Buckaroo Stichting Derdengelden (2024)

The IBAN for my (automatic) collection has changed, what should I do?

The collection account number of Buckaroo Stichting Derdengelden seems to have changed. Is that right? Yes, that's possible. Changing the IBAN is not unusual. No reason for concern. The name and description do not change. The rights with regard to the authorization also remain the same.

How does payment via Buckaroo work?

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web shops. The method is very similar to the method used by banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

For questions about these topics you can go to the web store where you placed the order.

Has my payment been received by Buckaroo?

If you want to know if your payment has been received in good order, please refer to our payment checker.

Have you made the payment through a bank transfer? The processing time of a transfer concerns two working days. For Belgium and Germany 4 to 5 working days applies. For a payment with a transfer card, a processing time of +/- 1 week applies.

If you made the payment to Buckaroo more than two business days ago and the payment is not found, send an email to info@buckaroo.nl with the following information:

- Date of payment
- Amount of payment
- Account number used to pay
- The account number to which the payment was made
- Payment reference of your order

Buckaroo strives to answer your e-mail within 24 hours (on working days). Payment questions will only be processed by e-mail.

Why is Buckaroo on my bank statement?

The money from your payment is intended for the web retailer, but we receive for the web retailer on an account Stichting Derdengelden (for more information, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derdengelden). That is why Buckaroo is on your bank statement. This does not mean that Buckaroo can dispose of your payment. The incoming payments are processed in the (online) administration of the web retailer and transferred to the web retailer. The web retailer can also refund money via our automated systems (for example if the items to be delivered are not in stock or the consumer returns the item). Even then you will see Buckaroo on your statement as a consumer. Because Buckaroo only forwards the money and does not manage it, we cannot refund any money ourselves.

How do I check if I can buy safely at a website?

You can find all information from the government about safe online shopping at: http://www.consuwijzer.nl/elektronica/kopen-op-centra/betrouwbaarheid-webwinkel
Always check the reliability of the webshop before you buy something online.

What does Buckaroo do to ensure that I can shop online safely?

Before a web retailer can purchase payment services from us, we check the reliability of the web store and the owner. We also check this reliability periodically. Strict procedures have been established for this. We make every effort to make online shopping as safe as possible. Buckaroo is supervised by Currence (iDEAL license holder, http://www.currence.nl/producten/ideal/licenties-ideal/) and De Nederlandsche Bank. These organizations also do their utmost to look after consumer interests as well as possible and place high demands on our procedures, security, integrity and transparency.

Nonetheless, buying at a distance always involves some risks. That is why the government publishes a website such as the consuwijzer. As a consumer you can, for example, record the data of the web retailer at the time of the purchase to see with whom you are concluding a purchase agreement, this is always an important guide in the event of a dispute.

I have ordered and paid for something but have not received anything. What should I do?

Buckaroo handles very many payment transactions for very many web stores. The vast majority of them go smoothly, but of course something can always go wrong somewhere, which means that you will not receive what you have ordered, for example.

There can be many reasons for the failure to deliver. If you have a question or complaint, first contact the online retailer. Find the contact details on the website of the web store or on the order confirmation that you have received by e-mail. Web shops are required to publicly publish contact information on their web shop. Do not simply trust web stores where you cannot find this information.

I contacted the web shop but cannot reach it or am dissatisfied for another reason. What can Buckaroo do for me?

If you are unable to find a satisfactory solution with the online retailer, you can also send your question or complaint to info@buckaroo.nl. Send your order confirmation and the complaint that you have sent to the web store. Buckaroo cannot deliver the product itself and cannot refund the money, but it does use a clear complaints procedure that focuses on mediation between the consumer and the web store, which in many cases helps to resolve the complaints.

Buckaroo initially forwards the consumer's complaint to the online retailer. We always set a term within which the complaint must be resolved.

In most cases, the online retailer resolves the complaint by still delivering the ordered products or services or repaying the amount paid. From a legal point of view, the web store has 30 days to reach a solution. In addition, it is important that the web retailer informs both consumers and Buckaroo about the way in which he will resolve the complaint in a much shorter period of time.

In exceptional cases, if the merchant fails to come up with a solution and there are more reasons to suspect that there are problems with the merchant (for example, multiple consumer complaints in a short period of time), Buckaroo can change the account of the merchant. block web shop, after which it is no longer possible for the web shop to accept payments via our systems. Buckaroo will only consider resuming the payment services for such a webshop once the webshop has solved the complaint correctly and demonstrably.

Buckaroo does not provide consumers with any contact details of the web shop or the owner of the web shop other than the information that (should) appear on the web shop itself at the time of the transaction.

I want to cancel my order. What should I do?

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web stores. The working method is very similar to the working method of banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Cancel subscription
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

I want to return / exchange my order. What should I do?

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web stores. The method is very similar to the method used by banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Cancel subscription
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

I want to cancel my subscription. What should I do?

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web stores. The method is very similar to the method used by banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Cancel subscription
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

I have paid but I forgot to mention the payment reference.

If you did not state any or an incorrect characteristic when making the payment, we cannot process your payment in our system. Send an e-mail to info@buckaroo.nl and state the following information:

- Date of payment
- The amount of the payment
- The account number used to pay
- The payment reference of your order

Buckaroo strives to answer your e-mail within 24 hours (on working days). Payment questions will only be processed by e-mail.

I want to pay at a different time than previously agreed

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web stores. The working method is very similar to the working method of banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Cancel subscription
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

Which invoices do I still have outstanding?

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web stores. The working method is very similar to the working method of banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Cancel subscription
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

I want to change data in the invoice.

Buckaroo is a Payment Service Provider. Just like any other Payment Service Provider, we provide payment services to web stores. The working method is very similar to the working method of banks that process payments. If you buy something online, you conclude an agreement with the web store. We ensure the safe handling of payment.

Buckaroo is unable to answer questions related to the topics below:

- Canceling an order
- Cancel subscription
- Delivery and delivery conditions
- Change of payment method
- Product
- Invoice

I receive reminders but I have already paid the invoice.

Send an email to info@buckaroo.nl and state the following information:

- Date of payment
- The amount of the payment
- The account number used to pay
- The account number to which the payment was made
- The payment reference of your order

We will check for you whether the payment has been received in good order and has been processed. Buckaroo strives to answer your e-mail within 24 hours (on working days). Payment questions will only be processed by e-mail.

Money is being debited from my account but I don't know for whom.

As a Payment Service Provider, we process payments for third parties. These are mostly web stores but these can also be organizations that offer subscriptions. If you want to know for which organization Buckaroo has collected your account number, send an e-mail to info@buckaroo.nl with your IBAN number. Buckaroo strives to answer your e-mail within 24 hours (on working days). Payment questions will only be processed by e-mail.

Buckaroo Stichting Derdengelden (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.