Cheer Up, baby! - xujiaqi (2024)

S, P-I, R-I-T, it’s great to see! We got it, the spirit, hey, hey, let’s hear it!

The crowd erupts in applause, all eyes trained on the formation of cheerleaders performing their elaborate choreography. As usual, that includes Maya’s gaze, intensely trained on one cheerleader in particular: Carina Deluca, the captain of the team and the target of an intense crush that Maya’s been fostering all semester. Being a soccer player, Maya sees the cheerleaders more often than any other clique at their school, but despite that she still hasn’t worked up the courage to speak to Carina.

Carina’s just so perfect. Everybody loves her — it’s impossible not to, she’s so charismatic and funny and of course gorgeous, with her sculpted cheekbones and long brown-blonde hair. Maya knows she’s not bad-looking herself, having collected her own little fanclub thanks to her looks, but she’s not like Carina.

Underneath her exterior, Maya is goofy and clumsy and her laugh sounds like a honk. Not like Carina, who’s so effortlessly cool.

Or at least, Bishop thinks she is. She doesn’t know, since she’s never managed to have an actual conversation with Carina, but she can’t imagine that the girl would be anything less than perfect. Maybe she’s biased, though, because right now she’s watching Carina dance and glide through the air like she’s flying and it still makes Maya’s jaw drop every time she sees it.

Especially when Carina does that cartwheel at the end and her bright red skirt flips up to reveal the white booty-shorts underneath, hugging her plump ass sinfully. Maya’s mouth goes dry as she watches, and she chugs half her water bottle in one go.

“Good girl, Bishop! Gotta hydrate at half-time!” her team captain Andy enthuses, slapping Maya on the back. Maya nods and grins, trying to pretend like the reason she’s so thirsty is the first half of the game they’ve just played. They’re frustratingly tied with the rival school, but the blonde girl has faith that her team will pull through at the last minute. Everybody loves an underdog, especially when they win.

The cheerleaders start heading over to the benches, done with their performance and chatting with each other. Maya catches a glimpse of Carina’s face, stretched with laughter as she talks to her teammates, and Maya realizes with dismay that Carina makes her heart feel funny as well as her panties.

Almost like she’s summoned her by her thoughts, Carina’s face turns towards her, those wide eyes catching Maya’s. The soccer player looks away instantly, making a show of undoing and tightening her ponytail, and when she looks back Carina is back to laughing with her friends. Except the friends keep glancing over at Maya and bursting into fresh giggles, then they’re pushing Carina and squealing, and — oh sh*t, she’s coming Maya’s way!

Bishop gulps down the rest of her water, hoping her voice doesn’t break when she speaks to Carina. It’s hard to even look at her directly, like she’s staring into the sun and it’s coming right at her.

“Hi!” Carina says, her pompoms bouncing, and yes Maya means the actual pompoms. (Although she can’t say Carina’s tit* don’t look delicious in that tight crop sweater.) “You’re Maya, right?”

“Y-yeah. Or Bishop,” Maya says automatically.

“Bishop. Cute,” Carina says decidedly, and Maya really hopes the medic is on-site because Carina just called her cute and she’s going to pass out. “I’m Carina Deluca.”

“I know,” Maya says, and wants to slap herself when Carina laughs delightedly.

“You really are cute,” she giggles. “My friends think so, too. They think you were watching me during my performance.”

Maya feels the tops of her ears burn. “Uh. You’re a very talented dancer?”

“Mm. I’m good at lots of other stuff, too. I’m real flexible.”

Okay, Bishop thought she was imagining the tense sexual undertone of their conversation, but there’s no denying it now. Especially when Carina leans in, purrs: “if you win this game, I might give you a little reward.”

Maya feels slightly faint, but she manages a quick reply even though she can practically feel her heartbeat in her puss*. “And if I lose?”

Carinna shrugs. “There’s always the next game.” She winks and walks back off in the direction of her friends, who are openly watching and giggling in that menacing way that girls do. Maya’s not bothered in the slightest, though; her full attention is on watching Carina’s ass bounce in that short little skirt, the hem riding the tops of her thighs.

“Bishop, head in the game, we’re starting again!” she hears one of her teammates call, snapping her out of her reverie. She quickly swallows down the orange slice she’s been holding, does her warm-up chant with the rest of her team, and then she’s back out on the field.

Playing soccer is one of the few times where Maya feels completely in control, not awkward or out-of-place in the least. All thoughts of Carina and any other distractions leave her mind, and her mind and body fall familiarly back into the field.

The game is one that’ll go down in the school’s history, thanks to Maya’s performance. What can she say? She’s a very reward motivated person. The miniscule lead that the other team had on them in the first half is completely obliterated — Maya runs around the field like a madwoman, scoring goals left and right, and her heightened performance gives the rest of the team a significant confidence boost, too.

When the referee’s whistle blows to signal the end of the game, they’ve won by a landslide. Maya is so tired she wants to collapse, but the deafening cheer that rises from the crowd is like a direct shot of adrenaline. She laughs when her teammates crowd her in an aggressive group hug, insisting on lifting her in the air on their backs. They let her hold the trophy first, too, and Maya marvels at the solid weight in her hands, a reminder of her victory.

She spots the yearbook photographer snapping photos and poses for a few, kissing the trophy and cradling it like a baby. The wide grin freezes on her face when her gaze lands on Carina, who’s off at the sidelines with the rest of the cheerleaders. They’re all chattering and cheering excitedly, celebrating their team’s win, but Carina is just leaning against the goalpost and staring right at Maya. She smirks when they make eye contact and blows Carina a kiss.

Locker room?she mouths, raising an eyebrow. Maya nods so enthusiastically she almost falls off her teammates’ shoulders. Then she actually does fall off when she realizes what Carina’s mouthing at her next: keep the uniform on.

Thankfully, nobody in the locker room thinks it’s weird that she isn’t changing. In fact, she doesn’t get a spare second to start changing even if she wants to, since everyone is approaching to congratulate her and clap her on the back.

“We were thinking of getting pizza to celebrate,” Andy says, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “You wanna come?”

“Uh, I think I’ll shower first, but I’ll catch you guys later,” Maya says, seizing the golden opportunity. “Just text me the address.”

One by one the girls file out of the locker room, leaving Maya alone. The silence is almost oppressing: the stark sound of her foot tapping rapidly against the floor alerts her to how nervous she actually is about this.

Then, a high voice calls out, making her sit up straight. “You decent?” Carina pokes her head in through the door, looking almost disappointed to find that Maya is in fact decent.

“Yeah… you wanted me to wear this, right? Or...” Maya asks, wondering for a horrible moment whether she’s totally misread Carina’s lips and the girl is going to walk out at any moment.

Carina just smiles, walking inside and looking around the room. “No, I did want you to keep it on. Can I see it?”

Feeling shy for some reason, Maya stands up and does an awkward little spin, showing off her soccer shorts and team t-shirt with her surname on the back. She doesn’t think it’s anything special, but when she turns back around to face Carina, the girl’s biting her lip and approaching Maya with an unreadable look in her eyes. Bishop gets the meaning seconds later when Carina crowds her up against the lockers, leaning on to kiss her.

Carina’s mouth is soft, and she tastes like the orange slices that the cheerleaders always steal from them, and oh that’s her tongueand Maya seriously can’t believe the situation she’s in. Carina f*cking Deluca is kissing her, sucking on her tongue and making a little whiny noise when Maya’s teeth graze over her bottom lip automatically.

The soft sound spurs Maya into action, and she kisses Carina back with fervor. She doesn’t even know where to put her hands, but luckily for her they move of their own accord to cup Carina’s ass under the skirt. Carina whines again when she does so, leaning up into Maya. Maya’s amazed at how soft and taut it feels, and when she gives an experimental squeeze Carina arches back against her hand, gasping prettily.

“Your hands are so big,” she murmurs as Maya starts kissing down her neck, her hands spreading Carina’s cheeks. “God, Maya, I’ve wanted to do this all semester. You have no idea how hot and bothered you get me when you play.”

Maya Bishop can’t even register what she’s hearing — Carinahas been crushing onherall semester?! Before she can even think to respond, Carina’s hands pause on her shoulders, toying with her bra straps.

“Are you wearing a sports bra?” she asks curiously, and Maya nods.

“Yeah, it’s kinda hard to play otherwi—mmf!

Carina cuts her sentence short, impatiently tugging her shirt up and off. Maya’s happy to comply, taking it off all the way so that she’s just in her black sports bra. If the heart eyes emoji was real, it would definitely be the way Carina’s looking at her exposed torso, trailing her fingers over Maya’s toned stomach.

“You’re so hot,” Carina says in awe, brushing her thumb over Maya’s nipple before tilting her head and taking the nub in her mouth, suckling through the fabric. The other hand cups her other breast, tweaking her nipple, and Maya’s head bangs back against the lockers with a sound that makes her wince.

“Carina,” she pants, clenching at the sudden feeling of heat rushing to her puss*.

Carina pulls off, thumbing at the wet spot she’s left on Maya’s bra. “Can I sit in your lap?”

“Yeah,” Maya says, struggling slightly to keep up with Carina’s pace. She’s still trying to process that this is even happening, personally. It feels like she’s going to wake up any second from what has to be the wettest dream of her life.

But no, Carina Deluca is definitely real. Maya can feel her warmth, her weight when she pushes Maya down onto the bench and sits on her lap, both legs straddling her hips. They pick up where they left off, kissing while Maya runs her hands all over Carina’s body. She rids Carina of her cheerleading sweater and nearly passes out when she sees that the girl’s gone braless underneath. Her tit* are the perfect size for Maya’s hands, she finds.

Somehow her hands end up wandering back to Carina’s ass, though, unable to stop herself from gripping the supple flesh and spanking her lightly. Carina moans out loud at that and then shifts in Maya’s lap, clamping both her thighs down around one of Maya’s.

Oh,” Carina whimpers, rolling her clothed puss* down against Maya’s thigh. Maya feels a rush of shock (which quickly turns into arousal) at how hot Carina is there, so much that Maya can feel her even through the fabric. Maya can tell she’s probably so wet already, and suddenly the spandex shorts are her worst enemy.

“Can I take these off?” she murmurs against Carina’s lips, tugging at the waistband.

“Yeah,yeah.” Carina moves off her lap to shuck the shorts off, but Maya stops her when she moves to unzip the skirt.

“Keep it on,” she says, blushing when Carina fixes her with a knowing smirk.

“Guess I’m not the only one with a thing for uniforms?” she says with a raised eyebrow, sliding back into Maya’s lap. The grin slides right off her face when Maya grabs her hips and pushes her back down onto her thigh, and her hips begin to automatically move again, grinding against Maya with abandon. Carina’s even wetter than Bishop expected, and it feels like she’s spreading slick fire all across Maya’s thigh as she rolls her hips down hard.

“f*ck, you feel so good,” she pants, breathless. “Y-you have great muscle definitionohhhsh*t—”

Maya’s the one to smirk now, Carina’s hips pistoning when Maya flexes her thigh muscles. She’s so into it now, her eyes half-closed and head thrown back as she rides Maya’s thigh like it’s her job. Maya’s faintly aware of how wet she is too, definitely soaked through her panties and probably her shorts, but she’s entirely focused on Carina now, on making the girl feel good.

Keeping a firm grip on Carina’s ass and pressing her down with each thrust, she takes Carina’s nipples into her mouth, suckling hard and scraping her teeth lightly against the buds. It makes Carina fall apart ridiculously easily. Her moans get higher in pitch and her thrusts get faster, and Maya can tell she’s reaching her peak.

“Can you come for me?” Maya murmurs against the soft flesh of Carina’s breast. “Wanna make you feel good, baby.” Carina’s nails dig into Maya’s shoulders at her words, loud moans spilling readily from her mouth now.

“Ma...ya, oh, f*ck,” she sobs, the last word drawing out into a whine as her thighs squeeze hard around Maya’s and she comes, rubbing herself down through it. Maya can feel her slick c*nt throbbing, drooling more wetness into Maya’s thigh, and the sight of Carina’s thighs clenching around hers is almost too erotic to bear.

“f*ck, Carina, you’re so sexy,” she groans, burying her head into Carina’s neck and biting down. Carina whimpers gently, her thrusts slowing as she lets Maya suck a love bite into her delicate skin, and then she’s sliding off, the air cooling the wet spot on Maya’s thigh.

“Lift your hips,” Carina instructs, spreading Maya’s hips and kneeling between them. Maya complies eagerly, and Carina only has the patience to shove her shorts and panties halfway down her thighs before she dives straight in to lick a wide stripe up Maya’s dripping folds.

Maya shudders, her legs automatically spreading wider as Carina begins to eat her out with enthusiasm. Maya knows she’s probably super sweaty from the game, but Carina buries her face in her puss* like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted, doing things with her tongue that have Maya crying out her name over and over.

Maya’s been turned on since half-time, really, so it’s almost embarrassing how fast she comes undone under Carina’s mouth. “Carina, I’m gonna come soon,” she whines, tugging at the brunette’s hair to get her to pay attention. “Can you f-f*ck me through it?”

“God, yes, bambina, of course,” Carina groans, and when she presses her mouth back down to Maya’s c*nt, she presses two fingers into her hole. Maya practically keens at the sensation of being filled. They’re perfect though, stroking deftly inside her as Carina licks tight circles around her cl*t, and she comes so hard that Carina’s fingers are forcibly pushed out of her hole, her puss* clenching hard as the pleasure knocks into her like a ball kicked at full speed.

She can barely keep her eyes open when Carina leans back on the balls of her feet, wiping at her slick chin with a look of triumph on her face.

“Wow,” Maya manages to utter, the org*sm making her brain feel like it’s working on a delay to her mouth.

“Yeah, I know,” Carina says, patting Maya’s knee. “Congratulations on the win, by the way.”

“Uh, thanks,” Maya said, just watching as Carina gets up and starts tugging her sweater back on. “Hey, did you really mean it when you said you wanted to do this for a long time? Cause I did too, and like, I still do. Wanna keep doing it, I mean.”

Despite how dumb she probably sounds, Carina just bits her lip and smiles, looking down shyly through her lashes. “Yeah, I did. I gotta run now, I’m carpooling with Amelia, but do you wanna do something after practice on Monday, maybe?”

“Yeah, absolutely,” Maya breathes, trying to sound as casual as she can while her heart is doing backflips in her chest.

“Cool.” Carina looks nervous for a second before she bounds over and presses a kiss to Maya’s lips, and Maya doesn’t miss her light blush when she turns around to leave. It’s adorable.

“Hey, wait,” Maya says when Carina’s halfway through the door. “Your panties?”

She starts looking around for them, but Carina just grins and says, “keep them,” strutting out of the door like she isn’t wet and naked under her skirt. Maybe she doesn’t like Maya at all, actually, seeing as how she’s trying to kill her.

Maya manages to locate the panties, stuffing them into her bag (what? Carina said she could) before she begins to prepare for a much-needed shower. While the water’s warming up, she scrolls idly through her phone, unable to hold back her smile at all the texts and posts she’s already getting, congratulating her on the win.

Little do they know, she’s celebrating her own special victory: one in the shape of a tall, pretty brunette, and she’s sure she’s going to score again on Monday.

Not that Carina is a trophy, or anything, more of an second player.

Really, it’s a win-win.

Cheer Up, baby! - xujiaqi (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 5955

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.