you must know, but can never repeat. I would be a dead man, and they would come for my family too. Do you understand what I am telling you?" Harry nodded.

Cygnus spoke firmly, "It's true. Your parents, Susan's parents, Neville's parents, Sirius and Regulus Black, and my wife and I all had plans. We saw Dumbledore for what he was: a tyrant. We knew our world was not much better off with him than it would have been under the horror that was Lord Voldemort. You and Daphne obviously would not know this, but our world was coming apart at the seems, in the throes of a civil war the likes of which not experienced since the time of Merlin."

Cygnus said, "Harry, you must understand. There was so much death and destruction. We were losing the war. The ten of us plotted to overthrow Dumbledore, liberate ourselves from Voldemort, and create a better world. But as you know, we never had the chance. One by one by one they got snuffed out. We all conspired against Dumbledore in the name of liberty and freedom, and we all paid the price. The only reason why I can function is knowing every one of us would have taken the risk again for what we believed in. There will always be those who understand what we fought and died for."

"The thing about ideas, Harry," Cygnus said, a slight gleam in his eyes, "is that you can kill a person, but not an idea. The spirit of freedom is something that can never be extinguished. Hope will always live on. I look at you, Harry, and I see hope. You, Daphne, Neville, and Susan are the next generation of freedom fighters. Think of us as silent runners. We are teaching you quietly, but one day, you are the ones who will rise up and fight while most of my generation stood still. Dumbledore may be a powerful wizard, but even the most powerful do not last forever. My generation scared him, but your generation terrifies him."

"As for Lord Voldemort," Cygnus concluded thoughtfully, "We know he's out there somewhere. You, Harry, stand as a living defiance to his power. For all of his bravado, he could not kill an infant."

Harry knew what Cygnus was implying - was Harry the Chosen One to take down not one but two tyrants? His head spun.

"Harry," Cygnus said softly. "I'm with you. You will not be alone, no matter what happens. Let me show you the path."

Harry nodded, "Thank you, Sir," he said. "For everything."

Cygnus smiled, "Harry - it is I who should be thanking you. You gave me something I haven't had in a long time: true hope that the world is changing."

"Speaking of which," Cygnus said louder now. "I think it's time for a family trip. Daphne is coming with us. We are going to watch Sirius's trial."

Harry felt nervous, but knew it was time to see some of Cygnus's lessons brought forth into reality.

That was how, an hour later, the trio found themselves at the Wizengamot. He found his surroundings awe-inspiring. It was a massive, massive underground building. He couldn't believe it, as wizards of all types walked through the atrium. They took an elevator down to the trial, and found themselves in the room of the Wizengamot, a massive room that looked not unlike the Houses of Parliament.

The room slowly filled up. Cygnus introduced the two children to many other dignitaries. They were greeted pleasantly by Amelia Bones, Augusta Longbottom, and Brent Abbott, who Daphne's recognized was Hannah Abbott's father. Then, Lucius Malfoy arrived.

"Mr. Potter," Lucius said, extending his hand without showing a shred of emotion on his face. "We meet at last."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Malfoy," Harry said, without meaning even a single syllable of his words.

"I would hate to see you suffer another broomstick accident, Mr. Potter," Lucius said thoughtfully. "Maybe you should worry less about my wand and more about yours, Potter," he said snidely, walking away again.

Cygnus said, "Lucius, as you both might know, is one of the biggest assholes in this whole chamber." He noticed Daphne giggling silently. "What is so funny?" he asked her with amusem*nt.

Daphne said, "Father, he is still pissed about what Harry said to Draco! 'Worry less about my wand,'" she said in a nearly perfect imitation of Lucius.

Even Harry burst out laughing, followed by Cygnus. It was not easy to get one over on Lucius, who usually dismissed any slight as a non-threat. This one clearly hit where it hurt. "Harry had better watch himself," Cygnus thought idly, realizing that Lucius's words could be construed as a threat.

Before anything else could happen, Dumbledore stood up at the podium and called the session to order. Harry watched as various items were discussed, most of them inane. But the best was saved for last, Cygnus had advised them.

After about an hour, Dumbledore spoke again, "If that is all anyone has on the docket for today, then we can declare - "

"Speaker Dumbledore?" Amelia Bones spoke up.

"Yes, Madam Bones?" He asked her. "Do you have any additional business you wish to address?"

"I do, sir." She responded. "I call to motion the long-awaited, long overdue, and long neglected trial of Sirius Black to order!!!"

As Harry, Daphne, and Cygnus heard her words and awaited for a reaction from the rest of the chamber, the trio all knew a momentum-shifting moment in the fight for their goal was about to take place.

Chapter 15: Trials and Tribulations

Chapter Text

There was a momentary silence after Amelia Bones finished her announcement, which was immediately followed by total pandemonium. The revelation of a sudden trial held for a man that most held as a mass murderer was not something anyone except for the Greengrass and Bones families and Harry had foreseen. It was a massive uproar.

Cygnus noted with glee a look of shock on Dumbledore's face. He had indeed been blindsided by this development, and Cygnus knew it was nearly impossible to catch the man off guard. He now warned Harry and Daphne to keep quiet unless Cygnus gave them permission to speak. It was imperative that undue attention not be drawn in Harry's direction, especially if Dumbledore was now on the back foot.

After a moment or two, Dumbledore recovered, and amplified his voice. He roared, "Silence!" in a tone so loud that it echoed off the walls and drowned out the din of the arguing delegates.

Dumbledore fixed his spectacles, and stared down Amelia Bones. "Amelia," he spoke quietly but in a tone exuding authority, "Can you explain to me the meaning of this?"

Amelia did not flinch under Dumbledore's keen gaze. She spoke sharply and firmly, "Albus, I am merely ensuring that due process is carried out. If the man is truly guilty, then this will be perfunctory."

Dumbledore said, "Amelia, I believe you are well aware that Sirius was declared guilty by the Ministry for the murders of thirteen people. One of these thirteen was Peter Pettigrew, a man known for his loyalty and bravery in his fight for righteousness!" He thundered.

At this point, Harry nearly burst out laughing at the true absurdity of Dumbledore's statement. Harry knew from the revelations of the last several days that Pettigrew was anything BUT these things.

Amelia, to her credit, remained undeterred by Dumbledore's forcefulness. She declared, "I am also aware that Sirius Black was never afforded a fair trial, as was his right under the laws of the Ministry!"

There was renewed uproar, and Dumbledore knew this was a bad situation. For it to come out that the head of one of the Noble Houses of the Sacred Twenty-Eight had been thrown in Azkaban without even a trial would potentially be devastating, as it could turn other houses against him. He spoke quickly, "Amelia, I am sure there is some misunderstanding here."

Amelia spoke firmly, "No, Albus. I checked the records - there was no trial for Sirius!"

As the tumult rose again, Dumbledore knew he had to appeal to a sense of collectivism.

Dumbledore spoke to the delegates. "This squabbling and infighting demeans you all," he said, speaking as if a headmaster to misbehaving schoolchildren. "Let us assume that Amelia's fascinating story is true. You have to understand, as some among you may have forgotten, just how desperate and chaotic our war and the days immediately after were. Our world was under siege."

Dumbledore continued, his voice softer now and compelling. "Our very way of life was under attack from all directions. Sirius was involved in the murder of thirteen. He was found at the murder scene, the only one who was present and alive. In a time of other attacks on our brave soldiers, what other conclusion could we logically have drawn? In the name of the Greater Good, we needed to act quickly and decisively to preserve the order and stability that is the bedrock of our society!" He declared decisively.

Even Cygnus, who was virtually certain Dumbledore's entire speech was riddled with falsehood and lies, had to admit that Dumbledore was a positively magnetic speaker. He also knew Harry had a long, long way to go before he could hold the same presence. It was good for Harry to see this.

Amelia responded, as if knowing how to speak Dumbledore's language, "Then, Speaker Dumbledore, this could be your chance to right a wrong. This is your chance to allow us to determine if an innocent man was wrongfully imprisoned, and allow him to gain restitution and go on with his life."

Dumbledore sighed internally. He knew he had been outmaneuvered. If he denied Sirius his trial, it would create many more questions than answers. But he would have to hold control over the process, and make sure certain questions were not asked during the trial. He also knew, if he played his cards right, this could be an excellent PR maneuver. Finally he spoke, "Amelia, I grant your request. Sirius Black shall have a trial this very day."

Cygnus could have fist pumped, but he remained resolute. He was unsure how fair the trial would actually be, and thought it was excellent Harry would get to see one in action.

Dumbledore bellowed, "IS THERE COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENSE?"

Amelia spoke again. "Yes, Speaker Dumbledore. Edward Tonks shall assume the mantle for Sirius."

Dolores Umbridge, sitting near Dumbledore and wearing her signature pink cardigan, spoke up. "And I am the counsel for the Ministry." she giggled obnoxiously afterwards, and Cygnus and Amelia both felt as though they would be sick.

"Bring out the murderer!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Objection!" Edward yelled.

"On what grounds?" Dumbledore asked in a dark tone.

Edward spoke firmly, "You cannot refer to my client as 'the murderer,' as his guilt has not been proven. Maybe I should remind you, but it is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent."

Daphne broke into a silent fit of giggles at the idea of the mighty Dumbledore being lectured about a basic tenet of the defense's legal rights, and scattered laughter broke out through the chamber.

"Objection noted," Dumbledore said quietly. "I retract my previous statement."

"Thank you, Speaker," Edward said politely.

Harry knew Edward Tonks was not taking any bullsh*t. He was sharp as a tack, and was not going to let something slip past him.

Sirius was led out by two Aurors, who Cygnus whispered to Harry and Daphne were Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. Edward and Sirius held a brief, whispered conversation for about thirty seconds before the two sat down at the defense table.

"Members of the Wizengamot," another voice boomed.

Daphne whispered to Harry, "This is Minister Fudge. But I think Minister sh*t has a better ring to it, don't you?"

Harry shook with silent laughter as Fudge continued. "I am your esteemed Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Recipient of the Order of Merlin First Class."

Cygnus rolled his eyes. If he had a galleon for every time that obnoxious ass had mentioned he was a holder of the Order of Merlin he would be rich on that alone.

Fudge stated, "While this is a most extraordinary twist in the proceedings today, and something that should have been brought to our esteemed Speaker's attention far sooner," he said, looking at Amelia, "You all know that as someone who dedicates himself to the community, and the need to have peace, prosperity, diversity, and justice in the community, that I will always fight for justice, and will always make sure that each and every citizen of Wizarding Britain has his day in court!"

Cygnus could not believe the load of nonsense that had come spewing out of his mouth. There was a reason Fudge was known as "Minister Word Salad" behind his back. The man was an idiot, but was a useful idiot. He was a sycophant for Dumbledore, and the fact that he was little more than an opportunistic puppet meant that Dumbledore could effortlessly keep the man under his thumb.

"Thank you for your wise words Cornelius," Dumbledore intoned. "Dolores, you may begin with your questioning."

"Thank you, Mister Speaker," Umbridge simpered. She turned to the Wizengamot. "Hello my dear friends!" She said, with a smile and enthusiasm that could have made even Voldemort sick. "My name is Dolores Umbridge, and today we will be holding a trial for Sirius Black. I ask that everyone cooperates and listens to the wisdom of Albus Dumbledore, and I am sure you and I will be very dear friends!" Umbridge sounded as if she was talking to particularly slow children.

Daphne felt revolted. She had disliked Umbridge without her having even said a single word. Harry found her instantly unlikeable, reminding him of one of his horrid relatives.

Cygnus was of course not surprised in the slightest. Her sickly sweet tone was like nails on a chalkboard to him, and she was regarded as horrid and unlikeable, but yet tolerated by the Ministry and by Dumbledore because she was an attack dog. "Plausible deniability for Dumbledore," Cygnus thought to himself, knowing she could do Dumbledore's dirty work for him. He knew she, like her boss, was guided by the calculus of power. Had Voldemort won, she would have gladly followed him. She was motivated by power and power alone.

"Make no mistake," he whispered to Harry. "This woman may come across as a mean teacher, but she is an attack dog of the worst kind. If I were a betting man, she is a murderer."

Harry shuddered. He knew she was alleged to have been involved in the murder of Susan's parents, and vaguely wondered how on earth Amelia Bones was keeping calm.

Amelia, for her part, was using every bit of her mental training and conditioning to keep calm and level-headed. She knew if today went well, it would strike a massive blow against Dumbledore. "Every fire of revolution begins with a spark," she told herself.

"My first question for the accused," Dolores asked sweetly, again as if speaking to a small child, "is why you would commit such a vicious, despicable crime?"

"Objection!" Edward's voice echoed. "The prosecution is asking a leading question."

"Overruled," Dumbledore called. "The defendant must answer the question."

Harry was enraged. This was a farce. "Sir," he asked Cygnus. "How is this allowed?"

With a sad look on his face, Cygnus responded, "Because it is a rigged system of justice. The scales of justice are not balanced, and justice is not blind. It is tilted towards the house, and the house almost always wins."

Edward spoke before Sirius could answer, "We insist the defendant be administered Veritaserum. It is his right under the law to request it, and we are demanding his right be respected."

"The defendant's request is denied!" Dumbledore called out. "Defendant, you will answer or else be held in contempt of court," he spoke dangerously.

Cygnus now spoke up. "Amelia is correct Mister Speaker," he boomed. "Under the Charter of Justice Article 4, Section 7(a), the defendant is entitled to an administration of veritaserum if he so requests. His request must be granted, and failure to so comply renders this proceeding a mistrial!"

Dumbledore now stared at Cygnus with a look that could have melted stone. The two men stared at each other for what felt like hours. Finally, Dumbledore boomed, "Give the defense Veritaserum at once!"

"Thank you Mister Speaker," Cygnus spoke politely, as a court clerk quickly brought the requested Veritaserum and administered it. He knew there might be a price to pay for his moment of defiance, but he gambled Dumbledore was not so reckless as to attack him for thus.

Edward Tonks began his direct examination of Sirius Black.

"Is your name Sirius Black?" He asked him.

"Yes," Sirius said.

"Did you commit the murders of the thirteen individuals of which you are accused?"

"No," Sirius said forcefully.

"He's lying!" Umbridge shrieked.

"Objection!" Tonks yelled at Dumbledore. "The opposing counsel has no right to make inflammatory remarks. I demand her words be stricken from the record."

"Overruled," Dumbledore said. "But counsel for the Ministry is advised to avoid such interruption in future."

"Yes, Speaker. Thank you." Umbridge said quietly.

"Are you the Godfather of Harry Potter?" Tonks asked.

"Yes." Sirius responded.

"Did you swear the Godfather Oath to love, cherish, and protect him against danger?" Tonks inquired.

"Yes, I did." Sirius said loudly.

"Did you sell out James and Lily to Lord Voldemort?" Tonks asked.

"No," Sirius replied.

"Do you know who did betray them?"

"Objection!" Dumbledore yelled. "This is a highly inappropriate line of questioning, highly speculative, and has no bearing whatsoever on the credibility of the defense! You will cease this line of questioning at once or else be in contempt of court."

Tonks replied indignantly, "What authority have you to object?"

Dumbledore replied in a dangerous tone, "In case you have forgotten, Barrister Tonks, I am the judge in this room, and it is MY courtroom, not yours. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior, as you know, can be met with sanctions or disbarment! You will do well to remember this."

Tonks backed down now, quelled by Dumbledore's show of force. "My apologies, Speaker Dumbledore," he said meekly. Tonks spoke again to Sirius, "Tell me your reaction to the news that James and Lily Potter had been killed?"

Sirius spoke, "It was one of the very worst nights of my life. I loved James like a brother, and I had come to love Lily like a sister. I was Harry's godfather, and I would have given my life to save Harry, James, and Lily. So many of our friends died, and I sometimes wish I had died that night too."

Tonks said softly, "If you could meet Harry again, what would you tell him?"

Sirius said, in a quieter, emotional tone. "I would tell Harry I love him, and beg for his forgiveness. I failed him. On my watch, James and Lily died, and I was not there for him the way he needed me. I know he might not want anything to do with me because he will think of me as a convict in Azkaban instead of the man who would give his life for him, but I would beg him for a chance to get to know him. I still love Harry just as much now as I did then, and would give anything for him, including my life if I had to."

Daphne put an arm around Harry, whose eyes were beginning to water, overcome by shock and appreciation at Sirius's words.

Cygnus, his voice cracking slightly, said "He's still the same good man who I would fight at the end of the earth with."

"To your knowledge," Tonks spoke, trying to keep his voice level at Sirius's unexpectedly poignant testimony, "are you guilty of any crime?"

"Yes," Sirius said.

"Please tell me about that crime," Tonks said, as Cygnus held his breath.

"I am an unregistered Animagus." Sirius said.

"Are there any other criminal activities you have committed?" Tonks asked.

"No." Sirius replied firmly, causing Cygnus to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I have no further questions. Thank you Mister Speaker."

As the direct examination ended, Harry felt a surge of hope. Maybe Cygnus's pessimism was premature, he thought to himself.

The cross examination began, administered by Dolores Umbridge:

"Is your name Sirius Black?" Umbridge asked.

"Yes," Sirius replied firmly.

"Are you guilty of the crimes against you?" Umbridge asked, with a glint in her eyes.

"No." Sirius stated firmly.

"Clerk!" Umbridge called out. "This batch is defective. Get me another one at once."

The clerk spoke with slight nerves, "Madam Umbridge, this is certified to be effective in criminal questioning."

"Very well," Umbridge spoke. "We move on to my next question. Do you enjoy killing, Black?"

"No," Sirius responded.

"Do you have an anger issue?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes," Sirius responded.

Cygnus groaned internally, knowing that although the statement had little probative value, it did have massive prejudicial effect.

"Objection!" Edward called. "This question is meant to sway the Wizengamot against my client."

"Overruled," Dumbledore thundered. "The question and Black's answer shall both be considered as evidence."

Harry was appalled. The conflict of interest was massive. Dumbledore, far from an impartial judge, was judge, jury, and executioner.

"Since you have so kindly admitted that you have an anger issue," crowed Umbridge, "Have you desired to kill another person?"

"Yes," Sirius said firmly.

"Wonderful," Umbridge said. "Is it true, Black, that your cousin Bellatrix Lestrange is someone who you called a 'very dear friend'?"

"Objection!" Edward Tonks roared. "That has no relevance to the crimes of which he is accused."

"Overruled, it bears on the man's character, or lack thereof! Black, you will answer the question." Dumbledore announced.

"Yes," Sirius declared.

A pause, then Umbridge asked again, "Is it safe to say that at the time the murder took place, you said, 'I killed them, it was my fault?'"

Sirius declared, "Yes."

"Then I have no further questions, Mister Speaker," Dolores Umbridge said sweetly.

Harry's head spun at the way that within minutes, Umbridge had seemingly buried any hope of Sirius's acquittal. His blood boiled at the injustice of all. "What can we do?" He asked Cygnus.

Cygnus responded sadly, "This is the problem, my boy. It is a rigged system. Unless the people wake up and demand it, things will never change."

Daphne's heart broke for Harry. It was cruel that his hopes were being raised, only to be crushed by Dolores Umbridge.

"Does the defense have any more statements to make?" Dumbledore asked firmly.

"Yes, Mister Speaker," Tonks said. "We would like to call as witness Mister Peter Pettigrew!"

The room erupted into shock. "This is a frivolous waste of time!" Lucius Malfoy declared.

Dumbledore said, "This is highly inappropriate, Tonks."

But before Tonks could reply, Peter Pettigrew was led out in handcuffs by none other than Nymphadora Tonks and Susan Bones!

Cygnus's eyes widened in astonishment. How had they managed to get this arranged without tipping off Dumbledore?

Nymphadora spotted Harry sitting with Cygnus and winked at him. Harry smiled back, suddenly feeling hopeful.

Dumbledore was visibly astonished. How was this possible? Pettigrew was supposed to have been dead! Even worse, what would Pettigrew be asked?

Dumbledore stood up, knowing what had to be done, and knowing the information about his involvement could not come out. He declared, "To avoid unduly prejudicing the Wizengamot in the matter involving Sirius Black, the line of questioning shall be limited ONLY to the thirteen people for whom Sirius is under trial for their murder. Is that clear?"

Tonks said, "Yes, Mister Speaker."

Tonks now assumed the cross-examination:

"Is your name Peter Pettigrew?" He asked him.

"Yes," he said.

"Did you kill 13 people?" Tonks asked.

"I don't know." Pettigrew answered.

"Did you kill innocent people two days after the death of James and Lily?" Tonks asked.

"Objection!" Dumbledore yelled. "What if there were people killed and they were not innocent?" He asked.

Tonks looked momentarily stunned by the nature of Dumbledore's question, and had long since abandoned the notion of calling out Dumbledore for his blatant bias in consistently objecting for one side while acting in a judicial capacity. "Very well," he said. "Allow me to rephrase the question. Did you kill people two days after the death of James and Lily?" Tonks asked.

"Yes," Pettigrew said.

"Did Sirius kill anyone?" Tonks asked.

"Objection!" Dolores Umbridge roared.

"As you well know," Dumbledore spoke calmly, "Making such assumptions is blasphemous to the rule of law. You cannot ask a question presuming such an answer."

"Speaker Dumbledore," Augusta Longbottom called out. "Did you or did you not refer to Sirius Black as a murderer prior to the commencement of proceedings here today?"

Murmuring broke out through the chamber. Dumbledore, enraged at having been called out thus, declared "The Wizengamot shall remain silent during court proceedings! Barrister Tonks, you will rephrase the question."

Tonks spoke again, "Did you witness Sirius Black kill anyone?"

Pettigrew responded, "No."

Tonks spoke again, "Have you ever spoken to Lord Voldemort?"

Pettigrew responded, "Yes."

"Enough!" Dumbledore roared. "This questioning is to be terminated at once! This is prejudicial to a fair trial."

Cygnus nearly burst out laughing at the sheer absurdity of Dumbledore's statement. Dumbledore had been nothing BUT biased the entire hearing. And now, right when dirty laundry was about to be aired, he suddenly expressed concern about it?

Without any more cards to play, Tonks had no choice but to rest. Umbridge did the same.

Dolores Umbridge started by delivering the closing statement. "The Ministry of Magic believes, as it always has, always does, and always will, that justice must always be carried out. You have heard today from a man who, by his own admission, is a criminal, has anger issues, and is involved in the horrible business of criminal enterprise. We the Ministry found him guilty then, and it would be a disservice to the memory of the fallen if the Wizengamot were to defy our wisdom and our reason."

After Umbridge, Tonks spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Wizengamot," he began. "Today, we have heard from a man long denied justice. He has at last been afforded the opportunity to lay his cards on the table and present his case. We have faced tremendous difficulty in securing a trial for this man, but we are confident that the Wizengamot will see through the smoke and mirrors of the prosecution and will consider the reality that our questioning was less comprehensive than we had hoped. Today is our chance to right a wrong, allow an innocent man to go free, and a guilty man to stay where he belongs. We owe it to ourselves, to the magical community, and to the many victims of Peter Pettigrew's treacherous acts, to ensure fairness and justice prevail over politics."

Harry was impressed by Tonks' speech. He knew Tonks could be a powerful ally in the fight.

Dumbledore spoke now to the delegates of the Wizengamot. "All those in favor of guilt, please raise your wands." Many in the room did. To Harry's disgust, Arthur Weasley supported conviction. It looked like about half of the room voted in favor of guilt.

"All those in favor of acquittal, please raise your wands," Dumbledore intoned.

As he spoke, many raised their wands. Cygnus was one of the first, Harry noted with a sense of pride. After a count was made, an announcement was made.

"By a vote of 15-13," Dumbledore said with what Cygnus recognized was barely concealed disgust, "Sirius Black has been acquitted of all charges against him. He may now go free."

Daphne embraced Harry, and Cygnus stared proudly. They had done it. Applause broke out in the chamber as many celebrated. But what Cygnus knew was that Dumbledore rarely if ever lost. This was a significant moment.

Almost an afterthought was the matter of Pettigrew's conviction, which was nearly unanimous. To this, Dumbledore posed little fight.

Cygnus brought Harry and Daphne down to the floor to see Sirius, who was now in conversation with Amelia Bones, Susan Bones, and Nymphadora Tonks. Sirius saw Harry, and he spoke. "Harry? Let me look at you."

"I heard what you said Sirius," Harry said. "I really mean that much to you?"

Sirius spoke, his voice breaking a bit, "Everything and more. I was supposed to watch you grow up, but I can see you becoming the man I knew you would be. James and Lily would be so proud, Pup," he said proudly.

Without saying another word, Harry embraced him. Tears were sliding down Daphne's face openly, as she was overcome with pure happiness for Harry. Slowly but surely, Harry was gaining what he had always wanted. A family that loved him. Even Cygnus couldn't keep his eyes dry. After Sirius and Harry broke apart, Sirius went to Cygnus. "My old friend," Sirius said with a childlike grin. Cygnus embraced him, and neither man could keep from crying.

Harry asked Amelia Bones "How did you do it?"

Amelia said, "I knew how important this was. Our world changed today." She whispered, "I know of your current situation," she said, gesturing to Cygnus, "but I knew Sirius meant the world to you. And to me. I loved him too."

Harry, so overcome with emotion, embraced Amelia. What followed suit was Susan and Nymphadora embracing Harry, with Daphne looking slightly jealous. Then, Harry turned back to Daphne. "Come here!" he yelled at her, a huge grin on his face. Daphne obliged, wrapping him in a bear hug.

Watching the happy scene from his podium, Dumbledore felt a foreboding sense of unease. He knew that the coalition of old was beginning to wake up. He knew that he could potentially dangle Sirius over Harry's head, and use it to keep Harry's favor. If Harry defied him, it would be easy to come up with more charges and throw him right back in prison. "Yes," Dumbledore thought. This was the way. If Harry turned against him, combined with sleeping dragons suddenly emerging from their slumber, Dumbledore was in serious jeopardy.

"Party at my house!" Cygnus yelled to Harry and his friends, who all cheered.

That night, Cygnus, Beatrix, Amelia, and Sirius were all talking as the clock got closer to midnight. They watched as Harry, Daphne, Susan, and Neville were talking animatedly. Harry cracked a joke, and the other three all laughed hysterically.

Cygnus knew - this was the next generation at work. It was like watching a duplicate of themselves. Cygnus said to Sirius, "We have a weapon. A weapon we didn't have last time."

Sirius asked, "What is this weapon?"

Cygnus, without saying a word, gestured to Harry.

Sirius nodded in recognition.

Cygnus said, "I want you to get to know him. I'll tell you one thing. James was a hell of a leader and a hell of a man. But that boy right there - that's another true leader I can get behind. Harry, I feel, will be more powerful than any of us, and maybe even as strong as the greatest of them all. There will come a day, and it may be soon, that Harry will give us an order, and I will follow it come what may."

Sirius asked, "What do you see when you see Harry?"

Cygnus was silent for a long moment. But as a smile crept across his face, he uttered "Hope."

He continued, "I have hope for our future." With the news of today, with Sirius being freed and Dumbledore's hopes of keeping him in prison being defeated, Cygnus could not help but feel triumphant. "What a hell of a way to close out the year!" He thought to himself.

As they rang in the new year, the four kids embraced. Cygnus and Beatrix kissed. Sirius and Amelia, who, as it turned out, had been a secret couple before Sirius was thrown in prison, kissed passionately, to the great delight of everyone there.

Whatever the future brought, the gang felt that if they stayed together, they could be prepared for anything.

Chapter 16: Question About Direction of the Story


Seeking Opinion - Please give me your honest thoughts

Chapter Text

Hi everyone. I have been receiving some mixed opinions on the direction of the story regarding Harry's future romantic entanglements. This won't impact the central plot of the story, because I really just wanted a way to inject some seriously good spice.

But I wanted to know from you the readers the crucial question: should Harry have multiple lovers, or should it only be between him and Daphne? If he has multiple lovers, should it be polygamy that is necessary for bloodline purposes, or should it simply be because Daphne will turn out to be REALLY into sharing?

I should note that irrespective of the outcome, Harry and Daphne are the focus. Harry will never truly love any other woman. These two are the couple whose love is capable of changing (or destroying) the world.

Please comment with your opinion - I would love to know what I should do and how you would like me to proceed.

Chapter 17: Harry and Daphne Exclusive


HARRY x DAPHNE ONLY - no multi pairings

Chapter Text

I have realized, in response to feedback I have received, that a multi-pairing is a bad idea for the story I am trying to tell. I would like to let you all know that this story will only be between Harry and Daphne. I made a mistake going with the polygamy angle, and it will only be the two of them.

I want to thank everyone who gave me their honest feedback on it. Haphne is my favorite pairing, and I want to do it justice in a truly unique way. For those who were skeptical of the polygamy direction I was dabbling with, please give this another chance. The core of the story will remain the same, but I will remove all references to it. Everything I want to do in the story works well (and better) without it.

Again, I appreciate all the commentary, and really hope you stay with it. I can't wait for your thoughts on what is to come. A whole lot of political and psychological intrigue is coming!

UPDATE: the preceding chapters have been updated. Now that this is done, I will begin to resume work on new chapters. A lot of excitement lies ahead!

Harry Potter and the Machiavellian Candidate - AmericanEagle47 - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.