CAP·ITA·N. - · tting ht.>l' ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l' ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng


' . . ,. I ;.',"/' ·,:;·;··,,"''' ·:/·'':· .... ·< ., •• ' ., '. ·, .. . ' ·'.\ . . ·. . .. ' ' ' ' 1' ,' •• •. • . ..• •' .. . ' ' ' ' .•. ,...,. .. - :-: _. .. 1. ' • ' . '., ..... , ., .. ' . ' . ·. . I . ' ' . . . .;. f' . ' . ' ' ',' • • ' r 1 , , ' . , ·-•'I<;;:'\''-·-"""'· I'·"'· .. -"""1':1} · (/· · . . . . .. . ·v·· . . . . .·. ' . /"" "' ... . ' ' ' ' ' ' · :· .. ·. . ' . ·Job-' Printing .. ·. · · .. ' . . Me'i-cl)ants-this Is tbe hes( medium, VOLUJ1E 2 . ' ' ' ··LOCAL ' ' : .......... :_,__,_._ ..... '. ' ·SAN FRANCISCO·. . ' . . .VIED. .. ' ' . ' . ·· . · .... ·. '·INRUINS. •• J.F.l\iAlNsut.thebl).meof ; Both <'httrches bc.lll npprnp,rtnte . . . . . . . WiUiam \Vatsoil, b() wns Sundl\.y · · At the time of to hoing cured fo1•, 90 W ·ltls\, · · · · · · ·. · · . t 1 · o •n·ce th t ·ter b 10 1 · · · . . a e ann .l s .a a . -: morn t e . l 1, · .. · . · · .·· . . . · · · · . , · rible · . earthq ual<e.· . visit e.<!. · San . A. fO\v .Jays uao he· ·w,.s, :, . h<\tS at-TALl.AFERRO S. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Francisco )·esterda,y morning, In u. pwfcssim.i.ul wuy to the b.ome . 'l . "J. "; L. . ', ':i\7 ·o' " . h'· 4' I . ' destroying most of the ,business o·f 1\ft•S IHacrcr OV''I'·l·n· tho Purl(,· .... · ·· , . wen ··s OJ'tu' ·1s 1e1'e . . · · · . ••. · .' · """'' " . · . . .. --- .< ' ' . ,•' . ' J •• .... · Done NeatJy and at the '' . NUMBER J .. 1 ' ' . . ' ' . . ., .. . . . . . .... ---.---.--.- _,... __ .,.,.: ........ :-· ----.... ---- -·-·· --- --------·- .. ----..-.- ' ... ' . . . . ' ' . ' . •,. . . ' WH·ITE SEED OATs.· ' . ' · · . 1 1 · · h. 1 ' L .'· 1 b' · part of•th'e city killing .oyer 1000 who was suftedntY 'with·. whnt anu >mngut t nt wtl 1 tm. · · ·, . ·: · . .. . . - . . i. . . .. . · · , .: . · " . · · camnng .. a loss of proved to he a fatui cnse of ct·y.,. . . ' . . . . ·.. · · ·A H .. · h .. ·l . $50,000,000, ,' . de- .. sipoli1s; and · :joyoting·. his . . . . . . · . Attorney . . . . uuspel ·lRS t . d . d · ·· . · ·n· · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 · . 1 ·b.· bb" .• 'h ·• 1 · lj s roye an City on· re. · · · . ' · scr.vices ·to her; it is' supposed he ,·Best O.reely cwt, ... '' .. ·. ,)!J(l!l: 10 QO tng Wit 0 .CIII S llD< · . · · · . . . . . ·. . · . . f. · ·.ds t tt 1 ·e "Doten' t. ·c· 0 :till for . · . .·. · · · . ·.. · colltrnetod \be Its most II CO IL · · •• · • ' · · 'llT 01'1<: Ill b l'"Stlffi"d on· tho . . . . ' . . · . . · · n . · · 0 . " . · · vu·ul€:'nl form ·· After ·Nl<inrwcr Pride of ·Denver·. Flou·r. ,,. thepast week. . . . Ghupm:m ,(Iii well h.Y t!1?· . o{ uuu1y du,ys, sutl'oring · · . . . . . .. k .. . .. · ...... Th;s as :an entcrpnse w,btch · passel.l to tho beyoocL · · Mncl(eJ el, les m .brme, to be enc<>UI'II"ell. · It can_. ··D · M · . ··.. b · · ·· I ... . . . . . . . . . - ·, ' . . . ' lmhoden.'s best.·· . ·· 't ·2·.:60 . . ... . . '·. :·. 2.10 ,, . o . l . l.l . crhurn· m (ie ut ·L"'t•'ttz "'· . , . . .. . .., . . . . . r. :uns was oua . 10 . l.Je .ullrl e our 11 · .c· . · · · · . · . · · . .: : · · · . . . · · . .. . . . . . . ·. not pol'sJbly do 1,1s . any hurn1 and stute of Hlinois 4.8 ogo, · runcb . . . . . ·tbe .. •·o.l.fl.n po.ssihtlity·_of. 1t 'bi·Jtlg· .went bi:; pni·c.•nts when rimte. ' · · T .ALl A FERRo's. · 1 · ing ns gas or \YU,ter, even U the yrnmg to N 1 ngaru, N. Y; But · . . . . , . . . pil hus ull lcnked of. tho tanl(! ·little is known of. his· cn;•Jy Jil'e. · . . ' ' . . . . . . .. . . . .I . · .. ·. . . . . . ' ., . . Secol\d grad·e Kansas. · . ' ' ' . ' . ' · ·· a or siippe<hh>wn und out soine nth,; He hnd the advuntuges of u ·• .•. Jmun1a.i,ul u.nd 'lppclrzmg F.nstcr l't' \\ 1 ay; Theil .if tt i!! ·educntron luhvevm· · nnd: when· 11 ·: · which was ole·g,mtly. s<:rvcd 'ed. thait l'eaUy Ju1;e 01l. under young man ·he yetll'.:l \put Hotel Ozunno· last . . the .f!r.nuntl ihere wtll be the. at Bt:llilvub, Now y 01 .k, City, .und NativePi:'nkBeans· . . ' . . . ' ' 3.00 J.OO .. , .. ·,- M. Kitlro. onl.crtnmed of knowing, ft·omtl1ut . mstitu_. is no) lin ·lt .. · · ""' f:l I t · · · ·.Granulated Sugar ' ,. lwr ti · birtb<lny part:y. ·. t10u. e n so spen one Ill ' . . TueHclay.ovcriingo, _ 11 t ·which nil 007 ·, · · · ·. the mcdicul U('pintlllent ut' Anu as only,. hnpr,y · . f.-I.>lCOLN NOTES. ·. ·Aruor, Mich. He Qume· to thir. . . ·· ' · · · . 16 ·Jbs 'for · chihllioP<l · A nice· Juneh .• of Carrizozo, )s ptll't of Nc\V Moxt!:O in 1897, t'erycd to the the little poopic w. Gnttlm erect .II. where be bus resided ever ,since, 'Su:n; To FLUCTPATroNs.) · · . '. ' ' ' by:,l\hs. Tinrit'>n. w'niclmill towok: at Dr. Law's. being in mining.tind fhc · . . Mr'l. F;uill nnd Miss· of n"ictlwino. TI.Ju· funcl'• .. LtmB.ER A'r , . . . . . W('t'e in town tilicg <;ll ·homestead ttl took pluco i&t three. o'clool' . · · TALIAJ"ERUO 'ij. 11 few cloys tigo, . Wcdnl's<lay nftcrn oon fl'Otn . · · -- . Dr·. Sltipwort.h m11de hom*o. Mrs. <?arl K!!ith and re .. n f(y'iQg tl'ip to Lincol.n Sattlrdny'. . _..:..-'----- .. turned · from · Clifton, Arizona, Tbo. Commissioners bnd A .rc 11 (lrt cort.les fa·om Suntn Ro- last ·spend_ the ll · the tol·o purt of the 811. th1lt ·Mrs. K 1 Liser, ""' fut·mut·· sunpne.r w1th.h. er mother Ml's. k. "' · · rosidtint'ot tbis J>lucb' wus tluowil . wee . : Frank Crumb. · 'ftie sca·vice I'Od those of trom u horse ogain1:1t a bar·11ed . GRAHA:\f -FLOUR, . . . . . ' . .·. ' . n U UB tm BOOTS, ' ' ' " . -F.RESH ALFAj.FA SEED, . . CORN,. ' •,' . ,. . ' ONION SETS. · . IRON ROOPINO. . .. . f · ·lb«{holy duyt1 · precodin:z. it,. were Wil'o fenco utill sust11ined falul in- ., _. . C. B .. LEGHORNS wei! ullondcd by Fatbol' jt\l'ies .. Her husband, who . ·Eggs. $1,00 p. er setting. (If 15. H 1m old· ·so!tlier, died . bm·e . fjnitc . ' . · .. CAP·ITA·N. N. . . . ': ·' From a yard of selected hens ·· suq<.tcnly·.at few yeut'll ng•>· headed by bigh-b1,·ed . impol'ted . . .sons nm loft to tho ln8'4 .of · co*ckerel •. ·. . ANCHO ACTIVITIES. tL m.otber-.-one · 11 mun . M.G. · " 1!1'owu and tho otbot· u boy o( . r .. nmbmg seuson comence_d, about seventeen. . ' . .. ."'-· . HOTEl .. OZANNE, APPOR1TIONMEN'l' OF SCHOOL ·.· Thn usuatl' sbo\Ver diet the grill'S .Js green nnd . sheep-· 'not time itself jnst right lust Sun- men ure happy. The prospcct.s duy: ··Tho ha.ts hatl tbcir ait good fot· n.mce crop. · · WnlTE OAKS, Nttw MEXICO,. . I' UN . N' ow for . Clean tho churches, were 'duly admired . . und criticized, but · munaged to . I ' get saiteJy under co,•er ho..,. . fote the belutetl · downpunr (JOultl .. · · soQd to the scruJ) pile. . . . . . . ' Mrs; Dunn nod cbtldl'(in. nrb vis,. . beds and an· t . cu isane tting ht.>l' over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng .. UooJJ·ey und Pilon· r,11nch .. fot· 11 tendent ofSchogls for the county. few days. •. . · . ·· · .. Of .Lincoln and Territorv of - ·--·· ,--·-----··-·-·:e. .. == ·.· . . . . ' '. . . Mexico, do hel·eby certify that I rote· s·s·lon· al·. Cards' . Mr. Sam Beurd IS buatly en· h · d. 1 . t. · ·d th · . b·l. . . . ·. · · . 1 . . ·. . · . . . .. f , ave · u y appor 10ne e pu 1c W. A. Mclvet•s, 11 · roclt munsaon school fund. of ::;aid county ·on · ·-·- _ .. ·. ble, \vhtlo ,attempting to. procuro Mr. nnn wuo expects. to occupy this tenth dav of April, J906. GEO B BARBER tdlmv :of wnlcr for ,tbe Fleming- it by of the tnOntb. . The amount of to be ap- · •· · ' NE\'( .r.n;XJCO, 'l"'ox Mining end ·srnelting ()om- 'Mr. D. W. Glenn btts ·rotumed portioned is four hundred ninety 'pany, ia also engaged in to his lovo. Ho hi>t)ght 6000. six dollars and eleven cents. r.rNCQt.N, amotber minmg and milling bend. of sheep from Henry Lutz, (496.11). · The total number of P.rncLicc in all theco1,1rty oJ. ' ' company in tho Jicarillas, with n und be und lho Comreys are now pers<;ms of school age in the coun- fah- pros poet of IUJCOOiiS. He . np- drtlhng ll well wost of Rod Lulto. ty is i872. The rate per pupil is pelirs to bo wdrkmg on tl1o ·.cor- Hnrrv Gnllncbcr is ·holding the twen!y-six cents a _small the Tcrritury, roct. principle-productivo prop- fort at Red Lake. Tho cattlemen fraction left over whtch. wtll ·be J. E. WHARTON, erty, ilo abundance of it, and 11 nrc huaily on!!nged driving tbeil· added to next apportionment. at its renl.value. stock lt·om tba laka to their own Poll tax, licences and special lev- ·AT-LAW. 1'\i'l\V . ' JohD Y. · Hewitt ies also acredited to the dis- Af.AllOGoRvo, . . t'ttDg(:s. . Onion sets, Sorghnm seed, und M . G bl tricts \vhe7e these funds proper- Spccinl Attention Jr;iven to cusf.s tn all kinds of Gar,Jon und ·Flower rs. Mamto mm es ly belong. Lincolna11 well ns Otero pounty. Scedll. lookiul:{ nft'e1· het· meat contract Tbe amounts hereby appor- wilb the gt·adiog outtitt uod pay.· tioned to the .distr-icts are ------- ·· ing tbo Ancboitc<J ti u day or as fol1ows: A. H. Hlldspeth, .Hewitt &. Hudspeth,. two ago. .1 ..... Lincoln· •.•• ...... $73.50 . Robci·t linrt, t.he . inqnisitive · s p ':1. • · · 4 0'· . . Ed Com roy is putting up a 14ft 2 •.• • • . • an au•tcto . . . • •.. 6. u ' ' . . a cheap taUor-shop but a shop where good can be· had clteap. . If you w_entthrough the irnmensc· plant that ·this· good tailoring. ctnnes from you would :understand how our prices· are · possible. Your tailor·could not exer· cise more singleness of pur . pose than the men who would make your in the workshops of this plant. Each man is a specialist in -his particular part· of the ·work.· . p.COllnty \V.ho comes Hnlhday windmill for J:ilffiOil . 3 ..... Wingfields ' ..... •. 5. .72 Atb gd at Law ltmo of. the yellr Cooper. . 4 .•.•••• Pica<' no •.•• ...... t3o:ss . . DB . • · · . lmpcrtiuent abqutyourl . . . ' . -. 5 ....... Sanches ...... : ... 10.66 fh:IVITT BLOCK. ... WHITE OAKS. The Spring and Summer prtvatu· aft'airs,. oBtleci·any. as . J:. ,B· . 6 .. ..Richardson ...... t6J,4 . , 1 ' h fi · t .hnw much locr.c you ...... Wbite Oaks ... · .... 215.(J5' ---··-·-·----, I __ .... _ __:!. ' lineofwooensist e nes ' uwuy ib:your leg battle, bat.ors tothetr be- 9 .: .; .. Mesa .. ....... 13.02 Church Oirctory... ... ll_l_n .. "".p-rc-.o-nta_t_lv_o_or-·"""' and largest ever puid this· town u abort vitSit twoen 300 und 400 · eggs. Ho io ...... ·wests. . • • • • . . . . ·• 10,40 Ed. v ,·Price & Cqmpnny . . day just to remind y<Hi tbat JS tho' pmiltry ynrd, . ond tbe lL ..... Nogal'.' .......... 37.44 . '- Jiorilha"' ClllcAIO Come in and inspect it. k .. t .l . • · . · 1 . tb .finest selected .f.owh1 for beauty 12 · A -gu · · 34.85 Pl. · th C · · · · t ·· · · · ecptnoo u >S Oil you anc nt .·• . . . . . '1. ' . ' •... ••4LI s •••••• ,; •.. •. ' . mou . ongrega 0 1 . T·AL···I··A· .. f .. ERRO ·M· ··E·.r··.·c •. ·an'd TRAD'I,NG ·c·o··. ;, · roo · . . ' . •· · .. . . l,lDd Juytng qual!tleS 10 ,oJJUCOln 1" · ... · C . ·. . . ' .20.8 ·44 . . . • . your goods und cbuttols 11hi1'nt be Count • . · .. · .. · orona ... : · • · .. .. . . · · • . . . . . . . · ·. 1 k' d · . . Y . ·. 14 ...... Rabl!nton ......... 20.2s Church. _ _ _ · · · . . . · . ' :( , ; over 00 0 · . Mr. Morrrs, our townsmnn9 ·ts ..... .... , ......... 14.72 . . · · . ' · l I · · · ' · t 16 · Bo · •t · · · 7 28 Servlceil over,y .Sundn.y· 118 .folio we: "'h. ·., · b · Just rccct vc' u arge .consurnmou . . . • . . . n1 o ••• ........... · . . · ... esoconu.sllit brougbt f · , 1 . f · Okl h · 7 8 A b 1a · l7 42 SundtlY Sohool at 10.3{11\; m. · · o at'eu nod grurn rom . ,. 1 ,. . . . . . . ra e .. .... ; . . • . . . . . . . who -nro mrakinrr un.· eft'ort ·fQ re. - W · h 1 z · · 13 78 All nre (lordially invittJd to.· ,.. ·. e be will. .t o 8.. . . . . all}oras.. •. . . . ·. . . .rio:!·· strain ibe County · comn.ilitutv witb all kinds of · 20.; .... Hondo.,· .•••••• , . 120.42 •· · ·. · .. : ftorn puying pohho Jande ·on ot:tblc8, floor, etc. · . · "'f · · 25 ..••.. Little Creek: ••.••.. 7.54 · · · · · · 21· P rk. · · ·1s s2 Methodst · · ·\ a cootr:a-ct they luive· for • Tho R,(llltoad Company· j•tst • · • · · · a · • · • · · · • · · · · · 1 d b u 28 •• : , •• c. up.ituo ·• .. •. • . 14 i. 2. 0 ' IJcJiovtng· was rlh@\Jiy .·Jet, was cl)mp Ole u side) track for t. c . .n.. ( · · C · · p ., b 39 ....... Arabal,. .. , . . • • 17.42 . .. dociclcd in favor. of th. o board. by I. 'cmcut · . • Co' d. • · rtck ·· A 1 .. . 77 ... 2 ., I " 33. .. . • . no. "' ... • •• •'. • '1: · . .: ,Judge· Maoo, ·•t k• o. . · ' • · 36. .. • . 6loncoo, .. • • .. . 6.17 School eucb SundaY at 10 c>''clock a. m. . "" . . .rbis wiJl . probably .. end Tho wito <>f o.ur.efllciont . ng.,nt, 42. , .•.. 8utdbso •.· ... ;. . • 13 .18· :. : fh:o until c:lcebb.u day in Mr. l{igbt. J$ visit to 43 d .... . •... •• . 17.16 . tf tm· . : . t . .• . . . . . . bcr dnugbtet e•aror nt. the Lee H;. . . I . ,. ,. > •• . ' ' .Jt . . •' ,; ,' ' r · . r nox . ·. . . Content durlog tbe . Etui- > . Cot:tnty .gf Sebools. · ,. ··.;· ·., ··:.:,/:;, .,.·.• ···· .. : ·t·'ooibOIJ.Wl'-'e·· ,.,; .. · ... ·J •• • · ··r · · ' · · ' · . : ''::••:/•;;,"<, ,_, I , l ,t 1 •' ·, lo.', 1 ., > ' ' : '' :• : ';· -,•'. , .• ' ' - • ' I •,• '; t - , ' . ; " •; , ". ,, . . 11' ·, -·· ,·:.i" ., ' . . .. j ,_ ' . l . . . ' . ' . . ' ' . f •• ; l ' . ·- . -11; -; ' .• ,.; .,; . ' . ' < " \ ' ' ' ', '' '<J .' <• .'v'· ' ll- . ·' . :.:. ;. . ' W og Wcdr.acelllay 1 ulgbt. . AU aro c:orififttl,r Invited tliel)iJ eervic:e,; · · . . . . . ' ·' " ' '' ' ' . ' . 'MONEY BURNS HOLBS JNtHB POCKST .,--.:..• ---- .... ----··-- --.--- ' . But it is cool and in the Open an . account . . . ' .. · with the Bank. Do it TODAY •. . ' HE ·.EXCHANGE :··:.:: '.-=::· . ' .. . .. BA.NK . . WHITE NEW 11E](ICO. . ' ' . ' . . ' . I •' •• ' ' ' ,. ' . ., . ' ; 0 . ' .. -':: ·;;'ti'X,> . . ''"' ., ' ' ., .. : •' '•'i . ' . ' ·; i . . : ,l . ' . . ,, ·, ' ' '•, . '·· . ' I ' . I ., •,, . ' '/ , . . ' ' . ' · . •• 'l ' ' . \ .. ' ' .. '' . \ . · .. .. .. . . ,. "'1 . ... ' . ' ' '' ., " . ·'· .··· ··.·:.'

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Post on 29-Jul-2019




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CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (3)

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· : · .. :.l.Ad~:e-.~tlsing! ·. . ' . ·Job-' Printing .. ·. · · ..

' . . Me'i-cl)ants-this Is tbe hes( advertisin~ medium,

VOLUJ1E 2 . ' ' '


• • ' '

:..........:_,__,_._ ..... '. '

·SAN FRANCISCO·. . ' . .

.VIED. .. ' ' .


. ·· . · .· .... ·. '·INRUINS. D~t •• J.F.l\iAlNsut.thebl).meof ; Both <'httrches bc.lll npprnp,rtnte . . . . . . . WiUiam \Vatsoil, '~hero. b() wns Eu&t~r !l~t·vices Sundl\.y D1().rnio~ · · At the time of .~oing to pr~s$ hoing cured fo1•, 90 W ~dQcsday

·ltls\, · · · · · · ·. · · . t 1 ~ · o •n·ce th t ·ter b 10 1 · · · --~......-':""'--~· . . a e e~ram ann .l .· s .a a . -: morn to~ t e . l 1, · .. · . · · .··

. . . · · · · . , · rible · . earthq ual<e.· . visit e.<!. · San . A. fO\v .Jays uao he· ·w,.s, cnllc~l :, . ~e.w h<\tS at-TALl.AFERRO S. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Francisco )·esterda,y morning, In u. pwfcssim.i.ul wuy to the b.ome

. 'l . "J. "; L. . ', ':i\7 ·o' " . h'· 4' • I . ' destroying most of the ,business o·f 1\ft•S IHacrcr OV''I'·l·n· tho Purl(,· .... · ·· oo.~n , . wen ··s OJ'tu' ·1s 1e1'e . . · · · . ••. · .' · """'' " . · . .




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•• .... · Done NeatJy and at the Mo~t re.aso~:~abl.-:

'' . NUMBER J .. 1 ~ ' '

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' ... ' .

• . .

. ' ' .

' . •,. . . '

WH·ITE SEED OATs.· ' . '

· · . 1 1 · · -~: h. 1' L .'· 1 b' · part of•th'e city killing .oyer 1000 who was suftedntY 'with·. whnt anu >mngut t nt 1tUg,~ wtl 1 tm. · · ·, . ·: · . .. . . - . . i. . . . . . · · , . : . · " .· . · · peonl~, camnng .. a loss of O\~er proved to he a fatui cnse of ct·y.,.

. . ' . . . . ·.. · · ·A H .. [·I.·.~ · h .. ·l . $50,000,000, ,' W<!~er main~ . de- .. sipoli1s; and wlnl~ · :joyoting·. his

. . . .· . ~· .

. · . Attorney. . . . uuspel ·lRS t . d . d · ·· . · ·n· · · · · · · · · · · · ·1· . 1 ·b.· bb" .• 'h m· ·• 1· lj s roye an City on· re. · · · . ' · scr.vices ·to her; it is' supposed he ,·Best O.reely ·P·otatoe·S~ cwt, ... ''

.. ·. $1~6o ,)!J(l!l: 10 QO tng Wit 0 .CIII S llD< .· · . · · · . . . . . ·. . · . . f. · ·.ds t tt1·e "Doten' t. ·c· a· 0 :till for . · . .·. · · · . ·.. · colltrnetod \be dt~:~caLSc·.IO Its most

II CO IL · · •• · • ' · · 'llT 01'1<: w· Ill b l'"Stlffi"d on· tho . . . . ' . . · . . · · n . · · 0 .~. . " . · · vu·ul€:'nl form ·· After ·Nl<inrwcr Pride of ·Denver·. Flou·r. ,,. thepast week. . . . Ghupm:m ,(Iii well h.Y t!1?· fh~t . o{ uuu1y du,ys, ofihtoa~s~ sutl'oring 11~ · · . ·~ . . . . .. k . . . .. · ......• Jnne~ Th;s as :an entcrpnse w,btch · passel.l to tho beyoocL · · .·

Mncl(eJ el, J~ac les m .brme, otl~ht to be enc<>UI'II"ell. · It can_. ··D · M · . ··.. b · · · · I ...

. . . . . . . . . - ·, ' . . . '

lmhoden.'s best.·· . ·· 't

·2·.:60 . . ...

. . '·.

:·. 2.10 '· ,, .

o . l . l.l . crhurn· m (ie ut ·L"'t•'ttz "'· . , . . .. . .., . . .· . . . r. :uns was oua . 10 . l.Je .ullrl e our 11 · .c· . · · · · . · . · · . .: : · · · . . . · · . .. . ·~ . . . . . ·. not pol'sJbly do 1,1s . any hurn1 and stute of Hlinois 4.8 ye:u·~ ogo, h.t~t.

· runcb. . . . . ·tbe .. •·o.l.fl.n po.ssihtlity·_of. 1t 'bi·Jtlg· .went \~itli bi:; pni·c.•nts when rimte. ' · · T .ALl A FERRo's. · 1

---'--~...-.:...---~-·- · ing ns gas or \YU,ter, even U the yrnmg to N1ngaru, N. Y; But · . . . . , . . . pil hus ull lcnked ~>nt of. tho tanl(! ·little is known of. his· cn;•Jy Jil'e. ·

. . ' ' . ,· . . .

. . . . . . . .I . · .. ·. . . . . . ' ., . . Secol\d grad·e Kansas. · . '

' '

. ' . ' · ·· ~~rs;. Brotbe~·s prc~a~ed a ~most or siippe<hh>wn und out soine nth,; He hnd the advuntuges of u lib~t·al ·• .•. ~ Jmun1a.i,ul u.nd 'lppclrzmg F.nstcr l't' \\1ay; Theil .if tt i!! deiUr'ln'str:~t,. ·educntron luhvevm· · nnd: when· 11

·: · .~linn·e~, which was ole·g,mtly. s<:rvcd 'ed. thait ~o l'eaUy Ju1;e 01l. under young man ·he ~ri(lrt't ~ev(mtl yetll'.:l \put Hotel Ozunno· last ~unduy. . . the .f!r.nuntl ihere wtll be the. ~Itt• at Bt:llilvub, Now y 01.k, City, .und

NativePi:'nkBeans· . . ' . . .

' ' 3.00 5~60 J.OO

.. , .. ·,- M. is~ Kitlro. Tm~(;n onl.crtnmed j~-;fnclion of knowing, ~ocl~efellcl·. held.ud1J.'it~ri1a ft·omtl1ut . mstitu_. is no) lin ·lt .. · · ""' f:l I t · · · ·.Granulated Sugar '


lwr fl'i~ndsut ti · birtb<lny part:y. ·. t10u. e n so spen one y~:ll' Ill

' . . TueHclay.ovcriingo, _11 t ·which nil 007 ·, · · · ·. the mcdicul U('pintlllent ut' Anu ju~;"d tbembelvc~· as only,. hnpr,y · . f.-I.>lCOLN NOTES. ·. ·Aruor, Mich. He Qume· to thir.

. . ·· ' · · · . 16 ·Jbs 'for · chihllioP<l .cun~ · A nice· Juneh .• J11~ w~>~dlalnd, of Carrizozo, )s ptll't of Nc\V Moxt!:O in 1897, 'v:u~ t'erycd to the the little poopic ht.>lpin~ w. L~ Gnttlm erect .II. where be bus resided ever ,since, (P1uci~s 'Su:n; 1~c:1' To M.AKKt~T FLUCTPATroNs.) · · . '. ' ' '

by:,l\hs. Tinrit'>n. w'niclmill towok: at Dr. Law's. being eogu~etl in mining.tind fhc · . . Mr'l. F;uill nnd Miss· .A~~icie. pl·ael&~e of n"ictlwino. TI.Ju· funcl'• .. LtmB.ER A'r , . . . . . W('t'e in town tilicg <;ll ·homestead ttl took pluco i&t three. o'clool' .

· · TALIAJ"ERUO 'ij. 11 few cloys tigo, . Wcdnl's<lay nftcrn oon fl'Otn bit~ . · ~ · -- . Dr·. Sltipwort.h of'Ros~vell m11de hom*o.

Mrs. <?arl K!!ith and fani~ly re .. n f(y'iQg tl'ip to Lincol.n Sattlrdny'. . _..:..-'-----.. turned · from · Clifton, Arizona, Tbo. Cou~tv Commissioners bnd A .rc11(lrt cort.les fa·om Suntn Ro-

last Frida~, andwi1~ ·spend_ the ll · ineetin~ the tol·o purt of the 811. th1lt ·Mrs. K1Liser, ""' fut·mut·· sunpne.r w1th.h. er mother Ml's. k. "' · · rosidtint'ot tbis J>lucb' wus tluowil . wee . : Frank Crumb. · 'ftie Enst~l' sca·vice I'Od those of trom u horse ogain1:1t a bar·11ed .·

. GRAHA:\f -FLOUR, . . . .

• . '

. .·.

' . n U UB tm BOOTS, ' ' '



. i\XI~FrR CORN,.

' •,'

. ,.

. '


• . IRON ROOPINO. . .. .

f · ·lb«{holy duyt1 · precodin:z. it,. were Wil'o fenco utill sust11ined falul in-., _. . S· C. B .. LEGHORNS wei! ullondcd by Fatbol' flirm:~'s jt\l'ies .. Her husband, who wn~ .

·Eggs. $1,00 p. er setting. (If 15. H 1m old· ·so!tlier, died . bm·e . fjnitc l'hl'isbl~lllCl'l:l.. . ' • . · .. CAP·ITA·N. N. M·.~

. . . ': ·'

From a yard of selected hens ·· suq<.tcnly·.at few yeut'll ng•>· 'l~wo headed by bigh-b1,·ed . impol'ted . . .sons nm loft to ntll~ll'D tho ln8'4 .of · co*ckerel •. ·. . ANCHO ACTIVITIES. tL m.otber-.-one · 11 yo~u1g mun

. M.G. PAD~i!J~ · " 1!1'owu and tho otbot· u boy o( -:--~~.-....,...;--'- . r .. nmbmg seuson hn:~ comence_d, about seventeen. . ' .

.. ."'-· .


·.· Thn usuatl' E~ster:· sbo\Ver diet the grill'S .Js green nnd . ~be sheep-· 'not time itself jnst right lust Sun- men ure happy. The prospcct.s duy: ··Tho ha.ts hatl tbcir ho~tr ait ur~ good fot· n.mce lam~ crop. · · WnlTE OAKS, Nttw MEXICO,.

. I' UN DS~ . N' ow o.p~n for . lJu~tQORB, Clean tho churches, were 'duly admired

. . und criticized, but · munaged to . • I '

get saiteJy under co,•er ,n~ain ho..,. . fote the belutetl · downpunr (JOultl

.. · · soQd then~ to the scruJ) pile. . . . . . . '

Mrs; Dunn nod cbtldl'(in. nrb vis,. . beds and an· t~xc~llen t . cu isane tting ht.>l' ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng pub.lic~ .. UooJJ·ey und Pilon· r,11nch .. fot· 11 tendent ofSchogls for the county. ~=~~~·~=~~·~~~· ~-~·~ few days. •. . · . ·· · .. Of .Lincoln and Territorv of Ne'~ - ·--·· ,--·-----··-·-·:e. .. ==

·.· . . . . ' '. . . Mexico, do hel·eby certify that I rote· s·s·lon· al·. Cards' . Mr. Sam Beurd IS buatly en· h · d. 1. t. • · ·d th · . b·l. . . . ·. · · . 1 . . ·. . · . . . .. f , ave · u y appor 10ne e pu 1c W. A. Mclvet•s, ~ha.'.'h·ropre!tYt- ga~eDd er(ICll~~ 11

· roclt munsaon °~ school fund. of ::;aid county ·on ~·-·--- · ·-·- _ ---~_:"-·~-~ .. ·. ble, \vhtlo ,attempting to. procuro Mr. nnn wuo expects. to occupy this tenth dav of April, J906. GEO B BARBER

tdlmv :of wnlcr for ,tbe Fleming- it by t~o ~rat of the tnOntb. . The amount of tn~nev· to be ap- · •· • · '

• NE\'( .r.n;XJCO,

'l"'ox Mining end ·srnelting ()om- 'Mr. D. W. Glenn btts ·rotumed portioned is four hundred ninety ATl'~.>H.NEY-AT-LA\V,i 'pany, ia also engaged in or~anlz- to his fir~t lovo. Ho hi>t)ght 6000. six dollars and eleven cents. r.rNCQt.N,

m~ amotber minmg and milling bend. of sheep from Henry Lutz, (496.11). · The total number of P.rncLicc in all theco1,1rty oJ. ' ' company in tho Jicarillas, with n und be und lho Comreys are now pers<;ms of school age in the coun­

fah- pros poet of IUJCOOiiS. He . np- drtlhng ll well wost of Rod Lulto. ty is i872. The rate per pupil is pelirs to bo wdrkmg on tl1o ·.cor- Hnrrv Gnllncbcr is ·holding the twen!y-six cents wi~h a _small

the Tcrritury,

roct. principle-productivo prop- fort at Red Lake. Tho cattlemen fraction left over whtch. wtll ·be J. E. WHARTON, erty, ilo abundance of it, and 11 nrc huaily on!!nged driving tbeil· added to next apportionment. c~tpituhzation at its renl.value. stock lt·om tba laka to their own Poll tax, licences and special lev- A,TTOI~NEY ·AT-LAW.

1'\i'l\V ~WXl('O. . '

• JohD Y. · Hewitt

ies also acredited to the dis- Af.AllOGoRvo, • . . t'ttDg(:s. . Onion sets, Sorghnm seed, und ~ M . G bl tricts \vhe7e these funds proper- Spccinl Attention Jr;iven to cusf.s tn all kinds of Gar,Jon und ·Flower • rs. Mamto mm es wn<.~ ly belong. Lincolna11 well ns Otero pounty. Scedll. lookiul:{ nft'e1· het· meat contract Tbe amounts hereby appor-

TA~IAFERRO's. wilb the gt·adiog outtitt uod pay.· tioned to the s~vera1 .distr-icts are ------- ·· ing tbo Ancboitc<J ti vu~it u day or as fol1ows: A. H. Hlldspeth,

.Hewitt &. Hudspeth,. two ago. .1 •..... Lincoln· •.••...... $73.50 . Robci·t linrt, t.he . inqnisitive · s p ':1. • • · · 4 0'· . . Ed Com roy is putting up a 14ft 2 •.• • • . • an au•tcto . . . • •.. 6. u

' ' .

. N~t a cheap taUor-shop but a shop where good tailori~g can be· had clteap. .

If you w_entthrough the irnmensc· plant that ·this· good tailoring. ctnnes from

.· you would :understand how our prices· are · possible.

Your tailor·could not exer· cise more singleness of pur

. pose than the men who would make your ~lothes in the workshops of this plant.

Each man is a specialist in -his particular part· of the ·work.· . p.COllnty ~ffi~IUI \V.ho comes .urOt~nd Hnlhday windmill for J:ilffiOil . 3 •..... Wingfields ' .....•. 5 . .72 Atb ~ gd at Law

-J~tbo~t ltmo of. the yellr askm~ Cooper. . 4 .•.•••• Pica<' no •.••...... t3o:ss . . ·~ DB P~, . • · · . lmpcrtiuent quosllon~;~ abqutyourl . . . ' . • - . 5 ....... Sanches ...... : ... 10.66 fh:IVITT BLOCK. ... WHITE OAKS. The Spring and Summer prtvatu· aft'airs,. oBtleci·any. as ~o . J:. ,B· .Ft·o~cb, t~o <'g~ . un~ .· 6 .. ..Richardson...... t6J,4 . , 1 ' h fi · t .hnw much locr.c you h(lVO,bad,Obl~kcnmnn~ Jsrunnang~Jd.JnCU·Is ...... Wbite Oaks ... · .... 215.(J5' ---··-·-·----, I __ .... _ __:!. ' lineofwooensist e nes ' uwuy ib:your stockin~ leg battle, bat.ors tothetr f~l~ cnpn~tty, be- 9 .: .; .. Mesa .. ~.;, ....... 13.02 Church Oirctory... ·--E-s-ci~UII-IV-ft.~(.o<.' ... ll_l_n .. "".p-rc-.o-nta_t_lv_o_or-·"""' and largest ever displaye~. puid this· town u abort vitSit Sat~:u·~ twoen 300 und 400 · eggs. Ho bur~ io ...... ·wests. . • • • • . . . . ·• 10,40 Ed. v ,·Price & Cqmpnny . . day just to remind y<Hi tbat b~ JS tho' tine!!~ pmiltry ynrd, . ond tbe lL ..... Nogal'.' .......... 37.44 . '- Jiorilha"' Tall•r~, ClllcAIO Come in and inspect it. k .. t .l . • · . ·1 . tb .finest selected .f.owh1 for beauty 12 · A -gu · · 34.85 Pl. · th C · · · · t · · 1· · · ·

ecptnoo u >S Oil you anc nt .·• . . . . . '1. ' . ' •... ••4LI s •••••• ,; •.. •. ' . y· mou . ongrega 0 1 . T·AL···I··A· .. f .. ERRO ·M· ··E·.r··.·c •. ·an'd TRAD'I,NG ·c·o··. ;, · roo · . . ' . •· · .. . . l,lDd Juytng qual!tleS 10 ,oJJUCOln 1" · ... · C . ·. . . ' .20.8 ·44 . . . • . your goods und cbuttols 11hi1'nt be Count • . · ~, .. · .. · orona ... : · • · .. .. . . · · • ,~ . . . . . . . · ·. 1 k' d · . . Y . ·. 14 ...... Rabl!nton ......... 20.2s Church. _ _ _ · · · . . . ·

. ' :( , ;

over 00 0

• · . Mr. Morrrs, our townsmnn9 ~ns ·ts ..... ~Alto .... , •......... 14.72 . . · · . ' · l I · · · ' · t 16 · Bo · •t · · · 7 28 Servlceil over,y .Sundn.y· 118 .folio we: "'h. ·., · b · Just rccct vc' u arge .consurnmou . . . • . . . n1 o •••........... · . . ·

... esoconu.sllit brougbt y·tbo~«J f · ,1 . f · Okl h · 7 8 A b 1a · l7 42 SundtlY Sohool at 10.3{11\; m. · · o at'eu nod grurn rom . ,. o~a. 1 ,. . . . . . . ra e .. ~ .... ; . . • . . . . . . . who -nro mrakinrr un.· eft'ort ·fQ re. - W · h 1 z · · 13 78 All nre (lordially invittJd to.· ,.. ·. e ~tH, be will. fnrni~:~h .t o 8.. . . . . all}oras.. • •. ~, . . . .· ·. . .

.rio:!·· strain ibe County Commission~ts · comn.ilitutv witb all kinds of veg~ · 20.; .... Hondo.,· .•••••• , . 120.42 a.ltt~nd. •· · ·. · .. : ftorn puying 'ol~t pohho Jande ·on ot:tblc8, floor, etc. · . · "'f · · 25 ..••.. Little Creek: ••.••.. 7.54 ~....._;._..,..,__......__

· · · · · · 21· P rk. · · ·1s s2 Methodst Church~ · · ·\ a cootr:a-ct they luive· g;ou~cls for • Tho R,(llltoad Company· bn~ j•tst • · • · · · a '· · • · • '· · · · • · · · · · 1 d b u 28 •• : , •• c. up.ituo • ·• • .. •. • . 14 i. 2. 0 ' IJcJiovtng· was rlh@\Jiy .·Jet, was cl)mp Ole u side) track for t. c . .n.. (

· · C · · p ., b 39 ....... Arabal,. .. , . . • • 17.42 . .. dociclcd in favor. of th. o board. by I. 'cmcut · ~nd . • Co' d. • · rtck · · A 1.. . 77 ... 2 ., I " 33. ~ .. . • . no. "' ... • •• •'. • '1:

· . .: ,Judge· Maoo, ·•t A'ln~rnogordo las~ k• o. . · ' • · 36. .. • . 6loncoo, .. • • .. • . 6.17

ijfi.bba~h School eucb SundaY at 10 c>''clock a. m.

. "" . . ·wo~k. .rbis wiJl . probably .. end Tho wito <>f o.ur.efllciont . ng.,nt, 42. , .•.. 8utdbso •. · ... ;. . • 13 .18· :. : fh:o '~na~tcr until c:lcebb.u day in Mr. l{igbt. J$ ~a.!•"~ • visit to 43 d .... J.icar~l~!: . • ... • • . 17.16

. ~a.· tf tm· . : . t . .• . . . . . . bcr dnugbtet an~ e•aror nt. the Lee H;. Rud.tsill~; .

. I . ,. • ,. > •• . '

' .Jt . . •' • ,; ,' ' r

· . ~' ,,.,.~,~-~;'. r nox . ·. . . Mc~JiU! Content durlog tbe . Etui- > . Cot:tnty Sllp~t~ .gf Sebools. · ,. ··.;· ·., ··:.:,/:;, .,.·.• ···· .. : ·t·'ooibOIJ.Wl'-'e·· ,.,; .. · ... ·J •• • · ··r · · ' · · ' · .

: ''::••:/•;;,"<, ,_, I , -,~ l ,t1•' ·, lo.', • 1 ., >~ > ' ' : '' ·~' :• '.~ : '"'"~·, ';· -,•'. , .•

' ' - • ' I •,• '; t - , ' . ; " '· •; • , ". '· ,, . . 11' ·, • ~-·"· -·· ,·:.i" ., ' . . ..j ,_ ' . l . . . ' . ' . . ' ' . f •• ;

l ' . ·- • . -11; -~· -; ' .• ,.; .,; . ' . ' < • " • \ ' ' '

• ', ' ' '<J ~•''•· • .' '-~'.', ~· ~. <• .'v'· ' ll- . ·' . :.:. ~ ;.

. '

W ~ekly ptoye,rmt~ota og Wcdr.acelllay 1 ulgbt. .

AU aro c:orififttl,r Invited tliel)iJ eervic:e,; · ·

. . . . .

' ·'

• "

' ' '

' ' .



.,--.:..• ----....----··-- --.--- '

. But it is cool and ~afe in the bank~ • Open an . account . . . ' ..

· with the Exch~n~:c Bank. Do it TODAY •. . '

HE ·.EXCHANGE :··:.:: '.-=::· . ' .. .

.. BA.NK . .

WHITE OAKS~ NEW 11E](ICO. ~ . ' ' •

. ' .

. '

. I •' •• ' ' ' ,.

' . ., . ' ; ~

. '

.. -':: ·;;'ti'X,> . . ''"' .,


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.. ''

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. · ..

• .. .. . :~{~ . ,. "'1 . ... ' . '

' .,~ '' .,

" . ·'· .··· ··.·:.'

CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (4)


' ' , ' . '· ' ., " ' ~

'i v J





,. ' • • •

• >. -· •

• •


n,~ f --w ' 14f..- 1 11 .. , ru~~ ... !CJf" 1ffhf, b

o•r t>.r·O L• • • • ' u•t h,sr t. 1• t•J &h!nr ~?:0t<•!£Jrt tl,M!.t t • \ U: ~. v • fi'J~ .,, l.''t .. ~t'ld. .)UJI"'

tt .. .- t.I:LU·• "'1 t!.t- · .il U.o•.t b#'h.,-b'Jf.L

A C&ltton.l.a law1cr Wfll .not arcne • c-aM before • Jw7 thi.t bu wldakru-a. ThMe muke eonb.le Jt1ro111 to octnccal tht!!J' fedtnp Wht'.D lalll')"en tilll&e Ull tbd.r Uwe wltb &f"¥UfDCJU1. ower pte(» -lL

Prtneua Boa wm ltlt tliO.oot &1)­

CiiaaUT N Kln.s. · Altona:o'e ~t1Ce. . · (t woul4 tu&Yo looltttd ~ore attraeUvo to bi pethalJll. !She bdq a mC)Il".ro womu.. tf ll ha4 bee llll.Ub4 dowa Co MUtt.

• I •

-~ -·------'--'--

"You E-a)' tber were. mamt>d ~T ll\''f:od ~.ap[JY '€'H'r after'?'' ~~mhlo!; ·.' th<- hnd. I said th.e-;,r marr1t-d a··.: 1J Y<·o scr;,.ppr ('l'er after ...


Fl Ts ~rrna..nrtt1'<t ("'Uffd ~of!t.or n-eTYon..-n~ n. ,.,. .. fi,.,.1 Ua."~" "· .. ,. <•f J•r Klint' tu,,;rea.'l. ~f"r"~ t "'•. •

~r ~~nd r .. r YHt~t; 82.00 trlal bOttle a:no lrt-a.t ..... !Jk k 1:1. AW-'\£ ~ .~l..A.rc.b titr~t.l•b.ti&dto,.,pi..a. r·a.

So far as known now, the hE-n 1s • ~· · only one .that has io work whll~ lli) 1:1,.:


Y<•U· always gat full ~lilne in V'";' Sillftle Binder straight 5c dpr • Y. ·.r dealer or Le\'l'·iJI' Fa.ct.Ql'), Peona., Ill.



. •

CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (5)

· ••My End()rsem*nt .of Pe-ru-na . ·is Based On 115 Merits."

-Ed. Crumbo.

·)~D. CRUMBO, Ex-Mayor of New Albany, I1,1d., wr-ites from 1>11 E. Oak st;ree·t : . . .

"My . endorsem*nt of Peruna is based on its merits.

" If a man is sick he loo~s anpdously fo~!isomethj,ng .which w~ll c;ute him, ana Peruna will do the work. . . .

"-l know that it will. cure Cl\tarrh of the head or stomach, indigestion; head­ache and any weary or sick feeling.

"''It is bound to help anyone, if used according to directions.

. " I also. know dozens of mf'n who 1lpealc in the 'highest terms of Pl'l'una and have yet to IJC·ar of auyone being disltppointed in it."

Mr. Crumbo, in .a later letter; dated , Aug. '25. 1904, says:

"Mv health is good, at pre~nt, b\'t if I sbottlcl have to take anv· more medi· cine· I · back on Peruna.".


W. £NfLD. Lo<.:aJ manri£ere; good -lllf>O A &i and women to repr.,.Aent us

In H~ry ~lty, town and <'OUntY ·In this nnd .adjnlnlng Rta:ie.. No falH• trchuntAa; t·~h and ttXpenM~M dally: will Pll)' )' PU to Jm·eMtlfrll.l P For tu 11 part lo-u lni'H Kddn••• 2011 Nowoau Bloek. Deru·er. Colo.

W ~ L~ · DoucLAS '3~&·a~SHOES~0l" W.\L• S4.00 Cllt Line


c·lr·s fN· LEADVI'tl E BY NO MEANS .. A c. TLESS TOWN . ' ...

. Prevahmt f7alse Report In the East

Correc;ted by a Leadville Newspaper. . .

An article In a recent number ot n Toronto puper under the caption or "Leadville, the Catless Town," seems to convey the impression that our cit) is ~anU~g In tllat common article or household etrect11, .says the Leadville Herald-Democrat. .As the easte1 n pe· rlodlc{l:l obtained ~f.!i Information fi:om . a Denver man no' great fault perhilJ}S can bo attached to the· statement.

It. aptJears that a New Yorft ·shoe. . house salesNan had trouble In obtalu· lng .his njght's ;~:est jn a .certain hotel In .Denver a short time ago, nnd regia­tt:ir.;!d a complaint th~ next morning With the chief Qlerk. ".A cat in tP,e Fll· ley act.Qss the street ltept me ·awake," said the salesman. '"You'll either haye to guarantee the cats will h~ve to be kli!Pt ·but of that alley· t.o·nlght or · change my· room·. r must ··have sleep or I ca.nnot worl<." · · · .

. The clerk smHed ·amt' replied that It was the first complaint of the 'ktn<l h·e had ever· had there, and also that there was comparatively few eats In Denver, but that If he. would live absl:!­lutely with.Qut any chance of beint; waltened by cats he ,would have to move up to Leadville. "LeadvillE!'! Wh' ?'' aslted the coinmerclal mai1. . . . "Be~ ause." replied the · clerl•, "Lead· ville has no cats, ·Tl~ey can not li v~~ there. 'L'oo much altitude, as we. say aJ·otmcJ here." · . .

The ·paper ·then summarizes that such is the case, and thal Leadvllle has not, probably, a· single cat. ThP ·paper fmther adds that cats hav.e be.en many times talten to Leadville, but In· ·variably succumbed to. the: effects of the high altitude. The writer. stated that all cats taken to Leadville have tiled of a form of I)neumon!a, and per· aons living In . Leadville· will . be sur· prised ·to learn that the above has 11assed .muster for genuine.

For the int'ormaUon of our erring 'salesman a'ld A nanlas hot~l clcrlt It may be stated that the good old domes. tic animal, the cat, and thrive& lu the city of Leadville, notwithstanding the altlt(!de. There Is as g1·eat a va

. r!ety of feline In Leadvflle as· in any other part o~ the Union. It h(ls never been. stated here that when poor Old puss* tal•es its departure that Its exit irito another· sphere has been caused by pneumonia. We have the cream of

' ' '

· the medical profession here, but they have never undertaken to diagnose cat diseasE's. In addition to our hP.Y' lng a good quota of cats w can also boast of a good supply of th!;l animals whose company the· cat seeli:!J, namely mice and ·rats. Tile former predoml· nate while the latt'er generally known here as the mountain ra-t Is not· so -nu· memus as in the lower altltudus. ¥.'•• have enough, howP.ver, to malto theil company disagreeable were It· not for the presence of puss*. We haye C!ltJ here which would surprise people In

:.the ·lower altitudes. Some attain th·· age of fifteen. years, whJ1" some eqmtl In size the jack rabbit. In fact nearly every householder has from one •ti• three of 'this favorite animal. A. houa" In Leadville would be sadly wanttns; in its general ent{)UI' without the pres ence of the cat. .Yes, Lea<lvllle ha~ cats.



I '

-~-- -----W 1· N C H 1: 8 T 1: R "LEADER" AND .. REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best of powder; shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give invariable results account for the superior­ity of Winchester "l.eader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded $mokeless Powder Shells. Reliability,· velocity, pattern and penetration arc dctertnined by scientific apparatus and practi~al experiments. They are


8-EGIN AT THE. You cannot rear a strong nation on a .f~eble foundation, You canno.t bu~ld

It cathedral if you begin with the spire. You cannot have belilthy children by fniJ?roper feeding. Let the ctlrlren be reaT?d on good, h.ealtby, nourishing food to make them a natfo·n of mental and phya1cal. workers, 1nstead o~ puny, pitiful men and women.


' ' . '


Ex;actly the: Right Time to Call All . Bets Off.

It was. severai year11 ago, when Nashua. N. H., waij enjoying the ex· cttement of an annual city election. and, as was naturnl, the followers of the two political faiths were conshter· ably wrought up.

Frank Barr, then a railroad ofllclal In Nashua, now ·general manager or the Boston & Maine railroad, and ·hls brQther, 'John H. Barr. a pl;osperous· Nashua hardware dealer, dtopped Into the Parlter House, Boston, a.nd there. ch!).nced to . meet George Bowers, a Nashua clothier. now d'ead. The con·

' .

. .

The Dinners on. Him. versation drifted to politics. ·Fran!; Ban· was sure the man he favored would be elected ~~or. while Bowet's, wlio was of ·tho~ )opposite political faith, was· confident of the winning powers of hIs favorite.

"Bet you the best' dinner in 'Boston my man wins." ~:>xclalmvd Ft·anl; Bilr.r.

''I'll just ·go you on that," n•p11ecl Bowers, and the two shoolt han1ls ..

"Don't I r!ng ln on that dinner." aslted John Barr. .

Both agreed that he sltoul,d be orie of tho party, wbei·eupon he suggestpd that all parties concerned being In 'Boston then, and In one of the best . . '

hotels. and with good appe~ltes, then was the time to ha,ve thP dinner., The others. thought It would be berter to wait for fhe .election to decide the .wager, but John Barr argued t.hat there was no time like the present. He furtl1er suggested· that he would settle for the dlnnt>ra. and when the bet was decided the Jost>J' could settle with him. · The proposition was no sooner marlf' than accepted by tll.e other two, unrl a private dlnln~ mom wns engaged und

• the order-fpr t1H' lwst dinner the house afforded 'fas· lodgc<l with the clerlt. Wlten the bill waS' called for at the

' '

desk It took a llttltl 111bre than $20 to ' .

settle it. ''Mighty good dinner," said John

Barr, "ancl l.t waa niC'P of yon fello:ws to take me Ill. There Is· but one thing missing, and .that is the cigars.'' nne! he wa'lked toward the cigar counter. He did not pick vut any domestic brand, but called for the b11st.

While he was absent Bowers said: "Say., Franlt, (am not so sure about ri!r man winning."

· "Neither am 1," replied l~rank Barr. "Let's call the bet off; then." "All right." said the o~her. John Barr returned. and. passed

around the Havanas. "What were you fellows laughing

about and slialdng hand's tor?" ht> asked.

''Oh, nothing.'' replied his bro.ther. "only we agreed to call the bet ofT.''

''Qalled the bot off! Well, theri. who's going to pay for the dinners?" demanded John.

"You have, haven't you?" inquired Frank.


The siren. of Neapolitan lore Is a crowned woman In a flowing robe who rides a seahorsE! which bas two feet and a- fuih's taU, Qn an 'om vase

. the. Naples ln~t!OIJM .. abe appears · thus, rldlng abov~ 'the ru~hlng waters ot ihe Rlver ot' ~ea~. bavtng been sent to Hades bY Neptune· Jn search or. Prosorplne,.


. S7gned Namie OPPbl!!,to 13. . 'the death· ot .1\:torrhi., auditor

of the Westel'll, 0~10' JJAIIwat,, Wh9$0 tunEir'ttJ was lie1il ··1n ·PI{ttia to-day, ro­calJs that tbE! daY betore · the fatal colUslon . of trolley , cars In wllJilh h.e was killed he ·was ap.Proaohed b7 young men companfoJJs 'ltld (1,9kcd to algn a subacrwtl<>n tor a Clanclng P~trty.

gJan~e" over the , Ust, and n~t:nf!s ·~v~ 'lild · below the

Ij.utlllb~:red dee.JpatlQn ''19" f!lli~Jbbt'i· I( e;'917 Q~~ 'WII "•t,t~tlltl•.

1i e a11l.x~4 1l1tl lif&Da,ture

' ' . Hunters Dragged· Flye. Big Pythona

Out. cif a t-tole, An extraordinary v~nture befell

Charles nnd Wllllam 'l'heobald ~t My· sore while out !'!hooting game for the Prince ot Walas, .writes a Mai:tra.s cor­respondent of the London Dally ll:x-press. . · Coming arross a cn.vlty In th.e bank of a stream one of them peeped ln u saw sonwthlng lying there,. which after a few seconds was reeognli!ed as a python. .

The mouth of the hole was enlarged to admit the hnnd and' the t;;nulte'• tail was S'l•ized and both men tugge1l at it till. the python was dragged out . Then· it. 'Wils seized by the hi" ad around "·hlth a piece of cloth wus

' ' tied. · · 'The T.heobal<ls luHI· another peE'p

Into the hole rllid wt•re surprised to see another · pyt hoJI. This· a I so was soon. · capt.ur~d .and 'placed ,\·i,th till' first. .. •

The~· werE' about to l.e.ave the tJ.htCP when n n1an called out that thNP ·was

• y~t anotbe1' python In the hole. 'fhi.s ope, nfter 'some f\lgglng. Wns pull~<! out and tied. lUll!. to ti(e surJII'h~e .or the two ~·oung nJI"ll,. the>y found that there wt>re . stili .mri.r<.> kf:. Tl.Pr 'hauiP<I thP rcmn.lnder out with th•• t;>X· ceptlon of one, which ret l't'll t(•d In· wnr!l an<l l'ould 'not he l'Paehl'd .

Five prthons '''ere captm.·ed In nil. and tllPr were with dlffleul t~· cnJ·ri(•tl ton dQgcart antl brought Into M~s<>rt>. They 11.1'<" a,ll young und about ten to twelve J't>t>t long.

----·...--. Legend;~ry Gi:trt. of Antwerp.

In the old Pit~· of Antwt>rp thPt'f' 1~ 'an lmnwn~P ~·ta·tue. n<•nrh· forti· ft't'l . . In heigh!, of the IPgPn<lary giant. An Jlgonus. · The• · st.orr llllOUI him I• thlit ln:ntlr'eds of ypars ngo lw In stallf'tl hlnu;plf at n N'J'Iilln point nn tllP Rll·••r SPhf'lrlt and !'XIOI'Il'<l l}l'h vy' toll ~:n :1 11!'1 who pnssP<i .. If tht>l' wo11ld nut pay hP rut off lhPil' hnnd£ and' JhrPw thPm Into the rl\'Pl~. Wh<'l'


. Antlgonua. the giant was 1lnally slain the «it y whi('h ha·tl g'rown up around thnt spot was cail('d Huntw!'rpen, wlllch me11n~ "IHIIII]·tosslng," Of COUI'S!1 HantW\lr}J· en wn~ Hoully corrupted Into Antw6-rp, ·

Wh<>n they .h~ ve li . celubratlon ol any ldnd In A;ntwe.·p, now, th~y earn· thf. grf'at stl{t1w of Antlgo11111:1 nh(Jut tlw ~-<treets, preceded b'y two men c.~r­rylngo plaster casts of hands as eu1· blems.

Her·. Cares Are Many. .

Housekeeping in Egypt, with Native Serv~ta, a· Serious Proposition, According to Engli~th Women

' . '

{Special Correspondence.) '

In tl:le eyes of some women, who are should he serv~d. Jt wns All's way to nl•lther. ·llousewh•es' .by naturt:! nor tlit·ow thl:ngs, Into -a dish wl.thout all,y. blessed with substantial means, the attl•mpt at nnan~t·mf'nt or twatntlss, management of a household is·a c:iuty sol htstructt'il hhb to nsl<' Abd·ool for principally made up of'\\'orrle.s. a clean fish i11ipl<lq, · ro·t~l It ;1eat y, ' (n' Egypt, hOWC\'l'l', If one .has .sPnse p)al'{' .It lu Jht' dl!!h nnd IIJ'mnge t ~0

of humor,' 6ne Is lnrg(;1l.Y hf'lped ovf'~ pattl~s upon it. All wus willin~; tut minor i.ilfllcultiC's of hons('lte.C'tJing by nnxl.ou!:l as to how he shOIJid fold' t ·H~ tho. -litdlcrQus o~em·l'P.nces whlc.l! are. napl\lu. . . part ot on.e·~ dally J.ife; but· tho sense . "L!IH' thifi," I' said.; nnd ~<t>lzing tl of hum'Ot,. Is reallr ll neeesslty; 1'111" I I>JIC'!ifn mbbPr whil'h. lny IH'!tr, I fo~d· woman who lueltl'<l It and <.>xpcrted i etl It up iii tiH' nppro\'Pd wnY. her ·m.enagE! In I'!Hit country to run on 1 Of l'OUJ'SP l. shonl<l haVl' sought conveuUonuf llneii'. would hn\:e to set· 1 Ahdoo.l. obtnlncd a nnpklu nnd glv 11

tie down to a .Jtt"l• of wotTY auil ])er 1 n detllonstr.!dlon · with that. u::~ I fnce would .be wrlnldt>d and· he1· .hair llt•nrueil :ro tuy cost wht·n. a ft.>\V ml.n· grow grn~ ln"ll ftWtnlght. . \ ntes·. !ntt•r, up l'lllfH; the cliiC'It<:'n pat·

Servants, to he~ln with. In the nver· 1 ' nge Ang{cl"Ef?YPtln~l hnusl" Ul't' .nntlves, g(•uerally of the Ikrh<.>J'I t r·llw. und v<?.l'Y good servants on tlw whole thoy ~ rna I< e. But In tnldn~· Ull t ht> rl'i.ns of

• I such an establlshnwnt ~lilt' must llf'etl!· sarll~· drop m11ny of.. 'ml•··~ Pl'Pt'Oll· celvotl notions ·qn'c! C'l\ll only lt>nnr .!>Y experlent:t• lww _befit to mnnagp lt.

l ·had cons!dernblP. dl,ff\l'ultil's to fare wh~;n 1 bP!n\11 ·II J;ojnnrn of·two yt>at:s In the ·land· of !l.:g)· Jlt. all 1 wns pPI'ft•ctly llwxpei·l")ncP<I both In ~o<)i\· 1 lng 11nt1 In tpe lntPrlor ~>t•onomy o( 1

lht• h<iu'sPhol<l-ln short, totn·lly lg; 1/

nomnt .of thP art of managcnwnt, my nnh· flxed l<ll'tt IH lni a <it>slrl' to l<•;n·u I ·ami ·not to bt• "don~" by .thut saniP lg. I ,.

' ' ' nol'll!lC'f'. I · Our tn<\oot· Sl'l'\'llllts, whn siPpi 1 nt i Of .lht• hoU~C fllld f<•l) tlH'lllSt'lVPR, \n l't' , . . 'five In nut\lht•r. All, th<• ronl<, wn~ n I tla"l\, ~:~hlfty-looid!1g sl'oundJ·f l. with a haug-tlog toxpr~>rslon. 'Ills lool;s·. how·j eV<'I', Wl't'P tlw worst part of him, for

• I he turn<'<! out a tt•en•nl'l' Ill his own.

' ' ' 'I'"II,Y. 'I'hel't• wt•re I\\O ~ulTJ·ugls, or j'

bull erR. Ahrlool, thE> lwnd out', hu-yin'g b<>en my huHhund's p'l·r~onal !wr•va.nt ·j for mtlllY yea1:s .and hl'!J1g. fll'('_HU!'IInbly f de\'oted · to·. Jjlm. The· "housemaid"


Wlll:l n f!Hii>t,'.doellc ;Young- mnn nhont ·I sl~ feet high, qu:i only Ii:_gyptlnn In • th<> hous1•, the otbeJ's nil t)l'lrig Bt•r· I bf>rl. A wool Y·IH•nded coolt 's boy, m· ID!II'mi.ton, numecl llfahmud, I'CllllPIC'tt!tl I All. ths menage. · I tl<'''· Tlwv Wl'l'l' lying twntly phll''<l

- ·jon tlw ·ct;nl't~l;, rrrther· <lirty, l!ltt'lar•n Ccoi( Master of Sltu_ation. : rul hi·r, ju~t ll.'l 1 hhd !Pft tt. fohll'd.

Tlw first cOlt elusion I t·.tnje ·to wns 1 0111, ('hrl!:!tmn~ •tt·n) WI' dl't<'rnfln •tl

thlll In <·nturlug for the hotiJ>C'holtl oil£' 1"'011 11 nml'!won party. Tlw nwnt1, •t m•JKt be to ·~ great ext<?nt . lnP 1: 10 1 <'01 1'1!1', had ··Ill. liwludl' roasl tnrlt•·y hu,uds. of on!' s eoolc, .,No tlad Rtn ·n jlltlll illlllll lllllldiug, nrul mutton n·l · l'a.l In Eg):pt • and, with tlw e:H'Pil·

1 IH·t WPI'<' ordt•J't•it HH un ultPrnntl~l' · .

!len ·or thP btead whi<'h Is supplll'd.l to ·.fw turk<'y, Ali nHlwd whiC'h llh~nr'd. by l~uropenn bnlterll, PVt'l'Ylhlnv; tnllllt btl serv~·•l llrRt •. nnd I tpH!I'IIl'tt•d h''ll bo bought In .the mnrl<~'t. . lt Is 11!1· 1., Rt>ud hull,! 11 j1 at tlw· Htunt> f!\1.'•.

JlllRI:llhiP, c)r ruthPr u.seh 88• to go out lie not o'nlr did thn1 but hP 11111 th..:•n oneself to lnsp<>ct and nslt tho prlre . t h ~e !Ish, ' · of nll'llt. vegelab,ies, cte. To ll' Euro· on (' Sjll ( . -poan thel'E' 'Js one pnc¢, to a ~llltlVe another. For tlfls r~>nson nobody· ox­ WI en Mohammedans Fast. • ci>pt thosll who <·an nrl'or<l to pay more At on" IJUrt,feular limo ot· thp Yl' ~r than Is nect•ssa1·y for··tlwlr food go In moat Pf'Ople's· h(lli!!NI Ill'<' nnl'om(P•·' tor European coolts .. Th<•i nro··n liiJ!:• nlll '· TltiH Is dUring HPUUldnn, tlJ> uJ·y nntl iilnch :t>nviPd, !Jut t.htlY urP mot1th of fa><tln~t. whl'll nil goorl 1\1 •. hwvltnbly t•heatod morl' or less In thr> hutnmt><lnns fHHt from sunrlsl' ·to 1n:.r. marl;f'l, wht•r,.11 ~ a native need pay· ~Pt. By tlw .t•ntl ur 1111'. day . t h v · no· mffl,'e 1 han llw p1·0 p1•r va]UI"· ror nrl' nntiJrnll~· hunl.(l'Y, and thf'y P~ N .

what tho 1Juv11 • 1 •lo not deny that lw . th ... nt~ht Itt nit< l'!l'ltt<•ly fl'nl!tim~. n1 d ~r;mernlly tblnkR lums~>lf entlil<'d to 1· s.IPI'IIInv;. As mny tr~ 'lmnAillf'tl, tl• .a put OD an (!)((I'll pfnst 1'0 hero and t!Jf'J'('' klntl of iffp I!OI'fl llllt l'lllllltlt'l' IO tt.t r In tlw !Jool. h!' JJI'~>sonts to you wt•t•ltly j h<'lng verv hr·ight or llvt•IY fn lh••. till •.·

Proof of Spirit Communication. hut. thai. onl" much I!Xpect. Even w'th thn•• 11nd Euror·••nrr~< g<'n<·rully nn· ~1· ·I Au extrn.ordlnary story of \Rpirlt whrt-t lw makPR out or· you ho caoHIH, thP fl'aAt ·of Bnlrum 11 '"~''""~. nl't.r

rnmmunlcatlon conws from Australia. you IPSs thnn would 11 EuJ·opeaiJ. whn, , wh!Ph I lwir t<~·nanti< <•an l'I'KJilll< tl u In ·n town on the Yarra Yal'rn river, 11 hoWPV('r honel!t he mny b£>, f11 unahl11 f o.rd!Jl!lrY routlhl' nf lifP llir .. Brown attended a Splrltmdh.ttl<: to ••op(' wit'h thE' cunning of .1n orl· 1 I•Y till'. •·n•i of m.1· HI'Pmlll Y<'lll' 1 '1

st-nneE' when hla two sons· and a entljl markl't. 1 tlw t•ountrr I hud g-ot t.o und<"r'stnl I fl'iPntl bad· gone out yachting for a The l'ook had no ldeti of proportion, I thr• \yay.~ or lhP RPrb<•rln nnfl hr~l few duys. During the seance· It Is and l wi•ll remember my first meal In lrf'nlll' <OnH• to IIJIPI'I'dut" thC'nt · '; s'·lt<•tl one of the sons commuliicnte<l the cOt.Jnlry l hnd Just nrrlvod, nnd s<•rvnntl\. In muny WOY'I tl\!ly 1••!~-t tl~e faPt that the yarht bad cap11tzed we sat do\\n to a tete-a-tete lllunor. mn•'h to b<• dP~<irl'<l, rhildh;h ·nR th~ und ail aboard were drowned, descrlb-. which hutl of necessity been lett to tho w~re nnd llublc to rnll ul:l hop!"IPRsi:;t lng thP locality minutely. · He also 1 · said that one body had been devuurocl by a shark. Search was made, an I two bodies were found. Some time late>r a shark was killed near the spot and on being opened the waistcoat anti watch of tho unfortunate man were round. The watch had stopped at nine oclock, the time mentioned In the sons message at the seance.

I rlsh Moaa as a Medicine. Ir!Rh moss is used as a foundation

rot· many desserts In the dietary kitcll· ens wlwre especial dishes nro 1Jre· pared for Invalids. An autborlty on the question of seaweeds stnte.s that scurvy, the dread of sallors, caused by the absence of potash in tho oalt meat which forms a 1iart of evory ships provfslona, would be tuilellorat· ed IJy the llbernl use <rf the seamoss jelly, which Is rich in p~taah. lrlsl: moss ha.s .always a place In the medl· cln~ chest Qf the ol'd·fashloncd house­"·lfe, who pins her faith to Its· Aeallng properties for colds, sore throats, etc. -Leslie's Weekly; · ·

Baby Camel.

It 111 only a few week!W Old, but It a goqd alzea Jotant. · ·

' . '

Native Water Ca·'l'ler.. •

c:ook's dlrecUon. The first cotirsP con· nt crltlcal moments; IJut they were 11-1 Slll~d ot an· etJOI"DJOU8 tureen fu'JI Of ways cheerful ~nd willing, .novor qua• • tblcl' soup, w.hlch would alone have relod amorJg lht•msolvoll ana tblll · almost satlsftM n. dozen· hungry men. most odious oi all phrases; "Jt '11 nc: ~ The next was (!von more overwhelnl· m'y work," never tcil from' their· Jlpt. tng-a mountain ~ mashed potdto, They ·judged Jt every' onc'11 work· t'• with 11lxteen mutton cutlets aranged ·help tho house to run nrnoothly nnl round It Jn 4 formidable ro-W r this made up tor many 11ho.rtcomtngtl,

. - · Borberln are supposed by many t a H• F'nUow•.t lnatrQctiOnlo be Incapable ot ulroctton or ddcllty

Tbo flrst occasion on whlcll \'llltots Tb11t may be, thou&'l I carl bear Wll' fJron bteM fn O'Ur bouao wu· wlltin ness tbnt · wbon we .1nntl:y ·left JI:~D!"'­two tri~ds ·turne(f up· rather \IDOlrpcct· Abdool, after hearing ot our approac,t edly one· dii:V tQ llincb.,on. I allpl)l!d Ins departure, paescd a wee1{ Jn t<'llr(•·

lcfai\YD to· the· kitchen to ba'fe a look But one iratt at least tn them appeal" 1~!1i_:Jl~'~*t:t;t~ 'Al1ct · ·m&ke . auro tbat All to ont~. and tbat !It tholr devotion «v: . .-. tooa an ,awethdng cbtldren. Tli.qusb J would not pin too

-~t~· ~cellellt Uto much. tattll on thelr bn~rest fn ua



. '


. .

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~ttl~fl ·l ~ qultt. ~rt tbat anr. or -qur ., • ...,.. , . , \ ..... ,h~ .*0,\tlG li~te I•td·._down Welt Ut~.: ... f ;:<' · • .~ ~~P·A~·Qtft JlftJ•. :41\J.llt~~· ·, ·:·v~ , ..• ·. :' .. ,·~'?,,,.·, ~ ·" • I<' , ••• ·• • ' •, ' • .,).' • "'" .,,, ,,, .••••. ,,.,~'¥ .. ,,.,.f!

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~· I f•;;--- !,Jf',ol ,,!~JO'' ~ '~i<,f'l''i,;t. A,," ... } <;'' -· •' " ' •l"' ••• •' '-;:.._. ' ' M ·h" • , .. '4 .. ,";(;>,'..," ,,,_;J_•.t.~h;,..,-4t....;_-(,,, ,,~.,I • tJ,'••;.».,_~·,-..;-<~ '""''•• ;;"' _... +<·•'''~··•~-~ ~·

' '

' '

CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (6)


f l

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'' ~'- >' ' . ' / '•

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Wllerever we notice In another , \T.'hut · we d('l•m to !Jo an errn or tnll· tng, th(•ro ia our opportunity to be mugnanlmoul!. . .



' ' ' ' .. --~<- ' Tolled Vp Seventeen Flights 'of Stairs. but· Next ·

. . · Tip) (I He W til Charter an Atrshtp. · . .f.llnn¥n••'-•n·nn••.n••n¥nn••¥~••••n•n••n•• ... Elevators are a good deal like good "My job's gone, eure," be ·tnouccl.

dlgasUonn;. you don't mls11 them until "The customer never· will taice · thla tboy get ·out of order. ·The tcnant9 trade." · '

In the Creole Quart~ Picturesque Section. of New Orleans Like a Bit ~f Olcl

· France. . Maiuiers and Customs Mod~l~d on Paris · . ' ' I,

A· LIVING . ' ' .

VIvid I)' Deaerlbed iJy a · .CJtl~~~ . SIQux Falla~ ~outh ~a~ot•, . , , .

• Andrew Johnson, 411 . W.est Tw.eJftl,J,I . • # ··D ' St., Sioux Falls, s. D.. I!!!.~ a: oa~ e· ·

·;K;ldne)' PU,s snve.d my lit~. MY doctor, from· a · care.ful al).· alysls o:t thl) qrlne and a diagnosis of

.(Special Correflpondenc.e.) my case, . had told

The old French quarter at N~w .Orr Nor Iii there the attempt at defraud· me· I co~ld not llve 'eans is a ~lty of balconies and gal· 'tng the customer on the French .m~r· sbt weeka. ·l vias

n.nd· tholle having lmnlr~oas in the ''I was jiu1t joktn;~ "·said Jlt~r. relent· Brr)pd J!:xcltnru~e building, at Broad

1tng. "United Js sbty-seven, a

Tht·r«' Is o11r (·htlllC'P to be Jlh(!ral stroet · llnd Exchnn~re place,, ·were , halt b!'d,;~ · · . .cries. Followl~g out the arcbltectur~ ket. Leitu.ce, endive ~nd th~J com· ··struck l}ow,n Jn the. lf .the ol<ler French· cities, the aecoilrt .mQner variety· 1!! t'<•ld, not with U1e . street With . kidney . and. IIJvlng, and wllh the gentle brought to ·a reallzatlon ot this ~ few I Rough as the' .accident was on tb~ae'

warmth ur lov.r• nnrt,lllwmllty .to woo· dn a~o. This structure Is the l.arg· I who bad to' t:ay 1 th 1 t lt 1 !tory of home and shop prqt qtdes just leaf turn~d . toward · U~e pur\!has~~- trouble, • and for a.

out tllr• lov .. u.n•l lflwra!Hy that fa ···~· .. pUice building In the w<lrl<l. AI· 1 . . ·8 n . e ~eva. or, a so

· lh 11· 1• 1· t t 11 th. p. k I Imposed Us hardships on .those who l .triUe, and then ·from It extends a just the opposite. Each bupcb of ·~,et· ·whole year could lalcony-of. !,ron·' nlways=-and SUP· tucc Is plaeed.l).ead down In the basl:et' ' . not leave tM house. dn•11rrilng In !HI''' hc•r'u c•nrjllcfouHnNJK, oug ... s no 110 n ns e ar · j · · · · ' , n w l lldl' · I ·If. 'd th had to climb from ten to twentJ tllglltu

owulllng juHt Klll'h ,, HtlmuliJ.K all tt.liJ . o .1.11 ·. ng or 111. a • ozen o .er tor " Theile weary ·Jledestt'lans ~orted by a series of Iron pillars along .1 that the stems, of which the Cre(l1e 1 los.t tlesh, my ·eyes faUed me, l .h.e ~urb. Each balcon3 vies with Its tare so tond, may be e.xpo~ed tQ view: blo.atc4 at U~es, my bO,Clt hurt .and I.. 1clghbor. In . Its orqament~l r,at;ing!J, 'Side by $Ide. i,n concentric clrcl&&, .·suJ:[ered a ~lvl~g death. There. aeeme,d 1nq! the scelH:! presented ls,plcluresque .. there are these llu?ches nf lett!.lcc, a. no hope untu l beg!lll Using porf.n s 'or it!'! hoclge•P<Jdge. · . · . · · . !.striking contrast . tq the hodge·lJOd!;'e. KJdn.eY· Pills. Then 1 ·began to I~· .

'(o·onld ghu I!J ht.• "wukl•nl'll lnll.l uc· tQw.erlpg· Klcyscrnp.e~s lp New York. ,It 1 were speedily brc;>ugbt to 'the t•oncJu. . tlvlt)·. covcrK atiCb· a Jar"<- area that It more I sl< n· tll'·t N •v "o 1.· lt ltl

rhr•'.lnwly 1•\o:\Nl ·flfJU! II! ·wnr.nnn· lm(JIIK tn l&lrn~•·lr, and nH·art unci II Jib· oral (IIW Ur<l 111111 TU.

"'' alv. •.l'U l'r'" ''X('UflM{ .tr1r tilni.rwlf. rf•IJf',<oflll f10r IIIHiiii'I'OIII'IJIIt~lttiH!Ilt, 'fall· Uff~, 111 t'lll

i$11! nllwrll h~> lliNtllllrPR. rigidly' to ltw ltll,lwlr;rtl foot ru·i<•, 1111d rigidly Judg•·ll wl.llfl·l'l·r tlwy rnH ·abort ..

' 'l'ht·· morr• hl(.(hlr ••vo)vf'll soul ht

nuti(IHinlrnouB 1uwar11s olh<>ra qnd .a•lrJ(;I v.ltiJ. IJlslllwlf,

' ' '

II In ''" n 1<1Pul h•• woul!l not auti'Pr lo ,;,. 'wru\.Hlw<l h)' nrn .rail or ftlllu!t•.

' . . '

Artrl In ttl! hiR'"horlrflrnlhgll he holrla hfru~•·lf Ill rl!:f•f llf'I'IIIIIJIU!Jillty )Olll J11; ud1k11· IH•' ull tlrut lw cun. lllld


fltll r•.r "tht•rH HYIIlJIUihy and 1(0011

rw>H j,,,,, ••·n•l•·nwKH out·flow; h<• !J1 nil •·x1, .,,.,.,, ;dl purdon, f/Jrglveu<!liB, ·Ewn· l•lfJKI) ·Ufltl I•·><•

Ill· IK u·ll '" r 1·1r" uri'! hl'lprutno"n to •pur· 1111 ~-:•·utl•·MI rHtlrrfngll··ot Urf'lr. ~•llllu·r nr·JJJ•·r•·m•·nl Ulld "uccomp!l11h .. uwnt u11 ·luto ut·JI\·o IJ~·Iug.,

' ,'

ll•· I~ ull <'flll"rn<•)'' to win the ;nnn rrorir .lfll· ·lltalu.rrl uud Ill•· unlmni.Juilt· Hlflllll It lid ltllll<•rii'HII lllld Jlttll'lll'.l'H, c •

I 'hit ngu Trtt•rmt·.


/Inn 17.:f~k worh•·m 11111!/IIK l'hlldr£>n, '


l'"'udws t qo goHpl'! 'ln. thirty IIUl&ll· agvH,

lr1 ontnhiiHhl'd· In llfly·lwo <'ountrlo~ ani! rolunl"ll·

Jlllll l3,!Hl2 offl,t'Nil Wholly eznplayed . 1n ll rl twn leo.·

l'lll•llrdll•rr ulxtr four ll<•rlodlcnha lu (Wt•lll) ·r11ur l:rlljUIIlf(l'll.


lnHhrtu IIJ•nn tntr•l uh"tlncncc all onf ~()IIIJIIIUII CJ( rrwmiH•fi!IJI(I.

Han ~lxfy.tlrn••• luhnr fartCJrloo tor ~>I~.>ployluu dt•1111t ut '' JWUJJI,e.

J•'!rl•·••ir hundrt•d (IIJiroto nr6 .always bt•hr" t rnlllNI fur ··:Ill ell• Ill lllll:viQo. ·

Mulntnlnra 180 roo~ dt•J'Olll, nn•l nhcl lartl fur IliOn. wunwn. nnd chlldrllu·. -- '

J<:ruJllo.vna•nt.. INnp*rnry nild · pnr· mnnt·ur, w11u round "inlll yonr to,r. lli. 1131'

Arromntotlnt Nl m·<>r 21.000 •prooplf nightly In lto lnntltutloun for ·uaallltlll Uur fiOtJr.

linn Bl'l't•nti'NI honwtJ for tormnr crltnlnnlll; {Orl) ·Ill'•• hom*o11 for child· rem, '.u.! 1111 lullurllrhrl bom(lcll for wo: D.U•U.

-Jlns "lith t oon lnnd colonloa for Ylfll·

tr.Uon nnd na~tlstrurco of U1o poor, ancJ t wcnlY·ftmr labor bureau& for holplna tll.o uncmvloyc•d.

-tloa ln(Julry omt>ertl for tri\CIDI lost

nnd IUIIll:llng frlondll, nnt1 forty·nlno ad· dltlonal brnncboo of aocto.l work, ln· rludlng lncbrtatoa' homU4.

DV OUR OWN OWL. _, ··-

Thougbta tbot bum aro tbosa. that dou•t often &;ot ·burnt. --9oclnl Blllt'nco-lf~w ·keep wtlb ont•'s mofhor-ln·lnw,


Lett uu bopo UuH tho catcrplllara this aouou will turu ovot a .nuw loaf. -- / '

J!!mpt1 1\ClnlJI botv.·oon tht~ acta· .tn· d~oato that 11\olr o~ou,iant .. full.. · ·

-llio, Ht~nrr. tt Is not liotoasary to

woar a etovot•lam hnt . tO a· 1molio tJ\lk. -

UDion ta "tt~nt;th-~ut not tbo nttton or wh!skr. and wo.wr.-,rJoaton Trauacirlpt

-·----------~~-auNfi:LOWIUI PHU .. OIOi»H~.

. Thero '' ()Ill)' ono way t(i hl.llo a.

cbUd-u l.f lt bolulla;® to aow• c;tnf elao. -"U. ebould be .-omombort4,.. Ph\ a flllllJifl)' A.t.ebliOU W(Utl~ fo-41$• "tbat the JM:ACCKik ta " malt· blr4:' . -'

• · ·: "' · J q e. · x r t owes· s magn • than .makes up ln·tloor space what H cent skvlin to tlf 1 t · . . lac~n In . ~olght. :I)urlpg the ·.busy . . . ' . e ~ e eva or. . . hm,iro or the day fn the llhnnclr\1 dis· A fat man Wh() .proballly would }tal'('

trlct tliero nrc<~n · fl.OOO an1l 8,000 tipped the acales ·at mor~ than ~;;o· persona In the building at. a 'ttme.' . j v.ounds seemed to· be th~ t~u:rterer In

·It wall olily .a little utter 12 ·o'rilo<'k Chl~f .. He had some lm.portant bus!· ":h••n KOmt•l.hlng hqpp<>m·d to the pOW· ness up con the ~lghte{!!lth ,floor; J t ·It r•r plunt,. and ~VPry one or the <~l.l.{hfl:{•n had not bt>E)n buslnea~;~ ot the most ur· ,., •• v.ato.rH lri t.Jw LHJIJcilng 1:ain~> to ·11 t gen~ C'ltarncter he would .have :1een d1·ad titop. It .was rt calltrnlty as flllrl· I justified· f.n w~ltfn.g until the P<•wer OOH-·Illthough oh a lfmnllei• stnle-811 IIJiant got· ln. worltlng qrder or else thn aul.!jwn~;J~m of troil«·y Bf'nl~f' 011 l chartC'i'Pd .an alrslilp. He gavP an limadway or u two-huur hlJJC'I< ~n the 1 oh~!..'ll

1 slgb, bawP..ver, and plun~(·d SubWay, AK Jnll!!ortunf1 wou'lcl ha\·r~ l·hrav.<:IY at lhc.lltah·s. .

' r::~nea!li these portlt:;os the sld~ ! Gf '<:iur ·own mafl,et baskett>: prove. The· paJ.n left gra<luli.llY,, t~ · 1-', narrow, .vobbl.ed~ dlsl(ltegratlng, · . : . . swellings subsided, I ,gained 1\PPetlte

!t'r•Hchel! through the Quattler ~tin. Other' Queer ·customs. - · ·· , llntl.., and to make a long story All 1tJ> length there arc little "bops, , . Qne would linger· )ong on t!!e .short, l·got well!" Itt£>'. auch as·· Dl'\e lool~s for Ia old I French mfrrl{et, but t:ime is f~eefin_g.: Sold .!JY .. !lll dealers, 50 centa a box.· P!!t '~<. ·. j All th.e Ffencl;l quarter is open to 't;1· Fost~r-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. · Y. · · p,~ng French-or bette!·, Creole- ·I .ploratlo!l before us. . , . . ..

1il n·te population walk hi the street. j .A milk cart rattles by ....... u.nJque . ·Zulu· ·orator Wins.

• I

., . ' .,

' ' ' '

it, thlrtAcn out or the· <'l~;itli•••n r-1<'··! At th!' lleC'Ond sloJ:Y. his ·9VPrt:ont ·vntonl ('lllrJC to ·a· "top b!it wr•l'n floor'-1, ! C'atnli off. ·Two t!ghta further up· he lind th(; llllNHNlgl•rtJ \\'(·fl•. ll'ftiiJII'd IIlii> I drop)Wd into ap otllce and atik,Pd P\'1'·

·11o mnny animals In Ntf{i•i. .'1111r1i tif : mhmlon to leave the garment unt .1 he I iu·m w ... rc' lllllSIWJI~IlfS fur Sl<H'I( I~ X· : ('OIIId call ror. lt. VIa the clf!l';trnr•J rhan1~•· th·rn11, h11ni<H nJHJ hrolv•r11 tJII : \VhPn lw l'P!H'h~tl the· alicth stor·y I;IP t.h<., l'lfrh, und ~<duy wi1s a Jll'rlnul! mut; ' wiis pUffing· lll~P ;:t, tl,re cnp;lne anrl tWr· t••r ro 'th1•m. ·· · · ! ar}lr~tllon 'was fairly. apurth:ig mtL of . 'l'hf': h1Jwl11 ·fir IJu• 7.n,, nrilmrils at · Pn>ry ·vore on his pw:pl.e faf'P. ·At

' ' '

By a ur.anlmous vote the judges .or the annual, public speaking contest held at Colum)?lti.: hall, New Yor){, .April. ~th, awarded the first prize· t:r Pka Is~lca · , ·seme, an Arican prince. Thls. is the first t'!me 'In the hjstor)" Lf the Curtis ~edal aampetltlon that a negro student .. has contested. His subject was "The Regeneration of .Africa," and· his ora.'

· Hou was delivered · ·wlt'!l COliVlncing earnestnl"ss· that won the. audience that filled the 'hall.

Seme is a senior at Columbia and ex­pecta· to get. t4e degree ·of bachelor of arts· at the close of 'the colle~,;•' year, wh(>n his. people will send him 1-to . study .law at Oxford. When be c&n· pletes bls co11r~e he will return to Zu· luland. where, it. \s sa:ld, a governmeilt

f-•••"-· • ' '

f•••'flln~o: tim•· w.,.n· rnlrlnlght qul<'l cnrn .. , •;VPfY tll~;h.t or stnlts lie 'shed clotMng, pnr"'f 'to th<·tr '•lllcl ;, .•. Thr·) · hf'J(~I'Il '11iHl t>VPJT halt secm(~d ·to miv<· . .Ut•,·n nud lmpli1n•rl tin• •·ll'l'll\or C'Onduc·tiJru made f~1r ·th'!' purr,ose.oC ·decld!nl'( wllnt ·to O(H·n. t lw rlm•nl IHld let r'Jwm drop·, .r•ot·tlun or his u~tlrc abould. co1.1W o.ff .tlnwn fp IIH• ~p<•xl ittiOl' ti.!Wllgh tht• :'DPJiL . . ,

llc:tnly ·r~ru•rluJ·•·:L llu·r. thn : m·lnlntHI i . When he stopped nn the sev!>nl!wnth tn ('haW•' w,.,·. co f!rrn. nncl ilw IIPllf'~tls : tlrfor ho was cnr·r•Y.Ing bfs hat. roa·t. v. NO uuhNHlod. T'o m:tlw ~he l!llun· · 1 es.t, necktie iwd a wilted rag or··n

· appolmment awaits him. · , ·

.. < I

' ' '

. . f .• ·

- .-·

' ' •'

·. RHEUMATJSM ·CURED. The Disease Yielded Reacury ·to Or •

WUiiams' Pink Pllls·After Other Treatment Failed. . . · ·

Dr. Williruns' :Pin!~ ~ilL<~:cure rheumlt· ~is1u be'cat1se t.licy" s1~pply the necessary.·

. el~meuts t.o the. vitiated blood nud en· a'!>le J.i!1.tur& to cast out, the. imp.urities and effect a·<!ure. Mrs. A. &Iter, qf N.o. 119 Ji'itcb street, Syracuse, N. Y. ;·will furnish living evidence of the tnith of this statement. " There has been rbeu­~ati~nu in my family· ever t!iuce I cau re· . me~ bet," she says. . "My grai,·dmother . was· a great sufferer froiu mut~cular.

In the French Quarhr •. · rheumatism nnd my mother also had tho · . disease in a. mild form. About a :rear

un!f's.s this becomes choked · with among Dlllk· carts of the .country. 'It Is ago. I had n h"rd cold aucl rheuim\tiMm· wagons. 11nd .then they take to the a buggy. pure .and simple; but resting caught me itt my left kuee. There \\\Jre l;fdewalks. .The street Is. ot aRphalt, hlgbPr the'_ground than any bug. ~harp pains, confined to the ·neighbOr­but m.u<ldy and dlrty. Under th. damp gy we hnve seen ·before. Only the ve- h<><id ·of the knee and they f:ieenred to go of. this S011tb.ern cllmnte, asphalt blcle Is just a bit more' dllaplq.ated 'righ~ in~ the bone; . The pp.i~lisutTered' softens readily and .the tra.vel · does t'han mc>st. buggies with which we W~ mteuse a.ud .1 also had d17.zy spells. the rest, have blt~erto· been acquaint d 1 th ~he doc~<;~r~ called. ~uy· tr<mbl•l

. . e · n e tirilltlC and scmt1c rheumatumr. When I<'rom the highway the life of the fron~ an two great copper cans of 1. didn't get; Qettei' nuder their ti·ent~

At the. Seventeenth Floor He l,..ookcd aa If He Had Just Emerge~· from the Baptlam al ~ont, · · ·

~ay French · quarter unfolds. Hen'. mllk, &t~apped tightly to the dash· .:mont my brotb11r•in·law tmggested tluit sits a vender of bouquets-lilies of board. MHk wagons are everywhere try ;or. Williams' Pink Pills. I bought tb.e val)ey. yl.olet.s. roses. Beyonu· Is In the F~ench quarter-a feature. of three box~.-,s;, and, by tl1e time I had a shop ol dominos and mask!!, of the plal!f', talteu them, the pain ancl dizziness ·bad ,

tlon nil tho woroe, those who were cllin bing tiH.l 11tuirs :Would sto1i and Jcor nt thorn. · . ,

"Ht•y, · Jim," crl(lcl one of tho prls· · onar$, a curb broker's messenger, us )Ill BtlW II. friend, OIJtlll<\0 thil btira "won't you report t'n tu purcbuso or Unlh•d ('op(Jer ·nt tho ofllce?" '\

"Whnt Jlrleo did you get lt at?" a'slt· ell Jini. · . .' ' "Bixty-novcn nnd n quartor." .

"It's down. 1 to ·sixty-two, otrercd; now," 11nld Jum comtorUngly. · · A wall .cnmo trom U10 Jmiasengor.

Her.o Worahlp and Mapa. iloro worablp has had a hand In tho

making ot mnps. We havo posta!Dceo bearing tM names of every President down to amt fnchuUng Mr. Roosevelt. Only. two or hla predecoasora are ·lf'ck· lng ln tho list or countloa. Naturally tho tnvorJto In tho nnmtng of towns and oountleo la Washington and bc la tho on·ly President tor whom n atnt~ htlB been named. nut otbats thnn Presidents f;!trjoy these honors.

Successful eoldlors, snllora states· mon, ed.ltors, autl1ore, tnvontors, tho borooa ot n.nclcnt historY and mr· thology and oven popular nctors and nthlctoa sharo a. Ulto distinction. bur llst. of postomooa In n long uno anct contains names rrom almost overy lon£Un«o. Uvln« nn,l doad, and chosen on almost ovorr conc~vablo ·prlnclpll.l or lnipuleo.

1'wo counUca in1tnnazUI present n curtous nstioclatlon of l.dcaa: Gro~laY count)' bas . tor Ita capl(al a town C!ftllC!d Tribune lind Ul)'slle~ 18 tbo oounti". •ot\t · of. Ornnt. Now •tattoos were to "bf! nnmoll nlont ~ w.eetern mllway aomo :vcnriJ aw.1 and tboy woro nama11 Aftor tho mombora or & proto~· atoned bn·aoball tonm that. happenod ~uat thclli to wJu tho· qbaml!ll.JnabJp. ·

, ....... IS 14 J'; 'W;•, 4 ••=' :a• • ' ' .

· A Plact to Go, • . A.t a recont ban.uuet ln nattltnoro

Conlt'<tatlman O•rdner'a aneed.ute about.tiiO WOUld bo clorK)'rUill'l ADd tho dflllS lllll'lllbOhllf. ovoked lllUilb mer1'l• mont. 'l'ho lllil\tator \\'1\1. callc\1 to tllo bodald~,J ot tho CJplrlug man, WhOle D&tnO Wt\11 1101\kb'IB.

" 'Op)d~l. '' aalll . thiJ dbmJJloe, •'Jou'rQ a 1tck man."

"l amr «Plied .Uopktna. · . . · "You'Ni fOh~l to dte-, · 'Opkll\1,'" COD•

tlnuOd thl other. . • "I am/' jJrOlMd H()pk!na. "You•vo been ·a bad wao, 'Oliktu." "I .bat~)/' "YCl,n ean1t u~t to so to boa•eQ,tt

U,'·' ~:tlll HOl'kfn.e.' . . . .tOpldJ:II, 'ron~u ban to 10 to

spangle'! cmd' networl< for the carnival . · entirely left me. I wanted to make collnr, nnd his sus ponders hung like time. The· shop windows protrude just Vanity Is characterlsttc .of the Cre. snre of a cure so I bought. three tnore wet Ill rings nround his ·hips. Ho fool<· a bit beyond the. walls. ot the. bulld· ole, and with tqe men this ftnds Its boxes, butl clidu 't t~e ·quite all of them eel as I' llc bad jtJst· nmhrgcd from the I b t. th . b I bt d I outlet Ln the barber shops.. Poor old as I fonucl that I was entirely cur~d.

. • " ,. .. ngs, u ey are r g an c eau Quartter .Latin stands sa'dly tn need •• Before.J took the pills the·paiu was baptismal font. Ho gave a !lEispalrlhg and thP!r. mOdern wares contrast oli paint, .but ~he barbers are lavish .so severe that I bnd to c1-y at times 11111\ loolt at tlll1ll lnst flight ·nnd. unbuttDued strangely ·with' the surroundings. with_ plgf'lents. The two· poles sup- w~en I was c~ed I wn~~ so thnnkfttl aud his sltlamlng shirt collar. - . por.UJ).g tlle balconY. over a .barber grntefnl anrl. I am glatl to t·ecomme_ud . · "Hell; li·ln't It?" he whe()zed to a A Ma.nla for ·Oysters. . . shop are painted in the red and wh1te thern to. eve'{! oiJe who sud'ers .w1th gi·oup or f(•llo)V. travclerR, "And ltln't One thing one cannot fall to note. b d ;,. . rheumatism.

b h, · an wor.(. Not alon~ that, but the ··Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.have cured I a lovely objec~· to go' nntl tnlk · uutw.r efore e has been long In the French entire street front ot the shop 1s done · f · · ··. ness to a mnn 1 ·m•ver saw before.? qup.r~er !lJld. tha thls. the '.fondness f. or In 11 ~lgzng pattern . of these colors. !~~:~ep~f!topna:a1yu~::; ~~~~!;:to~e:::~ If I P"t tUrDC!I down'' I OUPh' t to' ha"e .·t O"'Sters Everyw ere "long the woJks s v ha "'" "' • ' ' · ' ... · " The· cbntnut seller 1,s an(lther fea· nu<l t. itnK' clauce that v.e not te· good suit for damages against the (Ire ~rent baskets or ors.ters .. Nor are t r f Jlf'o 1 th F · h · rt .H sponrle(t to. other modes of treatment •. owners. Of the building."-New Yorlt these thrown ln any \1 l 'l. as. are the u e 0

t- n. e rene qua er. e, All druggists sell Dr .. Williams' Pink Pl·css. .. 'oysters In 'the north, That would not With hi~ ~l~glng, slzztng · oven;. the Pills or t~ey will be sent by waili·post·

be Frenc)l fashion. Instead, on the top strawberr.\ vender, and the ·Woman paid, ~u receipt of ~rice, 50 ce~ P!!t of eacb barrel the shells are piled In w(th the ,.omforter around her head, box, SIX boxes ~or $2.o0, by tha Dr. WJl. n neat pyramid, topped .with one great and the cnpies of L'Illustratlon, and liiW1s Medicine Oo., Schenectady, N. 'i'. A Matter of Doubt, Ahyway. ·

A young mnn from tl10 South who, n 'fow year.9 ago, wns no fortunate ·as to be enabled to enter the law oSces ot a WCJI•Imown .Nt•w York ftrm was first Intrusted with n very simple case. He -woa as~cd by the late James C. Carter, thf)il a me •r ot the ftrm. to give nn opinion writing. When this ww;. su ed It wns obsuved by 1\lr. Carter Urnt, with the touch· lng confltlen<'o of a n£'o)rhyte, the young Southerner bnrl b('gun with tl!o cxpreti.Bion, "I nm clenrly of tho optn· Jon." . . When this caught his eye be amlled

and sald: "1\ly deur young triand, never atate

tbnt your arc clearly or opinion on o. law point. 'l'hd most you cnn hopo to discover Is tho preponderance of the doubt."-Succoss.

...--'----·~---HoW Gov~rn.or Folk Sized Th~m Up.

Not long· ngo Gov. l!'ollt ot MJssourJ, JtP0\1 reaching his Offi<'e n~ tlie Cnpl·. to), In COilipttny w.lth 11 friend, tound n number (If men wultlng In tbp nutO. .room. Ho paused n~ he pnssod throJ,Igb zuid rondo n joke .that wnt~ a deoldod oheatnut. When tho Oovcr.nor ~tid hie trlcnd wore In tho prlvnto otflee the frloiul rornnrkod;

"I:Ju)", that wns n· toartutly old one )•ou got ott· lullt now.'' · · · . . "l know It/ wlie tho .Oti~placent ro-p!y. ' ' .

"Tlaen ~hy dl4 rou do .tt.•• thO puz· a:led trtond uked. · · .

!'Did rou notlc~ . wbl® Qf thtiM tel· lows la\tj)Jb(ld1 Well,. tbQy al'e tho onos. who bave tav,o.\"8 to ask/' waa the olp!lu~atloll,-H:titpe~r'il W~eldy,

. .' •' ' .

Voutht'ul Gallant. . · A Doatonlau wail talkln« abOui ne tate nebTY UIU'land. · · ' · · ~·R&tlt,nd waa a . crncctul. cat.buit

eoul.'' ho Wd, ''li::V~n ht · flla · · het turn~ tbo prcttJ~n c.<lW.IJ:

''(~ .hta bo1h00(1 be". ahl~

luscious bivalve. Figaro for sale. There was ~ young IMy at Bhi.ghi:mi

who kn:ew many songs, and cottld slng 'em; but she couldn't mend hose, and she wouldn't wash clothes, or llelp her old mother wrlng 'em.

' Down on the French market this -Jove for nicety goe~:~ to Interesting ex· The Old French Theatera. tremes. The Fmnch market ls morleled after that of Paris. Tbt!re are two long arcarles, rooted over, and their pillars, surrounded by square platforms. On these standR oil cloth Is tacked and this kept lmmacu-,


1-Three t·mes o. week the Creoles turn out f.,r French opera at the old lti"ench opl.ra house. To one who baa not visltell France, the buUc:'ung Is a curiosity. One passes· up the stairs from the l.treet to enier, not the lobo by, but th~ omce of the "Dlrecteur," to Awful alght From That Dre~dfut Com right anti ttltt of which the stairs lead plaint, Infantile Eczema-Mothor up to tlOOl'a above. One does not Pralaea Cutlcura Remedies. speak of balcony and galle'ry here, but "Our baby had · that · dreadtul com· of litages o. stories, and as one se~ plaint, Infantile Eczema, w~ch aftUct-­theae stortes from the rear on hJa ed him for several months, COI!ltllen· cllmb to the top, they are ·mere doora clng at the top of his head, and· at last Of dlfl'k Wd\)d1 opening to little . ~overing his Whole bo!}y, ~1!5 SUtter· much as »re the doors to the tet•&.l lugs were untold and constant m1B!!I'Y. phone cabthets elsewhere. Program$ ln fact, there was nothing we wo~ld .. here, howner, are In Engllsh, a con· not have done to have given htm ·re· ceslifod to the non-Creole visitor. lief. We finally procured a. full p;.t of 'There nr& the knocks of the stage the CuUcnrll Remedies, and in About manager; IDJbind the scenes before thq three or four days he bepn to. shC)W: & rislug of uch curtain; there Is the 'brJghte,. splrlt and reallY laug'b~. for low. hiss f('>r 111lence when Bbine Oil.• the flrst time In a year. in about Jot>ker lett .bfs enthusiasm get the ninety days he was .. fuUr recovered. best· o' hlltl; _t,here ts t:lle stamptnt or Praise for tlie cut1\1uril.. Remedies batt feet by all the house when an l.ntei'· always bimn our g\'eateilt pleasure, mJilsJon Is too prqJonged. · ~hlnga are ~tnd there 1s noihlng too good that' we French ~ghout here at the opera could sa,y tn thelr tavpr, tot: they cer­hoJ~Se. · · . . , talnly saved our tlabt's Ute, for he­

After tho ~ra,-the Creole takes hla was the most awful sight that l 'ever .tamUy to Cb.e cates. . one pasSes beneld, .prior to .the treatment oi th~ through a bAer .garden-"fe ·llhould 80 'Remedles.. ?!Ire. Mat~ belle tenxt tt, at J""at. to those who ·are Jo- ~pn, 1826 A~p~~ton · AV.e., Parzsons, cat~d tar ta 1be' rt\at of ~e ltlnlng. K~., .lflly 18, 1905.".- . . . · room. Thea thei"G' a:re ·~;,ystera .once agatn, •nd t):e abaln,th~ or ~e U(luora or France. · · Here; tQo, ttather the witt ot ~~~:

TYPical Quai'tler 'Latin. French Clttatlflr. . T..hey chat .or el.t4l'l't1 lately whlte. · ~c)t eveu. .tb:ft hutch tak$' telid the pattars. mounted o~ ·thtr auch palua a. ,tldil wttt,l th~tr. Utarket. beav:v bar.a ~at· cme 1hidt· ln , I»~·~l;'

At . end thC; 1Il&fK$t, whero "(he Itself. • " whit~> · tb.• bllQut You~get t.olka so ~ the

tb.e butlnJ. there •re tl;l~ ·colt~ co balls, dtelil b~le, Ul4t wUb Jums qt biavt · ta ·aJwua ~ethlng

.Jut. beyQtlcl,· 't ~~~:~L} Fteocb qu&ttiar .atter ml~IDJs·

WltJl n coJno• to . ''•b~J~" fll~ attrq• ••w)'t:tt ~· ·ll•• ov~tti oa.t' Oa• •do ora Hrtb earcf• a.rill. •.i&«U.

,btl ~}a(!e!1 · · • .

~t · Ml.•r llop)lnt, atsbll\J

u114..,r a· c.Jll•:mln • ~1'rblif )',0\llil· t!l*•• O'QI)' D1 tom.ln

·llbn ill) li\ ~iep tnto the Ul ~~n~~=: ~~~~:~~itet ~..,~tm·::.;;ag~,l=-~~~~ ~ nl)t nat. }\.POri JJt

· are--,ar ' . - ' ' of. ·;lht ~et

~· ; •'

CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (7)

• •


,.ol1~ S.nowlniJ • , 0 • •

..,..tbat' ,Allco*ck's 1ire tllll Pl'iginal and only genuine porou~ P.~lllltlirl!'; all pther IIO-Oii:Ued porous plasters are lmttatlons, . . ,.



The candled. date is no't more' sugary than the candidate-before e.lectlou,





• Geron 1mci;. tlle Apache warrior, hni!J joined 1. ·~Vlld West sb,ow tor fhe sea; son, with U~e co sent. of t)le war de­P!lrtment.

David E . .Sberrl<ik, convlcte.cJ of the·. embezzlement of Indiana stnte funds to the amount of $120,000, has been landed in the penitentiary,

Executive · officials or the ·western Eruption· of Vesuvius Has 'Somewhat ralh'oads In, conterence at ('hi<'ago 1\e· . '

Subsided-King Victor Emmanuel clded to T'Un homt'seeluirr;' t'X<'lll'i>lons Heloing to· Recover ·Bodies of the to .the Northw€lSt every T~u•t,Hlar du'r·

. lmport.~:~t to Mottiers. ing the coming coming .summt~r. , Dead. ·

· E:rinniJIII care~lly every bottle of OASTQRIA, . The l{eel.was lull\ at the docks or t hi> e, aato and enre remedy tor Infants ilnd i::lilldren, Xal•lf•s.~\\'·hile:the news from 1\ioun.t Arne• 'can Shl(lbufl<llng Company, Hn~· arlll see tbut It Vt•sm·iu!> J.s reassuriiw;, the. conditions Cit~ Michigan, April !ld, for tlw big·

Bca .... tbe ~ ' lwre in ~able's are such as mal>e it ges~. vessel ev(>r b.ullt for the _great •• lakes. The vessel 'will be 020 !t:>t•t \on& .

. slgnatnre ot • . . . ~. diftlc~tlt to realize that the situation is Larry Rogors, who rece!ltly perjut•ed 1n Uoo F~;~r Over ao Years, ually -bE'l'ter. The wind is blowing him.sel~ :telling the New Yotl\ tllsrrlct

'l'ha Kln!l 1{ou U~ve _Alway8 n.oucht. · {;·on~ the voloano In the. directlo~ of attorneY oe n "plot to assasslnatt> Rev. . '

Sunday School Tei).chor-T hope n·one · ·ff you· bo,Ys will f>l'llr h<• fntulll nmong '<')1e goats, 'i'omm-y Ttw k ••r -11o1v Pan we help it, Mtss ~miU1er~? We're kids. aintt ive? '

.l\:aples, canylng the ashes in· this. ·di.- C. H. Parldwrst;" has bee11 st•ntt·tH'ed to .seven ·years and six months In· 8in;,;

rt•ctlcm. T,owa:rd e1·euing Fri·da)~ the Sl · . us-. . fnll of ashe\\ · nr,Hf cinders: her~ was .President RoosevPit wiil deliver Ilia worse thallat any tillll• since the erup- Memorial Dai·addn>ss this y.enr bt•fonJ

· · tion. began. the Army aqd r\nvy Union at· !'\orfollt. ·

.. Denver Direet' .ory .'fhe t;lCPlliC PffePtH I'Ul'~' from hour to VIrginia; ThQ ceremonies tht'n•'wiU. Q\\ · held at the navy ·yard an(.l·in the sail·

- hour. ·Now in thc not:th t!w ·sky is ors'. cemetery: · . · ·. ~{~k~~~i.!,d!lie~Lr. chocolate colorPd, lo~vering and-heavy,' At the meeting. ot tbt> . <'*!?<'llt!Ve ~~~~~~~~~~.;~~~~~ undet· which mcn and women with hoard of the· National .Council of D PPllfS M their hair. and clothing· covered With Women at Toledo, tht> blll fo,r Uw ere·

· n •. ,,~···~. ·Wrlto ror <'r1tntnrnte. """"e ashes, movt• a\Jout 'IIKt> gi·a)• gho"jts. ation .:>f the Pn!ted Stau•s Chlld'rt•n'l:l . Fort San· 1\lnrt !no, as ·It towet;'s abovt• l:!ureau wa~ indorsed and Its lmiued.l· ·STOVE Il.llll>AIRs 0[ e'Very known 1)\ake t I t l . . b e hl\e

, "' otove, r.u~lla-ce or range. oec1. A. le own, can. on Y JUSt e s en, 'V ate pa:Ssage urged: Pullrn. lli:JJ. J.awr.,nee. D"nver. J'hon!' 7211, Ca!'tel· Dell'oi·o is mat•l<ed Jn. figll~· Coav.i.nced· th~J,t _thP Yn'qui war In So· AMERICAN OUSE. · seeming lllw silvl•r against toe brown

, H. t>,J1;~v,~,~~~ uJ!;';~ Sl\y. •ro the south, beyond the amoke noi·a has beE'J1 abet-ied b1· A:merl<mns -'·n~t. 'l'hP b'P•t J2 ne.r d·ay hOtel tn the zone, ll"s smiling, sunny Poslllppn· and Importing t\reiums Into :\1.e11:lco rpr: tlH; We•t; Amert~n.n n)an. · . its JleninsuJu·,. w·hlle far away 'glistens o'f the ,Jn!lians, tlw :\-Iexican ~OVL'I'P··

· ment has is~:~m•d a blanl;.et ortler ex· ROWN PALACE .. · HOTEL . .f,.~·-w ... ur0te

0'l the sea, a cte~p blue. on wlltch the t.s·

" • .. !an db ··s~etll to floa.t in th'e g,J.ow of .the eluding ltll weapons. · · ~II phm, ISI.IJU up word. " • ~ h settil)g sun. Adding to the ~>I range· ·The Prusslan government ns JlUO·.

'ftiANT.ELS GRAtES, TILING tor muritPls ani} 1Jnthl'l)orns a.nC\ u.IJ hJntl~ ql ht;t>JJiti('t>.!:l. fi'b:lur~tl ... t'atalog ~Mit ·on >liJJ)il<•allnn. llenvl'r ~1,an­tt' I & 'l'Ut~ ('o.. l632. l're· mont Ht.. Uem·l'r, i . <luors rrmn Hro\\ n PalttPe lloti•l.

Oxford Hotel

<'lltfllog Ot t'ut~. J)~nVl'r ~ow & l''t~n<'o Co .. 1627-29 lllt.h · ~t.. ""'"'"•· Ct>la. ' . .


DISC ·~~OW . . '

· Sold by tl1'8t·~lnss d~nlers. Bemu'll o! IQJ.Itatlons, . . Plattner Implement Co.

GENERAl, A(l.i£NT,oj


Prlc~e tho lowl'•t ron•lstent with work o! tho hMI. qmlllty. Write tor our liOIV ol;r!tt !lliDllile"·

A. T. 1 & Son Dry Goods Co., Denver . .



·DILLON IRON Eo~loeer• aod 1\lllDU fnc~ .. n .. Macblrfery or all kinds bUilt and

rep.alred. Sslecilil machine's built . to order. Kine cages; Switches, Frogs, Hoists ltolli, Screens, Jlgs, Concentrators

nod Powe'r · ·



Etc., Etc. Best goods at

.moderate prloe•. Bend tor large Illustrated cat­alo&'.ue.

Denver Harness Co. 1Gl'1 Curt•• St.,


pictmt>, \:ne of the ·French nwri-of·war llshed a ·bill for tht' conf<u·uctlon ·or which arrived in the Day of Nablt:s to- t.wenty-four secontlar~· t'l.iil'Yays and day, ,is !:lO placed as to be half \n tQt' double·tJ•acking IWCllt)'-l:il'VL'!I p;.:'.>;.ting · glow and half obscured b): tile brlt of · roa-ds, ·and for ot ber purposes., t.lte tota.l falling asher;, . . . c<>st· hefng $54,2.00,000.

From the observatorv of Mount Ve,. · Physicians at Cl!i-rinnatl iu .. pt JosPph suvius, wlwre Directoi· Matteucci Is H. \\'iisml alive for thn·t>· dU)'S after ·c<mtiuujng his wot'k In .behalf :of sci- he had talwn poison to eml his life, Pnce and humanity, the scene ~s one o( and th:u& prevented -the -a<'<"omplish· impressiveness. To reach the. ob- ment of his ·wish 10 dio lwfor·e bis serVttlory one must wall;. for. miH:o& over $3,000. Insurance policy 'exJJINd . .' harden'<><! but hot lava, covered wtth The trial trip of the pt·ot(>Ptcd saud, until he .comes to a point whenc(! . crui!let• St. Louis, 'built at. Philadelphia nothing can be seen. but vast· gray by the !1/eafie & Lei'). '('Onillllll)',

n•acht>s, so.nwflmPs tlat aild sometimes . showed a speed of .twenty-two and onP· gathered intp hugp mounds whlc;h ,take. half:lmots, which eKceeds th(' govvm· on se·mblanees of human faces. ment r('qulreinent by half a kno.t. ·

Above· the ~eavens·are gray, lil;.e t~e · Charles M. Carpenter of Chlra.go, earth beneath,. an<! se(•nt just as ha11~. 11gent of r he na1·uer As(!ltalt Company and immova~le. J.n ~II this .lo,n~h- fo'r Wisconsin, '':as fi.ned· $1,000 b~· lhP waste there Is no. ~>ig~ of llfe OJ 'ege court o! Gret•n Buy for· br!'hin~ t h r(•e tation, and no sound is heard· Pxcept ald('rmen with $2,600. C!ll'fWlll<>r test! t.he low mutt('l'ings of the volcano. One fled th'at he !mew nothing of till' brib· seema almost tm,pelled to sc1:eam aloud · to breal< the horrible stlllneSfl of a ery. · land seemingly, forgotten both by God The clt.y election at Sptin~field, Ill l-and tllan. nols, Tuesday, •·esulted ln a victory for

Every dRY t.hat, passPs gives nPw evt- the advocatPs of the nmni<'ipal owner· deuce of the magn!t~tde of the Patas· ship of· thP eleetrle ilght plnnt. Bvery t roph~- To-day's vl~it of Klug Victor aldertnau who favor<>d mm :!lUI own· Emr.nanuel. to .. otwjano 1·_evealed new ersl\fp was elected· IJ~;. an ovenrhelm· tragedies. · . . lug majority. · ·

. At a certain joint hi:s' majesty was 'rhe exi•Put ~ \'f' board, 'Nut lonnl C'otln· obilgl'd. to al}andon his motot• cqr a~Jd <.'II of Women, hris dPdd-ed upon a na· wen forward on hunwlmci;., amid con- tiona! memorial to Rm;an D. Anthony, stant· danger, his ··hOJ:su fiound('ring to be placPd In ·washington. ·Tlw nw­through foul' feet of 'ashes, stumbling. moria! wlll'be an inniwnse bronz(• bust into holes, blinded by the fall of larg1• and more th'nn $1,000 wlll be ri'ilsed for cinders and n, target for . falling ba· Its construction. . saltlc.masses. . · Tlie criminal court at Breslau. Rus·

In t'ht> presence of the Kin~' 129 sla, !lentellcnl .Karl B<>zlt>r,. a lawyer, more ·bodies we1·e extrkated frohr t~e son of the rt•c.'t'ntly appointed Prusslnn ruins, and all the while· ash<>s niJ(l re.d minister of justice, Dr. Bezler, to four· sand falifng as though determlnpd not months' detention In a .fortress 'for to relinquish 1 ht•lr v!Ctltit. having fought a dUel with pistols, In

The. dead n.t Otlajano lli'P said to the duel uo one was hurt. · · number 530. Burglars ·brolre . Into T.hree· Saints

The King was ·deathly pale. To a chJ!'rch at Kle!I, Russin .. Tiwy made a priest who camP to him, lw said: complete h!lul of all or ·the jewels. and · ·. !•.uo ... "'ld .von escitjJe ?" 1 f h 11 d •• .. u . dug out t1e gems rom t e wns an ·'"I ·.'placed msselr In aafety," replied ch.aliee. Even the gold worlr .of the

· thfl priest. · · · ikon! stasis and altar u.n<l the bullion "~nat do you mean7" asl'.<'d the from the embroidered ·vestments were

King. · · , taken. · "Realizing the danger,'' was tbe James B.· Howard,' who .has bf>en In

priest's reply, "I had left' for Nola." jail at Louisville, J):entuclty, pPmllng The King flushed with anger.· "What'" he cried. "You, a rntnlster the .dlsposlllo'n of his ·case lJy thP

of GC'd; were not here to share the United States Supreme Cou.rt · has dnn~?:•!r of your people an<l administer talren to J<'ranltfort to begin his term the last sacraments! You did very of life lmprlsoninent to whl!::h hE> WaH

serttenced tor the murder of William ·wrong." Queen· H«:>lena wns with th(;) King Go&~el. ·.

when he started for Ottajano, but she Rev. S'amuel Murray,- a well. !mown was obliged to turn back, as the tao;k ·German Baptist minister, died at Wa· was one not suitable for· a woman. bash, Indiana, April 1st. It was the She sp<:!nt the ~ost of the day In visit- one hundredth annlveT·sary of his blrt h lng the Injured in Naples hospitals and he expected to celebrate the ev~nt and Inspecting the housing for refu- liy preaehing the last. sermo!P'-Ot his gees. · ' life. He had been in the ministry for

Provision Is being made for the feed- seventy years. lng and sheltering of people who bave James w. Ince, the young white remained in. their own towns. farmer, who murdered his wife and

It Is ·estimated that 5•000 houses three children near Whitely, Arkansas. bave been destroyed or rendered unln· one year ago, was hanged at Danville

ha~~~!1~ll quarters come reports that April 14th. It developed at the trial the situation has ameliorated, but that his father mmdered his mother ashes f rom Mount Vesuvius are fal_ling twenty years ago and that his sister

had committed sulclde. everywhere, houses are collapsing and buning their occupants and roads near On Aprll 6th the Supreme Court of II· the. volcano are no sooner opened than linois issued a decision declaring the th(> are closed again by- falling cinders. new state primary eiectlon Jaw uncon·

The mhabltants of this city are en- stitutional. Governor Deneen immedf· 'during thP yellow gray atmosphere or ately issued a ~11 for a special session yesterday which Is even more oppres· of the Legislature to be held .at 10 ~lve than before. Tbe popular cos- o'clock Tuesday morning, April lOth, tume .of those who can af\'ord It, con· to enaet a new primacy law. slsts of automobile coat. cap and gog· At the extraordinary age of 123' g,les. which enables the wearer to years, Mrs. Philo Rogers, ·a negro maintain a semblance of cleanlln~ss, . woman, died April 6th in. ·Chicagr. bul the people generally 1lll:ve to be She·was a gtapdmother when the Mls contented with paper mask'Jil and raised sourl compromise was an Issue or the umbrellas. -The drivers of tr'olley ca;rs hour nnd bad reached ··her three score are wearing masiUl of so~e transp • yenrs and ten .when the emancipation

=~~:·u H' A & K s· hl"rr· Beat ~4•.1 ent Platerlal under the vlsofs or their proclamation 'liberated her from bond· •· • • l:t!r ao · caps. age. . .

' ' ..

Don't Get Wet! TOWER'S SUCKER!' . wW ·~ you dtj u •

uothingdsc: will, becauSe . they !IJ'e the prod~Jct or ,..,

the bcse materiab and. . . . . 'tcventr yew' expcri-; cuce in manufscturiJlg.;.

A. J. TOWER CO. · Boston, UBJ\. · toWUCWf£DQWOO.,r.t& w.r-.o...


Seven Tornadoea. To11eka, Kas.-At lea in seven .. torna·

dries were seen east and( I northeast· ot Great B~nd,· Barton cqunt~. F·rl~ay aft· ·ernoon. The school house In district 82 vaciuit 'at the time. was demolished a..;d a threshing outfit destroyed .. No other daJ.)lages re1mrts .have come ln. Some t'alil and ball fell. · Three ,Year~ ago a numlltfr or tornadoes occurred In the same neighborhood, conatder· .able damage to prOllerty.

Niece of Generaf Pike. '

Colorado Sprhigs.-Mrs. Sarah Stur· 1lfi!vnnt of LafJ1ed, Kansas, aged ninetY· four, and tho onlY relative of General zebulon Pike, the. explorer, llvln$ con· temporaneously with bfm, has sent her ph'otograph _to the local centennial eel· ebtation comn,dtWe. Mrs. Sturdevant 1s a dJughter ofPike'.s on~ slswr. and, togetbet with N. V• :Plt.e Qf Kirkavltle,

-· )lfii!IOUri. a .neph~ ot thO ~ptorer. Ia the nearest Uvtpg -rei,Uve. ,

'Fred Klantschy bas . been sentenc.ed by Judge Cooper In· the Co1mty Court at Canon City, to pay a.,fine of $300 for idJUng mountain sheep. He was ar· . rested several days ago near the Tel· Jer cotinty llne after · a lomr c!.Jase through the· snow. He bas serv.ed, a term ln the penitentiary tor the same offense. .

·The New York Assembly has prnc· tlcally kllled the bill whlcb would per· mtt William Randolph Hearst to 11e· cure a recount. oi the vote· cast Jn' New York City for mayor at the last elec­tion when George B. McOJeJJan was elected on tho- face of the rei urns. ·The bill was recommitted to. the committee Oll judicia&..

H. B. Thrall, auperlntendent ot innlla on the Harriman lines, stab~s that-Jnod· ern steel nan-telescoping man .ears are to be .enbsUtuted tor the. wooden ~s now OCClUj)le.d by railWay tl)l,lit clerks. 1t ~llB 'Jong been clab)led. by clerka that the poslUon of tbel.r ~~1'8 tn tratns. ud t4elr <'tmstrucUoil .ll~s -placed them 111 ~ne'*'Q.rl cWJger. . . • y< •II .. ~ .

' l - " . . .

. '

oo FISH RE~LLY FLY? Women i.D . ----~~--~--~ OPINION$ OF EXPERTS DIFFER · ·

Appalltnft Increase$ In the Num,ber of.Operauone • • On.o Says fins Slr,nply Act aa Aero- Performed Eacn Year---How Women Mov.

planea_:..Another Claims That They Move .Swiftly aa Wings.

Two pttpers on th.e eternal !lying tlsl{ pt·oQlem have appenrtld. almost simul­taneously, und express· widely dlverBe vl<•ws. says tho London Fidd.

In t'lte O)ltl publislwd In tho Jahrtiueh 0( fhl" Austrinn.r.t•oiogical Slltl'ey, D1 ,Abe); nfter dt•si:l·lhing ,till.~ vnl'lou>~ ltlnds of fossil 1l)'ln!i; flsh, 'COII('illdl',:.l tl)at ndther tlw typical tlyin!!: llsh. l)l

the !lying guuai-<ls t'hw UBI'· t1wit· ll<'ct· tor.a.l finR us n<'til•e · org-1ins of flight, On th!'l ctmtran·. tlw initial 11111il'lns· b~

.means ·of wbiPh tlwse tl<>itf's ;u· lilltn\'lwcl into t'lw <~lr is ·d.uP <'tltkt'ly 10 POWf'J'fllJ. SC'l'PW:Iii\P·Illll\'PUH>IlLS of fl:<' tall f\11, Hill! lhll> lmpt'!IIS is su1Uc•il'll 1

to C.'al;t'\' thPill 10 IJW end' of thdr'-joip· ~ . ' '

rt>y, thl' '-'wings'' _1Niu~ nH•rptr n.s Pnt·· l!d!Ult'S. In 'Otht• · 1\'!ll'(IB th"' fll{1ltl is pr(>cistol.y simll.lJ' to .thnt .or a 'nat sto11•• ~\·hen t hro\) 1{ up t;o u~ to ri<•.orlwt ·fr'om the iJOints whel'to H touchl'!l thu Wl\lt•r '

Avoid Them. '


till it flnnlht falls: . · · . ' .. In tlw s'l'<ion•l p'ni>Pr, llltbH»i' .:,\ In . , .

th: Jt~lilll.ll'Y.llll!llhl'~' of t_I~P ·~~lnah; 111,'1 GOing thl:augb tho bospitn:Is in (JUt' The following- letwra cn.nnot fall to ... 1\i.tgnzln< .ot Nntmal IHstol~. tlw au- lar e~Sitiesonelssm•pri.s~·dtulln<lstl('h bringbopetodospairin{f'Womeo.: thor .. <:ol·. C'. D. Durnford, lU l\1··· Ill" : 1 gr ro ort.ion.of :t.lio patients lyinf! · . ., __ prePtSPI.r. PJlPl•slte . vi<'W. ·IJ\;tlntnlniul!. , !no. fi':,rso Psnow·wil'!t::l lll',!J ,nim(':1 . .Mi(>~ Rnh~ Mnshrush1 ,. Of -• . on lll<'<'ltnn.!C'nl groutJ<ls. 1 h:)t t il•• ~l'ru· 1 and girls who· are. cit bet• O.wnltltlg CWcng'O, Ind., writes:· plntt' _lh<?!II'Y, us tht> aboV<.' •nay b.•- or rccove;lng :from·sc•·i<1ns opera:tions .. .Denr!tti'S.· ,flu).:bam:- · · - · · callt~ll. Is an nbsolnt<• ph) sirni illlJHlS. · Why should.this hu tho cn.;e? . Situ· "I have booungrentsuft'ererwltblr.resm!IU'

j bi I! 1 ' f t t 1 f t 1 h '1 t t Ill · l 1 fK>tiods' .nnd ferimlo trOuhlt•. t1Jl<lllbout th~ s ) · ow nw. u . 1 ~' ae • · ply because they baYo ncglt•cw< t 1etn• 1110uths.ago'thod011tor, 11ft«r uslnlft4eX·n.a:Y wing Slll'f<t<:l' b; f:'lr .too small In Jlrt•. : sel'v~.:s.· 'Ff31DU.le tNmbles are certainly onm•• sahll hl\d nn nll('l'SR alul woUld bnvo port.! oil to t h<> sizt• .an <I, Wt•lgl!t of 111" , an the fnore.ase o.mong tho WO!Il<'ll· of to b,~;;u IUl opQn\tlol), llty mother Wl\l'ltod body to s.ustnin thl' h:;h l!nrlng ,r,; 1 this country-t~1ey creep upun tlwrn 111" t.> try Ly•ll" K's Vogetnblo !on~ . fli~ h.t. . . j unn wares, but tlVt'l'Y one of . tlwso ( '<)luyotr.nd as 11 J'l'!l(lrt, nnd It not only

Thi;; ~wing n.•lmif-h•<l1 tlw •111~;- ~litt"~:; 1 patlentsi!l thehospitall~<••l.shutllllt•uty m.•"'" 1netr,pmanoperation butUlllde.meEiD-nuti\'·P Is to sllpposp that th<• \Vtnc;s 1 of w:wning.iu t.ha.t benrm~·d.own .fc~l- U.rely well.· . are moH•<I wl!h an ('X~PPllitU:I.\·. mpi,\1!lo~m·n, Mrs. Allee Berryhill, of SlB Boyco. \•lbrn t orj ·mot Ion t h roug !Iolli' t h1• ,\~ lwt, • ! nN·vous c11:haustlon, in tho smh 11 .Street, Chu.ttanooga, l'cnn., writes.: fi!p;hL an•! nre thtiH, :1ftt'r t lw linll 1-n· 1 ·of the btt!)lt, dil:zincss, 1Intulcncy, .di:s· nc~nr Mn~ l'lnkhmn:- · ' .ltlal fmpPttls, -till' prop.Pilh.t~ powt•r. I i>lactlmt-nts pf the• org-ans Ol" il'l't'!;Ultn·· "'l'llroo yom·s ngo life loolwd.da:rlt to~e.. 'l'be author fnrtlwr maintains Hwt th·•: !ties. All of tht•so svmpt.:Jms aro indl· t hn•l ulcern:tlon uml lntftwm!atlou of th.e wing- movcn~\'llts whkh mun.~ ohs,•n· ; cntinns ot an unbt•nlthy c9u<lition of<'rious(:ondltlo,l. E>rs ha H' no• l~<>d wh,l'll u rt,\·ln!-: 1ls'~ : the ... mule organs, nnd if not bct•<lNl aiJd ~~~ ~·,:~!~~~ 't,;~i ~'11l?~~~11c ¥·~~·;~~~ot; t olk h.Pll n wn \'(• II rP not lll0\'' tllll•nt !:l ill' ; the penalty hq.s t~ be pnid PY n. dang<> I'· ornrocl uponl wohf•\ ~llo. witlllll ljllt nl<llltll)l.­ll!O\ "• l'li• nwn•ly sue h 1i slowiu~; ,down : ous operation. \\hen these sympt.oma I told hi!D 1· woul<l b:n·e 110 opomtlun bu~ nt th•• <ontlnmHt>' t·twi!l l'llmlllo\ls n~< 1·m!lnifestthtnnselvt's,ilonot<lragn.long would try L1·•lln E. l'l.nkhnm11 Vogotable to rt>ntlt•r t hf'm vislblf' to t IJ, • t'.l'l'. It -until you ure ohllgt•d to go to the l1os· Compound. )Je tried to lliJlnc.noo meARllinw Col Durn f(lt'd 's nwr ha nienl ,],1t n · a l'P pi tal and sn bmit to· an operation- it hut I sont fm· thusn<~lklno that. s:une day

. t rt1~t wort h.r:_,_ns they. sPem to be-his but • reTnembt•.r th,n.t Lydia B •. I1l~~d· ~:;~sli'r-i~ ~~~'tt~~ ~!~:~dtryen~hl~1;;;, casP il pp!•nr:s to be proY<>d. . l~lllll !\ Vegetable ;compound hns l;ln,\ c wltil I lls<'<llt fnl' some time.

Th<' llPxt point; l'toWP\'f'r .. to tlf'H't'f'· . " .... msa.nds of nomen trom surgic~l "Your mllllklno f>1 l'et'fllinlyfino.· I. l1flVU. tn·ln Is wlwt h<>r the m u!IC'i!'s w h l<'h operations-. lndu ..... d Novt•rn.l h-tonds nuu uvl~thl>ors tO tnke work the pPetot·al fins· ot' tl~ lug fish ( When w9men are trouble~ with lr~ it n11d I know moro than A <lor.ou wlio hnd, arP n•ully 1•1111nbl'e ·.of tn1p11 r 1 lug , 0 · regular.-supl)ressct\ Ql' painful periods, ftlffitLlo tl'\>uhlcs nm~ who f.o..<1t1y nrc ns weU

· 1 ·d 1 •nt o~ ltlc .. -•tion anti strong 118 I lUll ·fro~ UB1ngyour Ve""-·thPJU til£' JlOW~'I' or lllaintuinJng thos•' I Wl'IHnesS, spa<'CtnC • ~·~ · t lJJ C td" · ov

rnpld.untl C'!mti.nJIO\Ts.vibmtinn~> whleh! of th~ or~,,o-nns, that b.bc~,tk~ln•gl·dobwln ftelel· aLe d~tubu~l~kha~'s Vtwetable.Com· are th'(' eSt~t.mlial part or thP nPW th<" lug, tqllnmmntlon, uc ac te, oo. ng . Y n ·· . .,

1 .

ory. . . · . : (or tlatulcncy), .general de.blllty, indl-· pound n.t once ·rt•movt'S sue 1 troub~oa;_ • • • • • 1 gestlon, nnd nervous prostro.ti<;>n, or o.rc Rduse to buy any other medicine, t~·

.,. . · , . ·. · bl•set w1th such s~·mptoms as dizzinebs, you need .the b~11t, . · In a Ptnch, Use ALLEN S FOOT·EASE. lnssitudo, excitability, !rlitabillty, ner- Nrs. Pmlduuu, dn.lll{h~r,ln·!n.w ·of A powder. It cures painful,. smart· , vousness, sleepTcssness, melu.ueholy, Lydia E. Pinklmtu, il)vit~$ n.U swlt. wo­

tng, nen· !eot . and ingrowing nails;·· ,, nll·gqne" ar.d. •• wnnt-tq·bo·l!!rL- men to write ht•r ft~r a;tlvl<:O, Her ntlvlco lt'~ the greljtest c·omtort .discovery o( ! O.lonc •• feelings they should·.remember

1uud lnedlein(,l hu.vo ~ston•d tlun1wwda

the ,age. -Maite.a nPw Khoes easy. A , there is one trted o.nd truo·retiiedy. to h!)ulth. Adtlress, Lynn, Mn~;s, . certain cure [or !<WeHtlfig fe~Jt, Sold i lvdia E PlokMm'a \'eAetable Com~ound Suctetds Where Qtbera. faD. by ali tlruggisf!l, 2St•. Trial pacltage.- "'I . • . •· ·

1 FR:EE;. Address· A: S. Olm&ted, Le I'"':......-- '---- -----.-. -o- - ·-- ----- - 2 -.-U-- - --- :t

Ro •• ~. Y. . . fi~~~~~kr~lS~~~~::::::~ You t;nn always gPt a ltlWyPr to tak"J he· }{'/~rid's

your part for pay, But wateh out th.t't ·DE ·.LAVAL . he dol':m't gt,>t yotir all.. . ·I

-Go~d-~;alth·l-. 1 CREAM

Itow to get it .. How ti1 n1ninlaln it., SEPARATORS Talw naturt.'o's me<llc!nt,>, Gm·llvl!l Tt•n, . Uw mlld lnxallw • .It is madP of lwr1u;, · 700,000 In Uae. lt purlfit-11 the blood and ••stublislwB 11 l Ten Tnn•.a normal act ion of U ver, Wtlnl'ys, l:H om · All Othm Combined. ncb a'nd bowels. '

1 save -510. p~r Oow

- • 1 !:;very Yo4r.of Uoe But few ()rat orB <'II II· . hoJJ<' . to w.ln·, over all Orntty

-fame hi compelltion with windmills,. · 11

BetUng llyot•m• ___ ., ___ - --- 1 and$5•(ier0ow

· over all · li!'!tn~Di!Sopmta~ora

DEFIANCE STARCH~:~~·~;~n~.;:


.--othL"r wtru:rh••a un1v l:l oruu•e.._•atn" 'tlce and. ••DEFIANCE" 18 8UPEiUOR QUALITY.

• 7 • •

----~--,.~---~-- >! •• ~--- ' -~ --

When"· An11werlng Advertlee·mentl Klndly Ment.lon Thla Paper, . .

W. N. 11.--·Dl~NV~Il.-~O. lfl.-1906.


. . , The better class of drurgistfl, E>Verywhere, nro men of scientiflo,attninrnents nnd high integrity,

who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supj/dying tho best of rotm•dics and purest medicinal agents of known valuo, in accordunco with physicians' prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggi~<ts of the better. class mnnufacture nwny excellent remedies, but alway's under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, 9r imitation medicines. They arc the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class phnrmncy and tho finest and best of toilet articles and prcpllrations and many useful ttcccl!sorics and remedial ·appliances. 'rbe earning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of tho benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their srcatcs~ reward for long years of study an4 many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs ill an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, nnd tbNeforc they

.. aro selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of tho ohoicest. remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out tl10 genu1ne article bearing tho full name of the Company-Cn.liforma Fig Syrup Co ....... printed on tho front of ev:ery puclcnge. Tboy know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and con8tipntion und of weakness or torpidity of tho liver and bowels, o.rising from irregular .habits, indigestion, or ·over·, ~hat there is no other remedy so pleasant; prompt nnd bendicinl in ita effects as Syrup. of Figs, and they nro glad to sell it becauRe it gives universal Mtidfnction.

Owing to tho oxooll~nc~ o! S~rup·of Figs, tho universal ~atisfacticm wl}ich it, ·gives and the bnmonso demand lor 1t, tmJtataqns bnve been made, tncd and condC'mned, but· there are. individual dr!lggists to be fo~nd, hero and there, who do not .maintain tho ~ignity nnp princ!ples of tho profesruon and whose greed gets tho better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend a.nd try to sell tho imftntions in ord~r to mnko a larger profit. Such preparntions sometime~ have tho nnm.e-'' Syrup of Figs"-or "Fig Syl'UJ>." and of some piruticAl concern; or fictitious fig .syrup company, pri'nted on the package, but thcr nover bnvo the full nnme of the Oompany-Californi~ Fig Syrup Co.-printed on the front o the t>ncknge. Tho imitations should be rejected becausl§ they are injurious to the system. In order to sell tho imitations they find-it DOC<'BSB.ty to resort to 111isrepresenta.tion t''" deception. and Wbenev·er a dcall\r pnslleS

· off· on umstorrier a propara.tion under tho nan'itj of ''byrup of lt~iga" or 4'Fig · Syrttp,'' which ' does not bear the full name <If tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho ft·ont of the package, ~o is attempting to dece~ve nnd ~island tho pn:tron who hns been so unfortunate ns to enter hie establishment, whether it· be large, or small, for if the d~ttler. resorts to misrepreeenttlf.ion nnd a.nd deception in one case be will do ~o with other medicinal agents, and hi the 6lling of physicians' prescriiltions, and should be avoided hy every one who values healt.h and happlne11s. Knowing that tho great majority-of d·rgggists are reliable,. we supply the immen11o demand for our cxc~Ucnt remedy entirely through tho druggists, of whon1 it mny be purchase~· every .. whor*1 in original packages only, at the regular price of 6fty cents per bQitlc, but as e:l~ptlons exjst, 1t is 'J?.eccssa!y to inform the pubUo ol the fnots, in order that all may decline or return anr, 1mitatto!' whtcb may be sold to th€im. If it does not. bear the full namt' of tho Company- . California. F1g Syrup Co.-printed o~ tho front of every P.ack&ge, do not hesitate to return the anicle and to demand .tho retn~ ~f ybnr money, And in future go to on~ of the better clase of di:ug~istswho \fill sell you wh&t you. wish ancl the be-st of overythlns in hialino at tCiaeonablo prices.

·' ..

' . . (

. .


'•' . ' .

. '



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CAP·ITA·N. -· tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (8)


. •

' .

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· oolli1tis~ioi£B-:&- »EiitiN~ ••

----· ., ,..._

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''* .. . ·-----------~---- __ . _~-=~c-..:.--~-= _ Spec~al rncctmg of-_ the Hon~ I • . , _ , · · · · - • • - I '

W.eektl "e'wspaper Devoted to the Interest of. Uoa.rd of- County CommisH> j· A Ne-w And Compl~tc .Line of.

Wblfe Oaks and Uft~'n Co ri M ... ! having. bt:t•O called by the Cluur~ J 'SE: ·As.·o N'A.BLE. MERe·· 'HAN·. 'DIS' E· .. · -' • ' • :man, to mei:t ou the l.3th day of .. - . ' . .J•uuh•JH•d J :v••t·y '.I'JJut• ... dn"'./April, )906. - · .

~- __ i · Pn·s«wt; S. C. Wi<!ner, · Chair-_ ----- ·-: -~ ---:" (' b~-~-- -------------:-, -------- . ·---~~ i.e.(l) .H. ~di4JfllC. EdHor and Pt.:b I man .. P. f..,, KroUMe,, Member; New Prints .,, . R G I Lady~s Relt~

. ,· · - · -·'IHi"'inioSala..zar~ M1~mher;W.E.j " p 1 · ).101.-.·ll•l'-'•·"r"'•'l""'"'I.~W·r.'-•·J·to·t,.J•r"l .. ,l'(' 1 lJ CJ l 'v.~ ( ,· .-erca_es I' Y'.O ' .. Waists' I

·:~~~.~\~~·:.~ :~~:~·,;:·.~~ -~~~:·::· ;;'."~:-~.:;:.~.";~~::" ; s~:.nrtt~~ ' ,.r q<. . ... lwt"t1,. .. . Oi~ghams .:J o D . . : ·"~ .. Neckwear ·1,

• J


. 1

'l'ht· f1/Jto.,\·h11' are t1lt!-proccL•d· '· ·- W~; Goo~s $ L·_· __ '_:~·.r:~~nish_ in_ g ___ s ,·. , . ~. :~:::>.. nl tll'('i'!ll''fiON I'HJI 1-:. ~ .. . · ·, . • ... · · " --.---- ... ---· -~- .-- --- --- - -

0&1(> 'YI'JII' (In: Advlllll'l':- .. - ~I.(JI; I mt;;P~J~~~::)~~~~-~:~"~). 1-. Krou~e. r M . ' . .F - . . . h . - . - R. h ,,.. 'p' . . . .. Jl! S. 'f·- u D-. E.·.·B_A-. ··l·\T E~ .·R\, . -~~·v.-AG. :_,.o·N·s···. t. H ('rot !llild wlll11n ~ wntJtli ..... · L;;u: ... ,.,.,m-dci.l by ~I~'· S~la.a~r; _ tlw 1.1en S . UfniS lOgS at _. tg t fi.(:eS.

. . . ' . . . . ~- --- : rn:1tt-cr or the county printing 5- H-. 0-. ·. ES 8;.. .. V 1 . A. II .. . - . . . . - .

\'i'"lll ill'<, aftn -..qlft·ri.i.,:.:.! ~~·- IW,tH t~ll..en up, lt. n[Jpcarillg that_ •... ·_.. . . . _· ' ... tiS4 . ·~ ues tn -.- Lines~. B .. · ..•. · .. a· .. d._ Sp' ·. ,. ·t(. w· airo'· ns· -'\'f'r(' <tlta• ), of t:a~>irltu'-1 ;tnd ~·iJlic I at th~ J;tn!lary.-. l'JO.~,. mci':t_ing, . ____ ,. ___ . --·----~-~------.---,-~------· . . ug_gl8$ p .· _ .· J n_ e/ .. ~·· .. _ . 9 ·. 1IJr aii<JUt, tt"n dap., and_ cleiugiog: til(' then sitti'ng -county Co.mmiH· Stocl< too c'xten~ive f0 enumerate. A call ian'u-I d.esll.'e ' . . all.kinds at .

• < -

. -· -the O•untrv. ·tor twt·nt.v mill~':" l·~i .• _ncr_ I; .i-'_':IJit . .ritd_ cd_ -to . (.UJ_ suc4 .,_ . . .. :. . . . . . ·,· . - . . I and you will'h·1v yQur:;ijpplieb !Jere_:.,...;,_·_ . .around Willi at.lll'" and bdr·, · ha~. pnntllll! wHh tht! Whttt Oak~-; . - · --' - .

fln;tlly got, ontrol .~j ,;,.,.- in';:rd,..,l J~;aglc~ fil,itlth)g- ·c~;-mpany for" - J•'or/.i· od_ Attention and, Low P~ICTJ:S _ .

<III<I '"' r•.-••flllJ.!' ITllll, h better·, only I t.-.nn ·of fouJ··.rt'a.ri;. The pr~:sent - CAJ,L ON ·

. - .

IPAUh - - -· - ··.,s· . . . . . . . . . . . . MAYE.R: -· ·-

emitting a "Ji·~'"'lll"di,· 1-(roan uc- 11

Iioar'u· of Comml~nt(.JI11'~"' being· t'(l;.i{Jl1al11. \\-'hat itJ_l oprmrtunitv now iLd-d-;ed h:)•!Jlc Di~trict. At:'- -_ . S.C .. wrE-N_ .ER .. -\t1HITE ·oAKs. N·Ew :ME_lfleo

the l'''"''lc: •Jf Arn•·1·i, :1 h-ave )p•,t ·:turner'~'~ ollict·- that Stich contrad . . - I . ! ~ , . . •

_Ill n<,t l~allwrlnl-[ lit) all tJw )JiltCnt \~old for t]H' term t1f foUl'• yi:•ar~ ,;;;o·- ,-----;.- ._.,. ---~ -·-~·w,.,-n;·~--:--;c ... ,·,-.- --:;- --,- :: 7 : ---'--, ---j· ,.._

no ... tr\1111" in I ht• (IJUJlfn'. ;ul_vc.r-j ~ ... \'Oi<J on ;r~·cuulit 'of,tJw H.;~ml! lH!· "l'UR.N 'fO ASU~S o'X l'UE LIPS~" : lriltiou id'forinml are.'to buy, s~ll an<l T.raveJ. BecorOes a .PI~asure ·: t1·'1•·d :. .. a ..,urt! _, Ul'c• for all lon•l" 111~~ c1mtrary to .pu!JII~· J>Oitcy. · · - ···· - · --'deal iu Rll kirlds of 1nercht1ndise,

I I h . . ol ·-I'll pl,illfl ... ·,rn•J hH_I.' tlw Ill ,, i.p- ! 1 t _i-~ t}w"re fort• rLlSII)•:I~d that s;ud The I~ I ~a~o Herald h> ·au thor ... i l'IUIC ' fAJ'Ul lillY minl_llg $Upplle~;. p•·do\t·r.lllddu·tiiiH'~in the.cra··umtrad~->oll't.for- foll.ryears,is ityforthe statement that_"Car-'.to buy a~ 1 _d f-elt ~·\1(19, hor~:~cfl, 1••r. Tlli-... would havt• ~>• lth•<l dlt·; here i,y r··~· in-ded and th;1t pr01IQ·., ncigie is l!IVin.g ;iway l<i!'l:.;ca. to 1 ~heop, go.nts and 11~i. l~a·d of live.: _ Jll;lttnol IIH~II' ··llica• y lpl' •dH.iiiJI': ,.;a)~-o lor liidh tv do .Hlll-'h -printing· ,I:{O(H] looking womeq on bis Q!>Ual i stock.; to. buy and- flell \VOO), -~eltfl~~ 1•~'< "'II'. ;Jnd t hu"' h;m• ·..,avcd tlw i for one 'J'Pat< to. coinrnen~e May scheme-the to. con- hay_; gru~n; c_oul, 1 umbet• aM all the ... tom.t• 11-. "' !hou-<;lllrl"~ 1Jf <'l't'dll· i I .'>~h, Plllt•, !Jc '-·allC'ri ·for,- nnd to tt·ihutc_Justas much a!'; he .doe~.'' ;,ar:ou~ proauctH of the counLry~ to lou .... \ It till)'-\, I this end tlw dl'rk of. thi!-1 Board . .Jutlginlt from the llUmerous. ~u_..llelland leiLRI} rl'al estnt.e uf al.l

• - . _j~ im.t 1'111-'ted to _.l'aiJ!-.,(' ·.notice .... t() I ifiH:anity pictqrcs one sees of the -k~n.dt-t, nnd to dp nud pt}rforlll all· . -----.... -_..,......-- , . . . , . ,· '· . , · ·. -. · . ~-. · 1 • - - ·- unc..otber !lC11!·118 are UilUlllly done·

'I'JJ•'J'l'J'JilliJ"'fl- ('('"'I'U~t"J' IH 111'\~ttcd Ill tla·C,l)llt,t.n News canny •_-:»_,Ot .m t1eneW8papers,. · __ .· .. · . _. n • '" ·' • • .~ .ILv • ' - . , , . 1. d , I 1 · - l'k · . aucl nerformed by a -l'encral- merh . . 'antl·m J ht· Outloulc Jwi.vHpapt'I'H;

1n oe~n t oo{ qutte 1. e .a squ.~re : · .- . · ·_· · ·· · ·

· I· · · ( • 1 · · . . , 1 II 1 ld - .. · th ca~oula -c.omplw,Y. 'f' ( 1 . l r· J . • fiHJ11111{ 1111 H to do HlH'h pnntmg <,ca . . C S'.lOU 1(1\'G · em OJ;ir· · · ·

H a.. c 1 1 , '"I( p tr • 1 s w H 1 n an- · · _ · · I . -· -: · , . . · fm· tl11' vne yl';:·r above Htakd gms. . · A-RTICJ.E·Iv.

ot ho·r <·llltllllll th•• pl'lll l't:dllll-[>1 of . . . . . . ' ' I - · II I I ··t 1 (' t (' . . . . "itltl IJI(!,;. tt) bt• IJh·ll Jn the Pro-- ' -- . - ----·-- - ·----- ' The amount of the'totnl nttlho~-

1-'' >1101,1 I t1 , <Hill y O·IIJIJll'-1!-oiOfl• · ., , . - .. . - j : • . . . . -. •·r-. .d ;, "'!'' ,. 1,1) _llll't"l.iu~: hdd _111 J,~fl'.llt·rl~.., ollh'l' an_d the samt• __ FoJ·ty ooe ycars.agola~t· Fri- iliPl PllJlit~l stot·k f~f the ccrp*rn~ Lt•tt

11111 1111 111; 1 HI f 1

. 1' w1ll llt• opt·lwd und. paHH('t~ ·upon. day night, Abraham Lincoln· was tiun uhtLII be twei1ty~five tho~!lllnu l_ - 1" tiiM 1- .• 1 . £-1 • 1:J - - - - j I!· cC!·>"ooo) i'·tl·

. • uwntlr. a. 11 l-ll'·.ctll1g 0 . t lli'ls.JO<trd shot byJ.·Wil.kcH Bot1th inF"ord'::i 10 .trll · 9~a,_ .un 1 t.a same

to 1)1' lJ··I<I M··1 v· 11 tl 1 t1l"'t · · · · · W h' c· · · 'l'l ·shall be d1vtde I into two hundt·ed I· roru lh·· at t_ion lal{i·n at thi'l •: - '· .,_ -, "'• . ! tbe.<!-le.r, as m~ton 1ty.- ·· - 11s · Jll•·•·tilll-f IIH· h••n•~raf,J•· !Jo;trd h<rHI !r.J tht." rna~tl'r of the·. roitd ~c- w_as n.ot first-nor. the -last at· u-nd fifty Bha~c'a of the par Va.lua of

· 1tl t t 11 · t t one hurHJr-ocJ doll~rs eucl) .The HI-L, .. t toln•·l<~l'll•· ... ,.1111 ,_. . .- 011·,-1 11 .•

1,1:1 j'l',0 ,11 H rue l'l )y.t· .. on r<i.C or ·tt;'ilceat_the - .

1 tl J 1 B 1 1 h - 1\.nw·unt of the c:tpitul stoclc w-ith. •,1., 11 iJI'I il•·tl al u\<'r ;, \ 1•01 ,.,1,,0 J,y -'10 I·· · H: . onrl HtVI~~ · head of o_rgranizt:d government. · ·

. ' • . . .

· El- Pas·o &- s·outhwestern f • • ' ' • ' . • • . • • '

.. -

.. • .. . --ROCK ·ISlAND·

Magntfcent Din!ng .Cars-tle.a1s A Ja·Carte ' . . .

' . - . . . . . ' Lib1·ary Enffet Cars. ·Obs-ervation. Standard ~ndi

- ' . . · Tourist Sleepers.

... ' .. .. .· .AJX'orll Every Co!lc('hal)llie Luxury.

Two fast through trains da,ify • :Running 'l''b,l;'ough. to

- . '

·Kansas C.ity :_St~ Louis ·chicagJ> GI-VE RAP~D ACCESB TO At.L PQitt\n•s -· -·.

.·· NOR1.,H AND EAST. . . t lttl . 1 IIIII r 'tl tl , ,·. I tolon· llJIJ10lllh:<l four 'ltl?.en~ of It makc:-i not one bit of-difference wbicJi sn.hl corporation ~<ball (om ...

"' ·I Ja 1\'1 I . I" lila .!rr, · · l · . · . · · · · m-onee· busine11s shall he flfLt'en \ .-,~.. 'J'J- ttl· 1 • · 1- · )Lw~·on\:ountyto\tcwtiHsroad,.tothi"lkindofaHs'tssin whether· · "'i · · · -

.. 1,1 !C'II' OJ llll't' ;u. IIlli Willot . · · ·. - · '·' ' - · 'tlJOiil>lllllU d l'nr ·(0 1• QCI))- ·' 'J I-ll ' I . tl I . . ;wd they h;tvrng. n•portt'd to the. the intcnclcd \'ictim. is the r:nost ''"' d 'li' ._,, v: •\nu tu-

~ ' . For Re.·ti~s. S.c,hedules. Folders and Ot:h·erJnforznat.ton. -Addr~

''"''1 • Iii 1)11 eri!•llliZIO~ il'i ll · . . · · · . · · of. the stock of ~aid. curpot•atjou Ill' I\ l .. •.tnl tht·~· lrt. !ht!'. rount.y / Ho~~r~l .• thut t_h'~.t·o;ul If;~~; IJ~·~·n con·. \'iqdi~tiv_e autoc·r~t li\·ing· or tbe t~iu,fl bu cvmrnon i!toul,,. . . . 1' 111111 n~:onulonnt·rall•~~.:t·d ti!l1· st1ucttd _\\1lhq1 the. t«;lrns of J 1rtd1Jc!'ltof·tl_len, 1r he !'\ . _A,:1•nt Ge•t~ral~nssenterAgent, J rn, I, whit h t ht• Y ~··~'~·now It• h.rcd tbl' eon t rurt ld to -Houth, imd . th\!· hca4 ot the governing- power AUT.JCLE. v. • . c:,uUdZOZO. .; -.. ·Ji. p~o;'J~l~

A. H; HARVEY, . .

. · · V. R .. S:TlLES .. ·

• I •; ul tl- n" I I,.. lou n d in" It' a ,j . li f :a c h mt: rn J,~ J' of the . Boa nl . ha ~·:: and re Pl"~Hcnhrwhat goes to make Th.e numes ~ n(d P oat o fli<·e . ad.. .:.. ::::..· ::-=.;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;:..:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:..:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;; to a ,., .... 1,., 11 ... iJ.r,: l!lddl'l", \\ lHj luul 11_11: r~·~·qn·dn't·lv lnspcct~d tl11~. U_l) tawand order-1 be 8tnnds in. drellacs uf lho incorpiJrators and lhe * * * * * i<· -!<· *·* ¥.· * ·* *'* * * * * ***'**********~­. . . *' 111M lilt! d It!\ Jil,·d, and wh•l. ofTq·· road IU IH'T~->O)l, nuw J't:l"'.'lvc.~ t-ht! the way' of unl.ddled licc.nse and .number of slu\res s_u.bscl'ibed rvr by :. l'lllodoth•·.\\orl;atamlllhlmnr ~'liiOI.'illldorderthcClerl<toi!:'MIJC is ~fit Hubjecl tor the bqlletor eu~ho.fthemarealif 'lows:.

1.111 , 111111 \\- 1 · -1

J ·1

J a w;•n·unt tonmt1·actor· Booth fo1· tllc knife W. C. ~tcDon'!o'd. C;.arrJz.:>zo, N.· I • 'il~ )l'lll/t ' j;jJ'l:'t't ·1 . . . • tl.f F . .

t ha 1 111111

., $450.00 Ill pit)'lllt'l1 t for thL' worlc __ . . _. _ _ --·- u ., · if~y (flO) shure!l, · * 'l'n llw Otq·r.otJI{ · J donl" bJ him, lc":.l tht~ Hllrll. of- - • . _. G •. L~ Ulrick, 'Nl1ito Oak.s,· N. M., *

man, ' 1 '~ wd $tiiti.I!O ht•rrtof<,rc advnnccd htm '1'1-Hllll'rUitY .tW :u:~v .MEXIUO, · Fi(lY (50) ehiuos. *: ll~ to "''''tt• \·•·n· g•iod / au· fill ttrr' u·ntr' .t ·-. ·- -- J. H. C_ ·~nuiug, NocoaJ,· N. M_ ., * t hon I,. w hum l1r· IJfll<i 1 · ~ \' a~· · -· D

1 l'tJII:"oll l<.•d, _ 'J'I. I . · . · . ._ , _ . f.IFftl('Jo= Oil' TlfE SKCRE'i'AIIY. F l'fty (50) ~bares,· I J

· .- - - wn: Jl'lll_gnuturtheri.Jli~mcss · ~.. * at uul,.., ;1.., II lh•· llonor;JI,Jt- lmilrtl · · 1. . I · GEBTlF'lcA:l't oF C<.lAfVA!Usv:-o.. ·, · •

l . - l'UUJ'l llC JU~Ifllt'f.- . · <' A .. ltTlCLE VJ, * "'""' IJU\\' rn •• IIIli!' ollltJIIIl'l' n·ry I,·_J; \V. Rnynul!lA, Siicrotary of k

_...,... ~ :o~~.·

* • * • ~


. -unm• tiiJ,fifli•· in 'ktting thiH. - \h•'.''l'crriL·ory o-r Now ~Jexioo, do. ·Said cotpt\ruLion shall exist for· * inJntinl! 'tJillra. tlu· nu1 !or nih' 'J'O t:O~Hl!ltn•·J'JV-t:s h<•r('bY cer.oify thnt.tlwro wits filt'd tho peri011 of fifly Y"IWJ from l~fl * :

Y\"111", fll-ll-1 !\lay l••th inl'ltcnd uf •rl I I II b. 1 for roooru in ihis ·ofllco ut' Nin.e dute of iilingofL.ho-ie nrLi~ll>il \\"itu * · . . . *' lo tiU( oJII K'"'' ln.vll•g oon ro. - - l\J - - ~:.· . h "'- r h T . ·* . NEATLY AND QUIC~~'LV 'o·o· NE AT- THE tu t lw II r,..t da)' of Jillllllll'y next, · · . · - ·o'clock A. ., e~n tho- 1\tirtc*nth t ff u.ucr«Hury-o. · t e · erri t.ory of • . · . 11"\o. , · · * ·

•lurt•d 10 hrulth·h~· 11lmplc rn_oune,. d · r· M .. l A I>- 19on · ·. * - . . . . -' - . HI \\hi· h tipw.- It~ . I'Xil-lll.'tll'l' lllilll' Allfl\•ri•·J: tur. l.ii'Yt•ltl1 y·cn·ri.t. uylll. uro l • . . ( '1~· Al!TJCI.ES Now Mc~ico.. • . . * *' l•'fllllllitll'k a.. II 'llllllf'll. Bv - I . . . OF ~COftf\lRA'f(ON Q IIIC ()AUR'I- All'riCJ.& vu. . * . ou· T' Loo· K ·o·_ F .F· CE.· . *' .. with .n llll\'l'lo •tng nlfuctlon, nud , . 'f . .,. . N - . *- *' •loin~ loo],,., lu n lll-lll1 with a 1 1 1 · 1 .. ?.o?.u RAiliNG COM~AN~ ( o, 42!JZ.) .

. t1ut drun<. < llii.'UJJU .cont~UfllpL 011, 16 und 818.0,· thllt I h·•ve· Ctlll.l··1•;;,rcd. ·lh". . Thfl olfu_irs ~f the corporation * -.. ·· · · · ~ h'llllllt, a~< If ih nH•mbt·r ... t•ithL't" k v - *

. 1111lllfllla tu Jllil II KllOWII.lO Ills fol·•' fnllowino OOp\• or the sunio, With. shnll bo manogec! by three diruc-. * . "\ .· ,.,. 1'1'1 11-tl to pc·rtwtunlt• liH"lll· ., . ~-~ *

1 11 _ 1 1

''' 1V ·~tull'ot·~·l:d tho ruo 11•14 of CUI'e, tho ot•lg iuul . Lhereto-f now· on · file, \on·, and t·bose who ttll>tll aut 811 -=*=*=*=*~*=*=·ll;;;;;. ;;;;;:=*;;;;;ll>=*;.;;;· ;;;;*=*=*=*;;:;:*=*=*=*=*.;.*:::;;;;;*;;,:;·;;;;*;;;;-;;;;*=*==*=*=*=*'~*~--M' ,,.,. 11111 11 '. '"' 11' I' 11 "' 'lu!>l- l'u_ tlto~'J- whu dt•11u·u -H. hu _will and decloro.Jl lobo 1\ <loa·rect tt·arl· such for the first thrco m~mths of -l'!o\ 11' they llll'illll tt'l ll'illl"<lllit" choc)lfulfy H•·nu (true tlf_ d•;lrt•O) n •cl'lflL tburetroru uud ot tho wholo 'h i I f h . s t F c . t - I R . . . 0 ••. l . f ~ e ex s.ooce 0 l tl oorporaLton an a -e -en ra atJw I"'~'~· qf lruui,J,. lu tht·ir Mll''•'•'·!-' 0 ( • ( tl t"• d t t.oreo. \U c M o· u • __ - . . - . ay ", . ., l' 'I') u 10 J'l'I'N\'llp 1011 11110_ , ,, . d Are: n. . c onald, G· L. I. "' .,-..,, whh-h tht·y will find a euro t•uro ulvctt 011 er my bnnd 811 d tho 1 k d J H "· · · IN CONNECTION WIT£I ' .

I I · G•·ont Aoul <If the 'riforr·l•o .. r c an ' 'Cllnnwg, I t "" pro. l't'liin~ i'-'lt'l:ill tlwn it fut' Con11nntplwn, Al4thmn, Br·or~-~o r 1

• El p N th s t . llll&:ltt lot' •I ,.IJr,·w•l thinl: (~II' thi~o~ ohhill und ull thi'Onl und ltJIIJol mol-. SEAl.) r~· of'Ncw 1\ft•X!Oo, n.t the ARTICLE VIU, - a_SO• or eastern ys em ' • s .. l .. lllllllic ,,.,;,rei OJ l'OU!lf f t'Oill• ndll"'· Jlu lwpt'li nil scslft•riH'O will. Oily ur Sant" Fll, tha Cup The directors of flnid .. oorp'lration nu ..... l.,twr .... lwlorl' tlw ··xpin,tion t•·y htr~ HlllllNlv. IIH it J,. lnv,lllllllbh• Hul, on tht~ Thirteenth day of eht~ll llhooee its officers und. shull Shortest hne bet~een El P.nso,l'exas, and Bllnta Fe, New Alexioo'4a4·

I A1 b A D l90G ·all pohits 111 No1•tbwostern N~w Mesico r ·

of''" ll·rm, l•l dt•1·lun• \'lh·ant ull Thu1H1 ''''"trlug tho J•tt•l'l'ription, uro ' · · · the power to ntakl', appe11l and and t:lout.bwe11 teru Colorado. tht· _oflJ, , • .., of Jlll'tict• of tht· pt'n~·t·,/ wl,ld• \vtll ou .. t tht•lll nmhh.c, tllltl J, W. lh:YNOLlls- Bmend its by-law,., but by·laws so l'lltl)<taLko~, rPad ~lllh'r\·illlOI"Mllnd lllllf lHOVO II hh·~JIIill~. wlll.ploihl<l Socretary (l( Now Mexico, made by tho dimctord IDllY be SANTA FE AND TOR.RANCE. llll' Iii .. ·, \\ hirh it hoK filled by np· tultlrc·s•. - amended or •·cpoaled by tho stock... · · poi Ill Ill\' n I' II lid llllll<c n('\\' up. Uuv' EDW A It I) A. wn.~oN. Al\'tl(:Lt£8 OF JNCOIII'ORATION boldere. We mnke close connecUone at' Tofl'lt-riCe wh'h tho Grea,,:Througb

n N y OF 1 \V w . Island Passenger Train~ _ . J>llllllltlt"JliH ltl run Ollt>, two Ol' pf'(Jfll,lyn IIW ork. N ITNEBS DF.REOr,"' Wo, thn·l· \'t'RI'M, IIJ'ill thus rdit'Vl' the 'l'liE Ci\ltlll~ Z0 , TilADIISO COMI'A'IlY. nndersiguud, thiS 26~h day of SOUTH BOUND. · NORTH BOUND • IJuanl to {·ollt•w of mud1 troul•ll• - KNuW AI~L MEN ~Y 'tiiE:otE Pu&s- ·}\'ebruury-; .1906, subac•·lbtd our B'f.\TIONB LEAVE.DoAJLY STATioN · · . ARRIVE DAI .. tf

Delegate Andr<.•ws ha~ Mcured 1 1 · Santo Fe 1 20 p n1 s t F 40

nnd rt•~o~pun,. 1 1Hlily. tt . _ _ of EN'l'B, 1 11\l. -we, · ltu·t<~i.:•n·d, names- nnd nll!xed our seal11, rd an 8 · e 420p rn ·

T () · '·I' I I l 1e puKNfl/.rC three .. mot•c W. U. Mt•DouRid, LL L ... UcHoJ(, nul). \V~ C. Mc.Ooru~ld. (Soal) Sto,•k _Yaj s S 1 24 P· in . Stock Ya~ds _ 415·p in llh \' 11 1 ~ 1 K • llllu lS IN~ t w "pcdnl ll~nsion billa fol' ~New J .H. Ctulnln~ ll.Citug dct~1run11 of for·· · · F ~ b U · S.ln• Inn l}hool 1 26 P 111 · U, S. _lluhnn Schoo~ 4 18 p IIi

pro, •'t'4IIUJ.r~o~ of boul·d llt':ali"', M~'l'· M.,xico voturan8. One of then' Ill in" n curpurRtion uudtJt•th'! lawe.of .. . _i 'Y .a ur~s. .Dona.:tiUia 188 P m Dona~ia"a. . . , 4 Ori phi inutt WllM l<l'l\l tu it fqr. thtlt. h& for Gaptah~ Saturnino UllCU, or _lhoTom&oryof Nc\V l\t('xico rtnd be. G . • J ?'ric:.k, (Seal) .Fifty ebares; .t:::!~in{'a .: ~~::: ~ega Blanca 8 85 phi purptl~l'.thr\I.Ukt'ufl''liHltr Jll'int-,r·i . I I • t . I r· . '''lf!lllllf th\l prtl81HltSllll<tOribortl ~0 J. a. Canntng (SMI) Ftfty &bares. 0 . .260 p on Kennedy· 3 lOp M

. . . . ~an~:u n, ,.,. JO '~a\'1 or mer Y nn o - thll ollph~l el,ICk th~rt•of ~o thut '-'1\ll. ;r rr• or <if' New M xioo l , - ·lurk . • .... Clark . . 2 60 p rn l'_J '"''."1: dt:l·~:IJ't·:l \'ll.l'~l\t, but .•• tlct•r jn l{jt Cnl'!iOil'S t~t Nt.>w hnVtl rnnd41, sub_ilcll'ibcd ~~~:d ll!•kuowl- (l:n,.;y· ~r Llricolo. c • s Jill W}ums Spur 3 lOp -Ill Willlsms Spur - 2 31) pan ... ::·If: lu "•1\ tlu (I( hi'~ ~~~·r".r In Ml.lxh.:o C:n·nlr)\,. C<\t>t, Unca, it I ttdgQd tbi~ corullcaLu ot. ho\l(IJ'liOtl~ ' On tlua 26th- dn_v -1: Fubruuy, s~unley : :g ~::: Stanley . . 2 iop.m. t h • 1 .' '

111 1' '' 111 pu hh"b 11 . J u~t willllc- rt'tl\em t>.cf'e.d, received a Uuu. . 1906. bufore mo peraonn~ly nppenred ~~~·::~:?;. 4_ 35 p ~ _ Morin tty · . 1 35 P sn tht :.,u1w 111 l h~ "'nne old JH'I..:c. 1-lhut !rom nn nl>\SiU~sin io .nn\ bu~h AHTicLB r. · ·_ w. c. Mo.l>onald, a, L Ul~i1•k _and Aut~loJ,u · · 4 48 P m .f,~~~~~~h · · 1V~~ ~!!

' " A•' ' , ......... , .. ,;..,,c -*- t\ few yent·~ ut;to. neccsRltnting the · 1'he. nnmo of tho. oorpntati~n 110 J. lJ. uan•Jing, to ,no Jloraonally E11t.uru:.ia 0 05 P nt · Eatnnd& · -12 45a in PUBLIC NO'l'ICIO:. .UllllUh\tlun ~f- biti r.lgh_t arm~ Un- - to btl fori"tHJ .le uai•l· ,.,,n-11 ba "'l'nB ltno_ w!lto bo .tho persons detoctibod -~ojll~6rd880 . 6 80

Pin \Villard · 1.1'25 • m · · • -- · ---·- dcr th. ~ pentUOl\ laws he. colJld nut 0 '\ltiUt(•ttJ la A biNG. Co)ll'AN\" ·" . tn and 'Who exaouted_ \bo fore;,oin<~< FB_ •

1 .. ng(•"'

67·-lilg __ pP ~ Proaruso, · JO 5& 6 ~n'

~ "' .. .. ~· :Oia.ruJa · . 10 30 a m · · Didli w.Ul be f'('('di\'c.'d nnd tht.' i'l't mor.e tbnn· twelve_ doU_a_ rn ·.. . . AlltiCLK n. hl8lr\ln,l011\. nnd tbey.enoh ackn.·owl-. '.l'orrnnee H lop· m- m -• orrnoco · ~60 a hl

wunc nuty be fllt•d with th;: .1~ 1·o. Jl(W month, tUi · tllla lnjqa•y · \\'0\1\ Ttl.~ pririolp"l.offico ..,t aald-cm·p(J. udgod ·~me th•t t.bey oxeoutcd tho _,.-:'""':"'· --=~.:---~~.,...:..--':-.._ _ _:..~---~-_:. :!::.:.::..:::_. batt eterlt, to do tbt!_ ,·ount\' n~t recelvt!d dttrlng- hil\p.folll.)r,•_ice rath>u in tho 'J'i)rJ'it111-y ot Now &RPlo 161tthelr own tro(\ n<l~ nnd . Leave·t:l Paso via E P·N E' Sy:stem 6.45-p in fu>inting fnt one yctu-. co•utncnt·:o~ h• the ltrmy. Ul)tte,~ this ti_pec.ial At••xioo t~bAil·be tocncad io tho' town. Joed~ . . Arrve San~a Fe via SfJnta FeCenttal--4;2o p ,J'n lug l\iny lf,th. t•itlb, n~t,: wbkh U-:ler:nta Anc.\r~ws hnd _(,f' Utu·a·tllo~o. C4tunty ot Llncolu. l~ Wl'rNEss ·• v. I htlvo Leave Santa Fe VUl Santa p~ Centrall..2o · p m

•J'b(• bidli so tllt•d will bt' Of>C-fl• put thraurh. he wnt :rocoh~ thir-- 'l'Cirri\ory ut No.w Mt!ltiQO, nnd tho huf()llQC.O (10\ my. hand and. affixed Arrve 131 Paso VIa. 13 t'•N B sy··_stem_ . 8.oo a· m' .

etl and J)atl.s.~d U(,Oll by the l1.')t\fd l 1 11

· . 11· ·


h 111

. nMno of tho agtmt. upon ,,liotn 1,r0• ·m1 otllclnl seal tho day und yoar . . on 1 he loth dny of Mny, 1 qou, n t Y ' 0 • ~';' fUH" anon 1 \\1 •. e w __ tt:SM nunir1~t. t tt1.\. ooJupuny m11.v bt~ a1t6l. abovo wrlt.Ui.u in tble cortUl.. . Wo Now :n..;,;~ il Portable Shoop c·htJto al Torra~c~ Which it ~~

tbe otn~.,c of the Pt•ubatc) ca.,,•k, put ht,tn m Ul\lC~. nlQro \:OtUfort-, fl(•l'Vf.!4 Ia Frank J. $1\get ol Wbhil ~t&. . .. - . . Grea\ Oonv-e_n"fence tiltfb~ep Shippers. ' • . . ln l..irteoln. able circt•m~tnneea.. an~l be ·a N~t O"k•i N• M..- · · . : Frllnk J, Boger, · · .. <S•al) · _ · _.-on FU~t.P.\B'rtet1L~\1Ul CALJ', ON,'A.Ot:N:r on -4nb••~- .

Rot' II

. .

. . -

( ••

- .

' - -(



-I •••

' -

. -

- .


_, .

- --

. '



'• .~


A.ttc~t: s. c. Witmtor, reeon•nltiot\ or b.t!J e~n·h':C$. ill.. . . ..-........... L"'-111.- . ltota_ ry .lWqbH<t .• !.in_ c_olu Co.;, 'N._Jf_ . •·:- ,, ~~ '

\V, E. Kilu~ . Ch~~"'~.~ •• • f';;j~ 6ghtla~~; ~~ul:"> . ... : T~• •bJ~;;~; ;bl~~ thlo eotpoqlloomb)l..too ~P"" lfov, ~ ' . . .·. . . ~.;!t~: . .,;.'"~"~:J~1t.. . .. . <\~ >. < ,' , , • '. ' • \ I : • ' '• . f ~ ,-,. ' f \6 .·I" ' '

. ·~'.' ·. . ·-~ .. •,-

' .. . ' . -II •• .• ' . ' . ,\'

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CAP·ITA·N. - · tting ht.>l&#039; ~usband over ut tho I, the· under.sig[l.ed Su .. · awaits the travt;hng - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.